Exemple #1
        public override bool PreAI(NPC npc)
            NPC mouth = FargoSoulsUtil.NPCExists(npc.realLife, NPCID.WallofFlesh);

            if (FargoSoulsWorld.SwarmActive || RepeatingAI || mouth == null)

            if (PreventAttacks > 0)

            float maxTime = 540f;

            if (mouth.GetEModeNPCMod <WallofFlesh>().InDesperationPhase)
                if (npc.ai[1] < maxTime - 180) //dont lower this if it's already telegraphing laser
                    maxTime = 240f;

                if (!FargoSoulsWorld.MasochistModeReal)
                    npc.localAI[1] = -1f; //no more regular lasers
                    npc.localAI[2] = 0f;

            if (++npc.ai[1] >= maxTime)
                npc.ai[1] = 0f;
                if (npc.ai[2] == 0f)
                    npc.ai[2] = 1f;
                    npc.ai[2] *= -1f;

                if (npc.ai[2] > 0) //FIRE LASER
                    Vector2 speed = Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(npc.ai[3]);
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && PreventAttacks <= 0)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, speed, ModContent.ProjectileType <PhantasmalDeathrayWOF>(), npc.damage / 4, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0, npc.whoAmI);
                else //ring dust to denote i am vulnerable now
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <GlowRing>(), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, npc.whoAmI, npc.type);

                npc.netUpdate = true;

            if (npc.ai[2] >= 0f)
                npc.alpha          = 175;
                npc.dontTakeDamage = true;

                if (npc.ai[1] <= 90) //still firing laser rn
                    RepeatingAI = true;
                    RepeatingAI = false;

                    npc.localAI[1] = -1f;
                    npc.localAI[2] = 0f;

                    npc.rotation = npc.ai[3];
                    npc.ai[2] = 1;
                npc.alpha          = 0;
                npc.dontTakeDamage = false;

                if (npc.ai[1] == maxTime - 3 * 5 && Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && PreventAttacks <= 0)
                        float ai0 = (npc.realLife != -1 && Main.npc[npc.realLife].velocity.X > 0) ? 1f : 0f;
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <WOFBlast>(), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, ai0, npc.whoAmI);

                if (npc.ai[1] > maxTime - 180f)
                    if (Main.rand.Next(4) < 3) //dust telegraphs switch
                        int dust = Dust.NewDust(npc.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), npc.width + 4, npc.height + 4, 88, npc.velocity.X * 0.4f, npc.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 114, default(Color), 3.5f);
                        Main.dust[dust].noGravity   = true;
                        Main.dust[dust].velocity   *= 1.8f;
                        Main.dust[dust].velocity.Y -= 0.5f;
                        if (Main.rand.NextBool(4))
                            Main.dust[dust].noGravity = false;
                            Main.dust[dust].scale    *= 0.5f;

                    float stopTime = maxTime - 90f;
                    if (npc.ai[1] == stopTime) //shoot warning dust in phase 2
                        int t = npc.HasPlayerTarget ? npc.target : npc.FindClosestPlayer();
                        if (t != -1)
                            if (npc.Distance(Main.player[t].Center) < 3000)
                                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Roar, (int)Main.player[t].position.X, (int)Main.player[t].position.Y, 0);
                            npc.ai[2] = -2f;
                            npc.ai[3] = (npc.Center - Main.player[t].Center).ToRotation();
                            if (npc.realLife != -1 && Main.npc[npc.realLife].velocity.X > 0)
                                npc.ai[3] += (float)Math.PI;

                            Vector2 speed = Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(npc.ai[3]);
                            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                                Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, speed, ModContent.ProjectileType <PhantasmalDeathrayWOFS>(), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0, npc.whoAmI);

                        npc.netUpdate = true;
                    else if (npc.ai[1] > stopTime)
                        HasTelegraphedNormalLasers = false;

                        RepeatingAI = true;
                        RepeatingAI = false;

                        npc.localAI[1] = -1f;
                        npc.localAI[2] = 0f;

                        npc.rotation = npc.ai[3];

            //dont fire during mouth's special attacks (this is at bottom to override others)
            if (((mouth.GetEModeNPCMod <WallofFlesh>().InPhase2&& mouth.GetEModeNPCMod <WallofFlesh>().WorldEvilAttackCycleTimer < 240) || mouth.GetEModeNPCMod <WallofFlesh>().InDesperationPhase) && !FargoSoulsWorld.MasochistModeReal)
                npc.localAI[1] = -90f;
                npc.localAI[2] = 0f;

                HasTelegraphedNormalLasers = false;

            if (npc.localAI[2] > 1) //has shot at least one laser
                HasTelegraphedNormalLasers = false;
            else if (npc.localAI[1] >= 0f && !HasTelegraphedNormalLasers && npc.HasValidTarget) //telegraph for imminent laser
                HasTelegraphedNormalLasers = true;
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <GlowRing>(), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, npc.whoAmI, -22);

            //if (NPC.FindFirstNPC(npc.type) == npc.whoAmI) FargoSoulsUtil.PrintAI(npc);
