protected override void Work(CustomDatum[] datums)
                if (datums != null)
                    // Debugging log
                    OpenPose.DebugLog("", Priority.Low, -1, nameof(this.Work), "");
                    // Profiling speed
                    var profilerKey = Profiler.TimerInit(-1, nameof(this.Work), "");

                    foreach (var datum in datums)
                        // THIS IS THE ONLY LINE THAT THE USER MUST MODIFY ON THIS HPP FILE, by using the proper function
                        // and datum elements
                        this._UserPostProcessing.DoSomething(datum.CvOutputData, datum.CvOutputData);
                        // Profiling speed
                        Profiler.PrintAveragedTimeMsOnIterationX(profilerKey, -1, nameof(this.Work), "");
                        // Debugging log
                        OpenPose.DebugLog("", Priority.Low, -1, nameof(this.Work), "");
            catch (Exception e)
                datums = null;
        public void DebugLog()
            const string message  = nameof(this.DebugLog);
            const string function = nameof(this.DebugLog);
            const string file     = "OpenPoseTest.cs";

            foreach (var priority in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Priority)).Cast <Priority>())
                OpenPose.DebugLog($"{message}", priority, -1, function, file);