Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Attemtps To Cast the spell AoE.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool CastAOE(this Spell.SpellBase spell, int hitcount, float CustomRange = -1, AIHeroClient target = null)
            var skillshot = spell.SetSkillshot();
            var range     = CustomRange.Equals(-1) ? spell.Range : CustomRange;

            if (skillshot.Type == SkillShotType.Circular)
                foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(e => e.IsKillable(range)))
                    var pred   = spell.GetPrediction(enemy);
                    var circle = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle(pred.CastPosition, skillshot.Width);
                    foreach (var point in circle.Points)
                        circle = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle(point, skillshot.Width);
                        foreach (var p in circle.Points.OrderBy(a => a.Distance(pred.CastPosition)))
                            if (p.CountEnemyHeros(skillshot.Width) >= hitcount)
                                if (target == null)
                                    Player.CastSpell(spell.Slot, p.To3D());
                                if (target.ServerPosition.IsInRange(p.To3D(), skillshot.Width))
                                    Player.CastSpell(spell.Slot, p.To3D());

            if (skillshot.Type == SkillShotType.Linear)
                return(target != null?spell.CastLineAoE(target, HitChance.Low, hitcount)
                           : EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(e => e.IsKillable(spell.Range)).Select(e => spell.CastLineAoE(e, HitChance.Low, hitcount)).FirstOrDefault());
