// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (agent.CompareTag("EasyMonster")) { target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); // Sucht das target GameObject und bewegt sich zu ihm Vector3 vectorToTarget = target.transform.position; agent.SetDestination(vectorToTarget); } else if (agent.CompareTag("MiddleMonster")) { //The are moving to a random position(its update every time) if (!isInCorouting) { StartCoroutine(ManageDelaytimeToGetANewPosition()); } } else if (agent.CompareTag("StrongMonster")) { Debug.Log("Monster most follow player's position, when reach the center!"); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); Vector3 vectorToTarget = target.transform.position; agent.SetDestination(vectorToTarget); } }