Exemple #1
 public void ReadTopicalPassage(Topic topic)
     m_Preaching = true;
     Say("A Word from the Lord concerning {0}:", TopicReader.GetTopicName(topic));
     m_Timer = new RecitalTimer(this, BibleReader.GetRandomTopicVerses(topic));
     m_NextPreach = DateTime.Now + PreachDelay;
Exemple #2
 public void ReadPassage()
     m_Preaching = true;
     Say("Hear the Word of the Lord:");
     m_Timer = new RecitalTimer(this, BibleReader.GetVerses(m_Book, m_Chapter, m_FirstVerse, m_LastVerse));
     m_NextPreach = DateTime.Now + PreachDelay;
Exemple #3
 public void ReadVerse()
     m_Preaching = true;
     Say("Thus sayeth the Lord:");
     Say(BibleReader.GetVerse(m_Book, m_Chapter, m_FirstVerse));
     m_Preaching  = false;
     m_NextPreach = DateTime.Now + PreachDelay;
Exemple #4
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            int ibook, ichap, ifver, ilver, chapnum, versnum;
            int m_Choice = info.ButtonID;

            if (m_Choice == 1)
                ibook = BibleReader.GetBook((info.GetTextEntry(0)).Text);
                ichap = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(1)).Text);
                ifver = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(2)).Text);
                ilver = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(3)).Text);

                    chapnum         = BibleReader.GetNumChapters(ibook);
                    m_Preacher.Book = (BookOf)ibook;
                    if (ichap > chapnum)
                        m_Preacher.Chapter = chapnum;
                        m_Preacher.Chapter = ichap;
                    versnum = BibleReader.GetNumVerses(ibook, m_Preacher.Chapter);
                    if (ifver > versnum)
                        m_Preacher.FirstVerse = versnum;
                        m_Preacher.LastVerse  = versnum;
                    else if (ifver > ilver)
                        m_Preacher.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Preacher.LastVerse  = ifver;
                    else if (ilver > versnum)
                        m_Preacher.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Preacher.LastVerse  = versnum;
                        m_Preacher.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Preacher.LastVerse  = ilver;

                state.Mobile.SendGump(new PreacherGump(m_GM, m_Preacher));
Exemple #5
        public TopicGump(Mobile GM, Bible bible, int topic) : base(20, 20)
            m_GM = GM;
            m_Bible = bible;
            m_Topic = topic;

            m_Book    = (int)(m_Bible.Book);
            m_Chapter = m_Bible.Chapter;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 696, 540, 0x13BE);

            string str1, str2, str;

            int[,] verses;
            int    verselength, topiclength, ymax;
            string verse = "";

            verses      = TopicReader.GetTopicVerses((Topic)m_Topic);
            topiclength = verses.GetLength(0);
            if (topiclength < 17)
                ymax = topiclength;
                ymax = 16;
            AddLabel(200, 7, 500, BibleReader.ToTitleCase(TopicReader.GetTopicName((Topic)m_Topic)));
            AddResetButton(15, 510, 400, "Home");
            if (m_Topic > 0)
                AddBkwdButton(345, 510, m_Topic - 1, "Prev Topic");
            if (m_Topic < 303)
                AddFwdButton(645, 510, m_Topic + 1, "Next Topic");
            for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
                    verse       = BibleReader.GetVerse(verses[y, 0], verses[y, 1], verses[y, 2]);
                    verselength = verse.Length < 68 ? verse.Length - 8 : 60;
                    str1        = BibleReader.Books[verses[y, 0]] + " " + verses[y, 1].ToString() + " : ";
                    str2        = verse.Substring(7, verselength) + "...";
                    str         = str1 + str2;
                    AddButton(15, 29 + (y * 24), 5541, 5542, y + 500 + (m_Topic * 1000), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddHtml(50, 30 + (y * 24), 635, 20, Color(str, 0x480), false, false);
        public static string GetVerse(int book, int chap, int vers)
            int         x     = (book * 1000) + chap;
            BibleReader bible = GetBibleReader(x);

            if (bible != null)
                return(bible.Verses[vers - 1]);
                return("No verse found with that reference.");
Exemple #7
        public void ReadTopicalPassage()
            Topic readTopic = BibleTopic;

            m_Preaching = true;
            if (m_Random)
                Array  values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Topic));
                Random random = new Random();
                readTopic = (Topic)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length));
            Say("How about this topic - {0}:", TopicReader.GetTopicName(readTopic));
            m_Timer = new RecitalTimer(this, BibleReader.GetRandomTopicVerses(readTopic));
            m_NextPreach = DateTime.Now + PreachDelay;
        private static void Read(string filePath)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlElement root = doc["XMLBIBLE"];

            foreach (XmlElement bookElement in root.GetElementsByTagName("BIBLEBOOK"))
                int book = Convert.ToInt32(bookElement.GetAttribute("bnumber"));

                if (book == 0)

                foreach (XmlElement chapElement in bookElement.GetElementsByTagName("CHAPTER"))
                    int chap = Convert.ToInt32(chapElement.GetAttribute("cnumber"));

                    if (chap == 0)

                    int bookchap = (book * 1000) + chap;
                        BibleReader reader = new BibleReader(chapElement);

                        m_Table[bookchap] = reader;
Exemple #9
		private static void Read( string filePath )
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			doc.Load( filePath );

			XmlElement root = doc["XMLBIBLE"];

			foreach ( XmlElement bookElement in root.GetElementsByTagName( "BIBLEBOOK" ) )
				int book = Convert.ToInt32( bookElement.GetAttribute( "bnumber" ) );

				if ( book == 0 )

				foreach ( XmlElement chapElement in bookElement.GetElementsByTagName( "CHAPTER" ) )
					int chap = Convert.ToInt32( chapElement.GetAttribute( "cnumber" ) );

					if ( chap == 0 )

					int bookchap = (book * 1000) + chap;
						BibleReader reader = new BibleReader( chapElement );

						m_Table[bookchap] = reader;
Exemple #10
        public BibleGump(Mobile GM, Bible bible) : base(20, 20)
            m_GM = GM;
            m_Bible   = bible;
            m_Book    = (int)(m_Bible.Book);
            m_Chapter = m_Bible.Chapter;
            m_Topic   = (int)(m_Bible.BibleTopic);
            int chapnum = BibleReader.GetNumChapters(m_Book);

            if (m_Chapter > chapnum)
                m_Chapter = chapnum;
            int versnum = BibleReader.GetNumVerses(m_Book, m_Chapter);

            m_FirstVerse = m_Bible.FirstVerse;
            if (m_FirstVerse > versnum)
                m_FirstVerse = versnum;
            m_LastVerse = m_Bible.LastVerse;
            if (m_LastVerse < m_FirstVerse)
                m_LastVerse = m_FirstVerse;
            if (m_LastVerse > versnum)
                m_LastVerse = versnum;

            string maxchap = chapnum.ToString();
            string max     = versnum.ToString();

            AddBackground(0, 0, 696, 540, 0x13BE);
            AddAlphaRegion(190, 30, 486, 476);

            string passName = BibleReader.Books[m_Book] + " " + m_Chapter.ToString() + " : " + m_FirstVerse.ToString();

            if (m_FirstVerse < m_LastVerse)
                passName += " - " + m_LastVerse.ToString();
            AddLabel(200, 7, 500, passName);

            string passage = "";

            for (int x = m_FirstVerse; x <= m_LastVerse; x++)
                passage += BibleReader.GetVerse(m_Book, m_Chapter, x);

            AddHtml(200, 40, 466, 456, passage, true, true);
            AddOKButton(200, 510, 0, "Accept Changes");

            AddLabel(15, 30, 0x459, "Book of");
            AddImageTiled(15, 50, 160, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 50, 160, 20, 0x769, 0, BibleReader.Books[m_Book]);
            AddLabel(15, 110, 0x459, "Chapter (Max - " + maxchap + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 130, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 130, 60, 20, 0x769, 1, m_Chapter.ToString());
            AddLabel(15, 190, 0x459, "First Verse (Max - " + max + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 210, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 210, 60, 20, 0x769, 2, m_FirstVerse.ToString());
            AddLabel(15, 270, 0x459, "Last Verse (Max - " + max + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 290, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 290, 60, 20, 0x769, 3, m_LastVerse.ToString());
            AddResetButton(15, 350, 1, "Reset Passage");
            AddPageBkwdButton(15, 380, 2, "Index");
            AddPageBkwdButton(15, 410, 3, "Concordance");

            int entry = 1;
            int ymax;

            AddPageBkwdButton(15, 510, 1, "Back");
            for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                if (x < 3)
                    ymax = 17;
                    ymax = 15;
                for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
                    AddResetButton(15 + (x * 171), 20 + (y * 25), entry + 1, BibleReader.Books[entry++]);

            int zlimit = 15;

            entry = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                AddPage(3 + x);
                AddPageBkwdButton(15, 510, 1, "Back");
                if (x > 0)
                    AddPageBkwdButton(345, 510, 2 + x, "Prev Topics");
                if (x < 6)
                    AddPageFwdButton(645, 510, 4 + x, "Next Topics");
                if (x == 6)
                    zlimit = 11;
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < zlimit; z++)
                        AddResetButton(15 + (y * 225), 20 + (z * 25), entry + 100, BibleReader.ToTitleCase(TopicReader.GetTopicName((Topic)entry++)));
Exemple #11
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            int ibook, ichap, ifver, ilver, chapnum, versnum;
            int topic;
            int m_Choice = info.ButtonID;

            if (m_Choice > 99)
                topic = m_Choice - 100;                 /*
                                                         * if ( topic > 250 ) state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpF( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );
                                                         * else if ( topic > 200 ) state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpE( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );
                                                         * else if ( topic > 150 ) state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpD( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );
                                                         * else if ( topic > 100 ) state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpC( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );
                                                         * else if ( topic > 50 ) state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpB( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );
                                                         * else  state.Mobile.SendGump( new TopicGumpA( m_GM, m_Bible, topic ) );  */
                state.Mobile.SendGump(new TopicGump(m_GM, m_Bible, topic));
            else if (m_Choice > 1 && m_Choice < 68)
                m_Bible.SetPassage(m_Choice - 1, 1, 1, BibleReader.GetNumVerses(m_Choice - 1, 1));
                state.Mobile.SendGump(new BibleGump(m_GM, m_Bible));
            else if (m_Choice == 1)
                ibook = BibleReader.GetBook((info.GetTextEntry(0)).Text);
                ichap = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(1)).Text);
                ifver = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(2)).Text);
                ilver = Utility.ToInt32((info.GetTextEntry(3)).Text);

                    chapnum      = BibleReader.GetNumChapters(ibook);
                    m_Bible.Book = (BookOf)ibook;
                    if (ichap > chapnum)
                        m_Bible.Chapter = chapnum;
                        m_Bible.Chapter = ichap;
                    versnum = BibleReader.GetNumVerses(ibook, m_Bible.Chapter);
                    if (ifver > versnum)
                        m_Bible.FirstVerse = versnum;
                        m_Bible.LastVerse  = versnum;
                    else if (ifver > ilver)
                        m_Bible.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Bible.LastVerse  = ifver;
                    else if (ilver > versnum)
                        m_Bible.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Bible.LastVerse  = versnum;
                        m_Bible.FirstVerse = ifver;
                        m_Bible.LastVerse  = ilver;

                state.Mobile.SendGump(new BibleGump(m_GM, m_Bible));
Exemple #12
        public PreacherGump(Mobile GM, WanderingPreacher preacher) : base(20, 20)
            m_GM = GM;
            m_Preacher = preacher;
            m_Book     = (int)(m_Preacher.Book);
            m_Chapter  = m_Preacher.Chapter;
            int chapnum = BibleReader.GetNumChapters(m_Book);

            if (m_Chapter > chapnum)
                m_Chapter = chapnum;
            int versnum = BibleReader.GetNumVerses(m_Book, m_Chapter);

            m_FirstVerse = m_Preacher.FirstVerse;
            if (m_FirstVerse > versnum)
                m_FirstVerse = versnum;
            m_LastVerse = m_Preacher.LastVerse;
            if (m_LastVerse < m_FirstVerse)
                m_LastVerse = m_FirstVerse;
            if (m_LastVerse > versnum)
                m_LastVerse = versnum;

            string maxchap = chapnum.ToString();
            string max     = versnum.ToString();

            AddBackground(0, 0, 676, 540, 0x13BE);
            AddImageTiled(190, 30, 286, 205, 0xA40);
            AddAlphaRegion(190, 30, 486, 476);

            string passName = BibleReader.Books[m_Book] + " " + m_Chapter.ToString() + " : " + m_FirstVerse.ToString();

            if (m_FirstVerse < m_LastVerse)
                passName += " - " + m_LastVerse.ToString();
            AddLabel(200, 7, 2100, passName);

            string passage = "";

            for (int x = m_FirstVerse; x <= m_LastVerse; x++)
                passage += BibleReader.GetVerse(m_Book, m_Chapter, x);

            AddHtml(200, 40, 466, 456, passage, true, true);
            AddOKButton(200, 510, 0, "Accept Changes");

            AddLabel(15, 30, 0x459, "Book of");
            AddImageTiled(15, 50, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 50, 60, 20, 0x769, 0, BibleReader.Books[m_Book]);
            AddLabel(15, 110, 0x459, "Chapter (Max - " + maxchap + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 130, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 130, 60, 20, 0x769, 1, m_Chapter.ToString());
            AddLabel(15, 190, 0x459, "First Verse (Max - " + max + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 210, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 210, 60, 20, 0x769, 2, m_FirstVerse.ToString());
            AddLabel(15, 270, 0x459, "Last Verse (Max - " + max + ")");
            AddImageTiled(15, 290, 60, 20, 0xA40);
            AddTextEntry(15, 290, 60, 20, 0x769, 3, m_LastVerse.ToString());
            AddResetButton(15, 350, 1, "Reset Passage");