Base class for all UI components that should be derived from when creating new widget types.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
	/// <summary>
	/// Find all needed components.
	/// </summary>

	void Awake ()
		mWidget = GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
		Renderer ren = renderer;
		if (ren != null) mMat = ren.material;
		mLight = light;
	void initializeUI()
		arrowUI = GameObject.Find ("Arrow").gameObject;
		speedUI = GameObject.Find ("speed").GetComponent<UILabel>();
		gearstUI = GameObject.Find ("peredacha").GetComponent<UILabel> ();
		nitroUI = GameObject.Find ("indikator").GetComponent<UIWidget> ();
Exemple #3
 public static XmlNodeList fromXML(XmlNode nd, out UIWidget ui, UIWidget p)
     ui = new UIStub();
     ui.paresent = p;
     return nd.ChildNodes;
 private void Awake()
     if (this.Widget == null)
         this.Widget = this.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
Exemple #5
	void Start () {
		btnClose = transform.FindInChildren("btnBack").GetComponent<UIButton>();
		scrEvents = transform.FindInChildren("scrEvent").GetComponent<UIScrollView>();
		tplEvent = transform.FindInChildren("itemEvent").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		tplEvent.transform.parent = null;
Exemple #6
        public static XmlNodeList fromXML(XmlNode node, out UIWidget ui, UIWidget p)
            string text = "";
            float width = 128;
            int rows = 1;
            int fontSz = 10;
            uint color = 0xffffffff;
            EStyle style = EStyle.normal;

            var ret = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("text");
            if (ret != null) text = ret.Value;

            bool br = false;
            text = getProp<string>(node, "text", "template", out br);
            width = getProp(node, "width", 128, out br);
            rows = getProp(node, "rows", rows, out br);
            color = (uint)getProp<EColorUtil>(node, "color", (EColorUtil)schemes.textColor, out br);
            if (!br)
                color = getProp(node, "color", (uint)(schemes.textColor), out br);
            style = UILabel.getStyle(node);
            fontSz = getProp(node, "size", fontSz, out br);

            ui = new UIEdit(text, fontSz, (int)width, rows, color, style);
            ui.paresent = p;

            return node.ChildNodes;
Exemple #7
	public static Bounds CalculateWidgetLocalBounds( UIWidget w, Transform relativeTo ) {
		float width = w.cachedTransform.localScale.x;
		float height = w.cachedTransform.localScale.y;

		Vector2 pivotOffset = w.pivotOffset;
		return new Bounds( GetLocalOffset( w.transform, relativeTo ) + new Vector3( 0.5f*pivotOffset.x*width, 0.5f*pivotOffset.y*height, 0f ), new Vector3( width, height, 0f ) );
    public override void OnInit()
        m_SpriteMyIcon = FindChildComponent<UISprite>("Sprite_Icon1");
        m_SpriteOtherIcon = FindChildComponent<UISprite>("Sprite_Icon0");
        m_ObjButtonRoot = FindChild("ButtonRoot");
        m_ObjButtonOk = FindChild("Button_Ok");
        m_ObjButtonCancle = FindChild("Button_Cancle");
        m_LabelMyName = FindChildComponent<UILabel>("Label_Name1");
        m_LabelOtherName = FindChildComponent<UILabel>("Label_Name2");

        var obj = FindChild("Button_Talk");
        UIEventListener.Get(obj).onPress = OnPressButton;

        AddChildElementClickEvent(OnClickBack, "Sprite_Exit");

        m_DropPanel = FindChildComponent<UIWidget>("DrapPanel");
        m_FireworkPlanList = new List<FireworkPlanElement>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
            var objRoot = FindChild("Type_" + i);
            FireworkPlanElement elem = new FireworkPlanElement(objRoot);
            MyUIDragDropItem drag = objRoot.GetComponent<MyUIDragDropItem>();
            //UIEventListener.Get(objRoot).onClick = OnClickItem;;

        m_LabelOtherName.text = string.Empty;
        m_LabelMyName.text = PlayerManager.Instance.GetCharBaseData().CharName;
    void SetAlign(UIWidget widget, float posY)
        Vector2 pos = widget.transform.localPosition;
        switch (m_align)
            case Align.NONE:

            case Align.CENTER:
                pos.y = 0;

            case Align.TOP:
                pos.y = m_size.y / 2;

            case Align.BOTTOM:
                pos.y = m_size.y / 2 * -1;


        pos.y -= posY;
        widget.transform.localPosition = pos;
Exemple #10
	IEnumerator SetRank(){

		//StartCoroutine("Wait", 5f);
		//yield return new WaitForSeconds (2f);
		wg2 = GameObject.Find("Panel").transform.FindChild("RankText").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		trueRankText = true;
		//StartCoroutine("Wait", 2f);
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f);
		if (num >= 60) {
			GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("DRank").gameObject.SetActive (true);
			wg = GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("DRank").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		} else if (num >= 40) {
			GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("CRank").gameObject.SetActive (true);
			wg = GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("CRank").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		} else if (num >= 20) {
			GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("BRank").gameObject.SetActive (true);
			wg = GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("BRank").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		}else if (num > 10) {
			GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("ARank").gameObject.SetActive (true);
			wg = GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("ARank").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		} else if (num > 0) {
			GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("SRank").gameObject.SetActive (true);
			wg = GameObject.Find ("Rank").transform.FindChild("SRank").GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		trueRank = true;
Exemple #11
	public void FadeAlphaRank(UIWidget w){
		Debug.Log ("wid"+fAlpha+"aa"+w.alpha);
		if(w.alpha < 255f){
			w.alpha += fAlpha;
			Debug.Log ("wid"+fAlpha+"aa"+w.alpha);
Exemple #12
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

		if (host == null)
			host = GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		if (processBar == null)
			processBar = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIProgressBar>(gameObject);

		if(host == null)

		if (uiCamera == null) uiCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(gameObject.layer);
		Rect mRect = uiCamera.pixelRect;
		Vector3 v = new Vector3(mRect.xMax, 0f, 0f);
		v = uiCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(v);
		Vector3 lp = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(v);
		int newWidth = (int)lp.x;
		if (newWidth != oldWidth)
			oldWidth = newWidth;
			host.width = (int)lp.x;
			if (processBar != null)

 public static int CompareFunc(UIWidget left, UIWidget right)
     int num = UIPanel.CompareFunc(left.mPanel, right.mPanel);
     if (num != 0)
         return num;
     if (left.mDepth < right.mDepth)
         return -1;
     if (left.mDepth > right.mDepth)
         return 1;
     Material material = left.material;
     Material material2 = right.material;
     if (material == material2)
         return 0;
     if (material != null)
         return -1;
     if (material2 != null)
         return 1;
     return ((material.GetInstanceID() >= material2.GetInstanceID()) ? 1 : -1);
    void Start()
        m_widget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();
        m_size = m_widget.localSize;

Exemple #15
	void Cache ()
		mCached = true;
		mWidget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		if (mWidget != null) return;

		mSr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
		if (mSr != null) return;

#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
		Renderer ren = renderer;
		Renderer ren = GetComponent<Renderer>();
		if (ren != null)
			mMat = ren.material;

#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
		mLight = light;
		mLight = GetComponent<Light>();
		if (mLight == null) mWidget = GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
Exemple #16
        public static XmlNodeList fromXML(XmlNode node, out UIWidget ui, UIWidget p)
            uint color = (uint)schemes.strokeColor;
            bool br = true;

            float lineWidth = (uint)getProp<float>(node, "lineWidth", 1, out br);

            color = (uint)getProp<EColorUtil>(node, "color", (EColorUtil)schemes.strokeColor, out br);
            string strBegin = tryGetProp("begin", node);
            PointF ptBegin = parsePt(strBegin);

            string strEnd = tryGetProp("end", node);
            PointF ptEnd = parsePt(strEnd);

            var uiLine = new UILine();
            uiLine.setLineWidth(lineWidth);//must be under color
            uiLine.setBegin(ptBegin.X, ptBegin.Y);
            uiLine.setEnd(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y);
            uiLine.color = color;


            ui = uiLine;
            return node.ChildNodes;
    public void SetSpriteBySelection()
        if (UIPopupList.current != null)
            if (this.mWidget == null)
                this.mWidget = base.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
            string key = UIPopupList.current.value;
            if (key != null)
                int num;
                if (<>f__switch$map1 == null)
                    Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>(7);
                    dictionary.Add("White", 0);
                    dictionary.Add("Red", 1);
                    dictionary.Add("Green", 2);
                    dictionary.Add("Blue", 3);
                    dictionary.Add("Yellow", 4);
                    dictionary.Add("Cyan", 5);
                    dictionary.Add("Magenta", 6);
                    <>f__switch$map1 = dictionary;
                if (<>f__switch$map1.TryGetValue(key, out num))
                    switch (num)
                        case 0:
                            this.mWidget.color = Color.white;

                        case 1:
                            this.mWidget.color =;

                        case 2:
                            this.mWidget.color =;

                        case 3:
                            this.mWidget.color =;

                        case 4:
                            this.mWidget.color = Color.yellow;

                        case 5:
                            this.mWidget.color = Color.cyan;

                        case 6:
                            this.mWidget.color = Color.magenta;
 private void AnimatePosition(UIWidget widget, bool placeAbove, float bottom)
     Vector3 localPosition = widget.cachedTransform.localPosition;
     Vector3 vector2 = !placeAbove ? new Vector3(localPosition.x, 0f, localPosition.z) : new Vector3(localPosition.x, bottom, localPosition.z);
     widget.cachedTransform.localPosition = vector2;
     TweenPosition.Begin(widget.gameObject, 0.15f, localPosition).method = UITweener.Method.EaseOut;
	void Cache ()
		mCached = true;
		mWidget = GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
		Renderer ren = GetComponent<Renderer>();
		if (ren != null) mMat = ren.material;
		mLight = GetComponent<Light>();
 private void Awake()
     this.mPanel = base.GetComponent<UIPanel>();
     if (this.mPanel == null)
         this.mWidget = base.GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
	void Awake()
		instance = this;

		turretSelectWidget = turretSelectMenu.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		destroyTurretTab = turretSelectMenu.GetComponentInChildren<AllyDestroyTurret>();
Exemple #22
 public static void ParserWidget(MyJson.JsonNode_Object json, UIWidget widget)
     json["w_color"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString(ComponentTypeConvert.ColorToString(widget.color));
     json["w_pivot"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString(widget.pivot.ToString());
     json["w_depth"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueNumber(widget.depth);
     json["w_dimensions"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString(ComponentTypeConvert.Vector2ToString(new Vector2(widget.width, widget.height)));
     json["w_keepasp"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueString(widget.keepAspectRatio.ToString());
     //json["w_asp"] = new MyJson.JsonNode_ValueNumber(widget.aspectRatio);
Exemple #23
    void OnEnable()
        widget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();

        if (SystemInfo.deviceType == DeviceType.Handheld)
            isKeyboardEmulation = false;
Exemple #24
    const int Rate = 1;//缩放频率

    public void Init()
        Transform mTran = transform;
        UIScrollView mScrollView = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIScrollView>(gameObject);
        panelTrans = mScrollView.panel.cachedTransform;
        Factor = MaxFactor - MinFactor;

        Vector3[] corners = mScrollView.panel.worldCorners;
        panelCenter = (corners[2] + corners[0]) * 0.5f;

        ItemCount = mTran.childCount;
        Items = new Transform[ItemCount];
        SpriteList = new UIWidget[ItemCount][];
        ItemsClick = new UICenterOnClick[ItemCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
            Transform tr = mTran.GetChild(i);
            Items[i] = tr;
            ItemsClick[i] = tr.GetComponent<UICenterOnClick>();
            SpriteCount = tr.childCount;
            SpriteList[i] = new UIWidget[SpriteCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < SpriteCount; j++)
                SpriteList[i][j] = tr.GetChild(j).GetComponent<UIWidget>();
        FirstItem = Items[0];

        Origin = new SpriteScale[SpriteCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < SpriteCount; i++)
            UIWidget sprite = SpriteList[0][i];
            if (sprite == null) continue;
            float w = sprite.width;
            float h = sprite.height;
            int t = sprite.topAnchor.absolute;
            int b = sprite.bottomAnchor.absolute;
            int l = sprite.leftAnchor.absolute;
            int r = sprite.rightAnchor.absolute;
            Origin[i] = new SpriteScale(w, h, t, b, l, r);

        UICenterOnChild UICenter = GetComponent<UICenterOnChild>();
        UICenter.enabled = false;
        UICenter.enabled = true;

        UICenter.onCenter = onCenter;
        UICenter.onFinished = onFinished;

        if (IsScale) Scale();
	void Cache ()
		mCached = true;
		mWidget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();
		Renderer ren = renderer;
		if (ren != null) mMat = ren.material;
		mLight = light;
		if (mWidget == null && mMat == null && mLight == null)
			mWidget = GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
Exemple #26
	void Start()
		mTrans = transform;
		mPanel = mTrans.parent.parent.GetComponent<UIPanel>();
		mWidget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();

		//초기값 입력.
		cellWidth = 300;
		downScale = 0.35f;
 private void Awake()
     this.mWidget = base.GetComponentInChildren<UIWidget>();
     Renderer renderer = base.renderer;
     if (renderer != null)
         this.mMat = renderer.material;
     this.mLight = base.light;
    protected override void SetValue(Vector3 value) {
        if (widget != null) {
            widget.width = (int) value.x;
            widget.height = (int) value.y;
        else {
            widget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();

 private void Awake()
     this.mAnim = base.animation;
     this.mRect = new Rect();
     this.mTrans = base.transform;
     this.mWidget = base.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
     this.mSprite = base.GetComponent<UISprite>();
     this.mPanel = base.GetComponent<UIPanel>();
     UICamera.onScreenResize = (UICamera.OnScreenResize) Delegate.Combine(UICamera.onScreenResize, new UICamera.OnScreenResize(this.ScreenSizeChanged));
        private void OnEnable()
            if (this.Target == null)
                this.Target = this.GetComponent<UIWidget>();

            this.currentColor = 1;
 private void Update()
     if (this.mAnim != null && this.mAnim.isPlaying)
     if ( != UIStretch.Style.None)
         UIWidget uiwidget = (!(this.container == null)) ? this.container.GetComponent <UIWidget>() : null;
         UIPanel  uipanel  = (!(this.container == null) || !(uiwidget == null)) ? this.container.GetComponent <UIPanel>() : null;
         float    num      = 1f;
         if (uiwidget != null)
             Bounds bounds = uiwidget.CalculateBounds(base.transform.parent);
             this.mRect.x      = bounds.min.x;
             this.mRect.y      = bounds.min.y;
             this.mRect.width  = bounds.size.x;
             this.mRect.height = bounds.size.y;
         else if (uipanel != null)
             if (uipanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
                 float num2 = (!(this.mRoot != null)) ? 0.5f : ((float)this.mRoot.activeHeight / (float)Screen.height * 0.5f);
                 this.mRect.xMin = (float)(-(float)Screen.width) * num2;
                 this.mRect.yMin = (float)(-(float)Screen.height) * num2;
                 this.mRect.xMax = -this.mRect.xMin;
                 this.mRect.yMax = -this.mRect.yMin;
                 Vector4 finalClipRegion = uipanel.finalClipRegion;
                 this.mRect.x      = finalClipRegion.x - finalClipRegion.z * 0.5f;
                 this.mRect.y      = finalClipRegion.y - finalClipRegion.w * 0.5f;
                 this.mRect.width  = finalClipRegion.z;
                 this.mRect.height = finalClipRegion.w;
         else if (this.container != null)
             Transform parent  = base.transform.parent;
             Bounds    bounds2 = (!(parent != null)) ? NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(this.container.transform) : NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(parent, this.container.transform);
             this.mRect.x      = bounds2.min.x;
             this.mRect.y      = bounds2.min.y;
             this.mRect.width  = bounds2.size.x;
             this.mRect.height = bounds2.size.y;
             if (!(this.uiCamera != null))
             this.mRect = this.uiCamera.pixelRect;
             if (this.mRoot != null)
                 num = this.mRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment;
         float num3 = this.mRect.width;
         float num4 = this.mRect.height;
         if (num != 1f && num4 > 1f)
             float num5 = (float)this.mRoot.activeHeight / num4;
             num3 *= num5;
             num4 *= num5;
         Vector3 vector = (!(this.mWidget != null)) ? this.mTrans.localScale : new Vector3((float)this.mWidget.width, (float)this.mWidget.height);
         if ( == UIStretch.Style.BasedOnHeight)
             vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * num4;
             vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * num4;
         else if ( == UIStretch.Style.FillKeepingRatio)
             float num6 = num3 / num4;
             float num7 = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
             if (num7 < num6)
                 float num8 = num3 / this.initialSize.x;
                 vector.x = num3;
                 vector.y = this.initialSize.y * num8;
                 float num9 = num4 / this.initialSize.y;
                 vector.x = this.initialSize.x * num9;
                 vector.y = num4;
         else if ( == UIStretch.Style.FitInternalKeepingRatio)
             float num10 = num3 / num4;
             float num11 = this.initialSize.x / this.initialSize.y;
             if (num11 > num10)
                 float num12 = num3 / this.initialSize.x;
                 vector.x = num3;
                 vector.y = this.initialSize.y * num12;
                 float num13 = num4 / this.initialSize.y;
                 vector.x = this.initialSize.x * num13;
                 vector.y = num4;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
                 vector.x = this.relativeSize.x * num3;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
                 vector.y = this.relativeSize.y * num4;
         if (this.mSprite != null)
             float num14 = (!(this.mSprite.atlas != null)) ? 1f : this.mSprite.atlas.pixelSize;
             vector.x -= this.borderPadding.x * num14;
             vector.y -= this.borderPadding.y * num14;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
                 this.mSprite.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.x);
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
                 this.mSprite.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.y);
             vector =;
         else if (this.mWidget != null)
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
                 this.mWidget.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.x - this.borderPadding.x);
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
                 this.mWidget.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.y - this.borderPadding.y);
             vector =;
         else if (this.mPanel != null)
             Vector4 baseClipRegion = this.mPanel.baseClipRegion;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
                 baseClipRegion.z = vector.x - this.borderPadding.x;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
                 baseClipRegion.w = vector.y - this.borderPadding.y;
             this.mPanel.baseClipRegion = baseClipRegion;
             vector =;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Vertical)
                 vector.x -= this.borderPadding.x;
             if ( != UIStretch.Style.Horizontal)
                 vector.y -= this.borderPadding.y;
         if (this.mTrans.localScale != vector)
             this.mTrans.localScale = vector;
         if (this.runOnlyOnce && Application.isPlaying)
             base.enabled = false;
Exemple #32
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function used to animate widgets.
    /// </summary>

    void Animate(UIWidget widget, bool placeAbove, float bottom)
        AnimatePosition(widget, placeAbove, bottom);
Exemple #33
 void Awake()
 { = this.JoystickName;
     root      = this.GetComponent <UIWidget>();
Exemple #34
    /// <summary>
    /// Add commonly NGUI context menu options.
    /// </summary>
    static public void AddCommonItems(GameObject target)
        if (target != null)
            UIWidget widget = target.GetComponent <UIWidget>();

            string myName = string.Format("Selected {0}", (widget != null) ? NGUITools.GetTypeName(widget) : "Object");

            AddItem(myName + "/Bring to Front", false,
                    delegate(object obj)
                for (int i = 0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; ++i)

            AddItem(myName + "/Push to Back", false,
                    delegate(object obj)
                for (int i = 0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; ++i)

            AddItem(myName + "/Nudge Forward", false,
                    delegate(object obj)
                for (int i = 0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; ++i)
                    NGUITools.AdjustDepth(Selection.gameObjects[i], 1);

            AddItem(myName + "/Nudge Back", false,
                    delegate(object obj)
                for (int i = 0; i < Selection.gameObjects.Length; ++i)
                    NGUITools.AdjustDepth(Selection.gameObjects[i], -1);

            if (widget != null)
                NGUIContextMenu.AddSeparator(myName + "/");

                AddItem(myName + "/Make Pixel-Perfect", false, OnMakePixelPerfect, Selection.activeTransform);

                if (target.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() != null)
                    AddItem(myName + "/Reset Collider Size", false, OnBoxCollider, target);

            NGUIContextMenu.AddSeparator(myName + "/");
            AddItem(myName + "/Delete", false, OnDelete, target);

            if (Selection.activeTransform.parent != null && widget != null)
                AddChildWidget("Create/Sprite/Child", false, NGUISettings.AddSprite);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Label/Child", false, NGUISettings.AddLabel);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Invisible Widget/Child", false, NGUISettings.AddWidget);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Simple Texture/Child", false, NGUISettings.AddTexture);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Unity 2D Sprite/Child", false, NGUISettings.Add2DSprite);
                AddSiblingWidget("Create/Sprite/Sibling", false, NGUISettings.AddSprite);
                AddSiblingWidget("Create/Label/Sibling", false, NGUISettings.AddLabel);
                AddSiblingWidget("Create/Invisible Widget/Sibling", false, NGUISettings.AddWidget);
                AddSiblingWidget("Create/Simple Texture/Sibling", false, NGUISettings.AddTexture);
                AddSiblingWidget("Create/Unity 2D Sprite/Sibling", false, NGUISettings.Add2DSprite);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Sprite", false, NGUISettings.AddSprite);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Label", false, NGUISettings.AddLabel);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Invisible Widget", false, NGUISettings.AddWidget);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Simple Texture", false, NGUISettings.AddTexture);
                AddChildWidget("Create/Unity 2D Sprite", false, NGUISettings.Add2DSprite);


            AddItem("Create/Panel", false, AddPanel, target);
            AddItem("Create/Scroll View", false, AddScrollView, target);
            AddItem("Create/Grid", false, AddChild <UIGrid>, target);
            AddItem("Create/Table", false, AddChild <UITable>, target);
            AddItem("Create/Anchor (Legacy)", false, AddChild <UIAnchor>, target);

            if (target.GetComponent <UIPanel>() != null)
                if (target.GetComponent <UIScrollView>() == null)
                    AddItem("Attach/Scroll View", false, Attach, typeof(UIScrollView));
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
            else if (target.collider == null && target.GetComponent <Collider2D>() == null)
            else if (target.GetComponent <Collider>() == null && target.GetComponent <Collider2D>() == null)
                AddItem("Attach/Box Collider", false, AttachCollider, null);

            bool         header     = false;
            UIScrollView scrollView = NGUITools.FindInParents <UIScrollView>(target);

            if (scrollView != null)
                if (scrollView.GetComponentInChildren <UICenterOnChild>() == null)
                    AddItem("Attach/Center Scroll View on Child", false, Attach, typeof(UICenterOnChild));
                    header = true;

#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
            if (target.collider != null || target.GetComponent <Collider2D>() != null)
            if (target.GetComponent <Collider>() != null || target.GetComponent <Collider2D>() != null)
                if (scrollView != null)
                    if (target.GetComponent <UIDragScrollView>() == null)
                        AddItem("Attach/Drag Scroll View", false, Attach, typeof(UIDragScrollView));
                        header = true;

                    if (target.GetComponent <UICenterOnClick>() == null && NGUITools.FindInParents <UICenterOnChild>(target) != null)
                        AddItem("Attach/Center Scroll View on Click", false, Attach, typeof(UICenterOnClick));
                        header = true;

                if (header)

                AddItem("Attach/Button Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIButton));
                AddItem("Attach/Toggle Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIToggle));
                AddItem("Attach/Slider Script", false, Attach, typeof(UISlider));
                AddItem("Attach/Scroll Bar Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIScrollBar));
                AddItem("Attach/Progress Bar Script", false, Attach, typeof(UISlider));
                AddItem("Attach/Popup List Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIPopupList));
                AddItem("Attach/Input Field Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIInput));

                if (target.GetComponent <UIDragResize>() == null)
                    AddItem("Attach/Drag Resize Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIDragResize));

                if (target.GetComponent <UIDragScrollView>() == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < UIPanel.list.Count; ++i)
                        UIPanel pan = UIPanel.list[i];
                        if (pan.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)

                        UIScrollView dr = pan.GetComponent <UIScrollView>();
                        if (dr == null)

                        AddItem("Attach/Drag Scroll View", false,
                                delegate(object obj) { target.AddComponent <UIDragScrollView>().scrollView = dr; }, null);

                        header = true;

                AddItem("Attach/Key Binding Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIKeyBinding));

                if (target.GetComponent <UIKeyNavigation>() == null)
                    AddItem("Attach/Key Navigation Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIKeyNavigation));


                AddItem("Attach/Play Tween Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIPlayTween));
                AddItem("Attach/Play Animation Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIPlayAnimation));
                AddItem("Attach/Play Sound Script", false, Attach, typeof(UIPlaySound));

            AddItem("Attach/Property Binding", false, Attach, typeof(PropertyBinding));

            if (target.GetComponent <UILocalize>() == null)
                AddItem("Attach/Localization Script", false, Attach, typeof(UILocalize));

            if (widget != null)
                AddMissingItem <TweenAlpha>(target, "Tween/Alpha");
                AddMissingItem <TweenColor>(target, "Tween/Color");
                AddMissingItem <TweenWidth>(target, "Tween/Width");
                AddMissingItem <TweenHeight>(target, "Tween/Height");
            else if (target.GetComponent <UIPanel>() != null)
                AddMissingItem <TweenAlpha>(target, "Tween/Alpha");


            AddMissingItem <TweenPosition>(target, "Tween/Position");
            AddMissingItem <TweenRotation>(target, "Tween/Rotation");
            AddMissingItem <TweenScale>(target, "Tween/Scale");
            AddMissingItem <TweenTransform>(target, "Tween/Transform");

            if (target.GetComponent <AudioSource>() != null)
                AddMissingItem <TweenVolume>(target, "Tween/Volume");

            if (target.GetComponent <Camera>() != null)
                AddMissingItem <TweenFOV>(target, "Tween/Field of View");
                AddMissingItem <TweenOrthoSize>(target, "Tween/Orthographic Size");
Exemple #35
    static public int FullCompareFunc(UIWidget left, UIWidget right)
        int val = UIPanel.CompareFunc(left.panel, right.panel);

        return((val == 0) ? PanelCompareFunc(left, right) : val);
Exemple #36
 private void Awake()
     mWidgetThis = GetComponent <UIWidget>();
Exemple #37
 protected override void InitControls()
     fastComponent = GetComponent <FastComponent>();
     m_trans_LearnSkillContent = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("LearnSkillContent");
     if (null == m_trans_LearnSkillContent)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_LearnSkillContent 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_widget_currency = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIWidget>("currency");
     if (null == m_widget_currency)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_widget_currency 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_widget_state_1 = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIWidget>("state_1");
     if (null == m_widget_state_1)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_widget_state_1 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_StateOneLabel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("StateOneLabel");
     if (null == m_label_StateOneLabel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_StateOneLabel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_widget_state_2 = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIWidget>("state_2");
     if (null == m_widget_state_2)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_widget_state_2 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_StateTwoLabel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("StateTwoLabel");
     if (null == m_label_StateTwoLabel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_StateTwoLabel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_up = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("up");
     if (null == m_trans_up)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_up 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_skill_shengji = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("skill_shengji");
     if (null == m_trans_skill_shengji)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_skill_shengji 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_skill_setting = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("skill_setting");
     if (null == m_trans_skill_setting)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_skill_setting 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_skill_shengji_area = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("skill_shengji_area");
     if (null == m_trans_skill_shengji_area)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_skill_shengji_area 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_WeiJieSuoContent = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("WeiJieSuoContent");
     if (null == m_trans_WeiJieSuoContent)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_WeiJieSuoContent 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_WeiJieSuoLocklevel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("WeiJieSuoLocklevel");
     if (null == m_label_WeiJieSuoLocklevel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_WeiJieSuoLocklevel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_JieSuoContent = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("JieSuoContent");
     if (null == m_trans_JieSuoContent)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_JieSuoContent 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Gold_Cost = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Gold_Cost");
     if (null == m_label_Gold_Cost)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Gold_Cost 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Exp_Now = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Exp_Now");
     if (null == m_label_Exp_Now)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Exp_Now 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Exp_Cost = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Exp_Cost");
     if (null == m_label_Exp_Cost)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Exp_Cost 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Locklevel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Locklevel");
     if (null == m_label_Locklevel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Locklevel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_MaxContent = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("MaxContent");
     if (null == m_trans_MaxContent)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_MaxContent 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Formneed = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Formneed");
     if (null == m_label_Formneed)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Formneed 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Mp = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Mp");
     if (null == m_label_Mp)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Mp 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Name = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Name");
     if (null == m_label_Name)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Name 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_CD = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("CD");
     if (null == m_label_CD)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_CD 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Level = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Level");
     if (null == m_label_Level)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Level 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Describe = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Describe");
     if (null == m_label_Describe)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Describe 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_trans_MaxHideContent = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <Transform>("MaxHideContent");
     if (null == m_trans_MaxHideContent)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_trans_MaxHideContent 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_Describe_NextLevel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("Describe_NextLevel");
     if (null == m_label_Describe_NextLevel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_Describe_NextLevel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_widget_skill_setting_area = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIWidget>("skill_setting_area");
     if (null == m_widget_skill_setting_area)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_widget_skill_setting_area 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_skill_setting_statename = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("skill_setting_statename");
     if (null == m_label_skill_setting_statename)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_skill_setting_statename 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_CurStateLabel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("CurStateLabel");
     if (null == m_label_CurStateLabel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_CurStateLabel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m__stateSpr = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UITexture>("stateSpr");
     if (null == m__stateSpr)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m__stateSpr 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_sprite_statelock = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UISprite>("statelock");
     if (null == m_sprite_statelock)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_sprite_statelock 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_state_unlocklevel = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("state_unlocklevel");
     if (null == m_label_state_unlocklevel)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_state_unlocklevel 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_label_zhu_Label = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UILabel>("zhu_Label");
     if (null == m_label_zhu_Label)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_label_zhu_Label 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_widget_SkillContainer = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIWidget>("SkillContainer");
     if (null == m_widget_SkillContainer)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_widget_SkillContainer 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_btn_btnStatus1 = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIButton>("btnStatus1");
     if (null == m_btn_btnStatus1)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_btn_btnStatus1 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_btn_btnStatus2 = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIButton>("btnStatus2");
     if (null == m_btn_btnStatus2)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_btn_btnStatus2 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     m_btn_btnClearSkillSet = fastComponent.FastGetComponent <UIButton>("btnClearSkillSet");
     if (null == m_btn_btnClearSkillSet)
         Engine.Utility.Log.Error("m_btn_btnClearSkillSet 为空,请检查prefab是否缺乏组件");
     if (null != fastComponent)
Exemple #38
    /// <summary>
    /// Convenience function that figures out the panel's correct change flag by searching the parents.
    /// </summary>

    int GetChangeFlag(UINode start)
        int flag = start.changeFlag;

        if (flag == -1)
            Transform trans = start.trans.parent;
            UINode    sub;

            // Keep going until we find a set flag
            for (;;)
                // Check the parent's flag
                if (trans != null && mChildren.TryGetValue(trans, out sub))
                if (trans != null && mChildren.Contains(trans))
                    sub = (UINode)mChildren[trans];
                    flag  = sub.changeFlag;
                    trans = trans.parent;

                    // If the flag hasn't been set either, add this child to the hierarchy
                    if (flag == -1)
                    flag = 0;

            // Update the parent flags
            for (int i = 0, imax = mHierarchy.size; i < imax; ++i)
                UINode pc = mHierarchy.buffer[i];
                pc.changeFlag = flag;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update the world-to-local transform matrix as well as clipping bounds.
    /// </summary>

    void UpdateTransformMatrix()
        if (mUpdateTime == 0f || mMatrixTime != mUpdateTime)
            mMatrixTime   = mUpdateTime;
            mWorldToLocal = cachedTransform.worldToLocalMatrix;

            if (mClipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
                Vector2 size = new Vector2(mClipRange.z, mClipRange.w);

                if (size.x == 0f)
                    size.x = (mCam == null) ? Screen.width  : mCam.pixelWidth;
                if (size.y == 0f)
                    size.y = (mCam == null) ? Screen.height : mCam.pixelHeight;

                size *= 0.5f;

                mMin.x = mClipRange.x - size.x;
                mMin.y = mClipRange.y - size.y;
                mMax.x = mClipRange.x + size.x;
                mMax.y = mClipRange.y + size.y;

    /// <summary>
    /// Run through all managed transforms and see if they've changed.
    /// </summary>

    void UpdateTransforms()
        mChangedLastFrame = false;
        bool transformsChanged = false;
        bool shouldCull        = false;

        shouldCull = (clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None) && (!Application.isPlaying || mUpdateTime > mCullTime);
        if (!Application.isPlaying || !widgetsAreStatic || mWidgetsAdded || shouldCull != mCulled)
        shouldCull = (clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None) && (mUpdateTime > mCullTime);
        if (!widgetsAreStatic || mWidgetsAdded || shouldCull != mCulled)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Transform, UINode> child in mChildren)
                UINode node = child.Value;
            for (int i = 0, imax = mChildren.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                UINode node = (UINode)mChildren[i];
                if (node.trans == null)

                if (node.HasChanged())
                    node.changeFlag   = 1;
                    transformsChanged = true;
                    Vector3 s   = node.trans.lossyScale;
                    float   min = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Min(s.x, s.y));

                    if (min == 0f)
                        Debug.LogError("Scale of 0 is invalid! Zero cannot be divided by, which causes problems. Use a small value instead, such as 0.01\n" +
                                       node.trans.lossyScale, node.trans);
                    node.changeFlag = -1;

            // Clean up the deleted transforms
            for (int i = 0, imax = mRemoved.Count; i < imax; ++i)

        // If the children weren't culled but should be, check their visibility
        if (!mCulled && shouldCull)
            mCheckVisibility = true;

        // If something has changed, propagate the changes *down* the tree hierarchy (to children).
        // An alternative (but slower) approach would be to do a pc.trans.GetComponentsInChildren<UIWidget>()
        // in the loop above, and mark each one as dirty.

        if (mCheckVisibility || transformsChanged || mRebuildAll)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Transform, UINode> child in mChildren)
                UINode pc = child.Value;
            for (int i = 0, imax = mChildren.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                UINode pc = (UINode)mChildren[i];
                if (pc.widget != null)
                    int visibleFlag = 1;

                    // No sense in checking the visibility if we're not culling anything (as the visibility is always 'true')
                    if (shouldCull || transformsChanged)
                        // If the change flag has not yet been determined...
                        if (pc.changeFlag == -1)
                            pc.changeFlag = GetChangeFlag(pc);

                        // Is the widget visible?
                        if (shouldCull)
                            visibleFlag = (mCheckVisibility || pc.changeFlag == 1) ? (IsVisible(pc.widget) ? 1 : 0) : pc.visibleFlag;

                    // If visibility changed, mark the node as changed as well
                    if (pc.visibleFlag != visibleFlag)
                        pc.changeFlag = 1;

                    // If the node has changed and the widget is visible (or was visible before)
                    if (pc.changeFlag == 1 && (visibleFlag == 1 || pc.visibleFlag != 0))
                        // Update the visibility flag
                        pc.visibleFlag = visibleFlag;
                        Material mat = pc.widget.material;

                        // Add this material to the list of changed materials
                        if (!mChanged.Contains(mat))
                            mChangedLastFrame = true;
        mCulled          = shouldCull;
        mCheckVisibility = false;
        mWidgetsAdded    = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update all widgets and rebuild their geometry if necessary.
    /// </summary>

    void UpdateWidgets()
        foreach (KeyValuePair <Transform, UINode> c in mChildren)
            UINode pc = c.Value;
        for (int i = 0, imax = mChildren.Count; i < imax; ++i)
            UINode pc = (UINode)mChildren[i];
            UIWidget w = pc.widget;

            // If the widget is visible, update it
            if (pc.visibleFlag == 1 && w != null && w.UpdateGeometry(this, ref mWorldToLocal, (pc.changeFlag == 1), generateNormals))
                // We will need to refill this buffer
                if (!mChanged.Contains(w.material))
                    mChangedLastFrame = true;
            pc.changeFlag = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update the clipping rect in the shaders and draw calls' positions.
    /// </summary>

    public void UpdateDrawcalls()
        Vector4 range =;

        if (mClipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
            range = new Vector4(mClipRange.x, mClipRange.y, mClipRange.z * 0.5f, mClipRange.w * 0.5f);

        if (range.z == 0f)
            range.z = Screen.width * 0.5f;
        if (range.w == 0f)
            range.w = Screen.height * 0.5f;

        RuntimePlatform platform = Application.platform;

        if (platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer ||
            platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer ||
            platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
            range.x -= 0.5f;
            range.y += 0.5f;

        Transform t = cachedTransform;

        for (int i = 0, imax = mDrawCalls.size; i < imax; ++i)
            UIDrawCall dc = mDrawCalls.buffer[i];
            dc.clipping     = mClipping;
            dc.clipRange    = range;
            dc.clipSoftness = mClipSoftness;
            dc.depthPass    = depthPass && mClipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None;

            // Set the draw call's transform to match the panel's.
            // Note that parenting directly to the panel causes unity to crash as soon as you hit Play.
            Transform dt = dc.transform;
            dt.position   = t.position;
            dt.rotation   = t.rotation;
            dt.localScale = t.lossyScale;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set the draw call's geometry responsible for the specified material.
    /// </summary>

    void Fill(Material mat)
        // Cleanup deleted widgets
        for (int i = mWidgets.size; i > 0;)
            if (mWidgets[--i] == null)

        // Fill the buffers for the specified material
        for (int i = 0, imax = mWidgets.size; i < imax; ++i)
            UIWidget w = mWidgets.buffer[i];

            if (w.visibleFlag == 1 && w.material == mat)
                UINode node = GetNode(w.cachedTransform);

                if (node != null)
                    if (generateNormals)
                        w.WriteToBuffers(mVerts, mUvs, mCols, mNorms, mTans);
                        w.WriteToBuffers(mVerts, mUvs, mCols, null, null);
                    Debug.LogError("No transform found for " + NGUITools.GetHierarchy(w.gameObject), this);

        if (mVerts.size > 0)
            // Rebuild the draw call's mesh
            UIDrawCall dc = GetDrawCall(mat, true);
            dc.depthPass = depthPass && mClipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None;
            dc.Set(mVerts, generateNormals ? mNorms : null, generateNormals ? mTans : null, mUvs, mCols);
            // There is nothing to draw for this material -- eliminate the draw call
            UIDrawCall dc = GetDrawCall(mat, false);

            if (dc != null)

        // Cleanup

    /// <summary>
    /// Main update function
    /// </summary>

    void LateUpdate()
        mUpdateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        // Always move widgets to the panel's layer
        if (mLayer != gameObject.layer)
            mLayer = gameObject.layer;
            UICamera uic = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(mLayer);
            mCam = (uic != null) ? uic.cachedCamera : NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(mLayer);
            SetChildLayer(cachedTransform, mLayer);
            for (int i = 0, imax = drawCalls.size; i < imax; ++i)
                mDrawCalls.buffer[i].gameObject.layer = mLayer;


        // If the depth has changed, we need to re-sort the widgets
        if (mDepthChanged)
            mDepthChanged = false;

        // Fill the draw calls for all of the changed materials
        for (int i = 0, imax = mChanged.size; i < imax; ++i)

        // Update the clipping rects
        mRebuildAll = false;

        mScreenSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);