Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the file requested is within the rootFolder then a IResourceHandler reference to the file requested will be returned
        /// otherwise a 404 ResourceHandler will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="browser">the browser window that originated the
        /// request or null if the request did not originate from a browser window
        /// (for example, if the request came from CefURLRequest).</param>
        /// <param name="frame">frame that originated the request
        /// or null if the request did not originate from a browser window
        /// (for example, if the request came from CefURLRequest).</param>
        /// <param name="schemeName">the scheme name</param>
        /// <param name="request">The request. (will not contain cookie data)</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A IResourceHandler
        /// </returns>
        IResourceHandler ISchemeHandlerFactory.Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            if (this.schemeName != null && !schemeName.Equals(this.schemeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var invalidSchemeName = ResourceHandler.FromString(string.Format("SchemeName {0} does not match the expected SchemeName of {1}.", schemeName, this.schemeName));
                invalidSchemeName.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;


            var uri = new Uri(request.Url);

            if (this.hostName != null && !uri.Host.Equals(this.hostName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var invalidHostName = ResourceHandler.FromString(string.Format("HostName {0} does not match the expected HostName of {1}.", uri.Host, this.hostName));
                invalidHostName.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;


            //Get the absolute path and remove the leading slash
            var asbolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath.Substring(1);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asbolutePath))
                asbolutePath = defaultPage;

            var filePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(rootFolder, asbolutePath));

            //Check the file requested is within the specified path and that the file exists
            if (filePath.StartsWith(rootFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && File.Exists(filePath))
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                var mimeType      = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);
                return(ResourceHandler.FromFilePath(filePath, mimeType));

            var fileNotFoundResourceHandler = ResourceHandler.FromString("File Not Found - " + filePath);

            fileNotFoundResourceHandler.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

Exemple #2
        public bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            var uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            var fileName = uri.ToString().Substring(6);

            Uri u = ResourceHelper.GetResourceUri(fileName);

            if (u != null)
                Task.Run(() =>
                    using (callback)
                            StreamResourceInfo info = Application.GetResourceStream(u);
                            byte[] buffer           = new byte[info.Stream.Length];
                            info.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                            stream = new MemoryStream(buffer);

                            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                            mimeType          = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);

                            //todo: unknown image


Exemple #3
        public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            // - The 'host' portion is entirely ignored by this scheme handler.
            // - If you register a ISchemeHandlerFactory for http/https schemes you should also specify a domain name
            // - Avoid doing lots of processing in this method as it will affect performance.
            // - Use the Default ResourceHandler implementation

            var uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            //Load a file directly from Disk
            if (fileName.EndsWith("CefSharp.Core.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                //Convenient helper method to lookup the mimeType
                var mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(".xml");
                //Load a resource handler for CefSharp.Core.xml
                //mimeType is optional and will default to text/html
                return(ResourceHandler.FromFilePath("CefSharp.Core.xml", mimeType));

            if (uri.Host == "cefsharp.com" && schemeName == "https" && (string.Equals(fileName, "/PostDataTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                                        string.Equals(fileName, "/PostDataAjaxTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                return(new CefSharpSchemeHandler());

            if (string.Equals(fileName, "/EmptyResponseFilterTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(ResourceHandler.FromString("", ".html"));

            string resource;

            if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                return(ResourceHandler.FromString(resource, includePreamble: true, mimeType: ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension)));

Exemple #4
        bool IResourceHandler.ProcessRequest(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            var    uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase, uri.Authority + uri.AbsolutePath);

            if (File.Exists(fullPath))
                stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath));
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(uri.AbsolutePath);
                mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);
                HWLogger.DEFAULT.Error("error:can not find filename:" + Path.GetFullPath(fullPath));
Exemple #5
        public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            if (_basePath == null)
                return(Error("This scheme handler has a base path of null and cannot continue processing " + _schemeName + ":// requests", HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented));

            if (_schemeName != null && !schemeName.Equals(_schemeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(Error(string.Format("SchemeName {0} does not match the expected SchemeName of {1}.", schemeName, _schemeName), HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            Logger.Trace("Got request with " + _schemeName + ":// scheme: " + request.Url);

            Uri uri = new Uri(request.Url);

            string absolutePath = uri.Host + "/" + uri.AbsolutePath.Substring(1);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(absolutePath))
                return(Error("Empty Path", HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            string filePath = PathUtilities.GetTruePath(_basePath, absolutePath);

            if (filePath.EndsWith("/") || filePath.EndsWith("\\"))
                filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 1);

            if (PathUtilities.IsInFolder(_basePath, filePath))
                string ext    = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                string mime   = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(ext);
                var    stream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
                return(ResourceHandler.FromStream(stream, mime));

            return(Error(String.Format("File not found: {0}", filePath), HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
Exemple #6
        public override CefReturnValue ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            using (callback)
                var url           = request.Url;
                var content_path  = url.Replace(@"/", "").Replace(@"embeddedresource:", "");
                var asm_name      = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
                var resource_path = $@"{asm_name}.Content.{content_path}";

                var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resource_path);
                if (stream != null)
                    MimeType       = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(content_path));
                    Stream         = stream;
                    ResponseLength = stream.Length;
                    StatusCode     = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
Exemple #7
        public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            Uri    uri = new Uri(request.Url);
            string location;
            string extension;

            if (uri.AbsolutePath == "/")
                location  = uri.Host;
                extension = Path.GetExtension(uri.Host);
                string[] dirs = { uri.Host, uri.AbsolutePath };
                extension = Path.GetExtension(uri.AbsolutePath.Split('/').Last());
                location  = $"{uri.Host}/{uri.AbsolutePath}";

            string mime = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(extension);
            string path = FSHelper.NormalizeLocation($"{Root}/{location}");

            return(ResourceHandler.FromFilePath(path, mime));
Exemple #8
            public CustomResourceHandler(string filename)
                if (AcRootDirectory.Instance.Value == null || !FileUtils.IsAffectedBy(filename, Path.Combine(AcRootDirectory.Instance.RequireValue, "content")))
                    _data     = null;
                    _mimeType = @"application/octet-stream";

                try {
                    _data = File.Exists(filename) ? File.OpenRead(filename) : null;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    _data = null;

                try {
                    _mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(filename));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    _mimeType = @"application/octet-stream";
Exemple #9
        // Summary:
        //     Begin processing the request.
        // Parameters:
        //   request:
        //     The request object.
        //   callback:
        //     The callback used to Continue or Cancel the request (async).
        // Returns:
        //     To handle the request return true and call CefSharp.ICallback.Continue()
        //     once the response header information is available CefSharp.ICallback.Continue()
        //     can also be called from inside this method if header information is available
        //     immediately).  To cancel the request return false.
        public bool ProcessRequest(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            // if url is blocked

            /*if (!myForm.IsURLOk(request.Url)) {
             *      // return true so it does not open up
             *      return true;
             * }*/

            // if url is browser file
            if (uri.Host == "browser")
                fileName = appPath + fileName;
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        using (callback) {
                            //var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resource);
                            //stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
                            FileStream fStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            mimeType           = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(fileName));
                            stream             = fStream;

            // by default reject
Exemple #10
        // Summary:
        //     Open the response stream. - To handle the request immediately set handleRequest
        //     to true and return true. - To decide at a later time set handleRequest to false,
        //     return true, and execute callback to continue or cancel the request. - To cancel
        //     the request immediately set handleRequest to true and return false. This method
        //     will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For backwards compatibility
        //     set handleRequest to false and return false and the CefSharp.IResourceHandler.ProcessRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.ICallback)
        //     method will be called.
        // Parameters:
        //   request:
        //     request
        //   handleRequest:
        //     see main summary
        //   callback:
        //     callback
        // Returns:
        //     see main summary
        public bool Open(IRequest request, out bool handleRequest, ICallback callback)
            Console.WriteLine("Open >> " + request.Url);

            uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            // if url is blocked

            /*if (...request.Url....) {
             *      // cancel the request - set handleRequest to true and return false
             *      handleRequest = true;
             *      return false;
             * }*/

            // if url is browser file
            if (uri.Host == "storage")
                fileName = appPath + uri.Host + fileName;
                Console.WriteLine(File.Exists(fileName) + " - " + fileName);
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        using (callback) {
                            FileStream fStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            mimeType           = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(fileName));
                            stream             = fStream;

                    // handle the request at a later time
                    handleRequest = false;

            // if url is request for icon of another file
            if (uri.Host == "fileicon")
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    using (callback) {
                        stream   = FileIconUtils.GetFileIcon(fileName, FileIconSize.Large);
                        mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(".png");

                // handle the request at a later time
                handleRequest = false;

            // by default reject

            // cancel the request - set handleRequest to true and return false
            handleRequest = true;
Exemple #11
        public BrowserTabView()

            browser.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();

            //See https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/issues/2246 for details on the two different binding options
            if (CefSharpSettings.LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled)
                browser.RegisterJsObject("bound", new BoundObject(), options: BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);
                //Register the new way
                browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.Register("bound", new BoundObject(), isAsync: false, options: BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);

            var bindingOptions = new BindingOptions()
                Binder            = BindingOptions.DefaultBinder.Binder,
                MethodInterceptor = new MethodInterceptorLogger() // intercept .net methods calls from js and log it

            //See https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/issues/2246 for details on the two different binding options
            if (CefSharpSettings.LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled)
                browser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("boundAsync", new AsyncBoundObject(), options: bindingOptions);
                //Register the new way
                browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.Register("boundAsync", new AsyncBoundObject(), isAsync: true, options: bindingOptions);

            //If you call CefSharp.BindObjectAsync in javascript and pass in the name of an object which is not yet
            //bound, then ResolveObject will be called, you can then register it
            browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.ResolveObject += (sender, e) =>
                var repo = e.ObjectRepository;
                if (e.ObjectName == "boundAsync2")
                    repo.Register("boundAsync2", new AsyncBoundObject(), isAsync: true, options: bindingOptions);

            browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.ObjectBoundInJavascript += (sender, e) =>
                var name = e.ObjectName;

            browser.DisplayHandler     = new DisplayHandler();
            browser.LifeSpanHandler    = new LifespanHandler();
            browser.MenuHandler        = new MenuHandler();
            browser.GeolocationHandler = new GeolocationHandler();
            var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();

            downloadHandler.OnBeforeDownloadFired  += OnBeforeDownloadFired;
            downloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdatedFired += OnDownloadUpdatedFired;
            browser.DownloadHandler = downloadHandler;

            //Read an embedded bitmap into a memory stream then register it as a resource you can then load custom://cefsharp/images/beach.jpg
            var beachImageStream = new MemoryStream();

            CefSharp.Example.Properties.Resources.beach.Save(beachImageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            browser.RegisterResourceHandler(CefExample.BaseUrl + "/images/beach.jpg", beachImageStream, ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(".jpg"));

            var dragHandler = new DragHandler();

            dragHandler.RegionsChanged += OnDragHandlerRegionsChanged;

            browser.DragHandler = dragHandler;
            //browser.ResourceHandlerFactory = new InMemorySchemeAndResourceHandlerFactory();
            //You can specify a custom RequestContext to share settings amount groups of ChromiumWebBrowsers
            //Also this is now the only way to access OnBeforePluginLoad - need to implement IRequestContextHandler
            //browser.RequestContext = new RequestContext(new RequestContextHandler());
            //NOTE - This is very important for this example as the default page will not load otherwise
            //browser.RequestContext.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName, null, new CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory());

            //You can start setting preferences on a RequestContext that you created straight away, still needs to be called on the CEF UI thread.
            //    string errorMessage;
            //    //Use this to check that settings preferences are working in your code

            //    var success = browser.RequestContext.SetPreference("webkit.webprefs.minimum_font_size", 24, out errorMessage);

            browser.RenderProcessMessageHandler = new RenderProcessMessageHandler();

            browser.LoadError += (sender, args) =>
                // Don't display an error for downloaded files.
                if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.Aborted)

                // Don't display an error for external protocols that we allow the OS to
                // handle. See OnProtocolExecution().
                //if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.UnknownUrlScheme)
                //	var url = args.Frame.Url;
                //	if (url.StartsWith("spotify:"))
                //	{
                //		return;
                //	}

                // Display a load error message.
                var errorBody = string.Format("<html><body bgcolor=\"white\"><h2>Failed to load URL {0} with error {1} ({2}).</h2></body></html>",
                                              args.FailedUrl, args.ErrorText, args.ErrorCode);

                args.Frame.LoadStringForUrl(errorBody, args.FailedUrl);

Exemple #12
        public BrowserTabView()

            //browser.BrowserSettings.BackgroundColor = Cef.ColorSetARGB(0, 255, 255, 255);

            browser.RequestHandler = new ExampleRequestHandler();

            var bindingOptions = new BindingOptions()
                Binder            = BindingOptions.DefaultBinder.Binder,
                MethodInterceptor = new MethodInterceptorLogger() // intercept .net methods calls from js and log it

            //To use the ResolveObject below and bind an object with isAsync:false we must set CefSharpSettings.WcfEnabled = true before
            //the browser is initialized.
            CefSharpSettings.WcfEnabled = true;

            //If you call CefSharp.BindObjectAsync in javascript and pass in the name of an object which is not yet
            //bound, then ResolveObject will be called, you can then register it
            browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.ResolveObject += (sender, e) =>
                var repo = e.ObjectRepository;
                if (e.ObjectName == "boundAsync2")
                    repo.Register("boundAsync2", new AsyncBoundObject(), isAsync: true, options: bindingOptions);
                else if (e.ObjectName == "bound")
                    browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.Register("bound", new BoundObject(), isAsync: false, options: BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);
                else if (e.ObjectName == "boundAsync")
                    browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.Register("boundAsync", new AsyncBoundObject(), isAsync: true, options: bindingOptions);

            browser.JavascriptObjectRepository.ObjectBoundInJavascript += (sender, e) =>
                var name = e.ObjectName;

                Debug.WriteLine($"Object {e.ObjectName} was bound successfully.");

            browser.DisplayHandler = new DisplayHandler();
            //This LifeSpanHandler implementaion demos hosting a popup in a ChromiumWebBrowser
            //instance, it's still considered Experimental
            //browser.LifeSpanHandler = new ExperimentalLifespanHandler();
            browser.MenuHandler          = new MenuHandler();
            browser.AccessibilityHandler = new AccessibilityHandler();
            var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();

            downloadHandler.OnBeforeDownloadFired  += OnBeforeDownloadFired;
            downloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdatedFired += OnDownloadUpdatedFired;
            browser.DownloadHandler = downloadHandler;

            //Read an embedded bitmap into a memory stream then register it as a resource you can then load custom://cefsharp/images/beach.jpg
            var beachImageStream = new MemoryStream();

            CefSharp.Example.Properties.Resources.beach.Save(beachImageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            browser.RegisterResourceHandler(CefExample.BaseUrl + "/images/beach.jpg", beachImageStream, ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(".jpg"));

            var dragHandler = new DragHandler();

            dragHandler.RegionsChanged += OnDragHandlerRegionsChanged;

            browser.DragHandler = dragHandler;
            //browser.ResourceHandlerFactory = new InMemorySchemeAndResourceHandlerFactory();
            //You can specify a custom RequestContext to share settings amount groups of ChromiumWebBrowsers
            //Also this is now the only way to access OnBeforePluginLoad - need to implement IRequestContextHandler
            //browser.RequestContext = new RequestContext(new RequestContextHandler());
            //NOTE - This is very important for this example as the default page will not load otherwise
            //browser.RequestContext.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName, null, new CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory());
            //browser.RequestContext.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("https", "cefsharp.example", new CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory());

            //You can start setting preferences on a RequestContext that you created straight away, still needs to be called on the CEF UI thread.
            //    string errorMessage;
            //    //Use this to check that settings preferences are working in your code

            //    var success = browser.RequestContext.SetPreference("webkit.webprefs.minimum_font_size", 24, out errorMessage);

            browser.RenderProcessMessageHandler = new RenderProcessMessageHandler();

            browser.LoadError += (sender, args) =>
                // Don't display an error for downloaded files.
                if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.Aborted)

                //Don't display an error for external protocols that we allow the OS to
                //handle in OnProtocolExecution().
                if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.UnknownUrlScheme && args.Frame.Url.StartsWith("mailto"))

                // Display a load error message.
                var errorBody = string.Format("<html><body bgcolor=\"white\"><h2>Failed to load URL {0} with error {1} ({2}).</h2></body></html>",
                                              args.FailedUrl, args.ErrorText, args.ErrorCode);

                args.Frame.LoadHtml(errorBody, base64Encode: true);


            browser.JavascriptMessageReceived += OnBrowserJavascriptMessageReceived;
Exemple #13
        public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
            // - The 'host' portion is entirely ignored by this scheme handler.
            // - If you register a ISchemeHandlerFactory for http/https schemes you should also specify a domain name
            // - Avoid doing lots of processing in this method as it will affect performance.
            // - Use the Default ResourceHandler implementation

            var uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            string resource;

            if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                return(ResourceHandler.FromString(resource, includePreamble: true, mimeType: ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension)));

            //Load a file directly from disk, then cache it
            if (File.Exists($"html{fileName}"))
                var text          = File.ReadAllText($"html{fileName}");
                var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                ResourceDictionary.Add(fileName, text);
                return(ResourceHandler.FromString(text, includePreamble: true, mimeType: ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension)));

Exemple #14
        bool IResourceHandler.ProcessRequest(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
            // The 'host' portion is entirely ignored by this scheme handler.
            var uri      = new Uri(request.Url);
            var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;

            if (string.Equals(fileName, "/PostDataTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var postDataElement = request.PostData.Elements.FirstOrDefault();
                var resourceHandler = (ResourceHandler)ResourceHandler.FromString("Post Data: " + (postDataElement == null ? "null" : postDataElement.GetBody()));
                stream   = (MemoryStream)resourceHandler.Stream;
                mimeType = "text/html";

            if (string.Equals(fileName, "/PostDataAjaxTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var postData = request.PostData;
                if (postData == null)
                    var resourceHandler = (ResourceHandler)ResourceHandler.FromString("Post Data: null");
                    stream   = (MemoryStream)resourceHandler.Stream;
                    mimeType = "text/html";
                    var postDataElement = postData.Elements.FirstOrDefault();
                    var resourceHandler = (ResourceHandler)ResourceHandler.FromString("Post Data: " + (postDataElement == null ? "null" : postDataElement.GetBody()));
                    stream   = (MemoryStream)resourceHandler.Stream;
                    mimeType = "text/html";


            if (string.Equals(fileName, "/EmptyResponseFilterTest.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                stream   = null;
                mimeType = "text/html";


            string resource;

            if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
                Task.Run(() =>
                    using (callback)
                        var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resource);
                        stream    = new MemoryStream(bytes);

                        var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                        mimeType          = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);



Exemple #15
        public BrowserTabView()

            browser.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();
            browser.RegisterJsObject("bound", new BoundObject(), BindingOptions.DefaultBinder);
            browser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("boundAsync", new AsyncBoundObject());
            // Enable touch scrolling - once properly tested this will likely become the default
            //browser.IsManipulationEnabled = true;

            browser.LifeSpanHandler    = new LifespanHandler();
            browser.MenuHandler        = new MenuHandler();
            browser.GeolocationHandler = new GeolocationHandler();
            var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();

            downloadHandler.OnBeforeDownloadFired  += OnBeforeDownloadFired;
            downloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdatedFired += OnDownloadUpdatedFired;
            browser.DownloadHandler = downloadHandler;

            //Read an embedded bitmap into a memory stream then register it as a resource you can then load custom://cefsharp/images/beach.jpg
            var beachImageStream = new MemoryStream();

            CefSharp.Example.Properties.Resources.beach.Save(beachImageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            browser.RegisterResourceHandler(CefExample.BaseUrl + "/images/beach.jpg", beachImageStream, ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(".jpg"));

            var dragHandler = new DragHandler();

            dragHandler.RegionsChanged += OnDragHandlerRegionsChanged;

            browser.DragHandler = dragHandler;
            //browser.ResourceHandlerFactory = new InMemorySchemeAndResourceHandlerFactory();
            //You can specify a custom RequestContext to share settings amount groups of ChromiumWebBrowsers
            //Also this is now the only way to access OnBeforePluginLoad - need to implement IRequestContextHandler
            //browser.RequestContext = new RequestContext(new RequestContextHandler());
            //NOTE - This is very important for this example as the default page will not load otherwise
            //browser.RequestContext.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName, null, new CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory());

            //You can start setting preferences on a RequestContext that you created straight away, still needs to be called on the CEF UI thread.
            //    string errorMessage;
            //    //Use this to check that settings preferences are working in your code

            //    var success = browser.RequestContext.SetPreference("webkit.webprefs.minimum_font_size", 24, out errorMessage);

            browser.RenderProcessMessageHandler = new RenderProcessMessageHandler();

            browser.LoadError += (sender, args) =>
                // Don't display an error for downloaded files.
                if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.Aborted)

                // Don't display an error for external protocols that we allow the OS to
                // handle. See OnProtocolExecution().
                //if (args.ErrorCode == CefErrorCode.UnknownUrlScheme)
                //	var url = args.Frame.Url;
                //	if (url.StartsWith("spotify:"))
                //	{
                //		return;
                //	}

                // Display a load error message.
                var errorBody = string.Format("<html><body bgcolor=\"white\"><h2>Failed to load URL {0} with error {1} ({2}).</h2></body></html>",
                                              args.FailedUrl, args.ErrorText, args.ErrorCode);

                args.Frame.LoadStringForUrl(errorBody, args.FailedUrl);

Exemple #16
 private string GetMimeType(string fileName)
Exemple #17
 public static string GetMimeType(string resourceName)
        public IResourceHandler Create(
            IBrowser browser,
            IFrame frame,
            string schemeName,
            IRequest request)
            string absolutePath = new Uri(request.Url).AbsolutePath;
            Uri    uriResource;

            if (!TheForksShemeFactory._pages.TryGetValue(request.Url, out uriResource))
            string             extension      = Path.GetExtension(absolutePath);
            StreamResourceInfo resourceStream = Application.GetResourceStream(uriResource);

            if (resourceStream == null)
            return((IResourceHandler)ResourceHandler.FromStream(resourceStream.Stream, ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(extension)));
        private void DownloadChapter(Dictionary <int, string> Chapters, int ID, IHost Host, ComicInfo Info)
            string Name = DataTools.GetRawName(Chapters[ID], FileNameMode: true);

            StatusBar.SecondLabelText = $"{Info.Title} - {string.Format(CurrentLanguage.ChapterName, Name)}";
            Status = CurrentLanguage.Loading;

            int KIndex = Chapters.IndexOfKey(ID);

            string LName          = null;
            string LastChapterPah = null;

            if (KIndex + 1 < Chapters.Keys.Count)
                LName = DataTools.GetRawName(Chapters.Values.ElementAt(KIndex + 1), FileNameMode: true);

            string NName           = null;
            string NextChapterPath = null;

            if (KIndex > 0)
                NName = DataTools.GetRawName(Chapters.Values.ElementAt(KIndex - 1), FileNameMode: true);

            string Title = DataTools.GetRawName(Info.Title.Trim(), FileNameMode: true);

            ChapterTools.MatchLibraryPath(ref Title, Settings.LibraryPath, CurrentInfo.Url, (ReplaceMode)Settings.ReplaceMode, CurrentLanguage);

            string TitleDir = Path.Combine(Settings.LibraryPath, Title);

            if (!Directory.Exists(TitleDir))

            if (LName != null)
                ChapterTools.GetChapterPath(Languages, CurrentLanguage, TitleDir, LName, out LastChapterPah, false);

            ChapterTools.GetChapterPath(Languages, CurrentLanguage, TitleDir, Name, out string ChapterPath, false);

            if (NName != null)
                ChapterTools.GetChapterPath(Languages, CurrentLanguage, TitleDir, NName, out NextChapterPath, false);

            string AbsoluteChapterPath = Path.Combine(TitleDir, ChapterPath);

            if (Settings.SkipDownloaded && File.Exists(AbsoluteChapterPath.TrimEnd('\\', '/') + ".html"))

            int PageCount = 1;

            if (Info.ContentType == ContentType.Comic)
                PageCount = Host.GetChapterPageCount(ID);

                if (Directory.Exists(AbsoluteChapterPath) && Directory.GetFiles(AbsoluteChapterPath, "*").Length < PageCount)
                    Directory.Delete(AbsoluteChapterPath, true);

                if (Settings.SkipDownloaded && Directory.Exists(AbsoluteChapterPath))
                    var Pages = (from x in Directory.GetFiles(AbsoluteChapterPath) select Path.GetFileName(x)).ToArray();
                    ChapterTools.GenerateComicReader(CurrentLanguage, Pages, LastChapterPah, NextChapterPath, TitleDir, ChapterPath, Name);
                    string OnlineData = string.Format(Properties.Resources.UrlFile, Info.Url.AbsoluteUri);
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(TitleDir, "Online.url"), OnlineData);

            if (Info.ContentType == ContentType.Novel)
                ChapterPath = Path.Combine(AbsoluteChapterPath, string.Format(CurrentLanguage.ChapterName, Name) + ".epub");
                if (Settings.SkipDownloaded && File.Exists(ChapterPath))

            if (!Directory.Exists(AbsoluteChapterPath))

            string UrlData = string.Format(Properties.Resources.UrlFile, Info.Url.AbsoluteUri);

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(TitleDir, "Online.url"), UrlData);

            switch (Info.ContentType)
            case ContentType.Comic:
                var           Decoder = Host.GetDecoder();
                List <string> Pages   = new List <string>();
                foreach (var Data in Host.DownloadPages(ID).CatchExceptions())
                    Status = string.Format(CurrentLanguage.Downloading, Pages.Count + 1, PageCount);

                    bool IsWebP = Data.Length > 12 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 8) == 0x50424557;

                        string PageName = $"{Pages.Count:D3}.png";
                        string PagePath = Path.Combine(TitleDir, ChapterPath, PageName);

                        Page OutPage = new Page();
                        OutPage.Data = Data;

                        if ((SaveAs)Settings.SaveAs != SaveAs.RAW)
                            using (Bitmap Result = Decoder.Decode(Data))
                                PageName = $"{Pages.Count:D3}.{GetExtension(Result, out ImageFormat Format)}";
                                PagePath = OutPage.Path = Path.Combine(TitleDir, ChapterPath, PageName);

                                if (Result.GetImageExtension() == "png" && Settings.APNGBypass)
                                    var OutData = BypassAPNG(Data);
                                    OutPage.Data = OutData;
                                    using (MemoryStream tmp = new MemoryStream())
                                        Result.Save(tmp, Format);
                                        OutPage.Data = tmp.ToArray();

                        if (Settings.ImageClipping)
                            File.WriteAllBytes(OutPage.Path, OutPage.Data);

                        while (PostProcessQueue.Count > 0)
                            ThreadTools.Wait(1000, true);
                        string PageName = $"{Pages.Count:D3}.{(IsWebP ? "webp" : "png")}";
                        string PagePath = Path.Combine(TitleDir, ChapterPath, PageName);

                        Page OutPage = new Page();
                        OutPage.Data = Data;

                        if ((SaveAs)Settings.SaveAs != SaveAs.RAW)
                            byte[] ModData = null;

                            if (IsWebP)
                                ModData = DecodeWebP(Data);

                            using (MemoryStream Buffer = new MemoryStream())
                                using (Bitmap Result = Decoder.Decode(ModData ?? Data))
                                    PageName = $"{Pages.Count:D3}.{GetExtension(Result, out ImageFormat Format)}";
                                    PagePath = Path.Combine(TitleDir, ChapterPath, PageName);
                                    if (Result.GetImageExtension() == "png" && Settings.APNGBypass)
                                        using (MemoryStream OutBuffer = new MemoryStream(BypassAPNG(ModData ?? Data)))
                                            using (Bitmap Img = new Bitmap(OutBuffer)) {
                                                Img.Save(Buffer, Format);
                                                OutPage.Data = Buffer.ToArray();
                                        Result.Save(Buffer, Format);
                                        OutPage.Data = Buffer.ToArray();

                        OutPage.Path = PagePath;

                        if (PostProcessQueue.Count > 5)
                            const ulong MinMemory = 400000000;
                            while (AvailablePhysicalMemory < MinMemory && PostProcessQueue.Count > 0 || (Settings.MaxPagesBuffer != 0 && PostProcessQueue.Count >= Settings.MaxPagesBuffer))
                                ThreadTools.Wait(1000, true);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (Program.Debug)

                if (Settings.ReaderGenerator)
                    ChapterTools.GenerateComicReader(CurrentLanguage, Pages.ToArray(), LastChapterPah, NextChapterPath, TitleDir, ChapterPath, Name);
                    ChapterTools.GenerateReaderIndex(Languages, CurrentLanguage, Info, TitleDir, Name);


            case ContentType.Novel:
                var Chapter = Host.DownloadChapter(ID);
                AsyncContext.Run(async() =>
                    using (var Epub = await EPubWriter.CreateWriterAsync(File.Create(ChapterPath), Info.Title ?? "Untitled", Chapter.Author ?? "Anon", Chapter.URL ?? "None"))

                        foreach (var Node in Chapter.HTML.DocumentNode.DescendantsAndSelf())
                            if (Node.Name == "img" && Node.GetAttributeValue("src", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                                string Src   = Node.GetAttributeValue("src", string.Empty);
                                string RName = Path.GetFileName(Src.Substring(null, "?", IgnoreMissmatch: true));
                                string Mime  = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(RName));

                                if (Node.GetAttributeValue("type", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                                    Mime = Node.GetAttributeValue("type", string.Empty);

                                Uri Link = new Uri(Info.Url, Src);

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RName))

                                byte[] Buffer = await Link.TryDownloadAsync();

                                if (Buffer == null)

                                await Epub.AddResourceAsync(RName, Mime, Buffer);
                                Node.SetAttributeValue("src", RName);

                            if (Node.Name == "link" && Node.GetAttributeValue("rel", string.Empty) == "stylesheet" && Node.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                                string Src   = Node.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty);
                                string RName = Path.GetFileName(Src.Substring(null, "?", IgnoreMissmatch: true));
                                string Mime  = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(RName));

                                if (Node.GetAttributeValue("type", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                                    Mime = Node.GetAttributeValue("type", string.Empty);

                                Uri Link = new Uri(Info.Url, Src);

                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RName))

                                byte[] Buffer = await Link.TryDownloadAsync();

                                if (Buffer == null)

                                await Epub.AddResourceAsync(RName, Mime, Buffer);
                                Node.SetAttributeValue("href", RName);

                        Epub.Publisher = lblTitle.Text;

                        await Epub.AddChapterAsync("chapter.xhtml", Chapter.Title, Chapter.HTML.ToHTML());

                        await Epub.WriteEndOfPackageAsync();

                throw new Exception("Invalid Content Type");