private void AddPropertyValuesToScene()
            var properties = this.GetType().GetProperties()
                             .Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SceneElement)));

            foreach (var property in properties)
                _scene.AddElement(property.GetValue(this) as SceneElement);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RandomPositionSet_InFixedDistribution3D randomPositonSet = new RandomPositionSet_InFixedDistribution3D();

            PositionSet3D pointSet3D  = randomPositonSet.Produce();
            Position3DSet point3DList = new List <IPosition3D>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointSet3D.Count; i++)

            Scene scene = new Scene();

            scene.AddElement(new GridSetElement(point3DList));

        private IEnumerator Spawn()
            while (true)
                var go = new GameObject()
                         .SetPosition(900, _rand.Next(20, 700))
                         .AddComponent(new BoxCollider(24))
                         .AddComponent(new Body()
                    Velocity = new Vector2(-0.08f, 0)
                         .AddComponent(new AudioSource("audio/explode"))
                         .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer("Sprites/enemy"))
                         .AddComponent(new EnemyShipBehavior());


                yield return(WaitYieldInstruction.Create(_spawnWait));
Exemple #4
        private IEnumerator Fire()
            _allowFire = false;

            this.GameObject.Components.OfType <AudioSource>().First().Play();

            Scene.AddElement(new GameObject()
                             .AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer("Sprites/flash")
                Color = Color.WhiteSmoke
                             .AddComponent(new Body()
                Velocity = new Vector2(1f, _rand.Next(-60, 61) / 1000f),
                             .AddComponent(new BoxCollider(18))
                             .AddComponent(new BulletBehavior()));

            yield return(WaitYieldInstruction.Create(_fireRate));

            _allowFire = true;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MeshGeometry3D mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(56, 0, 0));
            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(7, 67, 100));
            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, 34, 78));

            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, 100, 0));
            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(100, 100, 0));





            IList <Point3D> vertexs = new List <Point3D>();

            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(56, 0, 0));
            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(7, 67, 100));
            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(0, 34, 78));

            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(0, 100, 0));
            vertexs.Add(new Point3D(100, 100, 0));

            IList <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>();



            GeometryModel3D mGeometry = new GeometryModel3D(mesh, new DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.YellowGreen));

            Model3DGroup model3DGroup = new Model3DGroup();


            ModelVisual3D modelVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D();

            modelVisual3D.Content = model3DGroup;

            M2M.Util.CalculateGridInSurfaceEngine calculateGridInSurfaceEngine = new M2M.Util.CalculateGridInSurfaceEngine();

            Scene scene = new Scene();

            List <IPosition3D> point3DList;

            point3DList = calculateGridInSurfaceEngine.CalculateGridInSurface(vertexs, triangleIndices, new Point3D(0, 0, 0), 5);
            scene.AddElement(new GridSetElement(point3DList));

Exemple #6
        public MainWindow()

            // Create scene object
            Scene scene = new Scene();

            #region Populate scene with function surface

            // Number of sample points per coordinate
            int resolution = 20;

            // Boundary values
            double minX = -2;
            double maxX = 2;

            double minZ = -2;
            double maxZ = 2;

            // Arrays to hold point coordinate and vertex normals
            Point3D[][]            points  = new Point3D[resolution + 1][];
            NormalizedVector3D[][] normals = new NormalizedVector3D[resolution + 1][];

            // Compute the sample point coordinates and normals
            for (int x = 0; x <= resolution; x++)
                points[x]  = new Point3D[resolution + 1];
                normals[x] = new NormalizedVector3D[resolution + 1];

                // Convert sample index to coordinate
                double X = minX + x * (maxX - minX) / resolution;

                for (int z = 0; z <= resolution; z++)
                    // Convert sample index to coordinate
                    double Z = minZ + z * (maxZ - minZ) / resolution;

                    // Compute function f(x, z) = 4 * x * exp(-(x^2 + z^2))
                    double funcVal = 4 * X * Math.Exp(-(X * X + Z * Z));

                    // Scale everything by 100 to avoid underflow
                    points[x][z] = new Point3D(X * 100, -funcVal * 100, Z * 100);

                    // Compute the surface normal using the gradient of the function F(x, y, z) = f(x, z) + y (note that the y axis points down)
                    double normalX = 4 * Math.Exp(-(X * X + Z * Z)) * (1 - 2 * X * X);
                    double normalY = 1;
                    double normalZ = -8 * X * Z * Math.Exp(-(X * X + Z * Z));

                    NormalizedVector3D normal = new NormalizedVector3D(normalX, normalY, normalZ);

                    normals[x][z] = normal;

            // Create triangles using the previously computed coordinates and normals
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < resolution; z++)
                    Triangle3DElement triangle1 = new Triangle3DElement(points[x][z + 1], points[x + 1][z + 1], points[x + 1][z], normals[x][z + 1], normals[x + 1][z + 1], normals[x + 1][z]);
                    triangle1.Fill.Add(new PhongMaterial(Colours.CornflowerBlue)
                        SpecularReflectionCoefficient = 0

                    Triangle3DElement triangle2 = new Triangle3DElement(points[x][z + 1], points[x + 1][z], points[x][z], normals[x][z + 1], normals[x + 1][z], normals[x][z]);
                    triangle2.Fill.Add(new PhongMaterial(Colours.CornflowerBlue)
                        SpecularReflectionCoefficient = 0


                    // Also add the reversed triangles, otherwise the "bottom" side of the surface would be culled when looking from below
                    // Not reversing the normals, otherwise everything at the it would be dark (unless we also add another light source)

                    Triangle3DElement triangle3 = new Triangle3DElement(points[x][z + 1], points[x + 1][z], points[x + 1][z + 1], normals[x][z + 1], normals[x + 1][z], normals[x + 1][z + 1]);
                    triangle3.Fill.Add(new PhongMaterial(Colours.CornflowerBlue)
                        SpecularReflectionCoefficient = 0

                    Triangle3DElement triangle4 = new Triangle3DElement(points[x][z + 1], points[x][z], points[x + 1][z], normals[x][z + 1], normals[x][z], normals[x + 1][z]);
                    triangle4.Fill.Add(new PhongMaterial(Colours.CornflowerBlue)
                        SpecularReflectionCoefficient = 0



            // Create a camera
            PerspectiveCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera(new Point3D(-300, -200, -400), new NormalizedVector3D(3, 2, 4), 100, new Size(115, 115), 1);

            // Generic renderer initialised as a VectorRenderer
            IRenderer renderer = new VectorRenderer()
                DefaultOverFill = 0.05

            // Main light source
            ParallelLightSource light = new ParallelLightSource(0.75, new NormalizedVector3D(0.25, 1, 0.1));

            // Light source array
            ILightSource[] lights = new ILightSource[] { new AmbientLightSource(0.1), light };

            // Render the scene
            Page pag = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera);

            // Display the rendered scene on the window
            Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = pag.PaintToCanvas();
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;

            // Function to recreate the renderer based on the options selected in the UI
            void updateRenderer()
                // VectorRenderer
                if (this.FindControl <ComboBox>("RendererBox").SelectedIndex == 0)
                    renderer = new VectorRenderer()
                        DefaultOverFill = 0.05

                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionBlock").IsVisible       = false;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionHeightBlock").IsVisible = false;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionWidthBlock").IsVisible  = false;

                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").IsVisible  = false;
                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").IsVisible = false;

                    this.FindControl <CheckBox>("AntialiasingBox").IsVisible = false;
                // RasterRenderer
                else if (this.FindControl <ComboBox>("RendererBox").SelectedIndex == 1)
                    int width  = (int)Math.Round(this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").Value);
                    int height = (int)Math.Round(this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").Value);

                    renderer = new RasterRenderer(width, height);

                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionBlock").IsVisible       = true;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionHeightBlock").IsVisible = true;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionWidthBlock").IsVisible  = true;

                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").IsVisible  = true;
                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").IsVisible = true;

                    this.FindControl <CheckBox>("AntialiasingBox").IsVisible = false;
                // RaycastingRenderer
                else if (this.FindControl <ComboBox>("RendererBox").SelectedIndex == 2)
                    int width  = (int)Math.Round(this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").Value);
                    int height = (int)Math.Round(this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").Value);

                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionBlock").IsVisible       = true;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionHeightBlock").IsVisible = true;
                    this.FindControl <TextBlock>("ResolutionWidthBlock").IsVisible  = true;

                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").IsVisible  = true;
                    this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").IsVisible = true;

                    this.FindControl <CheckBox>("AntialiasingBox").IsVisible = true;

                    renderer = new RaycastingRenderer(width, height)
                        AntiAliasing = this.FindControl <CheckBox>("AntialiasingBox").IsChecked == true ? RaycastingRenderer.AntiAliasings.Bilinear4X : RaycastingRenderer.AntiAliasings.None

                // Render the scene and display it on the window
                Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera).PaintToCanvas();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Clear();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;

            // Add events to controls changing rendering parameters
            this.FindControl <ComboBox>("RendererBox").SelectionChanged          += (s, e) => updateRenderer();
            this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionWidthNUD").ValueChanged  += (s, e) => updateRenderer();
            this.FindControl <NumericUpDown>("ResolutionHeightNUD").ValueChanged += (s, e) => updateRenderer();
            this.FindControl <CheckBox>("AntialiasingBox").Click += (s, e) => updateRenderer();

            // Camera reset button
            this.FindControl <Button>("ResetCameraButton").Click += (s, e) =>
                camera = new PerspectiveCamera(new Point3D(-300, -200, -400), new NormalizedVector3D(3, 2, 4), 100, new Size(115, 115), 1);
                Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera).PaintToCanvas();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Clear();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;

            // Code to handle mouse events moving the camera on the canvas

            bool         isPressed    = false;
            PointerPoint pointerPress = null;
            double       lastTheta    = 0;
            double       lastPhi      = 0;
            double       lastX        = 0;
            double       lastY        = 0;

            // Start drag
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").PointerPressed += (s, e) =>
                pointerPress = e.GetCurrentPoint(this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas"));
                lastTheta    = 0;
                lastPhi      = 0;
                lastX        = 0;
                lastY        = 0;
                isPressed    = true;

            // Drag end
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").PointerReleased += (s, e) =>
                isPressed = false;

            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").PointerMoved += (s, e) =>
                // While dragging
                if (isPressed)
                    PointerPoint point = e.GetCurrentPoint(this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas"));

                    // Left button: orbit
                    if (pointerPress.Properties.PointerUpdateKind == PointerUpdateKind.LeftButtonPressed)
                        double dx = (point.Position.X - pointerPress.Position.X) / this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width;
                        double dy = (point.Position.Y - pointerPress.Position.Y) / this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height;
                        if (dx >= -1 && dx <= 1 && dy >= -1 && dy <= 1)
                            double theta = Math.Asin(dx) * 2;
                            double phi   = Math.Asin(dy) * 2;

                            camera.Orbit(theta - lastTheta, phi - lastPhi);

                            Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera).PaintToCanvas();
                            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Clear();
                            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
                            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
                            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;

                            lastTheta = theta;
                            lastPhi   = phi;
                    // Right button: pan
                    else if (pointerPress.Properties.PointerUpdateKind == PointerUpdateKind.RightButtonPressed)
                        double dx = point.Position.X - pointerPress.Position.X;
                        double dy = point.Position.Y - pointerPress.Position.Y;

                        camera.Pan(dx - lastX, dy - lastY);
                        Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera).PaintToCanvas();
                        this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Clear();
                        this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
                        this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
                        this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;

                        lastX = dx;
                        lastY = dy;

            // Mouse wheel: zoom
            this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").PointerWheelChanged += (s, e) =>
                camera.Zoom(e.Delta.Y * 100);
                Avalonia.Controls.Canvas can = renderer.Render(scene, lights, camera).PaintToCanvas();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Clear();
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Children.Add(can);
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Width  = can.Width;
                this.FindControl <Avalonia.Controls.Canvas>("ContainerCanvas").Height = can.Height;