public unsafe static void where < T > (Mat src, Mat dst, Func <T, bool> condition, Mat x, Mat y) where
        T : unmanaged
            if (!src.IsContinuous() || !dst.IsContinuous() || !x.IsContinuous() || !y.IsContinuous())
                throw new ArgumentException("all the Mat should be IsContinuous()==true");
            //f.At(); f.ElemSize(); f.Ptr() are recommended instead of using pointer for memory safety,
            //however, they are low performant.
            T *pSrcStart = (T *)src.DataStart;
            T *pSrcEnd   = (T *)src.DataEnd;
            T *px        = (T *)x.DataStart;
            T *py        = (T *)y.DataStart;
            T *pDst      = (T *)dst.DataStart;

            for (T *pSrc = pSrcStart; pSrc <= pSrcEnd; pSrc++, pDst++, px++, py++)
                *pDst = condition(*pSrc) ? *px : *py;