Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection of pathfinder nodes to a given location. Returns 0 elements if unsuccessful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The client to perform the operation on.</param>
        /// <param name="loc">The location to reach.</param>
        /// <param name="tiles">A list of tiles to use for pathfinding.</param>
        /// <param name="pathFinder">The pathfinder to use.</param>
        /// <param name="considerPlayerWalkable">Whether to consider the player as walkable.</param>
        /// <param name="considerCreatureOnLocationWalkable">Whether to consider any creatures on the target location as walkable.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<Objects.PathFinder.Node> GetTilesToLocation(Objects.Client c,
            Location loc, Map.TileCollection tiles, Objects.PathFinder pathFinder,
            bool considerPlayerWalkable = false, bool considerCreatureOnLocationWalkable = false)
            if (pathFinder == null) return Enumerable.Empty<Objects.PathFinder.Node>();
            //return pathFinder.

            if (!this.IsOnScreen(c.Player.Location)) return Enumerable.Empty<Objects.PathFinder.Node>();

            uint playerId = c.Player.ID;
            Map.Tile playerTile = tiles.GetTile(count: playerId);
            Map.Tile fromTile = tiles.GetTile(this);
            Map.Tile targetTile = tiles.GetTile(loc);
            if (playerTile == null || fromTile == null || targetTile == null) return Enumerable.Empty<Objects.PathFinder.Node>();

            // check if target tile is walkable
            if (!targetTile.IsWalkable() && (!considerPlayerWalkable || targetTile != playerTile)) return Enumerable.Empty<Objects.PathFinder.Node>();
            if (fromTile == targetTile) return Enumerable.AsEnumerable(new Objects.PathFinder.Node[] { new Objects.PathFinder.Node() });
            lock (pathFinder)
                foreach (Map.Tile tile in tiles.GetTiles())
                    if (tile == null) continue;

                    if ((considerPlayerWalkable && tile == playerTile) || tile.IsWalkable()) pathFinder.Grid[tile.MemoryLocation.X, tile.MemoryLocation.Y] = 1;
                    else pathFinder.Grid[tile.MemoryLocation.X, tile.MemoryLocation.Y] = (byte)Enums.MiniMapSpeedValues.Unwalkable;
                pathFinder.Grid[fromTile.MemoryLocation.X, fromTile.MemoryLocation.Y] = 1;
                return pathFinder.FindPath(fromTile.MemoryLocation, targetTile.MemoryLocation);