public void TestNegativeClamp() { Vector2D aVector = new Vector2D(-7, -7); aVector.Clamp(); Assert.IsTrue(aVector.Equals(new Vector2D(-1, -1))); }
public void TestPositiveClamp() { Vector2D aVector = new Vector2D(7, 7); aVector.Clamp(); Assert.IsTrue(aVector.Equals(new Vector2D(1, 1))); }
public void ClampStatic2() { Vector2D clamped = new Vector2D(-10, 1); clamped = Vector2D.Clamp(clamped, -1, 0); Assert.AreEqual(-1, clamped.X); Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Y); }
public void Clamp2() { Vector2D clamped = new Vector2D(-10, 1); clamped.Clamp(-1, 0); Assert.AreEqual(-1, clamped.X); Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Y); }
public void Intersects(ref BoundingRectangle rect, out bool result) { Vector2D proj; Vector2D.Clamp(ref Position, ref rect.Min, ref rect.Max, out proj); Scalar distSq; Vector2D.DistanceSq(ref Position, ref proj, out distSq); result = distSq <= Radius * Radius; }
public void Vector2ClampTest() { Vector2D <float> a = new Vector2D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f); Vector2D <float> min = new Vector2D <float>(0.0f, 0.1f); Vector2D <float> max = new Vector2D <float>(1.0f, 1.1f); // Normal case. // Case N1: specified value is in the range. Vector2D <float> expected = new Vector2D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f); Vector2D <float> actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // Normal case. // Case N2: specified value is bigger than max value. a = new Vector2D <float>(2.0f, 3.0f); expected = max; actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // Case N3: specified value is smaller than max value. a = new Vector2D <float>(-1.0f, -2.0f); expected = min; actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // Case N4: combination case. a = new Vector2D <float>(-2.0f, 4.0f); expected = new Vector2D <float>(min.X, max.Y); actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // User specified min value is bigger than max value. max = new Vector2D <float>(0.0f, 0.1f); min = new Vector2D <float>(1.0f, 1.1f); // Case W1: specified value is in the range. a = new Vector2D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f); expected = max; actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // Normal case. // Case W2: specified value is bigger than max and min value. a = new Vector2D <float>(2.0f, 3.0f); expected = max; actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); // Case W3: specified value is smaller than min and max value. a = new Vector2D <float>(-1.0f, -2.0f); expected = max; actual = Vector2D.Clamp(a, min, max); Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector2f.Clamp did not return the expected value."); }
private void OnMove(Vector2D pos) { try { pos = new Vector2D(Math.Round(pos.X, Rounding), Math.Round(pos.Y, Rounding)); pos = Vector2D.Clamp(pos, Min, Max); Moving?.Invoke(pos); UpdateTitle(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } }
private void OnSubmit(Vector2D pos) { try { pos = new Vector2D(Math.Round(pos.X, Rounding), Math.Round(pos.Y, Rounding)); pos = Vector2D.Clamp(pos, Min, Max); Setter?.Invoke(pos); Item.Origin = pos; UpdateTitle(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } }
private void TestMotionInput() { if (!EngineIsON) { return; } Vector3D moveInput = Cockpit.MoveIndicator; //ToLog("\nmoveInput: " + VectToStr(moveInput), true); InertiaDampeners = Cockpit.DampenersOverride; //ToLog("\nDampeners: " + InertiaDampeners.ToString(), true); Vector3D WorldSpeed = Cockpit.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity; Vector3D WorldAngVel = Cockpit.GetShipVelocities().AngularVelocity; Vector3D Gravity = Cockpit.GetNaturalGravity(); Vector3D normVertical = -Vector3D.Normalize(Gravity); //матрица вращения в СО, связанную с вектором гравитации if (!PlanetMatrixReady) { Vector3D normForward = normVertical.Cross(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Right); PlanetMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(Vector3D.Zero, normForward, normVertical); PlanetMatrixInv = MatrixD.Invert(PlanetMatrix); PlanetMatrixReady = true; } Vector3D PlanetSpeed = Vector3D.Rotate(WorldSpeed, PlanetMatrixInv); //ToLog("\nSpeed 3D: " + VectToStr(PlanetSpeed), true); Vector3D PlanetAngularVelocity = Vector3D.Rotate(WorldAngVel, PlanetMatrixInv); //test!!! //Vector3D vForw = Vector3D.Rotate(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Forward, PlanetMatrixInv); //ToLog("\nForw. test: " + VectToStr(vForw), true); Vector3D moveInputSign = Vector3D.Sign(moveInput); double curAltitude, deltaAlt = 0; Cockpit.TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out curAltitude); if (InertiaDampeners) { DesiredSpeed.X = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.X; if (AltitudeHoldMode) { deltaAlt = Math.Abs(DesiredAltitude) * 0.01; if (deltaAlt < 0.1) { deltaAlt = 0.1; } if (moveInputSign.Y != 0.0) { DesiredAltitude += deltaAlt * moveInputSign.Y; if (DesiredAltitude < 0.0) { DesiredAltitude = 0; } } deltaAlt = DesiredAltitude - curAltitude; //ускорение потом вычислим, желаемая скорость для этого не нужна } DesiredSpeed.Y = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Y; if (CruiseControl) { DesiredSpeed.Z += DeltaSpeed * moveInputSign.Z; } else { DesiredSpeed.Z = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Z; } //DesiredSpeed = Vector3D.Sign(moveInput) * MaxSpeed; } else { //DesiredSpeed = PlanetSpeed; if (moveInput.X == 0d) { DesiredSpeed.X = PlanetSpeed.X; } else { DesiredSpeed.X = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.X; } if (moveInput.Y == 0d) { DesiredSpeed.Y = PlanetSpeed.Y; } else { DesiredSpeed.Y = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Y; } if (moveInput.Z == 0d) { DesiredSpeed.Z = PlanetSpeed.Z; } else { if (CruiseControl) { DesiredSpeed.Z += DeltaSpeed * moveInputSign.Z; } else { DesiredSpeed.Z = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Z; } } } DesiredSpeed = Vector3D.Clamp(DesiredSpeed, MaxSpeedMin, MaxSpeedMax); if (CruiseControl) { ToLog("\nСкорость: " + (-PlanetSpeed.Z).ToString("#0") + " / " + (-DesiredSpeed.Z).ToString("#0"), true); } else { ToLog("\nСкорость: " + (-PlanetSpeed.Z).ToString("#0"), true); } if (InertiaDampeners && AltitudeHoldMode) { ToLog("\nВысота: " + curAltitude.ToString("#0") + " / " + DesiredAltitude.ToString("#0"), true); } else { ToLog("\nВысота: " + curAltitude.ToString("#0"), true); } Vector3D SpeedDeviation = DesiredSpeed - PlanetSpeed; //ToLog("\nDes.spd: " + VectToStr(DesiredSpeed), true); //ToLog("\ " + VectToStr(SpeedDeviation), true); //Z - вперед, X - вправо, Y - вверх Vector3D DesiredAccelerations; const double SigmoidFactorAlpha = 0.5; DesiredAccelerations.X = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.X, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel; DesiredAccelerations.Z = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Z, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel; if (AltitudeHoldMode && InertiaDampeners) { ToLog("\ndeltaAlt: " + deltaAlt.ToString("#0.000000"), true); //ToLog("\nPlanetSpeed.Y: " + PlanetSpeed.Y.ToString("#0.000000"), true); ////нужно такое ускорение, чтобы корабль остановился при нулевом отклонении по высоте //double absDeltaAlt = Math.Abs(deltaAlt); //if (absDeltaAlt >= 0.5) //{ // int signDeltaAlt = Math.Sign(deltaAlt); // //минимальное расстояние, на котором мы еще успеем затормозить // if (Math.Sign(PlanetSpeed.Y) != signDeltaAlt) // { // //удаляемся // DesiredAccelerations.Y = CurrentRegimeAccel * signDeltaAlt; // //ToLog("\nудаляемся", true); // } // else // { // //приближаемся, оценим тормозной путь // double temp = 0.5 * PlanetSpeed.Y * PlanetSpeed.Y; // double brakingDist = temp / CurrentRegimeAccel; // //ToLog("\nbrakingDist: " + brakingDist.ToString("#0.00000"), true); // if (absDeltaAlt > brakingDist) // { // //еще успеваем затормозить, поэтому даем максимальное ускорение // DesiredAccelerations.Y = CurrentRegimeAccel * signDeltaAlt; // } // else // { // //уменьшаем ускорение // DesiredAccelerations.Y = MathHelperD.Clamp(-temp / deltaAlt, -CurrentRegimeAccel, CurrentRegimeAccel); // } // } //} //else //{ // DesiredAccelerations.Y = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Y, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel; // //ToLog("\n!!!", true); //} DesiredAccelerations.Y = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(deltaAlt, PlanetSpeed.Y, CurrentRegimeAccel, 0.5, 0.5); } else { DesiredAccelerations.Y = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Y, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel; } ToLog("\nDes.acc: " + VectToStr(DesiredAccelerations), true); //double PlanetElevation; //Cockpit.TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out PlanetElevation); double MaxDownThrust = 0; foreach (IMyThrust t in DownTrusters) { MaxDownThrust += t.MaxEffectiveThrust; } double ShipMass = Cockpit.CalculateShipMass().PhysicalMass; //ToLog("\nMax thr: " + MaxDownThrust.ToString("#0.0"), true); //ToLog("\nMass: " + ShipMass.ToString("#0.0"), true); double DesiredVertivalAcc = DesiredAccelerations.Y + Gravity.Length(); if (DesiredVertivalAcc < 1.0) { DesiredVertivalAcc = 1.0; } ToLog("\nDes.vert.acc: " + DesiredVertivalAcc.ToString("#0.000"), true); double cosGravityToUp = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Up); double Thrust = ShipMass * DesiredVertivalAcc / cosGravityToUp; //ToLog("\nThrust: " + Thrust.ToString("#0.000"), true); //раздадим на движки float ThrustFactor = (float)(Thrust / MaxDownThrust); ToLog("\nThr.factor: " + ThrustFactor.ToString("#0.000"), true); if (ThrustFactor > 1f) { ThrustFactor = 1f; } foreach (IMyThrust t in DownTrusters) { t.ThrustOverridePercentage = ThrustFactor; } //углы откладываются от вертикали, X - тангаж, Y - крен Vector2D DesiredAngles; DesiredAngles.X = Math.Atan2(DesiredAccelerations.Z, DesiredVertivalAcc); DesiredAngles.Y = Math.Atan2(DesiredAccelerations.X, DesiredVertivalAcc); DesiredAngles = Vector2D.Clamp(DesiredAngles, MaxDeviationAngleMin, MaxDeviationAngleMax); ToLog("\nDes.angl: " + Vect2ToStr(DesiredAngles), true); double cosGravityToForward = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Forward); double cosGravityToRight = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Left); //ToLog("\nCos(G) to F/R: " + cosGravityToForward.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + cosGravityToRight.ToString("#0.000"), true); Vector2D CurrentAngles; CurrentAngles.X = Math.Atan2(cosGravityToForward, cosGravityToUp); CurrentAngles.Y = Math.Atan2(cosGravityToRight, cosGravityToUp); ToLog("\nCur.angl: " + Vect2ToStr(CurrentAngles), true); //ошибка угла Vector2D AnglesDeviation = Vector2D.Clamp(NormAngles2D(DesiredAngles - CurrentAngles), MaxDeviationAngleMin, MaxDeviationAngleMax); ToLog("\ " + Vect2ToStr(AnglesDeviation, "#0.00000"), true); Vector2D GyroSignals; ////демфируем сигнал при приближении отклонения к максимальному значению //GyroSignals.X = SignalDamper(AnglesDeviation.X, MaxDeviationAngle, CurrentAngles.X, MaxDeviationAngle, 0.5); //GyroSignals.Y = SignalDamper(AnglesDeviation.Y, MaxDeviationAngle, CurrentAngles.Y, MaxDeviationAngle, 0.5); ToLog("\nPAV: " + VectToStr(PlanetAngularVelocity), true); GyroSignals.X = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(AnglesDeviation.X, PlanetAngularVelocity.X, MaxAngularAcceleration, 0.5 * Math.PI / 180.0, 1); GyroSignals.Y = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(AnglesDeviation.Y, -PlanetAngularVelocity.Z, MaxAngularAcceleration, 0.5 * Math.PI / 180.0, 1); ToLog("\nGyroSignals: " + Vect2ToStr(GyroSignals, "#0.00000"), true); //раздадим на гороскопы GyroPitch = -(float)(GyroPithPID.Reaction(GyroSignals.X) * GyroFactor); GyroRoll = (float)(GyroRollPID.Reaction(GyroSignals.Y) * GyroFactor); //GyroPitch = -(float)(AnglesDeviation.X * GyroFactor); //GyroRoll = (float)(AnglesDeviation.Y * GyroFactor); ToLog("\nGyro P/Y/R: " + GyroPitch.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + GyroYaw.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + GyroRoll.ToString("#0.000"), true); foreach (GyroDefinition g in Gyros) { SetGyroParams(g, true, GyroPitch, GyroYaw, GyroRoll); } }