Exemple #1
        protected void HandleRequestAck(ReqrepType rt, int idnum, MemBlock rest, ISender ret_path)
            RequestState reqs;

            lock ( _sync ) {
                if (_req_state_table.TryGet(idnum, out reqs))
                    if (reqs.AddAck(ret_path))
                         * Let's look at how long it took to get this reply:
                        TimeSpan rtt = DateTime.UtcNow - reqs.ReqDate;
                        if (ret_path is Edge)
                            _edge_reqtimeout = ComputeNewTimeOut(rtt.TotalMilliseconds,
                                                                 _MINIMUM_TIMEOUT, _STD_DEVS);
                            _nonedge_reqtimeout = ComputeNewTimeOut(rtt.TotalMilliseconds,
                                                                    _MINIMUM_TIMEOUT, _STD_DEVS);
 /// <summary>Change in either local or remote IDs, time to update the
 /// header to match.</summary>
 protected void UpdateHeader()
     byte[] header = new byte[8];
     NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_local_id, header, SOURCE_OFFSET);
     NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_remote_id, header, DESTINATION_OFFSET);
     _header = MemBlock.Reference(header);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>This is the generic Put that is used by both the regular Put
        /// and Create methods.  The use of the unique variable differentiates the
        /// two.  This is asynchronous.  Results are stored in the Channel returns.
        /// Creates and Puts return true if successful or exception if there are
        /// network errors in adding the entry, creates also fail if a previous
        /// entry exists.  The work of determining success is handled in
        /// PutEnqueueHandler and PutCloseHandler.</summary>
        /// <param name="key">The index to store the value at.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value to store.</param>
        /// <param name="ttl">The dht lease time for the key:value pair.</param>
        /// <param name="returns">The Channel where the result will be placed.</param>
        /// <param name="unique">True to do a create, false otherwise.</param>
        public void AsyncPut(MemBlock key, MemBlock value, int ttl, Channel returns, bool unique)
            if (!_online)
                throw new DhtException("The Node is (going) offline, DHT is offline.");
            AsDhtPutState adps = new AsDhtPutState(returns);

            MemBlock[] brunet_address_for_key = MapToRing(key);
            Channel[]  q = new Channel[DEGREE];
            lock (_adps_table.SyncRoot) {
                for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++)
                    Channel queue = new Channel(1);
                    queue.CloseEvent  += this.PutCloseHandler;
                    _adps_table[queue] = adps;
                    q[k] = queue;

            for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++)
                Address  target = new AHAddress(brunet_address_for_key[k]);
                AHSender s      = new AHGreedySender(Node, target);
                _rpc.Invoke(s, q[k], "dht.Put", brunet_address_for_key[k], value, ttl, unique);
Exemple #4
         * <summary>Deletes all expired entries for the specified key.  For each entry
         * deleted, count is decremented.  This should be called before accessing the
         * data stored in this table.</summary>
         * <param name="key">The index to check for expired entries.</param>
         * <returns>The amount of entries deleted.</returns>

        public int DeleteExpired(MemBlock key)
            LinkedList <Entry> data = (LinkedList <Entry>)_data[key];

            if (data == null)
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            LinkedListNode <Entry> current = data.First;

            while (current != null)
                if (current.Value.EndTime > now)
                LinkedListNode <Entry> next = current.Next;
                current = next;
            int lcount = data.Count;

            if (data.Count == 0)
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>This parses a MemBlock into the Ethernet fields</summary>
 ///  <param name="Packet">The Ethernet packet</param>
 public EthernetPacket(MemBlock Packet) {
   _icpacket = _packet = Packet;
   DestinationAddress = Packet.Slice(0, 6);
   SourceAddress = Packet.Slice(6, 6);
   Type = (Types) ((Packet[12] << 8) | Packet[13]);
   _icpayload = _payload = Packet.Slice(14);
Exemple #6
 static EthernetPacket() {
   Random _rand = new Random();
   byte[] unicast = new byte[6];
   unicast[0] = 0xFE;
   UnicastAddress = MemBlock.Reference(unicast);
Exemple #7
        public IcmpPacket(Types type, short id, short seq_num)
            Type           = type;
            Identifier     = id;
            SequenceNumber = seq_num;
            Code           = (byte)0;

            byte[] msg  = new byte[64];
            Random rand = new Random();

            msg[0] = (byte)type;
            msg[1] = Code;
            msg[2] = (byte)0;
            msg[3] = (byte)0;

            NumberSerializer.WriteShort(Identifier, msg, 4);
            NumberSerializer.WriteShort(SequenceNumber, msg, 6);

            short checksum = (short)IPPacket.GenerateChecksum(MemBlock.Reference(msg));

            NumberSerializer.WriteShort(checksum, msg, 2);

            _icpacket = MemBlock.Reference(msg);
            _packet   = MemBlock.Reference(msg);
Exemple #8
         * When we get a reply ack, we can remove the item from our cache,
         * we know the other guy got our reply
        protected void HandleReplyAck(ReqrepType rt, int idnum,
                                      MemBlock err_data, ISender ret_path)
            RequestKey rk = new RequestKey(idnum, ret_path);

            lock ( _sync ) {
                 * This is not completely safe, but probably fine.  Consider the
                 * case where:
                 * A -(req)-> B
                 * A timeout but B does get the req
                 * A <-(rep)- B
                 * A -(req)-> B (these cross in flight)
                 * A -(repack)-> B
                 * but then the repack passes the req retransmission (out of order
                 * delivery)
                 * This is unlikely, but we could improve it.
                 * @todo improve the reply caching algorithm
                ReplyState rs = (ReplyState)_reply_cache[rk];
                if (rs != null)
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>Continues a broadcast to the overlay.</summary>
        public BroadcastSender(StructuredNode node, AHAddress source,
                               AHAddress from, AHAddress to, int forwarders, int hops)
            Node             = node;
            Source           = source;
            From             = from;
            To               = to;
            _distance_sorter = new AbsoluteDistanceComparer(node.Address as AHAddress);
            _address_sorter  = new LeftDistanceComparer(node.Address as AHAddress);
            Forwarders       = forwarders;
            Hops             = hops;

            byte[] hops_data = new byte[4];
            NumberSerializer.WriteInt(hops, hops_data, 0);
            _hops = MemBlock.Reference(hops_data);

            if (forwarders == DEFAULT_FORWARDERS)
                _forwarders = DEFAULT_FORWARDERS_MB;
                byte[] def = new byte[4];
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt(forwarders, def, 0);
                _forwarders = MemBlock.Reference(def);
Exemple #10
         * <summary>Attempts to store the key:value pair into this server.</summary>
         * <remarks>First the dht deletes any expired entries stored at the key,
         * second it retrieves the entries from the data store.  If it is empty it
         * creates a new entry and returns.  Otherwise, it looks for the value in
         * the list and updates the lease time.  If there is no entry for that
         * key:value pair it either adds it in the case of a put or throws an
         * exception if it is a create.</remarks>
         * <param name="key">The index to store the data at.</param>
         * <param name="value">Data to store at the key.</param>
         * <param name="ttl">Dht lease time in seconds</param>
         * <param name="unique">True if this should perform a create, false otherwise.
         * </param>
         * <returns>True on success, thrown exception on failure</returns>
         * <exception cref="Exception">Data is too large, unresolved remote issues,
         * or the create is no successful</exception>

        public bool PutHandler(MemBlock key, MemBlock value, int ttl, bool unique)
            DateTime create_time = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime end_time    = create_time.AddSeconds(ttl);

            lock (_sync) {
                LinkedList <Entry> data = _data.GetEntries(key);
                if (data != null)
                    foreach (Entry ent in data)
                        if (ent.Value.Equals(value))
                            if (end_time > ent.EndTime)
                                _data.UpdateEntry(ent.Key, ent.Value, end_time);
                    // If this is a create we didn't find an previous entry, so failure, else add it
                    if (unique)
                        throw new Exception("ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS");

                // This is either a new key or a new value (put only)
                Entry e = new Entry(key, value, create_time, end_time);
            } // end of lock
Exemple #11
 <summary>Takes in a MemBlock and parses it as a Udp Packet.</summary>
 <param name="packet">The MemBlock containing the Udp Packet</param>
 public UdpPacket(MemBlock packet)
     _icpacket = _packet = packet;
       SourcePort = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1];
       DestinationPort = (packet[2] << 8) | packet[3];
       _icpayload = _payload = packet.Slice(8);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>Initializes the Ethernet device by opening the TAP device and
        /// starting the ISource thread.</summary>
        /// <param name="tap">The name of the TAP device on the host.</param>
        public Ethernet(string device_name)
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                try {
                    _tap = Ipop.Tap.TapDevice.GetTapDevice(device_name);
                } catch {}
                                    "Unable to set up the tap, trying again...");

            if (_tap == null)
                ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.Exceptions, "Unable to set up the tap.");

            Address = _tap.Address;

            _running     = true;
            _read_thread = new Thread(ReadLoop);
            _read_thread.IsBackground = true;
Exemple #13
        public void Test()
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] blob = rsa.ExportCspBlob(false);
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_pub = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL",
                                                       "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub,

            Assert.AreEqual("C=United States, O=UFL, OU=ACIS, CN=David Wolinsky, [email protected]", cm.Subject.DN, "DN test 1");
            cm = new CertificateMaker(cm.UnsignedData);
            Assert.AreEqual("C=United States, O=UFL, OU=ACIS, CN=David Wolinsky, [email protected]", cm.Subject.DN, "DN test 2");

            Certificate cert = cm.Sign(cm, rsa);

            Assert.IsTrue(cert.Signature != null, "Signature");
            Assert.AreEqual(cm.Subject.DN, cert.Issuer.DN, "Issuer = Subject");
            Assert.AreEqual("brunet:node:abcdefghijklmnopqrs", cert.NodeAddress, "Node address");

            Mono.Math.BigInteger rsa_pub_bi  = new Mono.Math.BigInteger(rsa_pub.ExportCspBlob(false));
            Mono.Math.BigInteger cert_pub_bi = new Mono.Math.BigInteger(cert.PublicKey.ExportCspBlob(false));
            Assert.AreEqual(rsa_pub_bi, cert_pub_bi, "Key");

            SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();

                            "SerialNumber == hash of unsigned data");
Exemple #14
    MemBlock m_WriteList;   // 需要写的的队列
    MemBlock AllockBlock(string url, int nFileOffset, int nDownSize, int nFileSize)
        MemBlock pBlock = null;

        lock (this)
            pBlock = m_InvalidBlock;
            if (m_InvalidBlock != null)
                m_nUseBlockMemSize += 4096;
                m_InvalidBlock      = m_InvalidBlock.m_pNext;
        if (pBlock == null)
            pBlock      = new MemBlock();
            pBlock.data = new byte[4096]; // 固定4K
            lock (this)
                m_nCurBlockMemSize += 4096;
        pBlock.url        = url;
        pBlock.nFileOfset = nFileOffset;
        pBlock.nDownSize  = nDownSize;
        pBlock.nFileSize  = nFileSize;
        pBlock.resFile    = null;
Exemple #15
         * <summary>Generates a path given a key.</summary>
         * <param name="key">The key to generate a path for.</param>
         * <param name="path">Returns the directory portion of the path.</param>
         * <param name="filename">Returns the filename portion of the path.</param>
         * <returns>The path for the key.</returns>
        public string GeneratePath(MemBlock key, out string path, out string filename)
            if (Address.MemSize < 5)
                throw new Exception("Address.MemSize must be greater than or equal to 5.");

            string[] l = new string[5];
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                l[j] = string.Empty;

            l[0] = _base_dir;
            l[1] = key[0].ToString();
            l[2] = key[1].ToString();
            l[3] = key[2].ToString();

            for (int i = 3; i < Address.MemSize - 2; i++)
                l[4] += key[i].ToString();

            path     = String.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), l);
            filename = key[Address.MemSize - 1].ToString();
            return(Path.Combine(path, filename));
Exemple #16
        public void TestPrimitiveTypes()
            ArrayList expected_values = new ArrayList();
            MemBlock  e_mb            = MemBlock.Reference(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test memblock"));

            float e_f = (float)Math.PI;

            ushort e_sh = 11;

            ulong e_long = 11111111111;

            uint e_ui = 34;

            _mrm.CurrentInvokeState.RetValues = expected_values.ToArray();
            string target = this.GetRandomNodeAddr();

            object[] ret    = this._rpc.proxy(target, 3, -1, "Foo");
            byte[]   actual = (byte[])ret[0];
            float a_f = Convert.ToSingle((double)ret[1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(e_f, a_f);
Exemple #17
    public void HandleData(MemBlock packet, ISender from, object node)

      long stop_time, rt_ticks = -10000;

      if ( !from.Equals(node)) {
        if (packet[0] == 0) {
        //log.Debug("Echo Response:");
	  stop_time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
	  int received_uid = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(packet, 1);
		rt_ticks = stop_time - (long)EchoTester.uid_starttime[received_uid];
	  double rt_ms = (double) rt_ticks/10000.0;
	  uid_brunetpingtime.Add(received_uid, rt_ms);
	  Console.WriteLine("Packet ID = {0}, Round-trip = {1}", received_uid, rt_ms); 	  
        else {
        //log.Debug("Echo Request:");


        //System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", packet.ToString());

        if (packet[0] > 0) {
          //Send a reply back, this is a request  
	  byte[] new_payload = new byte[ packet.Length ];
	  packet.CopyTo(new_payload, 0);
          new_payload[0] = (byte) 0;
          from.Send(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Echo, MemBlock.Reference(new_payload)));
Exemple #18
         * This is either a request or response.  Look up the handler
         * for it, and pass the packet to the handler
        public void HandleData(MemBlock p, ISender from, object state)
            //Is it a request or reply?
            ReqrepType rt    = (ReqrepType)((byte)p[0]);
            int        idnum = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(p, 1);
            MemBlock   rest  = p.Slice(5); //Skip the type and the id

            if (rt == ReqrepType.Request || rt == ReqrepType.LossyRequest)
                HandleRequest(rt, idnum, rest, from);
            else if (rt == ReqrepType.Reply)
                HandleReply(rt, idnum, rest, from);
            else if (rt == ReqrepType.ReplyAck)
                HandleReplyAck(rt, idnum, rest, from);
            else if (rt == ReqrepType.RequestAck)
                HandleRequestAck(rt, idnum, rest, from);
            else if (rt == ReqrepType.Error)
                HandleError(rt, idnum, rest, from);
Exemple #19
 public void HandleData(MemBlock payload, ISender return_path, object state) {
   if(_sub != null) {
     MemBlock rest = null;
     PType.Parse(payload, out rest);
     _sub.Handle(rest, return_path);
Exemple #20
        public void MDnsATest()
            String Name = "david-laptop.local";

            DnsPacket.Types Type       = DnsPacket.Types.A;
            bool            CacheFlush = true;

            DnsPacket.Classes Class = DnsPacket.Classes.IN;
            int      Ttl            = 120;
            String   RData          = "";
            Response rp             = new Response(Name, Type, Class, CacheFlush, Ttl, RData);

            MemBlock am = MemBlock.Reference(new byte[] { 0x0c, 0x64, 0x61, 0x76,
                                                          0x69, 0x64, 0x2d, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x05, 0x6c, 0x6f,
                                                          0x63, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78,
                                                          0x00, 0x04, 0x0a, 0xe3, 0x38, 0x88 });

            Response rm = new Response(am, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(rp.Packet, am, "Packet");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Name, Name, "Name");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Type, Type, "Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Class, Class, "Class");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.CacheFlush, CacheFlush, "CacheFlush");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Ttl, Ttl, "Ttl");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.RData, RData, "RData");
Exemple #21
         * Abandon any attempts to get requests for the given ID.
         * @throw Exception if handler is not the original handler for this Request
        public void StopRequest(int request_id, IReplyHandler handler)
            RequestState rs = null;

            lock ( _sync ) {
                if (!_req_state_table.TryTake(request_id, out rs))
                    rs = null;
            if (rs != null)
                 * Send an ack for this reply:
                byte[] ack_payload = new byte[5];
                ack_payload[0] = (byte)ReqrepType.ReplyAck;
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt(request_id, ack_payload, 1);
                ICopyable data = new CopyList(_prefix, MemBlock.Reference(ack_payload));
                foreach (ISender ret_path in rs.Repliers)
                    try {
                        //Try to send an ack, but if we can't, oh well...
                    catch { }
Exemple #22
         * <summary>This should be called if an entry already exists as it will find
         * the entry and update its lease time.  If an entry does not exist nothing
         * happens.</summary>
         * <param name="key">The index to store the value.</param>
         * <param name="value">The data to store.</param>
         * <param name="end_time">The lease time for the data.</param>
        public void UpdateEntry(MemBlock key, MemBlock value, DateTime end_time)
            LinkedList <Entry> data = (LinkedList <Entry>)_data[key];

            if (data != null)
                Entry entry = null;
                LinkedListNode <Entry> current = data.First;
                while (current != null)
                    if (current.Value.Value.Equals(value))
                        entry = current.Value;
                    current = current.Next;
                if (entry != null)
                    entry.EndTime = end_time;
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>Always returns the oldest non-tunnel address.</summary>
        public virtual Address EvaluatePotentialOverlap(IDictionary msg)
            Address oldest_addr = null;
            int     oldest_age  = -1;

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in msg)
                MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock;
                if (key == null)
                    key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[])de.Key);
                Address addr = new AHAddress(key);

                Hashtable values = de.Value as Hashtable;
                TransportAddress.TAType tatype =
                    TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(values["ta"] as string);

                if (tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel))

                int age = (int)values["ct"];
                if (age > oldest_age)
                    oldest_addr = addr;

Exemple #24
 public IgmpPacket(MemBlock packet)
     _icpacket = _packet = packet;
       Type = packet[0];
       GroupAddress = packet.Slice(4, 4);
       _icpayload = _payload = packet.Slice(8);
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>Writes an IPPacket as is to the TAP device.</summary>
        /// <param name="packet">The IPPacket!</param>
        protected virtual void WriteIP(ICopyable packet)
            MemBlock mp = packet as MemBlock;

            if (mp == null)
                mp = MemBlock.Copy(packet);

            IPPacket ipp  = new IPPacket(mp);
            MemBlock dest = null;

            if (!_ip_to_ether.TryGetValue(ipp.DestinationIP, out dest))
                if (ipp.DestinationIP[0] >= 224 && ipp.DestinationIP[0] <= 239)
                    dest = EthernetPacket.GetMulticastEthernetAddress(ipp.DestinationIP);
                else if (ipp.DestinationIP[3] == 255)
                    dest = EthernetPacket.BroadcastAddress;

            EthernetPacket res_ep = new EthernetPacket(dest,
                                                       EthernetPacket.UnicastAddress, EthernetPacket.Types.IP, mp);

Exemple #26
        /// <summary>Tasks that should be performed during startup until completion
        /// and repetitive tasks are added here.
        protected void CheckNode(object o, EventArgs ea)
            lock (_sync) {
                if (_dhcp_config == null)
                    if (_dhcp_config == null)

                // The rest doesn't quite work right yet...
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if ((now - _last_check_node).TotalSeconds < 30)
                _last_check_node = now;

            // Discover machines in on the LAN if they respond to ICMP requests
            WaitCallback wcb = delegate(object obj) {

Exemple #27
         * <summary>Generates an 16-bit IP (UDP, TCP) checksum based upon header and
         * optional extra memory blocks placed into args.</summary>
         * <param name="header">The Header to base the checksum on.</param>
         * <param name="args">Any extra memory blocks to include in checksum
         * calculations.</param>
         * <returns>a 16-bit IP header checksum.</returns>
        public static ushort GenerateChecksum(MemBlock header, params Object[] args)
            int value  = 0;
            int length = header.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
                byte first  = header[i];
                byte second = (length == i + 1) ? (byte)0 : header[i + 1];
                value += second + (first << 8);

            for (int j = 0; j < args.Length; j++)
                MemBlock tmp = (MemBlock)args[j];
                length = tmp.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
                    byte first  = tmp[i];
                    byte second = (length == i + 1) ? (byte)0 : tmp[i + 1];
                    value += second + (first << 8);

            while (value >> 16 > 0)
                value = (value & 0xFFFF) + (value >> 16);

            return((ushort)(~value & 0xFFFF));
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds an available IP range on the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkdevice">Device to be ignored</param>
        /// <param name="startip">Device to be ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Return IP to use</returns>
        public static MemBlock GetNetwork(string networkdevice, MemBlock startip)
            MemBlock    netip         = startip;
            ArrayList   used_networks = new ArrayList();
            IPHostEntry entry         = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String.Empty);

            foreach (IPAddress ip in entry.AddressList)
                byte[] address = ip.GetAddressBytes();
                address[2] = 0;
                address[3] = 0;

            while (used_networks.Contains(netip))
                byte[] tmp = new byte[netip.Length];
                netip.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
                if (tmp[1] == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Out of Addresses!");
                tmp[1] -= 1;
                netip   = MemBlock.Reference(tmp);
        public void Test()
            MemBlock mdnsm = MemBlock.Reference(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                                                             0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x64, 0x61, 0x76,
                                                             0x69, 0x64, 0x69, 0x77, 0x2D, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x70, 0x05,
                                                             0x6C, 0x6F, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x0C,
                                                             0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0A, 0xFE,
                                                             0x00, 0x01 });
            DnsPacket mdns   = new DnsPacket(mdnsm);
            String    ss_ip  = "";
            bool      change = MDnsTranslator.mDnsTranslate(mdns.Answers, ss_ip);

            change |= MDnsTranslator.mDnsTranslate(mdns.Authority, ss_ip);
            change |= MDnsTranslator.mDnsTranslate(mdns.Additional, ss_ip);
            // If we make a change let's make a new packet!
            if (change)
                mdns = new DnsPacket(mdns.ID, mdns.Query, mdns.Opcode, mdns.AA,
                                     mdns.RA, mdns.RD, mdns.Questions, mdns.Answers,
                                     mdns.Authority, mdns.Additional);
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].Name, "davidiw-laptop.local", "Name");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].Type, DnsPacket.Types.A, "Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].Class, DnsPacket.Classes.IN, "Class");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].CacheFlush, false, "CacheFlush");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].Ttl, 120, "Ttl");
            Assert.AreEqual(mdns.Authority[0].RData, "", "RData");
Exemple #30
        public void DnsPtrTest()
            String Name = "";

            DnsPacket.Types   Type  = DnsPacket.Types.Ptr;
            DnsPacket.Classes Class = DnsPacket.Classes.IN;
            int      Ttl            = 30;
            String   RData          = "yo-in-f104.google.com";
            Response rp             = new Response(Name, Type, Class, Ttl, RData);

            MemBlock ptrm = MemBlock.Reference(new byte[] { 0x03, 0x31, 0x30, 0x34,
                                                            0x03, 0x31, 0x36, 0x39, 0x03, 0x32, 0x33, 0x33, 0x02, 0x36, 0x34, 0x07,
                                                            0x69, 0x6e, 0x2d, 0x61, 0x64, 0x64, 0x72, 0x04, 0x61, 0x72, 0x70, 0x61,
                                                            0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x17, 0x0a,
                                                            0x79, 0x6f, 0x2d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x2d, 0x66, 0x31, 0x30, 0x34, 0x06, 0x67,
                                                            0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x03, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00 });
            Response rm = new Response(ptrm, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(rp.Packet, ptrm, "Packet");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Name, Name, "Name");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Type, Type, "Type");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Class, Class, "Class");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.Ttl, Ttl, "Ttl");
            Assert.AreEqual(rm.RData, RData, "RData");
        protected void SendControlPacket(EndPoint end, int remoteid, int localid,
                                         ControlCode c, object state)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                NumberSerializer.WriteInt((int)c, ms);
                if (c == ControlCode.EdgeDataAnnounce)
                    UdpEdge e = (UdpEdge)_id_ht[localid];
                    if ((e != null) && (e.RemoteID == remoteid))
                        Hashtable t = new Hashtable();
                        t["RemoteTA"] = e.RemoteTA.ToString();
                        t["LocalTA"]  = e.LocalTA.ToString();
                        AdrConverter.Serialize(t, ms);
                        if (ProtocolLog.UdpEdge.Enabled)
                            ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.UdpEdge, String.Format(
                                                  "Problem sending EdgeData: EndPoint: {0}, remoteid: {1}, " +
                                                  "localid: {2}, Edge: {3}", end, remoteid, localid, e));

                _send_queue.Enqueue(new UdpMessage(localid, ~remoteid, MemBlock.Reference(ms.ToArray()), end));
                if (ProtocolLog.UdpEdge.Enabled)
                    ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.UdpEdge, String.Format(
                                          "Sending control {1} to: {0}", end, c));
Exemple #32
        protected void HandleError(ReqrepType rt, int idnum,
                                   MemBlock err_data, ISender ret_path)
            //Get the request:
            RequestState reqs;
            bool         act;

            lock ( _sync ) {
                ///@todo, we might not want to stop listening after one error
                act = _req_state_table.TryTake(idnum, out reqs);
            if (act)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("[ReqrepManager: {0}] Receiving error on request id: {1}, from: {2}",
                                        _info, idnum, ret_path);
                ///@todo make sure we are checking that this ret_path makes sense for
                ///our request
                ReqrepError rrerr = (ReqrepError)err_data[0];
                reqs.ReplyHandler.HandleError(this, idnum, rrerr, ret_path, reqs.UserState);
                //We have already dealt with this Request
Exemple #33
         * Start sending packets
        public void Run()
            byte[] buf     = new byte[UInt16.MaxValue];
            Random ran_obj = new Random();

            for (int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++)
                try {
                    int size = ran_obj.Next(4, Int16.MaxValue);
                    NumberSerializer.WriteInt(counter, buf, 0);
                    MemBlock cp = MemBlock.Copy(buf, 0, Math.Max(4, counter));
                    lock (_sync) { _sent_blocks[cp] = counter; }
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending Packet #: " + counter);
                catch (Exception x) {
                    Console.WriteLine("send: {0} caused exception: {1}", counter, x);
            //Let all the responses get back
        /** Parse without looking at the cache
        protected static Address NoCacheParse(string ascii)
            string[] parts = ascii.Split(':');
            //It should be:  urn:brunet:node:[encoded address]
            // or brunet:node:[encoded address]
            int offset = 0;

            if (parts[0].ToLower() == "urn")
                offset = 1;
            string brunet = parts[offset].ToLower();

            if (brunet != "brunet")
                throw new ParseException
                          ("String is not a properly formated Brunet Address:" + ascii);
            string node = parts[offset + 1].ToLower();

            if (node != "node")
                throw new ParseException
                          ("String is not a properly formated Brunet Address:" + ascii);
            try {
                byte[]   binadd = Base32.Decode(parts[offset + 2]);
                MemBlock mb     = MemBlock.Reference(binadd);
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
                throw new ParseException("Failed to parse Address string",
Exemple #35
            public bool HandleReply(ReqrepManager man, ReqrepManager.ReqrepType rt,
                                    int mid,
                                    PType prot,
                                    MemBlock payload, ISender returnpath,
                                    ReqrepManager.Statistics statistics,
                                    object state)
                DateTime reply_time = DateTime.UtcNow;

                ListDictionary res_dict = new ListDictionary();
                AHSender       ah_rp    = returnpath as AHSender;

                if (ah_rp != null)
                    res_dict["target"] = ah_rp.Destination.ToString();
                //Here are the number of microseconds
                res_dict["musec"] = (int)(1000.0 * ((reply_time - _start_time).TotalMilliseconds));
                //Send the RPC result now;
                RpcManager my_rpc = System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _rpc, null);

                if (my_rpc != null)
                    //We have not sent any reply yet:
                    my_rpc.SendResult(_req_state, res_dict);
Exemple #36
         * <summary>Disk caching is unsupported at this time.</summary>
        /* When we have a cache eviction, we must write it to disk, we take
         * each entry, convert it explicitly into a hashtable, and then use adr
         * to create a stream and write it to disk
        public void CacheEviction(Object o, EventArgs args)
            Brunet.Collections.Cache.EvictionArgs eargs = (Brunet.Collections.Cache.EvictionArgs)args;
            MemBlock key = (MemBlock)eargs.Key;

            if (Dht.DhtLog.Enabled)
                ProtocolLog.Write(Dht.DhtLog, String.Format(
                                      "Evicted out of cache {0}, entries in dht {1}, entries in cache {2}",
                                      (new BigInteger(key)).ToString(16), Count, _data.Count));
            if (eargs.Value != null && ((LinkedList <Entry>)eargs.Value).Count > 0)
                LinkedList <Entry> data = (LinkedList <Entry>)eargs.Value;
                // AdrConverter doesn't support LinkedLists
                Entry[] entries = new Entry[data.Count];
                data.CopyTo(entries, 0);
                Hashtable[] ht_entries = new Hashtable[entries.Length];
                int         index      = 0;
                foreach (Entry entry in entries)
                    ht_entries[index++] = (Hashtable)entry;

                string dir_path, filename;
                string file_path = GeneratePath(key, out dir_path, out filename);
                if (!Directory.Exists(dir_path))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Open(file_path, FileMode.Create)) {
                    AdrConverter.Serialize(ht_entries, fs);
Exemple #37
 public void HandleData(MemBlock payload, ISender return_path, object state) {
   _last_received = payload;
   _ht[payload] = return_path;
   if(HandleDataCallback != null) {
     HandleDataCallback(payload, null);
 static SecurityControlMessage()
   byte[] empty_cookie = new byte[CookieLength];
   for(int i = 0; i < CookieLength; i++) {
     empty_cookie[i] = 0;
   EmptyCookie = MemBlock.Reference(empty_cookie);
Exemple #39
 <summary>Create a DhtDns using the specified Dht object</summary>
 <param name="dht">A Dht object used to acquire name translations</param>
 public DhtDns(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask, string name_server,
     bool forward_queries, IDht dht, String ipop_namespace) :
   base(ip, netmask, name_server, forward_queries)
   _ipop_namespace = ipop_namespace;
   _dht = dht;
   _sync = new object();
Exemple #40
 public void HandleData(MemBlock b, ISender return_path, object state) {
   byte b0 = b[0];
   if( b0 == 0 ) {
     //This is a request:
     MemBlock data = b.Slice(1);
     //Make sure node to reply with a zero
     return_path.Send( new CopyList( PType.Protocol.Echo, REPLY_HEADER, data) );
Exemple #41
 <summary>Takes in a MemBlock and parses it as a Udp Packet.</summary>
 <param name="packet">The MemBlock containing the Udp Packet</param>
 public UdpPacket(MemBlock packet) {
   if(packet.Length < 8) {
     throw new Exception("Invalid UDP Packet");
   _icpacket = _packet = packet;
   SourcePort = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1];
   DestinationPort = (packet[2] << 8) | packet[3];
   _icpayload = _payload = packet.Slice(8);
Exemple #42
 /// <summary>Translates an IP Address to a Brunet Address.  If it is in the
 /// cache it returns a result, otherwise it returns null and begins a Miss
 /// lookup.</summary>
 /// <param name="ip">The IP Address to translate.</param>
 /// <returns>Null if none exists or there is a miss or the Brunet Address if
 /// one exists in the cache</returns>
 public Address Resolve(MemBlock ip)
   Address addr;
   bool update;
   bool success = _cache.TryGetValue(ip, out addr, out update);
   if(update || !success) {
   return addr;
Exemple #43
 /** Parse the first LENGTH bytes to get the AHHeader
 public AHHeader(MemBlock mb) {
   Hops = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, 0);
   Ttl = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, 2);
   //We parse the Address objects lazily
   Opts = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, 2 * Address.MemSize + 4);
   if( mb.Length != LENGTH ) {
     mb = mb.Slice(0,LENGTH);
   _data = mb;
Exemple #44
 public void HandleData(MemBlock data, ISender return_path, object state)
    * Write the messages:
   Console.WriteLine("Msg from: {0}", return_path);
   data.ToMemoryStream().WriteTo( System.Console.OpenStandardOutput() );
   return_path.Send( new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Chat, MemBlock.Null) );
    public DataPacket(ICopyable packet) {
      _update_icpacket = false;
      _update_packet = false;

      _icpacket = packet;
      _packet = packet as MemBlock;
      if(_packet == null) {
        _update_packet = true;
Exemple #46
 protected AHHeader(short hops, AHHeader head) {
   //Set a new number of hops:
   Hops = hops;
   //Copy the rest:
   Ttl = head.Ttl;
   Opts = head.Opts;
   _src = head._src; 
   _dest = head._dest; 
   _data = head._data;
Exemple #47
 /// <summary>
 /// This method replaces IP addresses based on some identifier
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload">Payload to be translated</param>
 /// <param name="old_ss_ip">Old source IP address</param>
 /// <param name="old_sd_ip">Old destination IP</param>
 /// <param name="new_ss_ip">New source IP address</param>
 /// <param name="new_sd_ip">New destination IP address</param>
 /// <param name="packet_id">A packet identifier</param>
 /// <returns>A MemBlock of the translated payload</returns>
 public static MemBlock TextTranslate(MemBlock payload, string old_ss_ip,
                                      string old_sd_ip, string new_ss_ip,
                                      string new_sd_ip, string packet_id) {
   string sdata = payload.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
   if(sdata.Contains(packet_id)) {
     sdata = sdata.Replace(old_ss_ip, new_ss_ip);
     sdata = sdata.Replace(old_sd_ip, new_sd_ip);
     payload = MemBlock.Reference(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sdata));
   return payload;
Exemple #48
  public bool HandleReply(ReqrepManager man, ReqrepManager.ReqrepType rt,
		   int mid,
		   PType prot,
		   MemBlock payload,
		   ISender from,
		   ReqrepManager.Statistics s,
		   object state)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} got our message", from);
    return false;
Exemple #49
 public DirectionalAddress(MemBlock mb)
   if (ClassOf(mb) != this.Class) {
     throw new System.
     ("This is not an AHAddress (Class 124) :  ",
   _buffer = mb;
   _dir = (Direction) NumberSerializer.ReadInt(mb, 0);
Exemple #50
 public void HandleData(MemBlock p, ISender edge, object state)
   try {
     int num = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(p, 0);
     Console.WriteLine("Got packet number: {0}", num);
     edge.Send( p );
   catch(Exception x) {
     Console.WriteLine("Server got exception on send: {0}", x);
    /// <summary>
    /// 释放
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="block"></param>
    public void Free(MemBlock block)
        if (block.GetBytes() == null)

        int nIndex = GetIndex(block.GetMaxLength());
        if (nIndex >= mMaxList)

Exemple #52
    public static void Verify(MemBlock p, ISender from, object state) {
      lock(_class_lock) {
	// Make sure that the packet equals my state.
	if (!p.Equals(state)) {
Exemple #53
 public  void HandleData(MemBlock p, ISender edge, object state)
   //object count_o = null;
   try {
     lock(_sync) {
       //clear this item out
       //count_o = _sent_blocks[p];
   catch(Exception x) {
     Console.WriteLine("Error on handling response from {0}: {1}", edge, x);
Exemple #54
 public ArpPacket(MemBlock Packet)
     _icpacket = _packet = Packet;
       HardwareType = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 0);
       ProtocolType = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 2);
       int hw_len = Packet[4];
       int proto_len = Packet[5];
       Operation = (Operations) NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 6);
       int pos = 8;
       SenderHWAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, hw_len);
       pos += hw_len;
       SenderProtoAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, proto_len);
       pos += proto_len;
       TargetHWAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, hw_len);
       pos += hw_len;
       TargetProtoAddress = MemBlock.Reference(Packet, pos, proto_len);
Exemple #55
    public static ManagedDhcpServer GetManagedDhcpServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask) {
      DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig();
      config.LeaseTime = 3200;
      config.Netmask = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.');
      config.IPBase = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.');

      config.ReservedIPs = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1];
      config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP();

      byte[] local_ip = new byte[4];
      ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0);
      local_ip[3] = 2;

      config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.');
      config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask = "";

      return new ManagedDhcpServer(config);
Exemple #56
    public IcmpPacket(MemBlock Packet) {
      if(Packet.Length < 4) {
        throw new Exception("Icmp: Not long enough!");

      _icpacket = Packet;
      _packet = Packet;

      Type = (Types) Packet[0];
      Code = Packet[1];

      if(Packet.Length >= 8) {
        Identifier = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 4);
        SequenceNumber = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(Packet, 6);
      } else {
        Identifier = 0;
        SequenceNumber = 0;
    /// <summary>Translates an IP Address to a Brunet Address.  If it is in the
    /// cache it returns a result, otherwise it returns null and begins a Miss
    /// lookup.</summary>
    /// <param name="ip">The IP Address to translate.</param>
    /// <returns>Null if none exists or there is a miss or the Brunet Address if
    /// one exists in the cache</returns>
    public Address Resolve(MemBlock ip)
      Address stored_addr;
      bool update;

      bool contains = _verified_cache.TryGetValue(ip, out stored_addr, out update);
      if(!contains) {
        contains = _incoming_cache.TryGetValue(ip, out stored_addr, out update);
        update = true;

      if(contains) {
        _incoming_cache.Update(ip, stored_addr);

      if(update) {
      return stored_addr;
Exemple #58
    public void test() {
      MockDataHandler mdh = new MockDataHandler();
      mdh.HandleDataCallback += Callback;
      ISender sender = new MockSender(null, null, mdh, 0);
      byte[][] b = new byte[10][];
      MemBlock[] mb = new MemBlock[10];
      Random rand = new Random();
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        b[i] = new byte[128];
        mb[i] = MemBlock.Reference(b[i]);

      for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        Assert.AreEqual(i, mdh.Position(mb[i]), "Position " + i);
        Assert.IsTrue(mdh.Contains(mb[i]), "Contains " + i);

      Assert.AreEqual(_count, 10, "Count");
Exemple #59
    /// <summary>Default constructor</summary>
    /// <param name="ip_address">An IP Address in the range.</param>
    /// <param name="netmask">The netmask for the range.</param>
    /// <param name="name_server">The external name server to be queried.</param>
    /// <param name="forward_queries">Set if queries are to be forwarded to external name server.</param>
    public Dns(MemBlock ip_address, MemBlock netmask, string name_server,
        bool forward_queries)
      if(forward_queries) {
        if(name_server == null || name_server == string.Empty) {
          // GoogleDns
          name_server = "";

        _name_server = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(name_server), 53);
      _forward_queries = forward_queries;
      _netmask = netmask;

      byte[] ba = new byte[ip_address.Length];
      for(int i = 0; i < ip_address.Length; i++) {
        ba[i] = (byte) (ip_address[i] & netmask[i]);
      _base_address = MemBlock.Reference(ba);
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor for the class, it initializes various objects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node">Takes in a structured node</param>
    public ManagedAddressResolverAndDns(StructuredNode node, DhcpServer dhcp,
        MemBlock local_ip, string name_server, bool forward_queries) :
      base(MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.BaseIP), MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.Netmask),
          name_server, forward_queries)
      _node = node;
      _dns_a = new Hashtable();
      _dns_ptr = new Hashtable();
      _ip_addr = new Hashtable();
      _addr_ip = new Hashtable();
      _blocked_addrs = new Hashtable();
      mcast_addr = new ArrayList();

      _dhcp = dhcp;
      _local_ip = local_ip;
      _sync = new object();
      _udp_translators = new IProtocolTranslator<UdpPacket>[] {
        new MDnsTranslator(local_ip),
        new SipTranslator(local_ip),
        new SsdpTranslator(local_ip)