Exemple #1
        public void Send(ICopyable data)
             * Assemble an AHPacket:
            if (_header == null)
                AHHeader ahh = new AHHeader(_hops, _ttl, _source, _dest, _options);
                _header        = MemBlock.Copy(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.AH, ahh));
                _header_length = _header.Length;
            byte[] ah_packet;
            int    packet_length;
            int    packet_offset;

            //Try to get the shared BufferAllocator, useful when
            //we don't know how big the data is, which in general
            //is just as expensive as doing a CopyTo...
            BufferAllocator ba = Interlocked.Exchange <BufferAllocator>(ref _buf_alloc, null);

            if (ba != null)
                try {
                    ah_packet     = ba.Buffer;
                    packet_offset = ba.Offset;
                    int tmp_off = packet_offset;
                    tmp_off      += _header.CopyTo(ah_packet, packet_offset);
                    tmp_off      += data.CopyTo(ah_packet, tmp_off);
                    packet_length = tmp_off - packet_offset;
                catch (System.Exception x) {
                    throw new SendException(false, "could not write the packet, is it too big?", x);
                finally {
                    //Put the BA back
                    Interlocked.Exchange <BufferAllocator>(ref _buf_alloc, ba);
                //Oh well, someone else is using the buffer, just go ahead
                //and allocate new memory:
                packet_offset = 0;
                packet_length = _header_length + data.Length;
                ah_packet     = new byte[packet_length];
                int off_to_data = _header.CopyTo(ah_packet, 0);
                data.CopyTo(ah_packet, off_to_data);
            MemBlock mb_packet = MemBlock.Reference(ah_packet, packet_offset, packet_length);

             * Now we announce this packet, the AHHandler will
             * handle routing it for us
            _n.HandleData(mb_packet, _from, this);
Exemple #2
    public void HandleData(MemBlock packet, ISender from, object node)

      long stop_time, rt_ticks = -10000;

      if ( !from.Equals(node)) {
        if (packet[0] == 0) {
        //log.Debug("Echo Response:");
	  stop_time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
	  int received_uid = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(packet, 1);
		rt_ticks = stop_time - (long)EchoTester.uid_starttime[received_uid];
	  double rt_ms = (double) rt_ticks/10000.0;
	  uid_brunetpingtime.Add(received_uid, rt_ms);
	  Console.WriteLine("Packet ID = {0}, Round-trip = {1}", received_uid, rt_ms); 	  
        else {
        //log.Debug("Echo Request:");


        //System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", packet.ToString());

        if (packet[0] > 0) {
          //Send a reply back, this is a request  
	  byte[] new_payload = new byte[ packet.Length ];
	  packet.CopyTo(new_payload, 0);
          new_payload[0] = (byte) 0;
          from.Send(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Echo, MemBlock.Reference(new_payload)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds an available IP range on the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkdevice">Device to be ignored</param>
        /// <param name="startip">Device to be ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Return IP to use</returns>
        public static MemBlock GetNetwork(string networkdevice, MemBlock startip)
            MemBlock    netip         = startip;
            ArrayList   used_networks = new ArrayList();
            IPHostEntry entry         = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String.Empty);

            foreach (IPAddress ip in entry.AddressList)
                byte[] address = ip.GetAddressBytes();
                address[2] = 0;
                address[3] = 0;

            while (used_networks.Contains(netip))
                byte[] tmp = new byte[netip.Length];
                netip.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
                if (tmp[1] == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Out of Addresses!");
                tmp[1] -= 1;
                netip   = MemBlock.Reference(tmp);
        override protected bool HandleIncoming(MemBlock data, out MemBlock app_data)
            app_data = null;
            int count = 0;

            lock (_buffer_sync) {
                if (data != null)
                    data.CopyTo(_buffer, 0);
                    _read.Write(_buffer, data.Length);

                count = _ssl.Read(_buffer, _buffer.Length);
                if (count > 0)
                    app_data = MemBlock.Copy(_buffer, 0, count);

            if (app_data != null)
                // If the read was successful, Dtls has received an incoming data
                // message and decrypted it
                SslError error = _ssl.GetError(count);
                if (error == SslError.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
                    if (SslState == SslState.OK)
                        // In the SslCtx verify, there's no way to get the underlying Sender
                        _ch.Verify(RemoteCertificate, Sender);
                else if (error == SslError.SSL_ERROR_SSL)
                    var ose = new OpenSslException();
                    Close("Received unrecoverable error: " + ose.ToString());
                    throw ose;
                else if (error == SslError.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN)
                    Close("Received clean close notification");
                                        "Receive other: " + error);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>Create a new Attribute.</summary>
 public Attribute(AttributeType type, MemBlock value)
     Type  = type;
     Value = value;
     byte[] data = new byte[4 + value.Length];
     NumberSerializer.WriteUShort((ushort)type, data, 0);
     NumberSerializer.WriteUShort((ushort)value.Length, data, 2);
     value.CopyTo(data, 4);
     Data = MemBlock.Reference(data);
Exemple #6
        protected byte[] GenToken(MemBlock key)
            RNGCryptoServiceProvider provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] token = new byte[20];
            byte[] res = new byte[40];
            key.CopyTo(res, 0);
            token.CopyTo(res, 20);
Exemple #7
        public DhcpPacket(byte op, MemBlock xid, MemBlock ciaddr, MemBlock yiaddr,
                          MemBlock siaddr, MemBlock chaddr, Dictionary <OptionTypes, MemBlock> Options)
            this.op      = op;
            this.xid     = xid;
            this.ciaddr  = ciaddr;
            this.yiaddr  = yiaddr;
            this.siaddr  = siaddr;
            this.chaddr  = chaddr;
            this.Options = Options;

            byte[] header = new byte[240];
            header[0] = op;
            header[1] = 1;
            header[2] = (byte)chaddr.Length;
            header[3] = 0;

            xid.CopyTo(header, 4);
            for (int i = 8; i < 12; i++)
                header[i] = 0;
            ciaddr.CopyTo(header, 12);
            yiaddr.CopyTo(header, 16);
            siaddr.CopyTo(header, 20);
            for (int i = 24; i < 28; i++)
                header[i] = 0;
            chaddr.CopyTo(header, 28);
            for (int i = 34; i < 236; i++)
                header[i] = 0;
            magic_key.CopyTo(header, 236);

            _icpacket = new CopyList(MemBlock.Reference(header));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <OptionTypes, MemBlock> kvp in Options)
                MemBlock value = kvp.Value;

                byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
                tmp[0] = (byte)kvp.Key;
                tmp[1] = (byte)value.Length;

                _icpacket = new CopyList(_icpacket, MemBlock.Reference(tmp), value);
            byte [] end = new byte[1] {
            };                       /* End of Options */
            _icpacket = new CopyList(_icpacket, MemBlock.Reference(end));
        ///<summary>Encrypts the packet given a SymmetricEncryption.</summary>
        public void Encrypt(SymmetricEncryption se)
            byte[] to_encrypt = new byte[4 + _data.Length + _signature.Length];
            int    pos        = 0;

            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_data.Length, to_encrypt, pos);
            pos += 4;
            _data.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);
            pos += _data.Length;
            _signature.CopyTo(to_encrypt, pos);
            _encrypted_data  = se.EncryptData(to_encrypt);
            _update_icpacket = true;
Exemple #9
        public static MemBlock MakePseudoHeader(MemBlock source_address,
                                                MemBlock destination_address, byte protocol, ushort length)
            byte[] pseudoheader = new byte[source_address.Length + destination_address.Length + 4];
            int    pos          = 0;

            source_address.CopyTo(pseudoheader, pos);
            pos += source_address.Length;
            destination_address.CopyTo(pseudoheader, pos);
            pos += destination_address.Length;
            pseudoheader[++pos] = protocol;
            NumberSerializer.WriteUShort(length, pseudoheader, ++pos);
Exemple #10
         * <summary>If we're not creating a packet from scratch, this will keep its
         * integrity and transform UDP and TCP headers as well (due to their checksums
         * being dependent on source and destination ip addresses.</summary>
         * <param name="Packet">The packet to translate.</param>
         * <param name="SourceIP">The new source ip.</param>
         * <param name="DestinationIP">The new destination ip.</param>
        public static MemBlock Translate(MemBlock Packet, MemBlock SourceIP,
                                         MemBlock DestinationIP)
            byte[] new_packet = new byte[Packet.Length];
            Packet.CopyTo(new_packet, 0);
            int length = (Packet[0] & 0xF) * 4;

            SourceIP.CopyTo(new_packet, 12);
            // Do not copy over multicast addresses!
            if (new_packet[16] < 224 || new_packet[16] > 239)
                DestinationIP.CopyTo(new_packet, 16);
            // Zero out the checksum so we don't use it in our future calculations
            new_packet[10] = 0;
            new_packet[11] = 0;
            MemBlock header   = MemBlock.Reference(new_packet, 0, length);
            int      checksum = GenerateChecksum(header);

            new_packet[10] = (byte)((checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
            new_packet[11] = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF);
            Protocols p = (Protocols)Packet[9];

            bool fragment = ((Packet[6] & 0x1F) | Packet[7]) != 0;

            if (p == Protocols.Udp && !fragment)
                // Zero out the checksum to disable it
                new_packet[length + 6] = 0;
                new_packet[length + 7] = 0;
            else if (p == Protocols.Tcp && !fragment)
                // Zero out the checksum so we don't use it in our future calculations
                new_packet[length + 16] = 0;
                new_packet[length + 17] = 0;
                MemBlock payload      = MemBlock.Reference(new_packet).Slice(length);
                MemBlock pseudoheader = IPPacket.MakePseudoHeader(SourceIP,
                                                                  DestinationIP, (byte)Protocols.Tcp, (ushort)(Packet.Length - 20));
                checksum = IPPacket.GenerateChecksum(payload, pseudoheader);
                new_packet[length + 16] = (byte)((checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
                new_packet[length + 17] = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF);
Exemple #11
    public static ManagedDhcpServer GetManagedDhcpServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask) {
      DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig();
      config.LeaseTime = 3200;
      config.Netmask = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.');
      config.IPBase = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.');

      config.ReservedIPs = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1];
      config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP();

      byte[] local_ip = new byte[4];
      ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0);
      local_ip[3] = 2;

      config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.');
      config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask = "";

      return new ManagedDhcpServer(config);
        public static ManagedDhcpServer GetManagedDhcpServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask)
            DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig();

            config.LeaseTime = 3200;
            config.Netmask   = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.');
            config.IPBase    = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.');

            config.ReservedIPs    = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1];
            config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP();

            byte[] local_ip = new byte[4];
            ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0);
            local_ip[3] = 2;

            config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.');
            config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask   = "";

            return(new ManagedDhcpServer(config));
Exemple #13
        public void Incoming()
            Random rand = new Random();

            byte[] local_cookie           = new byte[SecurityControlMessage.CookieLength];
            byte[] remote_cookie          = new byte[SecurityControlMessage.CookieLength];
            byte[] dhe                    = new byte[144];
            byte[] cas                    = new byte[120];
            byte[] cert                   = new byte[100];
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa  = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            HashAlgorithm            hash = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();


            MemBlock        mlocal_cookie  = MemBlock.Reference(local_cookie);
            MemBlock        mremote_cookie = MemBlock.Reference(remote_cookie);
            MemBlock        mdhe           = MemBlock.Reference(dhe);
            MemBlock        mcert          = MemBlock.Reference(cert);
            MemBlock        mcas           = MemBlock.Reference(cas);
            List <MemBlock> lcas           = new List <MemBlock>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cas.Length; i += SecurityControlMessage.CALength)
                lcas.Add(MemBlock.Reference(mcas.Slice(i, SecurityControlMessage.CALength)));

            int length = 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 * SecurityControlMessage.CookieLength +
                         4 + cas.Length + 4 + dhe.Length +
                         4 + cert.Length;

            byte[] b   = new byte[length];
            int    pos = 0;

            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(5, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(12345, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            NumberSerializer.WriteInt((int)SecurityControlMessage.MessageType.DHEWithCertificateAndCAs, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            local_cookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
            pos += SecurityControlMessage.CookieLength;
            remote_cookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
            pos += SecurityControlMessage.CookieLength;

            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(dhe.Length, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            dhe.CopyTo(b, pos);
            pos += dhe.Length;

            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(cert.Length, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            cert.CopyTo(b, pos);
            pos += cert.Length;

            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(cas.Length, b, pos);
            pos += 4;
            mcas.CopyTo(b, pos);
            pos += cas.Length;

            byte[] signature = rsa.SignData(b, hash);
            byte[] nb        = new byte[b.Length + signature.Length];
            b.CopyTo(nb, 0);
            signature.CopyTo(nb, b.Length);
            MemBlock packet = MemBlock.Reference(nb);

            // check
            SecurityControlMessage scm = new SecurityControlMessage(packet);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, scm.Version, "Version");
            Assert.AreEqual(12345, scm.SPI, "SPI");
            Assert.AreEqual(SecurityControlMessage.MessageType.DHEWithCertificateAndCAs, scm.Type, "Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(mlocal_cookie, scm.LocalCookie, "LocalCookie");
            Assert.AreEqual(mremote_cookie, scm.RemoteCookie, "RemoteCookie");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdhe, scm.DHE, "DHE");
            Assert.AreEqual(mcert, scm.Certificate, "Certificate");
            int contains = 0;

            foreach (MemBlock ca in scm.CAs)
                if (scm.CAs.Contains(ca))
            Assert.AreEqual(contains, lcas.Count, "Contains CAs");
            Assert.IsTrue(scm.Verify(rsa, hash), "Signature");
            Assert.AreEqual(packet, scm.Packet, "Packet");

            // change a few things around and check again!
            scm.Version = 0;
            SecurityControlMessage scm1 = new SecurityControlMessage(scm.Packet);

            scm1.Sign(rsa, hash);
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.Version, scm.Version, "Version 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.SPI, scm.SPI, "SPI 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.Type, scm.Type, "Type 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.LocalCookie, scm.LocalCookie, "LocalCookie 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.RemoteCookie, scm.RemoteCookie, "RemoteCookie 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdhe, scm.DHE, "DHE 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(mcert, scm.Certificate, "Certificate 1");
            contains = 0;
            foreach (MemBlock ca in scm.CAs)
                if (scm.CAs.Contains(ca))
            Assert.AreEqual(contains, lcas.Count, "Contains CAs 1");
            Assert.IsTrue(scm1.Signature != scm.Signature, "Signature 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(scm1.Packet.Slice(4, scm1.Signature.Length),
                            scm.Packet.Slice(4, scm.Signature.Length), "Packet 1");
Exemple #14
        ///<summary>Writes the packet.</summary>
        protected void UpdatePacket()
            try {
                int  data_length       = 0;
                bool write_cas         = false;
                bool write_dhe         = false;
                bool write_cert        = false;
                bool write_hash        = false;
                bool require_signature = true;

                switch (_type)
                case MessageType.NoSuchSA:
                    require_signature = false;

                case MessageType.Cookie:
                    require_signature = false;

                case MessageType.CookieResponse:
                    require_signature = false;
                    data_length       = 4 + _cas.Count * CALength;
                    write_cas         = true;

                case MessageType.DHEWithCertificate:
                    data_length = 4 + _dhe.Length + 4 + _certificate.Length;
                    write_cert  = true;
                    write_dhe   = true;

                case MessageType.DHEWithCertificateAndCAs:
                    data_length = 4 + _dhe.Length + 4 + _certificate.Length + 4 + _cas.Count * CALength;
                    write_cas   = true;
                    write_dhe   = true;
                    write_cert  = true;

                case MessageType.Confirm:
                    data_length = 4 + _hash.Length;
                    write_hash  = true;

                int length = 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 * CookieLength + data_length;
                if (require_signature)
                    length += _signature.Length;
                byte[] b   = new byte[length];
                int    pos = 0;
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_version, b, pos);
                pos += 4;
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_spi, b, pos);
                pos += 4;
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt((int)_type, b, pos);
                pos += 4;
                if (_local_cookie == null)
                    EmptyCookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
                    _local_cookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
                pos += CookieLength;
                if (_remote_cookie == null)
                    EmptyCookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
                    _remote_cookie.CopyTo(b, pos);
                pos += CookieLength;

                if (write_dhe)
                    NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_dhe.Length, b, pos);
                    pos += 4;
                    _dhe.CopyTo(b, pos);
                    pos += _dhe.Length;

                if (write_cert)
                    NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_certificate.Length, b, pos);
                    pos += 4;
                    _certificate.CopyTo(b, pos);
                    pos += _certificate.Length;

                if (write_cas)
                    NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_cas.Count * CALength, b, pos);
                    pos += 4;
                    foreach (MemBlock ca in _cas)
                        ca.CopyTo(b, pos);
                        pos += CALength;

                if (write_hash)
                    NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_hash.Length, b, pos);
                    pos += 4;
                    _hash.CopyTo(b, pos);
                    pos += _hash.Length;

                if (require_signature)
                    _signature.CopyTo(b, pos);
                _packet = MemBlock.Reference(b);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new Exception("Missing data for SecurityControlMessage!");
            _update_packet = false;
Exemple #15
         * This method converts the objects compatible in AdrConvertor to
         * objects that compatible in XMLRPC.NET library.
         * byte[], MemBlock -> byte[] -> string(base64)
         * other array -> array ( elements converted)
         * IDictionary -> XmlRpcStruct (key -> string)
         * IList -> array
         * float -> double
         * long, ulong -> string
         * AdrException -> XmlRpcFaultException (w/ errorCode added)
         * Exception -> Exception (converted by XmlRpcFaultException by xmlrpc.net)
         * ISender -> string (using ToString())
         * short, ushort, uint, byte, sbyte -> int
         * null -> string.Empty
        public static object Adr2XmlRpc(object o, out bool modified)
            object retval;

            if (o == null)
                 * If null is returned when the method is not recursively called by itself,
                 * it is OK because XmlRpc.Net will convert it to string.Empty.
                 * If not, the null element's outer data structure like Array and IDictionary,
                 * which themselves allow null elements, might not be handled correctly:
                 * XmlRpc.Net can't serialize IDictionary and Array with null elements.
                 * So we return s.Empty directly from here
                retval   = string.Empty;
                modified = true;

            System.Type t = o.GetType();
            // byte arrays are converted to base64 strings in XmlRpc
            // so we treat it as a special case of array
            if (t == typeof(byte[]))
                retval   = o;
                modified = false;
            // convert each element
            else if (t.IsArray)
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList((ICollection)o);
                bool      m;
                modified = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    list[i] = Adr2XmlRpc(list[i], out m);
                    if (m == true)
                        modified = true;
                retval = list.ToArray();
            //IDictionary -> XmlRpcStruct (string key)
            else if (o is IDictionary)
                modified = true;
                XmlRpcStruct xrs  = new XmlRpcStruct();
                IDictionary  dict = o as IDictionary;

                IDictionaryEnumerator my_en = dict.GetEnumerator();
                while (my_en.MoveNext())
                    object key = Adr2XmlRpc(my_en.Key);

                     * XmlRpcStruct requires keys to be strings, we just use ToString() to generate
                     * strings.
                    string str_key = key.ToString();
                    object val     = Adr2XmlRpc(my_en.Value);
                    xrs.Add(str_key, val);
                retval = xrs;
            //XmlRpcSerializer doesn't recognize lists
            //IList -> Array
            else if (o is IList)
                modified = true; //list -> array
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList((ICollection)o);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    list[i] = Adr2XmlRpc(list[i]);
                retval = list.ToArray();
            //Memblock -> byte[]
            else if (o is MemBlock)
                modified = true;
                MemBlock mb = (MemBlock)o;
                byte[]   b  = new byte[mb.Length];
                mb.CopyTo(b, 0);
                retval = b;
            //float -> double
            else if (t == typeof(Single))
                retval   = Convert.ToDouble(o);
                modified = true;
            else if (t == typeof(short) || t == typeof(ushort) || t == typeof(uint) || t == typeof(byte) || t == typeof(sbyte))
                retval   = Convert.ToInt32(o);
                modified = true;
            //long-> string
            else if (t == typeof(long) || t == typeof(ulong))
                retval   = Convert.ToString(o);
                modified = true;
            //AdrException is different from others that it has a code that can
            //be assigned to XmlRpcFaultException
            else if (o is AdrException)
                AdrException  e  = (AdrException)o;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}", e.ToString()));
                retval   = new XmlRpcFaultException(e.Code, sb.ToString());
                modified = true;
            //Still exceptions, XmlRpc.net converts it to XmlRpcFaultException
            else if (o is Exception)
                Exception     e  = (Exception)o;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}", e.ToString()));
                retval   = new Exception(sb.ToString());
                modified = true;
            else if (o is ISender)
                ISender s = (ISender)o;
                retval   = s.ToString();
                modified = true;
                retval   = o;
                modified = false;
 public int CopyTo(byte[] dst, int offset)
     return(_data.CopyTo(dst, offset));
Exemple #17
 protected byte[] GenToken(MemBlock key) {
   RNGCryptoServiceProvider provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
   byte[] token = new byte[20];
   byte[] res = new byte[40];
   key.CopyTo(res, 0);
   token.CopyTo(res, 20);
   return res;
Exemple #18
 public static MemBlock MakePseudoHeader(MemBlock source_address,
     MemBlock destination_address, byte protocol, ushort length)
   byte[] pseudoheader = new byte[source_address.Length + destination_address.Length + 4];
   int pos = 0;
   source_address.CopyTo(pseudoheader, pos);
   pos += source_address.Length;
   destination_address.CopyTo(pseudoheader, pos);
   pos += destination_address.Length;
   pseudoheader[++pos] = protocol;
   NumberSerializer.WriteUShort(length, pseudoheader, ++pos);
   return MemBlock.Reference(pseudoheader);
Exemple #19
        public DhcpPacket(byte op, MemBlock xid, MemBlock ciaddr, MemBlock yiaddr,
                     MemBlock siaddr, MemBlock chaddr, Dictionary<OptionTypes, MemBlock> Options)
            this.op = op;
              this.xid = xid;
              this.ciaddr = ciaddr;
              this.yiaddr = yiaddr;
              this.siaddr = siaddr;
              this.chaddr = chaddr;
              this.Options = Options;

              byte[] header = new byte[240];
              header[0] = op;
              header[1] = 1;
              header[2] = (byte) chaddr.Length;
              header[3] = 0;

              xid.CopyTo(header, 4);
              for(int i = 8; i < 12; i++) {
            header[i] = 0;
              ciaddr.CopyTo(header, 12);
              yiaddr.CopyTo(header, 16);
              siaddr.CopyTo(header, 20);
              for(int i = 24; i < 28; i++) {
            header[i] = 0;
              chaddr.CopyTo(header, 28);
              for(int i = 34; i < 236; i++) {
            header[i] = 0;
              magic_key.CopyTo(header, 236);

              _icpacket = new CopyList(MemBlock.Reference(header));
              foreach(KeyValuePair<OptionTypes, MemBlock> kvp in Options) {
            MemBlock value = kvp.Value;

            byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
            tmp[0] = (byte) kvp.Key;
            tmp[1] = (byte) value.Length;

            _icpacket = new CopyList(_icpacket, MemBlock.Reference(tmp), value);
              byte []end = new byte[1]{255}; /* End of Options */
              _icpacket = new CopyList(_icpacket, MemBlock.Reference(end));
Exemple #20
    <summary>If we're not creating a packet from scratch, this will keep its
    integrity and transform UDP and TCP headers as well (due to their checksums
    being dependent on source and destination ip addresses.</summary>
    <param name="Packet">The packet to translate.</param>
    <param name="SourceIP">The new source ip.</param>
    <param name="DestinationIP">The new destination ip.</param>
    public static MemBlock Translate(MemBlock Packet, MemBlock SourceIP,
                                     MemBlock DestinationIP) {
      byte[] new_packet = new byte[Packet.Length];
      Packet.CopyTo(new_packet, 0);
      int length = (Packet[0] & 0xF) * 4;
      SourceIP.CopyTo(new_packet, 12);
      // Do not copy over multicast addresses!
      if(new_packet[16] < 224 || new_packet[16] > 239) {
        DestinationIP.CopyTo(new_packet, 16);
      // Zero out the checksum so we don't use it in our future calculations
      new_packet[10] = 0;
      new_packet[11] = 0;
      MemBlock header = MemBlock.Reference(new_packet, 0, length);
      int checksum = GenerateChecksum(header);
      new_packet[10] = (byte) ((checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
      new_packet[11] = (byte) (checksum & 0xFF);
      Protocols p = (Protocols) Packet[9];

      bool fragment = ((Packet[6] & 0x1F) | Packet[7]) != 0;

      if(p == Protocols.Udp && !fragment) {
        // Zero out the checksum to disable it
        new_packet[length + 6] = 0;
        new_packet[length + 7] = 0;
      else if(p == Protocols.Tcp && !fragment) {
        // Zero out the checksum so we don't use it in our future calculations
        new_packet[length + 16] = 0;
        new_packet[length + 17] = 0;
        MemBlock payload = MemBlock.Reference(new_packet).Slice(length);
        MemBlock pseudoheader = IPPacket.MakePseudoHeader(SourceIP,
            DestinationIP, (byte) Protocols.Tcp, (ushort) (Packet.Length - 20));
        checksum = IPPacket.GenerateChecksum(payload, pseudoheader);
        new_packet[length + 16] = (byte) ((checksum >> 8) & 0xFF);
        new_packet[length + 17] = (byte) (checksum & 0xFF);
      return MemBlock.Reference(new_packet);