Exemple #1
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);
Exemple #2
        void galaxian_draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            /* erase the background to black first */
            bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), cliprect);

            galaxian_draw_stars(bitmap, cliprect, 256);
Exemple #3
        static void draw_testpat(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            // Test pattern Grey scale
            const int stripes = 255;
            //auto va(screen.visible_area());
            var va = cliprect;

            for (int i = 0; i < stripes; i++)
                int l = va.left() + (i * va.width() / stripes);
                int w = (va.left() + (i + 1) * va.width() / stripes) - l;
                int v = (255 * i) / stripes;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, va.top() + 20, w, va.height() / 2 - 20, new rgb_t(0xff, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v));

                int l = va.left() + va.width() / 4;
                int w = va.width() / 4;
                int t = va.top() + va.height() / 2;
                int h = va.height() / 2;
                // 50% Test pattern
                for (int i = t; i < t + h; i += 2)
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i, w, i, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i + 1, w, i + 1, new rgb_t(0xff, 0, 0, 0));

                l += va.width() / 4;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, t, w, h, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3)); // 195
Exemple #4
        *  Sprite rendering

        void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, ListBytesPointer spritebase)  //, uint8_t *spritebase)
            rectangle clip = new rectangle(cliprect);
            int       sprnum;

            /* the existence of +1 (sprite vs tile layer) is supported by a LOT of games */
            const int hoffset = 1;

            /* 16 of the 256 pixels of the sprites are hard-clipped at the line buffer */
            /* according to the schematics, it should be the first 16 pixels */
            clip.min_x = Math.Max(clip.min_x, ((m_flipscreen_x == 0) ? 1 : 0) * (16 + hoffset) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE);
            clip.max_x = Math.Min(clip.max_x, (256 - m_flipscreen_x * (16 + hoffset)) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE - 1);

            /* The line buffer is only written if it contains a '0' currently; */
            /* it is cleared during the visible area, and populated during HBLANK */
            /* To simulate this, we render backwards so that lower numbered sprites */
            /* have priority over higher numbered sprites. */
            for (sprnum = 7; sprnum >= 0; sprnum--)
                ListBytesPointer base_ = new ListBytesPointer(spritebase, sprnum * 4);  //const uint8_t *base = &spritebase[sprnum * 4];
                /* Frogger: top and bottom 4 bits swapped entering the adder */
                byte base0 = m_frogger_adjust != 0 ? (byte)((base_[0] >> 4) | (base_[0] << 4)) : base_[0];
                /* the first three sprites match against y-1 */
                byte   sy    = (byte)(240 - (base0 - ((sprnum < 3) ? 1 : 0)));
                UInt16 code  = (UInt16)(base_[1] & 0x3f);
                byte   flipx = (byte)(base_[1] & 0x40);
                byte   flipy = (byte)(base_[1] & 0x80);
                byte   color = (byte)(base_[2] & 7);
                byte   sx    = (byte)(base_[3] + hoffset);

                /* extend the sprite information */
                if (m_extend_sprite_info_ptr != null)
                    m_extend_sprite_info_ptr(base_, ref sx, ref sy, ref flipx, ref flipy, ref code, ref color);

                /* apply flipscreen in X direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                    sx    = (byte)(240 - sx);
                    flipx = flipx == 0 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                /* apply flipscreen in Y direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_y != 0)
                    sy    = (byte)(240 - sy);
                    flipy = flipy == 0 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                /* draw */

                m_gfxdecode.target.digfx.gfx(1).transpen(bitmap, clip,
                                                         code, color,
                                                         flipx, flipy,
                                                         GALAXIAN_H0START + GALAXIAN_XSCALE * sx, sy, 0);
Exemple #5
        *  Sprite rendering

        void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, Pointer <uint8_t> spritebase)  //void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, const uint8_t *spritebase)
            rectangle clip = cliprect;
            int       sprnum;

            /* the existence of +1 (sprite vs tile layer) is supported by a LOT of games */
            const int hoffset = 1;

            /* 16 of the 256 pixels of the sprites are hard-clipped at the line buffer */
            /* according to the schematics, it should be the first 16 pixels */
            clip.min_x = std.max(clip.min_x, ((m_flipscreen_x == 0) ? 1 : 0) * (m_leftspriteclip + hoffset) * m_x_scale);
            clip.max_x = std.min(clip.max_x, (256 - m_flipscreen_x * (16 + hoffset)) * m_x_scale - 1);

            /* The line buffer is only written if it contains a '0' currently; */
            /* it is cleared during the visible area, and populated during HBLANK */
            /* To simulate this, we render backwards so that lower numbered sprites */
            /* have priority over higher numbered sprites. */
            for (sprnum = 7; sprnum >= 0; sprnum--)
                Pointer <uint8_t> base_ = new Pointer <uint8_t>(spritebase, sprnum * 4);  //const uint8_t *base = &spritebase[sprnum * 4];

                /* Frogger: top and bottom 4 bits swapped entering the adder */
                uint8_t base0 = m_frogger_adjust ? (uint8_t)((base_[0] >> 4) | (base_[0] << 4)) : base_[0];

                /* the first three sprites match against y-1 (seems other way around for sfx/monsterz) */
                uint8_t sy = (uint8_t)(240 - (base0 - (m_sfx_adjust ? ((sprnum >= 3) ? 1 : 0) : ((sprnum < 3) ? 1 : 0))));

                uint16_t code  = (uint16_t)(base_[1] & 0x3f);
                uint8_t  flipx = (uint8_t)(base_[1] & 0x40);
                uint8_t  flipy = (uint8_t)(base_[1] & 0x80);
                uint8_t  color = (uint8_t)(base_[2] & 7);
                uint8_t  sx    = (uint8_t)(base_[3] + hoffset);

                /* extend the sprite information */
                m_extend_sprite_info_ptr(base_, ref sx, ref sy, ref flipx, ref flipy, ref code, ref color);

                /* apply flipscreen in X direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                    sx    = (uint8_t)(240 - sx);
                    flipx = flipx == 0 ? (uint8_t)1 : (uint8_t)0;

                /* apply flipscreen in Y direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_y != 0)
                    sy    = (uint8_t)(240 - sy);
                    flipy = flipy == 0 ? (uint8_t)1 : (uint8_t)0;

                /* draw */
                m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transpen(bitmap, clip,
                                                code, color,
                                                flipx, flipy,
                                                m_h0_start + m_x_scale * sx, sy, 0);
Exemple #6
        *  Draw a row of stars

        void stars_draw_row(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, int maxx, int y, uint32_t star_offs, uint8_t starmask)
            int x;

            /* ensure our star offset is valid */
            star_offs %= STAR_RNG_PERIOD;

            /* iterate over the specified number of 6MHz pixels */
            for (x = 0; x < maxx; x++)
                /* stars are suppressed unless V1 ^ H8 == 1 */
                int     enable_star = (y ^ (x >> 3)) & 1;
                uint8_t star;

                 *  The RNG clock is the master clock (18MHz) ANDed with the pixel clock (6MHz).
                 *  The divide-by-3 circuit that produces the pixel clock generates a square wave
                 *  with a 2/3 duty cycle, so the result of the AND generates a clock like this:
                 *              _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
                 *    MASTER: _| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |
                 *              _______     _______     ______
                 *    PIXEL:  _|       |___|       |___|
                 *              _   _       _   _       _   _
                 *    RNG:    _| |_| |_____| |_| |_____| |_| |
                 *  Thus for each pixel, there are 3 master clocks and 2 RNG clocks, and the RNG
                 *  is clocked asymmetrically. To simulate this, we expand the horizontal screen
                 *  size by 3 and handle the first RNG clock with one pixel and the second RNG
                 *  clock with two pixels.

                /* first RNG clock: one pixel */
                star = m_stars[star_offs++];
                if (star_offs >= STAR_RNG_PERIOD)
                    star_offs = 0;

                if (enable_star != 0 && (star & 0x80) != 0 && (star & starmask) != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 0)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];

                /* second RNG clock: two pixels */
                star = m_stars[star_offs++];
                if (star_offs >= STAR_RNG_PERIOD)
                    star_offs = 0;

                if (enable_star != 0 && (star & 0x80) != 0 && (star & starmask) != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 1)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 2)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];
Exemple #7
        *  Sprites rendering

        void draw_sprites(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int initoffs)
            int offs;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = initoffs; offs >= (initoffs & 0xc0); offs -= 4)
                int sy    = 257 - m_spriteram.op[offs];
                int color = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x3f;
                int flipx = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x40;
                int flipy = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x80;
                int code  = m_spriteram.op[offs + 2];
                int sx    = m_spriteram.op[offs + 3];

                /* sprites from offsets $00-$7F are processed in the upper half of the frame */
                /* sprites from offsets $80-$FF are processed in the lower half of the frame */
                rectangle clip = cliprect;
                if (!((offs & 0x80) != 0))
                    clip.min_y = 0;
                    clip.max_y = 127;
                    clip.min_y = 128;
                    clip.max_y = 255;

                /* adjust for flipping */
                if (flip_screen() != 0)
                    int temp = clip.min_y;
                    clip.min_y = 255 - clip.max_y;
                    clip.max_y = 255 - temp;
                    flipx      = (!(flipx != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                    flipy      = (!(flipy != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                    sx         = 238 - sx;
                    sy         = 282 - sy;

                sx += 129;

                /* in theory anyways; in practice, some of the molecule-looking guys get clipped */
                sect_rect(&clip, cliprect);
                clip = cliprect;

                m_sp_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(0).transmask(bitmap, clip,
                                                    (u32)code, (u32)color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy,
                                                    m_sp_palette.op0.transpen_mask(m_sp_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(0), (u32)color, 0));
Exemple #8
        *  Background rendering

        void draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int xpos, int ypos, int image)
            rectangle rect;
            rectangle visarea = m_screen.op0.visible_area();
            var       paldata = m_bg_palette.op0.pens();

            if (flip_screen() != 0)
                xpos = 264 - xpos;
                ypos = 264 - ypos - BGHEIGHT;

            xpos += 124;

            /* this may not be correct */
            ypos += 16;

            m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).transpen(bitmap, cliprect,
                                                   0, 0,
                                                   ypos, 0);

            m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).transpen(bitmap, cliprect,
                                                   0, 0,
                                                   xpos - 256,
                                                   ypos, 0);

            // create a solid fill below the 64 pixel high bg images
            if (m_do_bg_fills)
                rect.min_x = visarea.min_x;
                rect.max_x = visarea.max_x;

                if (flip_screen() != 0)
                    rect.min_y = ypos - BGHEIGHT;
                    rect.max_y = ypos - 1;
                    rect.min_y = ypos + BGHEIGHT;
                    rect.max_y = ypos + 2 * BGHEIGHT - 1;

                bitmap.fill(paldata[m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).colorbase() + 3], rect);
Exemple #9
        *  Bullets rendering

        void bullets_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, ListBytesPointer base_)  //, const uint8_t *base)
            int y;

            /* iterate over scanlines */
            for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
                byte shell   = 0xff;
                byte missile = 0xff;
                byte effy;
                int  which;

                /* the first 3 entries match Y-1 */
                effy = m_flipscreen_y != 0 ? (byte)((y - 1) ^ 255) : (byte)(y - 1);
                for (which = 0; which < 3; which++)
                    if ((byte)(base_[which * 4 + 1] + effy) == 0xff)
                        shell = (byte)which;

                /* remaining entries match Y */
                effy = m_flipscreen_y != 0 ? (byte)(y ^ 255) : (byte)y;
                for (which = 3; which < 8; which++)
                    if ((byte)(base_[which * 4 + 1] + effy) == 0xff)
                        if (which != 7)
                            shell = (byte)which;
                            missile = (byte)which;

                /* draw the shell */
                if (shell != 0xff)
                    m_draw_bullet_ptr(bitmap, cliprect, shell, 255 - base_[shell * 4 + 3], y);
                if (missile != 0xff)
                    m_draw_bullet_ptr(bitmap, cliprect, missile, 255 - base_[missile * 4 + 3], y);
Exemple #10
        void opaque(bitmap_rgb32 dest, rectangle cliprect,
                    u32 code, u32 color, int flipx, int flipy, s32 destx, s32 desty)
            pen_t paldata = m_palette.pens()[colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors())]; //m_palette.pens() + colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors());

            code %= elements();
            bitmap_t priority = drawgfxm_global.drawgfx_dummy_priority_bitmap;

            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
Exemple #11
 void galaxian_draw_bullet(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int offs, int x, int y)
      *  Both "shells" and "missiles" begin displaying when the horizontal counter
      *  reaches $FC, and they stop displaying when it reaches $00, resulting in
      *  4-pixel-long shots. The first 7 entries are called "shells" and render as
      *  white; the final entry is called a "missile" and renders as yellow.
     x -= 4;
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
Exemple #12
        *  Background rendering

        void galaxian_draw_stars(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int maxx)
            /* update the star origin to the current frame */

            /* render stars if enabled */
            if (m_stars_enabled != 0)
                int y;

                /* iterate over scanlines */
                for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
                    uint32_t star_offs = m_star_rng_origin + (uint32_t)y * 512;
                    stars_draw_row(bitmap, maxx, y, star_offs, 0xff);
Exemple #13
        *  Background rendering

        void galaxian_draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            /* erase the background to black first */
            bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), cliprect);

            /* update the star origin to the current frame */

            /* render stars if enabled */
            if (m_stars_enabled != 0)
                int y;

                /* iterate over scanlines */
                for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
                    UInt32 star_offs = m_star_rng_origin + (UInt32)y * 512;
                    stars_draw_row(bitmap, 256, y, star_offs, 0xff);
Exemple #14
        public void transmask(bitmap_rgb32 dest, rectangle cliprect,
                              u32 code, u32 color, int flipx, int flipy, s32 destx, s32 desty,
                              u32 trans_mask)
            // special case 0 mask to opaque
            if (trans_mask == 0)
                opaque(dest, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, destx, desty);

            // use pen usage to optimize
            code %= elements();
            if (has_pen_usage())
                // fully transparent; do nothing
                UInt32 usage = pen_usage(code);
                if ((usage & ~trans_mask) == 0)

                // fully opaque; draw as such
                if ((usage & trans_mask) == 0)
                    opaque(dest, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, destx, desty);

            // render
            pen_t paldata = m_palette.pens()[colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors())];
            bitmap_t priority = drawgfxm_global.drawgfx_dummy_priority_bitmap;

            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
Exemple #15
        *  Common video update

        uint32_t screen_update_galaxian(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            /* draw the background layer (including stars) */
            m_draw_background_ptr(bitmap, cliprect);

            /* draw the tilemap characters over top */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* render the sprites next. Some custom pcbs (eg. zigzag, fantastc) have more than one sprite generator (ideally, this should be rendered in parallel) */
            for (int i = 0; i < m_numspritegens; i++)
                sprites_draw(bitmap, cliprect, new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_spriteram.op, m_sprites_base + i * 0x20));

            /* if we have bullets to draw, render them following */
            if (m_draw_bullet_ptr != null)
                bullets_draw(bitmap, cliprect, new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_spriteram.op, m_bullets_base));

Exemple #16
        public void transpen(bitmap_rgb32 dest, rectangle cliprect,
                             u32 code, u32 color, int flipx, int flipy, s32 destx, s32 desty,
                             u32 trans_pen)
            // special case invalid pens to opaque
            if (trans_pen > 0xff)
                opaque(dest, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, destx, desty);

            // use pen usage to optimize
            code %= elements();
            if (has_pen_usage())
                // fully transparent; do nothing
                UInt32 usage = pen_usage(code);
                if ((usage & ~(1 << (int)trans_pen)) == 0)

                // fully opaque; draw as such
                if ((usage & (1 << (int)trans_pen)) == 0)
                    opaque(dest, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, destx, desty);

            // render
            ListPointer <rgb_t> paldata = new ListPointer <rgb_t>(m_palette.pens(), (int)(colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors())));  //const pen_t *paldata = m_palette.pens() + colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors());
            bitmap_t priority = drawgfxm_global.drawgfx_dummy_priority_bitmap;

            drawgfxm_global.DRAWGFX_CORE <u32, drawgfxm_global.NO_PRIORITY>(drawgfxm_global.PIXEL_OP_REMAP_TRANSPEN, cliprect, destx, desty, width(), height(), flipx, flipy, rowbytes(), get_data, code, dest, priority, color, trans_pen, paldata, 2);
Exemple #17
        *  Video render

        u32 screen_update_m52(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            int offs;
            var paldata = m_sp_palette.op0.pens();

            bitmap.fill(paldata[0], cliprect);

            if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x20) != 0))
                if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x10) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg2xpos, m_bg2ypos, 0); /* distant mountains */
                // only one of these be drawn at once (they share the same scroll register) (alpha1v leaves everything enabled)
                if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x02) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg1xpos, m_bg1ypos, 1); /* hills */
                else if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x04) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg1xpos, m_bg1ypos, 2); /* cityscape */

            m_tx_tilemap.set_flip((flip_screen() != 0) ? TILEMAP_FLIPX | TILEMAP_FLIPY : 0);

            m_tx_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = 0x3c; offs <= m_spritelimit; offs += 0x40)
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, offs);

Exemple #18
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;
Exemple #19
        void background_draw_colorsplit(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, rgb_t color, int split, int split_flipped)
            /* horizontal bgcolor split */
            if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                rectangle draw = cliprect;
                draw.max_x = std.min(draw.max_x, split_flipped * m_x_scale - 1);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), draw);

                draw       = cliprect;
                draw.min_x = std.max(draw.min_x, split_flipped * m_x_scale);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(color, draw);
                rectangle draw = cliprect;
                draw.max_x = std.min(draw.max_x, split * m_x_scale - 1);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(color, draw);

                draw       = cliprect;
                draw.min_x = std.max(draw.min_x, split * m_x_scale);
                if (draw.min_x <= draw.max_x)
                    bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), draw);
Exemple #20
        public uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            rectangle visarea = screen.visible_area();
            float     xscale  = 1.0f / (65536 * visarea.width());
            float     yscale  = 1.0f / (65536 * visarea.height());
            float     xoffs   = (float)visarea.min_x;
            float     yoffs   = (float)visarea.min_y;

            int curpointIdx = 0;  //point *curpoint;
            int lastx       = 0;
            int lasty       = 0;

            curpointIdx = 0;  //curpoint = m_vector_list.get();
            var curpoint = m_vector_list;

            screen.container().add_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA) | PRIMFLAG_VECTORBUF(1));

            for (int i = 0; i < m_vector_index; i++)
                render_bounds coords = new render_bounds();

                float intensity        = (float)curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity / 255.0f; //float intensity = (float)curpoint->intensity / 255.0f;
                float intensity_weight = normalized_sigmoid(intensity, vector_options.s_beam_intensity_weight);

                // check for static intensity
                float beam_width = m_min_intensity == m_max_intensity
                    ? vector_options.s_beam_width_min
                    : vector_options.s_beam_width_min + intensity_weight * (vector_options.s_beam_width_max - vector_options.s_beam_width_min);

                // normalize width
                beam_width *= 1.0f / (float)VECTOR_WIDTH_DENOM;

                // apply point scale for points
                if (lastx == curpoint[curpointIdx].x && lasty == curpoint[curpointIdx].y)  //if (lastx == curpoint->x && lasty == curpoint->y)
                    beam_width *= vector_options.s_beam_dot_size;

                coords.x0 = ((float)lastx - xoffs) * xscale;
                coords.y0 = ((float)lasty - yoffs) * yscale;
                coords.x1 = ((float)curpoint[curpointIdx].x - xoffs) * xscale; //coords.x1 = ((float)curpoint->x - xoffs) * xscale;
                coords.y1 = ((float)curpoint[curpointIdx].y - yoffs) * yscale; //coords.y1 = ((float)curpoint->y - yoffs) * yscale;

                if (curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity != 0)                      //if (curpoint->intensity != 0)
                        coords.x0, coords.y0, coords.x1, coords.y1,
                        new rgb_t(((uint32_t)curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity << 24) | (curpoint[curpointIdx].col & 0xffffff)),  //(curpoint->intensity << 24) | (curpoint->col & 0xffffff),

                lastx = curpoint[curpointIdx].x; //lastx = curpoint->x;
                lasty = curpoint[curpointIdx].y; //lasty = curpoint->y;

                curpointIdx++;                   //curpoint++;

Exemple #21
 void frogger_draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     /* according to schematics it is at 128+8; but it has been verified different on real machine.
      * Video proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssr69mQf224 */
     background_draw_colorsplit(bitmap, cliprect, new rgb_t(0, 0, 0x47), 128, 128);
Exemple #22
        protected virtual uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            //printf("%f %f\n", m_state.m_fragments[0].y, m_state.m_fragments[m_state.m_fragments.size()-1].y);
            bool  force_vector = screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR || (m_vector.op0.read() & 1) != 0;
            bool  debug_timing = (m_enable.op0.read() & 2) == 2;
            bool  test_pat     = (m_enable.op0.read() & 4) == 4;
            rgb_t backcol      = debug_timing ? new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00) : new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

            if (!force_vector)
                foreach (var f in m_state.m_fragments)
                    if (f.y < bitmap.height())
                        bitmap.plot_box((int32_t)f.x, (int32_t)f.y, (int32_t)(f.xr - f.x), 1, f.col);

                if (test_pat)
                    draw_testpat(screen, bitmap, cliprect);

                uint32_t flags = PRIMFLAG_ANTIALIAS(1)
                                 | PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ADD)
                                 | (screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR ? PRIMFLAG_VECTOR(1) : 0);
                rectangle visarea = screen.visible_area();
                float     xscale  = 1.0f / (float)visarea.width();
                float     yscale  = 1.0f / (float)visarea.height();
                float     xoffs   = (float)visarea.min_x;
                float     yoffs   = (float)visarea.min_y;
                screen.container().add_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),
                                            | (screen.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR ? PRIMFLAG_VECTORBUF(1) : 0));

                float last_y = -1e6f;
                foreach (var f in m_state.m_fragments)
                    float x0 = (f.x - xoffs) * xscale;
                    float y0 = (f.y - yoffs) * yscale;
                    float x1 = (f.xr - xoffs) * xscale;

                    rgb_t col = (debug_timing && f.y < last_y) ? backcol : new rgb_t(f.col);

                    // FIXME: Debug check for proper vsync timing
#if false
                    auto w = m_scanline_height * xscale * 0.5;
                        x0 + w, y0, x1 - w, y0, m_scanline_height * yscale,
//                          (0xff << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),
#elif true
                    float y1 = (f.y + m_scanline_height - yoffs) * yscale;
                        x0, y0, x1, y1,
                        new rgb_t(nom_col(col)),
//                          (0xaf << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),
                    const float y1((f.y + m_scanline_height - yoffs) *yscale);

                    // Crashes with bgfx
                        x0, y0, x1, y1,
//                          (0xaf << 24) | (f.col & 0xffffff),

                    last_y = f.y;

Exemple #23
        public abstract bool add_sound_to_recording(object sound, int numsamples);  //virtual bool add_sound_to_recording(const s16 *sound, int numsamples) = 0;

        // statics
        //static movie_recording::ptr create(running_machine &machine, screen_device *screen, format fmt, std::unique_ptr<emu_file> &&file, bitmap_rgb32 &snap_bitmap);
        //static const char *format_file_extension(format fmt);

        // virtuals
        protected abstract bool append_single_video_frame(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rgb_t palette, int palette_entries);  //virtual bool append_single_video_frame(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rgb_t *palette, int palette_entries) = 0;
Exemple #24
 uint32_t screen_update_mw8080bw(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     throw new emu_unimplemented();
Exemple #25
        *  Space Encounters

        //#define SPCENCTR_TOP_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN       rgb_t(0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d)
        //#define SPCENCTR_TOP_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN      rgb_t(0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6)
        //#define SPCENCTR_SIDE_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN      rgb_t(0x1a, 0x1a, 0x1a)
        //#define SPCENCTR_SIDE_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN     rgb_t(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BOTTOM_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN    rgb_t(0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BOTTOM_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN   rgb_t(0x66, 0x66, 0x66)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BRIGHTNESS_DECAY                10

        //uint32_t spcenctr_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)

        *  Phantom II

        //#define PHANTOM2_CLOUD_COUNTER_START      (0x0e0b)
        //#define PHANTOM2_CLOUD_COUNTER_END        (0x1000)

        //#define PHANTOM2_RGB32_CLOUD_PEN          rgb_t(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0)

        //uint32_t mw8080bw_state::screen_update_phantom2(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)


        *  Space Invaders

        // the flip screen circuit is just a couple of relays on the monitor PCB

        uint32_t screen_update_invaders(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            uint8_t x          = 0;
            uint8_t y          = MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK;
            uint8_t video_data = 0;

            while (true)
                // plot the current pixel
                pen_t pen = (video_data & 0x01) != 0 ? rgb_t.white() : rgb_t.black();

                if (m_flip_screen != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(MW8080BW_VBSTART - 1 - (y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK), MW8080BW_HPIXCOUNT - 1 - x).SetUInt32(0, pen);
                    bitmap.pix(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, x).SetUInt32(0, pen);

                // next pixel
                video_data = (uint8_t)(video_data >> 1);
                x          = (uint8_t)(x + 1);

                // end of line?
                if (x == 0)
                    // yes, flush out the shift register
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        pen = (video_data & 0x01) != 0 ? rgb_t.white() : rgb_t.black();

                        if (m_flip_screen != 0)
                            bitmap.pix(MW8080BW_VBSTART - 1 - (y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK), MW8080BW_HPIXCOUNT - 1 - (256 + i)).SetUInt32(0, pen);
                            bitmap.pix(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, 256 + i).SetUInt32(0, pen);

                        video_data = (uint8_t)(video_data >> 1);

                    // next row, video_data is now 0, so the next line will start with 4 blank pixels
                    y = (uint8_t)(y + 1);

                    // end of screen?
                    if (y == 0)
                else if ((x & 0x07) == 0x04) // the video RAM is read at every 8 pixels starting with pixel 4
                    offs_t offs = (offs_t)((y << 5) | (x >> 3));
                    video_data = m_main_ram[offs].op;

Exemple #26
 //bitmap_rgb32(uint32_t *base, int width, int height, int rowpixels) : bitmap32_t(k_bitmap_format, base, width, height, rowpixels) { }
 public bitmap_rgb32(bitmap_rgb32 source, rectangle subrect) : base(k_bitmap_format, source, subrect)
Exemple #27
 public abstract error append_video_frame(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap);