Exemple #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector2 player_pos = FindObjectOfType <BabyCowScript>().transform.position;

        if (cur_state == CowState.Idle)
            Vector2 pos = transform.position;
            transform.position = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y - speed * Time.deltaTime, -3);
            if (Vector2.Distance(player_pos, gameObject.transform.position) < flock_range)
                cur_state = CowState.Following;
                FindObjectOfType <BabyCowScript>().AddScore(1);

        if (cur_state == CowState.Following)
            if (Vector2.Distance(player_pos, gameObject.transform.position) < flock_range)
                gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(rgbd.transform.rotation,
                                                                         Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, master_angle), rot_rate);
                rgbd.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * master_speed);
                float rot_val = 180 * Mathf.Atan((player_pos.y - rgbd.transform.position.y) /
                                                 (player_pos.x - rgbd.transform.position.x)) / Mathf.PI;
                rot_val = player_pos.x - rgbd.transform.position.x < 0 ? rot_val + 90 : rot_val - 90;
                gameObject.transform.rotation =
                    Quaternion.RotateTowards(rgbd.transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, rot_val), 5.0f);
                rgbd.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * master_speed);
Exemple #2
        public IPickable Pickup(IEntity entity)
            if (_pickedUpBy != null)

            if (_boxCollider)
                _boxCollider.isTrigger = true;
            if (_sphereCollider)
                _sphereCollider.isTrigger = true;
            // _rb.detectCollisions = false;
            _rb.velocity        = Vector3.zero;
            _rb.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            _rb.constraints     = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;

            _pickedUpBy = entity;

            var t = transform;

            t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            t.SetParent(entity.GetObject().GetComponentInChildren <RightArmTarget>().transform);
            t.localRotation         = Quaternion.identity;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0);

    public void rotateCameras()
        if (Input.touchCount >= 2)
            Touch touch0 = Input.GetTouch(0);
            Touch touch1 = Input.GetTouch(1);

            if (touch1.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                float      pinchAmount     = 0;
                Quaternion desiredRotation = transform.rotation;


                if (Mathf.Abs(turnAngleDelta) > 0)
                    // rotate
                    Vector3 rotationDeg = Vector3.zero;
                    rotationDeg.z    = -turnAngleDelta;
                    desiredRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(rotationDeg);

                transform.rotation  = desiredRotation;
                transform.position += Vector3.forward * pinchAmount;
Exemple #4
     *  This function allows users to rotate
     *  before placing a block
     *  and to rotate a selected block
     *  with keys.
     *  Makes block rotation persistent
     *  Makes block rotation persistent
     *  between placements
    public void RotateKeys(bool CW) // or left
        int angle = 90;

        if (CW)
            angle *= -1;

        // ok. Ik this is weird, but hear me out:
        currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, currentRotation + angle, 0f).eulerAngles.y;

        GameObject toRotate = null;

        if (GhostBlock != null)
            toRotate = GhostBlock;
        else if (_selected != null)
            toRotate = _selected;
            // nothing to rotate

        toRotate.GetComponent <Qubit>().SetRotation(currentRotation);
Exemple #5
    private void RotateViaQuat(Vector3 targPos)
        Vector3 turretPivotDir = targPos - turretPivot.position;
        Vector3 cannonPivotDir = targPos - cannonPivot.position;

        Quaternion turretPivotLookRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(turretPivotDir);
        Quaternion cannonPivotLookRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(cannonPivotDir);

        Vector3 turretDirY = new Vector3(0f, turretPivotLookRot.eulerAngles.y - 90f, 0f);
        Vector3 cannonDirY = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -cannonPivotLookRot.eulerAngles.x);

        Vector3 turretDirSmoothing = new Vector3(0f,
                                                 Mathf.MoveTowards(turretPivot.eulerAngles.y, turretDirY.y,
                                                                   Owner.StateMachineOwner.ThisStats.GetRotationSpeed), 0f);
        Vector3 cannonDirSmoothing = new Vector3(0f,
                                                 0f, Mathf.MoveTowards(cannonPivot.eulerAngles.z, cannonDirY.z,

        Quaternion turretYRot = Quaternion.Euler(turretDirSmoothing);
        Quaternion cannonYRot = Quaternion.Euler(cannonDirSmoothing);

        turretPivot.rotation = turretYRot;
        cannonPivot.rotation = cannonYRot;

        // Not sure why this is happening, try and figure it out eventually i guess, just fixes the child rotation back
        // to 0

        Vector3 cannonPivotLocalEuler = cannonPivot.localEulerAngles;

        cannonPivot.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, cannonPivotLocalEuler.z);
Exemple #6
    private void OnMouseDown()
        if (_moving)
        if (_firingPosition)
            if (_primed)

        var o = PlayerController.Instance.Take("Gunpowder");

        if (o == null)

        StartCoroutine(_moveCannon(firingPosition.position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Scale(Quaternion.LookRotation(GameManager.Instance.EnemyPosition - transform.position).eulerAngles, Vector3.up)), MoveTime));
        _firingPosition = true;
        _primed         = true;
Exemple #7
    public void UpdateRotation(float rotation)
        float x = lastObj.transform.rotation.x;
        float z = lastObj.transform.rotation.z;

        lastObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(x, rotation, z));
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    ///     Create a new MoverServiceRequest with the current values of the robot's joint angles,
    ///     the target cube's current position and rotation, and the targetPlacement position and rotation.
    ///     Call the MoverService using the ROSConnection and if a trajectory is successfully planned,
    ///     execute the trajectories in a coroutine.
    /// </summary>
    public void PublishJoints()
        GotoServiceRequest request = new GotoServiceRequest();

        request.joints_input = CurrentJointConfig();

        if (targetX == 0 && targetY == 0 && targetZ == 0)
            request.target_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose
                position = (target.transform.position + pickPoseOffset).To <FLU>(),
                // The hardcoded x/z angles assure that the gripper is always positioned above the target cube before grasping.
                orientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, target.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0).To <FLU>()
            float Xpose = targetX * 0.3f;
            float Ypose = (targetY * 0.15f) + 0.75f;
            float Zpose = targetZ * 0.225f;

            request.target_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose
                position = (new Vector3(Xpose, Ypose, Zpose) + pickPoseOffset).To <FLU>(),
                // The hardcoded x/z angles assure that the gripper is always positioned above the target cube before grasping.
                orientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, target.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0).To <FLU>()
        // Pick Pose

        ros.SendServiceMessage <GotoServiceResponse>(rosServiceName, request, TrajectoryResponse);
    void DoFallingAction()
        // Keep updating position of closest while flying as long as we find tether points
        if (FindClosestTetherPoint(gos) != null)
            tetherTransform = FindClosestTetherPoint(gos).transform;

        // Move indicator to the closest tether point
        indicatorGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(tetherTransform.position.x, tetherTransform.position.y + indicatorOffset, 0f);
        // Move sphere away from screen
        indicatorSphere.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, -1.0f, 0f);

        // Update player rotation while flying
        Vector3 direction = rb.velocity.normalized;
        float   rotationZ = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        if (rb.velocity != Vector3.zero)
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotationZ - (360.0f));

        // Called only once
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            // Disable sound
            soundplayed = false;
            // Destroy HingeJoints
            // Hide rope
            lr.enabled = false;
Exemple #10
        private void SpawnAgent(GameObject agentPrefab)
            var spawnPos = Random.insideUnitCircle * spawnRadius * density;
            var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(UnityEngine.Vector3.forward * Random.Range(0f, 360f));

            Instantiate(agentPrefab, spawnPos, rotation, transform);
Exemple #11
    public IEnumerator PlaceStreetPositions(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3Int direction, int length)
        var rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        if (direction.x == 0)
            rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            var position = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(startPosition + direction * i);
            if (roadDictionary.ContainsKey(position))
            var road = Instantiate(roadStraight, position, rotation, transform);
            road.AddComponent <FallTween>();
            roadDictionary.Add(position, road);
            if (i == 0 || i == length - 1)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(animationTime));
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player") && other.GetType() != typeof(BoxCollider2D))
            //return the players gravity to normal
            rbPlayer.gravityScale = 0.1f;

            //Declares an upright rotation
            Quaternion target = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);

            //Rotates the player to upright
            while (Quaternion.Angle(player.transform.rotation, target) > 0)
                player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(player.transform.rotation, target, Time.deltaTime * smooth);

            //Sets that the player has left the planet radius
            playerController.Attracted = false;

            //Gives the player a boost as they leave the planet radius
            var outDir = GetDirection(planetBody.transform.position, player.transform.position) * 5;
            rbPlayer.AddForce(outDir, ForceMode2D.Force);

            virtualCamera.Priority = 10;
Exemple #13
 private void BuildTop(Vector3 pos, int currentFloor, int towersIndex)
     Instantiate(groundPrefabs[Random.Range(0, groundPrefabs.Length)],
                 pos + Vector3.up * currentFloor * _heightFloor - Vector3.up * 0.5f,
                 Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 6) * 60, 0),
    public void Publish()
        NiryoMoveitJoints sourceDestinationMessage = new NiryoMoveitJoints();

        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_00 = jointArticulationBodies[0].xDrive.target;
        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_01 = jointArticulationBodies[1].xDrive.target;
        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_02 = jointArticulationBodies[2].xDrive.target;
        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_03 = jointArticulationBodies[3].xDrive.target;
        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_04 = jointArticulationBodies[4].xDrive.target;
        sourceDestinationMessage.joint_05 = jointArticulationBodies[5].xDrive.target;

        // Pick Pose
        sourceDestinationMessage.pick_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose
            position    = target.transform.position.To <FLU>(),
            orientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, target.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0).To <FLU>()

        // Place Pose
        sourceDestinationMessage.place_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose
            position    = targetPlacement.transform.position.To <FLU>(),
            orientation = pickOrientation.To <FLU>()

        // Finally send the message to server_endpoint.py running in ROS
        ros.Send(topicName, sourceDestinationMessage);
    private void RotateCamera()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2))
            dragOrigin = Input.mousePosition;

        if (!Input.GetMouseButton(2))

        Vector3 pos = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition - dragOrigin);

        Vector3 currentRot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        Vector3 newRot = new Vector3(0, pos.x * rotateSpeed, 0);


        newRot.x = -pos.y * rotateSpeed;

        newRot += currentRot;
        //newRot = transform.InverseTransformDirection(newRot);
        Quaternion newQuat = Quaternion.Euler(newRot);

        transform.rotation = newQuat;
Exemple #16
    private void SummonBullet(int BulletIndex, float CertainSpeed)
        Vector3 RelativeSumPoint = new Vector3(SummonPoint.x * GetComponent <Collider2D>().bounds.size.x,
                                               SummonPoint.y * GetComponent <Collider2D>().bounds.size.y, 0);
        Vector3    position;
        Quaternion rotation;
        bool       FacingRight = GetComponent <PlayerController>().FacingRight;

        if (FireDirection.y < 0 && FireDirection.x == 0)
            position = FacingRight
                ? transform.position + RelativeSumPoint
                : transform.position + Vector3.Reflect(RelativeSumPoint, Vector3.right);
            position = _aimindic.transform.position;

        rotation = FacingRight
            ? Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, Vector2.SignedAngle(Vector2.right, FireDirection))
            : Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, Vector2.SignedAngle(FireDirection, Vector2.left));

        var bulletInstance = Instantiate(Bullets[BulletIndex], position, rotation);

        bulletInstance.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = CertainSpeed * FireDirection;
        bulletInstance.gameObject.GetComponent <BulletInfo>().playerOrigin = gameObject;
        public void GenerateFetchedObjects(int roomId, GameObject parent, RotateText loadingText = null)
            if (loadingText != null)
                loadingText.StartRotation("Loading Objects...");
            RestClient.Get <RoomPlan>($"{_urlBase}/RoomPlans/{roomId}").Then(roomPlan =>
                foreach (var wallBlock in roomPlan.wallBlocks)
                    GameObject wallInstance = Instantiate(_wallPrefab, new Vector3(wallBlock.positionX * scalePosX, 0, wallBlock.positionY * scalePosY),
                                                          Quaternion.Euler(0, wallBlock.rotation, 0));
                    // wallInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1, 1f);

                    wallInstance.transform.parent = parent.transform;
                if (loadingText != null)
                //move parent root
                parent.transform.Translate(-1.5f, -0.5f, -1.5f);
            }).Catch(error =>
                if (loadingText != null)
Exemple #18
        private void UpdatePos()
                Vector3 pos = this.m_tank.transform.position;

                Vector3 rot = this.m_tank.transform.eulerAngles;

                float distance = (pos - this.m_nPos).magnitude;

                // 如果服务器位置与本地位置相差不到0.1f,就不进行移动
                if (Mathf.Abs(distance) < 0.1f)

                // 从当前位置向预测位置移动
                if (this.m_delta > 0)
                    this.m_tank.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(pos, this.m_fPos, this.m_delta);
                    this.m_tank.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.Euler(rot), Quaternion.Euler(this.m_fRot), this.m_delta);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Update" + e);
Exemple #19
    public void IsTouched()
        if (IsInTouch)
        MaxForceApplied = false;
        Ball.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().isTrigger = false;

        NavCircle.transform.rotation       = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        Ball.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

        _touchPosWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); // maps touch poisition to screen pos

            hitMe = Physics2D.Raycast(_touchPosWorld,
                                      Vector2.zero); // hit raycast directly on the point where user touches.

        if (hitMe.collider != null)                  //if collider hits sometihing
            if (hitMe.collider.CompareTag("ball"))
                IsInTouch                 = true;
                BallTouched               = true;
                _startPos                 = Ball.transform.position;
                RigidBodyBall.drag        = .5f;
                RigidBodyBall.angularDrag = .5f;
                Debug.Log("Ball is Touched");
Exemple #20
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void CalculateShape(float R1, float R2, int nCircles, int samples)
        this.nCircles = nCircles;
        this.samples  = samples;
        shape         = new List <Vector2>();
        nCircles      = Math.Max(1, nCircles);
        float angleArc;
        var   d = R1 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI / nCircles);

        R2 = Mathf.Max(R2, d);
            var   h     = Mathf.Sqrt(R2 * R2 - d * d);
            var   beta  = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(h, d);
            float gamma = 360 - (nCircles - 2) * 180 / nCircles;
            angleArc = gamma - 2 * beta;

        shape = new List <Vector2>();

        for (int i = 0; i < nCircles; i++)
            DrawArc(i, Quaternion.Euler(0, 360.0f / nCircles * i, 0) * Vector3.forward * R1, R2, angleArc);
        //Repeat first point
Exemple #21
        private void ShowPickups()
            foreach (var pickup in pickups)
                Vector3 position = pickup.Position.GetVector3();
                Vector3 angle    = pickup.Angle.GetVector3();
                Vector3 scale    = pickup.Scale.GetVector3();
                scale.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f / 32.0f, 1.0f / 32.0f, 1.0f / 32.0f));
                angle.Scale(new Vector3(180f, 180f, 180f));
                position.y += scale.y / 2f;
                GameObject item;
                switch (pickup.ModelName)
                case "crate_fruit":
                    item = Instantiate(fruitCrate, position, Quaternion.Euler(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z));
                    item.transform.localScale = scale;

                case "crate_question":
                    item = Instantiate(itemCrate, position, Quaternion.Euler(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z));
                    item.transform.localScale = scale;

                case "itemFruit":
                    item = Instantiate(itemFruit, position, Quaternion.Euler(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z));
                    item.transform.localScale = scale;
    // Start is called before the first frame update

    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()
        //Rotating the camerra around the board to focuse on the current player
        var currSide = tPlayer.currSpot.GetComponent <WalkableScript>().side;

        if (currSide == Boardside.Left)
            cameraOffset.z = -2;
            cameraOffset.x = 0;
        else if (currSide == Boardside.Bottom)
            cameraOffset.z = 0;
            cameraOffset.x = 2;
        else if (currSide == Boardside.Top)
            cameraOffset.z = 0;
            cameraOffset.x = -2;
        else if (currSide == Boardside.Right)
            cameraOffset.z = 2;
            cameraOffset.x = 0;
        Vector3 dPosition = target.position + cameraOffset;
        Vector3 sPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, dPosition, ref velocity, smoothSpeed);

        transform.position = sPosition;
        Quaternion dRotation = Quaternion.Euler(25, (int)currSide, 0);

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, dRotation, Time.deltaTime * smoothSpeed);
Exemple #23
    private void LoadTrains()
        foreach (var trainRide in apiManager.TrainRides)
            Point firstPoint = trainRide.points[0];

            Train train = MakeTrain(
                trainRide.train.trainType == "Pendolino"?TrainTypes.Pendolino:TrainTypes.Thomans,
                new Vector3(Consts.mapScale * (float)firstPoint.latitude, cityHeight, Consts.mapScale * (float)firstPoint.longitude)

            foreach (var user in apiManager.GetTrainUsers(trainRide.trainRideId))
                bool  isPlayer = user.userId == apiManager.userId;
                Wagon wagon    = train.AddWagon(isPlayer);
                if (isPlayer)
                    Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(-10, 10, -6);
                    Camera.main.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(20, 50, 0);
                    cameraDrag.target            = train;
                    customizationManager.myWagon = wagon;

            TrainPath path = new TrainPath();
            path.points = beziers;

Exemple #24
    void ServerMove(Vector3 ownerPos, float velX, float velZ, bool jumping, float rotY, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info)
        if (info.sender != networkView.owner || info.rawServerTimestamp <= serverLastTimestamp)

        Vector3 rot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot.x, rotY, rot.z);

        if (velX * velX + velZ * velZ > sqrMaxServerSpeed)
            velX = velZ = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrMaxServerSpeed) * 0.5f;

        float   deltaTime = (float)(info.rawServerTimestamp - serverLastTimestamp);
        Vector3 deltaPos  = new Vector3(velX * deltaTime, 0, velZ * deltaTime);

        if (wasGrounded && canJump && jumping)
            lastVelY    = Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravityAcceleration);
            wasGrounded = false;


        serverLastTimestamp   = info.rawServerTimestamp;
        serverHasLastOwnerPos = true;
        serverLastOwnerPos    = ownerPos;
    private static void LoadMapGroup(MapGroup group, GameObject parent = null)
        if (group.groupName.Contains("fnc0000"))

        GameObject groupRootObject = new GameObject(group.groupName);

        if (parent == null)
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().position   = Vector3.Reflect(group.groupTransform.translation, Vector3.left);
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Reflect(group.groupTransform.rotation.ToVector3(), Vector3.left));
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale = Vector3.Reflect(group.groupTransform.scale, Vector3.left);
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().SetParent(parent.GetComponent <Transform>());
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().localPosition = group.groupTransform.translation;
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().localRotation = group.groupTransform.rotation;
            groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale    = group.groupTransform.scale;


        if (group.entries != null && group.entries.Count > 0)
            foreach (MapModelEntry entry in group.entries)
                if (DebugCustomLoad)
                    if (!debugCustomLoadList.Contains(entry.modelId))

                Mesh[]     meshes = _modelMeshes[entry.modelId];
                GameObject obj    = AddMeshToNewGameObject(meshes, true);

                obj.GetComponent <Transform>().SetParent(groupRootObject.GetComponent <Transform>());
                obj.GetComponent <Transform>().localPosition = entry.transform.translation;
                obj.GetComponent <Transform>().localRotation = entry.transform.rotation;
                obj.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale    = entry.transform.scale;

        if (group.groups != null && group.groups.Count > 0)
            foreach (MapGroup subGroup in group.groups)
                if (subGroup != null)
                    LoadMapGroup(subGroup, groupRootObject);
Exemple #26
        private static Vector3 RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 angles)
            var dir = point - pivot;                // get point direction relative to pivot

            dir   = Quaternion.Euler(angles) * dir; // rotate it
            point = dir + pivot;                    // calculate rotated point
            return(point);                          // return it
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Event when the projectile collides with the ground.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">object the projectile collides with</param>
 private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
     Instantiate(_splash, transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(270f, 0f, 0f));
     if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Ground"))
Exemple #28
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 currEuler = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
        Vector3 direction = (int)this.m_Direction * this.m_DegreeSpeed * Time.deltaTime * new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        Vector3 newEuler  = currEuler + direction;

        this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newEuler);
Exemple #29
 private void PerformRotation()
     //Récupération de la rotation + on empeche la camera de touner en 360
     rb.MoveRotation(rb.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotation));
     currentCameraRotationX        -= camerarotationX;
     currentCameraRotationX         = Mathf.Clamp(currentCameraRotationX, -cameraRotationLimit, cameraRotationLimit);
     cam.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(currentCameraRotationX, 0f, 0f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Tower rotates to the target found, to then fire a bullet in that direction.
    /// </summary>
    private void RotateToTarget()
        Vector3    direction    = _targetFinder.target.transform.position - transform.position;
        Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);
        Vector3    rotation     = Quaternion.Lerp(_rotation.rotation, lookRotation, Time.deltaTime * 10).eulerAngles;

        _rotation.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, rotation.y, 0f);