Exemple #1
    private void RefreshBodyObject(Body body, GameObject bodyObject)
        Windows.Kinect.Joint leftHandJoint     = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
        Transform            leftHandTransform = bodyObject.transform.Find(leftHandName);

        leftHandTransform.localPosition = GetVector3FromJoint(leftHandJoint);

        Windows.Kinect.Joint rightHandJoint     = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
        Transform            rightHandTransform = bodyObject.transform.Find(rightHandName);

        rightHandTransform.localPosition = GetVector3FromJoint(rightHandJoint);

        JointOrientation lefthandOrientation    = body.JointOrientations[JointType.WristLeft];
        Quaternion       leftRotationQuaternion = new Quaternion(lefthandOrientation.Orientation.X, lefthandOrientation.Orientation.Y, lefthandOrientation.Orientation.Z, lefthandOrientation.Orientation.W);
        Vector3          leftEuler = leftRotationQuaternion.eulerAngles;

        leftEuler = new Vector3(0, 0, leftEuler.z);
        leftHandTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(leftEuler);

        JointOrientation righthandOrientation    = body.JointOrientations[JointType.WristRight];
        Quaternion       rightRotationQuaternion = new Quaternion(righthandOrientation.Orientation.X, righthandOrientation.Orientation.Y, righthandOrientation.Orientation.Z, righthandOrientation.Orientation.W);
        Vector3          rightEuler = rightRotationQuaternion.eulerAngles;

        rightEuler = new Vector3(0, 0, rightEuler.z);
        rightHandTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rightEuler);
Exemple #2
        void bodyReader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            // Retrieve the current body frame and dispose it after the block
            using (BodyFrame bFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                // Check whether the frame has not expired yet (i.e. it is available)
                if (bFrame != null)
                    // Copy the body data into our buffer

                    // TODO If you want to handle more than one body, you have to
                    // adapt the following lines

                    // Get the first tracked body
                    trackedBody = (from s in bodies
                                   where s.IsTracked
                                   select s).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (trackedBody != null)
                        JointOrientation headOrientation = trackedBody.JointOrientations[JointType.Head];
                        CameraSpacePoint headPosition    = trackedBody.Joints[JointType.Head].Position;
                        // ... do stuff

                    // Draw the recognized bodies in the transparent overlay window
Exemple #3
 protected Kinect2SJoint(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx)
     this.TrackingState    = (TrackingState)info.GetValue(Kinect2SJoint.KEY_TrackingState, typeof(TrackingState));
     this.JointType        = (JointType)info.GetValue(Kinect2SJoint.KEY_JointType, typeof(JointType));
     this.CameraSpacePoint = (CameraSpacePoint)info.GetValue(Kinect2SJoint.KEY_CameraSpacePoint, typeof(CameraSpacePoint));
     this.Orientation      = ((JointOrientation)info.GetValue(Kinect2SJoint.KEY_Orientation, typeof(JointOrientation)));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Kinect Objects to the current Body location/rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">The Body</param>
        /// <param name="kinectObjects">The Kinect 3D Objects to update</param>
        public static void UpdateKinect3DObjects(Body body, List <Kinect3DObject> kinectObjects)
            if (kinectObjects == null)
            foreach (Kinect3DObject kinectObject in kinectObjects)
                Joint            j1  = body.Joints[(JointType)kinectObject.FirstJoint];
                JointOrientation jo1 = body.JointOrientations[(JointType)kinectObject.FirstJoint];
                var grpTransfo       = new Transform3DGroup();

                if (kinectObject.IsMoveable)
                    kinectObject.OffsetX = (j1.Position.X * 10);
                    kinectObject.OffsetY = (j1.Position.Y * 10);
                    grpTransfo.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(-kinectObject.OffsetX, kinectObject.OffsetY, 0));

                if (kinectObject.IsRotateable)
                    grpTransfo.Children.Add(new RotateTransform3D(
                                                new QuaternionRotation3D(
                                                    new Quaternion(jo1.Orientation.X, -jo1.Orientation.Y, -jo1.Orientation.Z, jo1.Orientation.W)),

                kinectObject.Model.Transform = grpTransfo;
Exemple #5
 OscElement ProcessHandStateInformation(int joint, Joint j, JointOrientation jo, HandState state, TrackingConfidence confidence, double time, int pointScale)
                                 j.Position.X, j.Position.Y, j.Position.Z,
                                 TrackingConfidenceToValue(confidence), time,
Exemple #6
 void ProcessHandStateInformation(int joint, Joint j, JointOrientation jo, HandState state, TrackingConfidence confidence, double time, int pointScale, UdpWriter osc, StreamWriter fileWriter)
                          j.Position.X, j.Position.Y, j.Position.Z,
                          TrackingConfidenceToValue(confidence), time,
                          pointScale, osc, fileWriter);
Exemple #7
    private static Quaternion GetQuaternionFromJoint(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
        float ox = jointOrientation.Orientation.X;
        float oy = jointOrientation.Orientation.Y;
        float oz = jointOrientation.Orientation.Z;
        float ow = jointOrientation.Orientation.W;

        return(new Quaternion(ox, oy, oz, ow));
Exemple #8
        protected override void SerializeMiddle(BinaryWriter writer)
            // Format:
            // Load Size (4 bytes, signed) | Timestamp (8 bytes, signed) | Frame Type (4 bytes, bitset) | Tracked Body Count (1 byte, unsigned)
            // Tracking ID (8 bytes, unsigned) | Hand Left Confidence (1 byte, unsigned) | Hand Left State (1 byte, unsigned)
            // Hand Right Confidence (1 byte, unsigned) | Hand Right State (1 byte, unsigned)
            // For each Joint, X, Y, Z, W, X, Y, Z (all floats)
            // Description:
            // Load Size: Number of bytes to be read further to read one DepthFrame
            // Timestamp: For syncing frames at the client side
            // Tracked Body Count: Number of bodies currently tracke by Kinect
            // Tracking ID: The Tracking ID assigned by Kinect to the closest body
            // Hand Left Confidence:
            // Hand Left State:
            // Hand Right Confidence:
            // Hand Right State:
            // All of the joints of the closest body in the format:
            //     Joint Type:
            //     Joint Tracking State:
            //     Joint Position X, Y, Z
            //     Joint Orientation W, X, Y, Z

            // Note that BinaryWriter is documented to write data in little-endian form only

            if (Engaged)



                // Assume we'll always have orientation for a joint that has a position
                foreach (JointType j in Joints.Keys)
                    Joint            joint       = Joints[j];
                    JointOrientation jointOrient = JointOrientations[j];



 public void AddIfTrackedOrInferred(Joint jointtoadd, JointOrientation jointtoaddoritent, Joint jointparent)
     if (jointtoadd.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && jointparent.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked)
         this.JointQuaternions[jointtoadd.JointType] = this.JointQuaternions[jointparent.JointType] * jointtoaddoritent.Orientation.ToQuaternion();
     this.JointQuaternions[jointtoadd.JointType] = jointtoaddoritent.Orientation.ToQuaternion();
     //(new Quaternion(0,1,0,0)) *
Exemple #10
        public static Kinect2SJoint MakeInstance(Joint joint, JointOrientation orientation)
            Kinect2SJoint serializableJoint = new Kinect2SJoint();

            serializableJoint.TrackingState    = joint.TrackingState;
            serializableJoint.JointType        = joint.JointType;
            serializableJoint.CameraSpacePoint = joint.Position;
            serializableJoint.Orientation      = orientation;
 public FubiTrackingData()
     uint numJoints = (uint)FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.NUM_JOINTS;
     jointOrientations = new JointOrientation[numJoints];
     for (uint i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i)
         jointOrientations[i] = new JointOrientation();
     jointPositions = new JointPosition[numJoints];
     for (uint i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i)
         jointPositions[i] = new JointPosition();
Exemple #12
    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        speedMilestoneCount = speedIncreaseMilestone;

        moveSpeedStore = moveSpeed;
        speedIncreaseMilestoneStore = speedIncreaseMilestone;
        speedMilestoneCountStore    = speedMilestoneCount;

        myo = GetComponent <JointOrientation>();
        private static object SerializeJoint(Body skeleton, JointType joint)
            Joint            bodyJoint   = skeleton.Joints[joint];
            JointOrientation orientation = skeleton.JointOrientations[joint];

                Position = bodyJoint.Position.ToArray(),
                State = bodyJoint.TrackingState.ToString(),
                Rotation = orientation.Orientation.ToArray()
Exemple #14
        public void SetJointData(Joint sourceJoint, JointOrientation sourceOrientation, Quaternion kinectRot, float kinectHeight)
            var pos = sourceJoint.Position;
            var ori = sourceOrientation.Orientation;

            position.x  = pos.X;
            position.y  = pos.Y;
            position.z  = pos.Z;
            position    = kinectRot * position;
            position.y += kinectHeight;

            rotation.Set(ori.X, ori.Y, ori.Z, ori.W);
            rotation *= kinectRot;
Exemple #15
        public FubiTrackingData()
            uint numJoints = (uint)FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.NUM_JOINTS;

            jointOrientations = new JointOrientation[numJoints];
            for (uint i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i)
                jointOrientations[i] = new JointOrientation();
            jointPositions = new JointPosition[numJoints];
            for (uint i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i)
                jointPositions[i] = new JointPosition();
Exemple #16
 void ProcessJointInformation(int joint, Joint j, JointOrientation jo, double time, int pointScale, UdpWriter osc, StreamWriter fileWriter)
     if (j == null)
     if (jo == null)
                      j.Position.X, j.Position.Y, j.Position.Z,
                      JointToConfidenceValue(j), time,
                      pointScale, osc, fileWriter);
Exemple #17
 OscElement ProcessJointInformation(int joint, Joint j, JointOrientation jo, double time, int pointScale)
     if (j == null)
     if (jo == null)
                             j.Position.X, j.Position.Y, j.Position.Z,
                             JointToConfidenceValue(j), time,
 public virtual void Update(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
Exemple #19
 private Quaternion JointOrientationToQuaternion(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
     return(new Quaternion(jointOrientation.Orientation.X, jointOrientation.Orientation.Y, jointOrientation.Orientation.Z, jointOrientation.Orientation.W));
 void Awake()
     jointOrientation = hand.GetComponent <JointOrientation>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Store body(skeleton) information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodyFrame">body(skeleton) information to be stored</param>
        /// <param name="frameNumber">frame number</param>
        public static void Handle_BodyFrame(BodyFrame bodyFrame, String frameNumber)
            String skeletonInfoPath = FramesAndPaths.GetSkeletonFilePath(FramesAndPaths.FileType.SkeletonInfo, "SkeletonInfo.txt");

                using (StreamWriter skeletonWriter = new StreamWriter(skeletonInfoPath, true))
                    Body[] bodies = new Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];


                    // A string to store all the skeletons' information in this frame
                    // 要写入 txt 文件的本帧所有骨骼信息
                    String peopleInfo = String.Empty;

                    foreach (Body body in bodies)
                        if (body.IsTracked)
                            IReadOnlyDictionary <JointType, Joint>            joints            = body.Joints;
                            IReadOnlyDictionary <JointType, JointOrientation> jointOrientations = body.JointOrientations;

                            // Acquire coordinates on camera space
                            // 获得 camera space 上关节点的三维坐标
                            int jointIndex = 0;
                            foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
                                // sometimes the depth(Z) of an) inferred joint may show as negative
                                // clamp down to 0.1f to prevent coordinatemapper from returning (-Infinity, -Infinity)
                                cameraSpacePositions[jointIndex] = joints[jointType].Position;

                                if (cameraSpacePositions[jointIndex].Z < 0)
                                    cameraSpacePositions[jointIndex].Z = InferredZPositionClamp;

                            // Acquire coordinates on color space
                            // 获得 color space 上的 25 个关节点的二维坐标
                            MainWindow.coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointsToColorSpace(cameraSpacePositions, colorSpacePositions);

                            // Acquire coordinates on depth space
                            // 获得 depth space 上的 25 个关节点的二维坐标
                            MainWindow.coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace(cameraSpacePositions, depthSpacePositions);

                            // Acquire orientation information
                            // 获得关节点的旋转信息
                            jointIndex = 0;
                            foreach (JointType jointType in jointOrientations.Keys)
                                JointOrientation tmpOrientation = jointOrientations[jointType];
                                orientations[jointIndex++] = tmpOrientation.Orientation;

                            // frame number、tracking % 6、floor
                            ulong   resizeId = body.TrackingId % 6;
                            Vector4 floor    = bodyFrame.FloorClipPlane;
                            //String personInfo = String.Format("{0}, id = {1}, color = {2},\r\n",GlobalData.FrameNumberIncrement(GlobalData.FileType.SkeletonInfo),resizeId,bodyColors[resizeId]);

                            // A string to store current skeleton's information in this frame
                            // 要加入 peopleInfo 的本帧当前一具骨骼信息 personInfo
                            String personInfo = String.Format("{0}, id = {1}, floor = {2} {3} {4} {5}", frameNumber, resizeId,
                                                              floor.W, floor.X, floor.Y, floor.Z);

                            personInfo += "\r\n";

                            // Append coordinates on camera space
                            // 相机空间三维坐标
                            personInfo += "\tcamera_space_coordinates =";
                            personInfo += String.Format(" {0} {1} {2}", cameraSpacePositions[0].X, cameraSpacePositions[0].Y, cameraSpacePositions[0].Z);
                            for (int i = 1; i < cameraSpacePositions.Length; ++i)
                                personInfo += String.Format(", {0} {1} {2}", cameraSpacePositions[i].X, cameraSpacePositions[i].Y, cameraSpacePositions[i].Z);
                            personInfo += "\r\n";

                            // Append coordiantes on color space
                            // rgb骨架二维坐标
                            personInfo += "\tcolor_skeleton_coordinates =";
                            personInfo += String.Format(" {0} {1}", colorSpacePositions[0].X, colorSpacePositions[0].Y);
                            for (int i = 1; i < colorSpacePositions.Length; ++i)
                                personInfo += String.Format(", {0} {1}", colorSpacePositions[i].X, colorSpacePositions[i].Y);
                            personInfo += "\r\n";

                            // Append coordinates on depth space
                            // depth骨架二维坐标
                            personInfo += "\tdepth_skeleton_coordinates =";
                            personInfo += String.Format(" {0} {1}", depthSpacePositions[0].X, depthSpacePositions[0].Y);
                            for (int i = 1; i < depthSpacePositions.Length; ++i)
                                personInfo += String.Format(", {0} {1}", depthSpacePositions[i].X, depthSpacePositions[i].Y);
                            personInfo += "\r\n";

                            personInfo += "\tskeleton_orientations =";
                            personInfo += String.Format(" {0} {1} {2} {3}", orientations[0].W, orientations[0].X, orientations[0].Y, orientations[0].Z);
                            for (int i = 1; i < orientations.Length; ++i)
                                personInfo += String.Format(", {0} {1} {2} {3}", orientations[i].W, orientations[i].X, orientations[i].Y, orientations[i].Z);
                            peopleInfo += personInfo;
                            peopleInfo += "\r\n";
            catch (System.IO.IOException)
            { }
            // Release bodyFrame
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the joint orientation based on the referened <c>JointOrientation</c>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jointOrientation"></param>
 public void Update(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
     this._jointOrientation = jointOrientation;
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the joint position based on the referened <c>Joint</c>.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Update(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
        protected static CustomBody CreateBodyFromReader(BinaryReader reader, Version version)
            CustomBody body = new CustomBody();

                body.IsTracked = reader.ReadBoolean();

                if (body.IsTracked)
                    #region Old Version
                    if (version < v02)
                        int count;
                        count = reader.ReadInt32(); // Activities.Count
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            reader.ReadInt32();     // key
                            reader.ReadInt32();     // value
                        count = reader.ReadInt32(); // Appearance.Count
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            reader.ReadInt32(); // key
                            reader.ReadInt32(); // value

                    body.ClippedEdges = (FrameEdges)reader.ReadInt32();

                    #region Old Version
                    if (version < v02)
                        reader.ReadInt32();         // Engaged
                        int count;
                        count = reader.ReadInt32(); // Expressions.Count
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            reader.ReadInt32(); // key
                            reader.ReadInt32(); // value

                    body.HandLeftConfidence  = (TrackingConfidence)reader.ReadInt32();
                    body.HandLeftState       = (HandState)reader.ReadInt32();
                    body.HandRightConfidence = (TrackingConfidence)reader.ReadInt32();
                    body.HandRightState      = (HandState)reader.ReadInt32();
                    body.IsRestricted        = reader.ReadBoolean();

                    int orientationCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (var i = 0; i < orientationCount; i++)
                        var key   = (JointType)reader.ReadInt32();
                        var value = new JointOrientation();
                        value.JointType = (JointType)reader.ReadInt32();
                        var vector = new Vector4();
                        vector.W          = reader.ReadSingle();
                        vector.X          = reader.ReadSingle();
                        vector.Y          = reader.ReadSingle();
                        vector.Z          = reader.ReadSingle();
                        value.Orientation = vector;
                        var dict = body.JointOrientations as IDictionary <JointType, JointOrientation>;
                        if (dict != null)
                            dict[key] = value;

                    int jointCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (var i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
                        var key   = (JointType)reader.ReadInt32();
                        var value = new CustomJoint(key);
                        value.JointType = (JointType)reader.ReadInt32();
                        var position = new CameraSpacePoint();
                        position.X     = reader.ReadSingle();
                        position.Y     = reader.ReadSingle();
                        position.Z     = reader.ReadSingle();
                        value.Position = position;

                        if (version > v03)
                            var depthPosition = new DepthSpacePoint();
                            depthPosition.X     = reader.ReadSingle();
                            depthPosition.Y     = reader.ReadSingle();
                            value.DepthPosition = depthPosition;
                            var colorPosition = new ColorSpacePoint();
                            colorPosition.X     = reader.ReadSingle();
                            colorPosition.Y     = reader.ReadSingle();
                            value.ColorPosition = colorPosition;

                        value.TrackingState = (TrackingState)reader.ReadInt32();
                        var dict = body.Joints as IDictionary <JointType, IJoint>;
                        if (dict != null)
                            dict[key] = value;

                    var lean = new Point();
                    var lean = new PointF();
                    lean.X    = reader.ReadSingle();
                    lean.Y    = reader.ReadSingle();
                    body.Lean = lean;

                    body.LeanTrackingState = (TrackingState)reader.ReadInt32();
                    body.TrackingId        = reader.ReadUInt64();

                    if (version > v03)
                        body.HasMappedDepthPositions = reader.ReadBoolean();
                        body.HasMappedColorPositions = reader.ReadBoolean();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Log This

Exemple #25
 private static Vector4 GetVector4FromJoint(JointOrientation joint)
     return(new Vector4(joint.Orientation.X, joint.Orientation.Y, joint.Orientation.Z, joint.Orientation.W));
 public static Quaternion JointOrientationToQuatertnion(JointOrientation a_jointOrient)
     return(new Quaternion(a_jointOrient.Orientation.X, a_jointOrient.Orientation.Y,
                           a_jointOrient.Orientation.Z, a_jointOrient.Orientation.W));
Exemple #27
 void Start()
     jointOrientation = JointOrientationObject.GetComponent <JointOrientation> ();
     generator        = generatorObject.GetComponent <Generator> ();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="KinectJointOrientation"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jointOrientation">The joint orientation.</param>
 public KinectJointOrientation(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
     this._jointOrientation = jointOrientation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the rotation of the specified joint orientation as a CameraSpacePoint.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="orientation">The orientation of a joint.</param>
 /// <returns>The joint rotation in the X, Y and Z axis.</returns>
 public static CameraSpacePoint Rotation(this JointOrientation orientation)
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the joint orientation based on the referened <c>JointOrientation</c>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jointOrientation"></param>
 public void Update(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
     this._jointOrientation = jointOrientation;
 // Kinect -> Quaternion
 private Quaternion kinectToQuaternion( JointOrientation j )
     return new Quaternion (j.Orientation.X, j.Orientation.Y, j.Orientation.Z, j.Orientation.W);
Exemple #32
 public PseudoJoint(Joint joint, JointOrientation aOrientation)
     this.joint       = joint;
     this.orientation = aOrientation;
        public OscMessage BuildJointMessage(Body body, KeyValuePair <JointType, Joint> joint, JointOrientation orient)
            var address  = String.Format("/bodies/{0}/joints/{1}", body.TrackingId, joint.Key);
            var position = joint.Value.Position;

            return(new OscMessage(address, position.X, position.Y, position.Z, orient.Orientation.X, orient.Orientation.Y, orient.Orientation.Z, orient.Orientation.W, joint.Value.TrackingState.ToString()));
Exemple #34
 private System.Numerics.Vector4 ToVector4(JointOrientation jointOrientation)
     return(new System.Numerics.Vector4(jointOrientation.Orientation.X, jointOrientation.Orientation.Y,
                                        jointOrientation.Orientation.Z, jointOrientation.Orientation.W));
Exemple #35
 public Quaternion ToQuaternion(JointOrientation j) =>
 new Quaternion(j.Orientation.X, j.Orientation.Y, j.Orientation.Z, j.Orientation.W);
 void Start()
     jointOrientation = JointOrientationObject.GetComponent<JointOrientation> ();
     generator = generatorObject.GetComponent<Generator> ();