static void Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int a = iw.getInt("Please input the first coordiante x: "); int b = iw.getInt("Please input the first coordiante y: "); Console.WriteLine ("Here is the section number for the first coordinate: {0}", FindSection(a, b)); int c = iw.getInt("Please input the second coordiante x: "); int d = iw.getInt("Please input the second coordiante y: "); Console.WriteLine ("Here is the section number for the second coordinate: {0}", FindSection(c, d)); int FindSection(int x, int y) { if (x > 0 && y > 0) { return(1); } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { return(4); } else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { return(2); } else { return(3); } } }
public static void Main() { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); // initialize and display array int[] primes = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 }; for (int i = 0; i < primes.Length; i++) { Console.Write("{0} ", primes[i]); } Console.WriteLine(); // loop to read and search for targets Console.WriteLine("Enter numbers to search for, -1 when done"); int target = iw.getInt("target number: "); while (target != -1) { int index = Search(primes, target); if (index == -1) { Console.WriteLine("{0} not found", target); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} found at {1}", target, index); } target = iw.getInt("target number: "); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please input the number:"); InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int a = iw.getInt("enter the first integer: "); int b = iw.getInt("enter the second integer: "); int[] c = new int[b - a + 1]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++) { c[i] = a; a++; } for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++) { if (c[i] % 6 == 0) { Console.Write("{0}:", c[i]); count++; } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("There are {0} number divisiable by 6", count); }
public static void Main() { Bank bank = new Bank(); InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { if (cmd.Equals("open")) { AccountType type; string stype = iw.getString("account type: "); switch (stype) { case "checking": type = AccountType.Checking; break; case "savings": type = AccountType.Savings; break; default: type = AccountType.Invalid; break; } if (type == AccountType.Invalid) { Console.WriteLine("Valid account types are checking/savings"); continue; } decimal bal = iw.getDecimal("starting balance: "); string owner = iw.getString("owner: "); int id = bank.AddAccount(type, bal, owner); Console.WriteLine("Account opened, id = {0}", id); } else if (cmd.Equals("close")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); bank.DeleteAccount(id); } else if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowArray(bank.GetAccounts()); } else if (cmd.Equals("account")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); Account acc = bank.FindAccount(id); Atm.ProcessAccount(acc); } else { help(); } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int a = iw.getInt("Please input the first coordiante x: "); int b = iw.getInt("Please input the first coordiante y: "); Console.WriteLine ("The corordinate({0}, {1}) lies in the {2} quandrant", a, b, FindSection(a, b)); int c = iw.getInt("Please input the second coordiante x: "); int d = iw.getInt("Please input the second coordiante y: "); Console.WriteLine ("The corordinate({0}, {1}) lies in the {2} quandrant", c, d, FindSection(c, d));; int FindSection(int x, int y) { if (x > 0 && y > 0) { return(1); } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { return(4); } else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { return(2); } else { return(3); } } }
public static void Main() { // Initialize accounts and show starting state accounts = new ArrayList(); Console.WriteLine("accounts.Count = {0}", accounts.Count); Console.WriteLine("accounts.Capacity = {0}", accounts.Capacity); AddAccount(100, "Bob", 1); AddAccount(200, "Mary", 2); AddAccount(300, "Charlie", 3); ShowAccounts(accounts); Console.WriteLine("accounts.Count = {0}", accounts.Count); Console.WriteLine("accounts.Capacity = {0}", accounts.Capacity); // Command processing loop InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { try { if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowAccounts(accounts); } else if (cmd.Equals("enum")) { ShowEnum(accounts); } else if (cmd.Equals("remove")) { int id = iw.getInt("id: "); RemoveAccount(id); } else if (cmd.Equals("add")) { decimal balance = iw.getDecimal("balance: "); string owner = iw.getString("owner: "); int id = iw.getInt("id: "); AddAccount(balance, owner, id); } else { help(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); } } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int a = iw.getInt("Please input the size of an array: "); int[] b = new int[a]; int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++) { Console.Write("Please input number {0}", count++); b[i] = iw.getInt(" : "); } Array.Sort(b); foreach (var key in b) { Console.WriteLine(key.ToString()); } }
public static void Main() { Bank bank = new Bank(); InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { if (cmd.Equals("open")) { decimal bal = iw.getDecimal("starting balance: "); string owner = iw.getString("owner: "); int id = bank.AddAccount(bal, owner); Console.WriteLine("Account opened, id = {0}", id); } else if (cmd.Equals("close")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); bank.DeleteAccount(id); } else if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowArray(bank.GetAccounts()); } else if (cmd.Equals("account")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); Account acc = bank.FindAccount(id); Atm.ProcessAccount(acc); } else { help(); } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); Console.WriteLine("Enter -1 to terminate the program"); int year = iw.getInt("year: "); while (false /*(year != -1*/) { if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0))) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a leap year", year); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a leap year", year); } year = iw.getInt("year: "); } return(0); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); decimal amount = iw.getDecimal("Amount of loan: "); // amount of loan double rate = iw.getDouble("Interest rate"); // interest rate int months = iw.getInt("Number of periods"); // number of periods // Prompt for amount of loan, interest rate, and months // Calculate monthly payment using payment() method // Display this payment decimal monthlyPayment = payment(amount, rate, months); Console.WriteLine("Your monthly payment is {0}", monthlyPayment); return(0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int fahr = iw.getInt("Temperature in Fahrenheit: "); int celsius = (fahr - 32) * 5 / 9; Console.WriteLine("fahrenheit = " + fahr); Console.WriteLine("celsius = " + celsius); // Redo calculation using double // Cast one of the integers to double and use a double // variable for celsius double dblCel = (fahr - (double)32) * 5 / 9; Console.WriteLine("Using double, celsius = " + dblCel); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int year = iw.getInt("year: "); if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0))) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a leap year", year); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a leap year", year); } return(0); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); // get an input reader (read from stdin) int i = iw.getInt("enter integer: "); Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i); double d = iw.getDouble("enter double: "); Console.WriteLine("d = {0}", d); decimal dec = iw.getDecimal("enter decimal: "); Console.WriteLine("dec = {0}", dec); string s = iw.getString("enter string: "); Console.WriteLine("s = {0}", s); return(0); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); double amount; // annual deposit amount double rate; // interest rate int years; // number of years double total; // total accumulation amount = iw.getDouble("amount: "); rate = iw.getDouble("rate: "); years = iw.getInt("years: "); total = amount * (Math.Pow(1 + rate, years) - 1) / rate; long total_in_cents = (long)Math.Round(total * 100); total = total_in_cents / 100.0; WriteLine("total = {0}", total); return(0); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); decimal amount; // amount of loan double rate; // interest rate int months; // number of periods // Prompt for amount of loan, interest rate, and months amount = iw.getDecimal("amount: "); rate = iw.getDouble("rate: "); months = iw.getInt("months: "); // Calculate monthly payment using payment() method decimal monthlyPayment = payment(amount, rate, months); // Display this payment Console.WriteLine("The monthly payment is: {0}", monthlyPayment); Console.ReadLine(); return(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please input 10 numbers:"); InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); int[] a = new int[10]; int sum = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { Console.Write("Number {0}", ++count); a[i] = iw.getInt(": "); } for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { sum += a[i]; } float average = sum / 10; Console.WriteLine("The sum of the numbers: {0}", sum); Console.WriteLine("The average of the numbers: {0}", average); }
public static void Main() { // Initialize strings and show starting state list = new List <string>(4); ShowCount(); AddString("Bob"); AddString("Mary"); AddString("Charlie"); ShowList(list); ShowCount(); // Command processing loop InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { try { if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowList(list); } else if (cmd.Equals("array")) { ShowArray(list); } else if (cmd.Equals("enum")) { ShowEnum(list); } else if (cmd.Equals("add")) { string str = iw.getString("string: "); AddString(str); } else if (cmd.Equals("remove")) { string str = iw.getString("string: "); RemoveString(str); } else if (cmd.Equals("removeat")) { int index = iw.getInt("index: "); RemoveAt(index); } else if (cmd.Equals("index")) { string str = iw.getString("string: "); ShowIndex(str); } else if (cmd.Equals("count")) { ShowCount(); } else if (cmd.Equals("sort")) { Sort(); } else { help(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); } } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }
public static void Main() { // Initialize accounts and show starting state Account[] accounts = new Account[3]; accounts[0] = new CheckingAccount(100, "Bob", 0); accounts[1] = new SavingsAccount(200, "Mary", 1); accounts[2] = new CheckingAccount(300, "Charlie", 2); ShowAccounts(accounts); acc = accounts[0]; SetInterfaces(); Console.WriteLine(istat.GetStatement()); // Command processing loop InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { try { if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowAccounts(accounts); } else if (cmd.Equals("account")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); acc = accounts[id]; SetInterfaces(); Console.WriteLine(istat.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("deposit")) { decimal amount = iw.getDecimal("amount: "); iacc.Deposit(amount); ShowBalance(istat); } else if (cmd.Equals("withdraw")) { decimal amount = iw.getDecimal("amount: "); iacc.Withdraw(amount); ShowBalance(istat); } else if (cmd.Equals("statement")) { Console.WriteLine(istat.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("post")) { istat.Post(); Console.WriteLine(istat.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("month")) { istat.MonthEnd(); Console.WriteLine(istat.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("fee")) { if (ichk == null) { Console.WriteLine("IChecking is not supported"); } else { Console.WriteLine("fee = {0:C}", ichk.Fee); } } else if (cmd.Equals("interest")) { if (isav == null) { Console.WriteLine("ISavings is not supported"); } else { Console.WriteLine("interest = {0:C}", isav.Interest); } } else if (cmd.Equals("rate")) { if (isav == null) { Console.WriteLine("ISavings is not supported"); } else { Console.WriteLine("rate = {0}", isav.Rate); } } else { help(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); } } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }
public static void Main() { string cmd; InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString(": "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { if (cmd.Equals("create")) { size = iw.getInt("size: "); array = new int[size]; } else if (cmd.Equals("destroy")) { array = null; size = 0; } else if (cmd.Equals("squares")) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array[i] = i * i; } show(); } else if (cmd.Equals("reverse")) { int[] temp = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { temp[i] = array[size - 1 - i]; } array = temp; show(); } else if (cmd.Equals("show")) { show(); } else if (cmd.Equals("sort")) { if (array != null) { Array.Sort(array); show(); } } else if (cmd.Equals("random")) { Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array[i] = rand.Next(100); } show(); } else if (cmd.Equals("foreach")) { if (array != null) { foreach (int x in array) { Console.Write("{0} ", x); } Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (cmd.Equals("search")) { int target = iw.getInt("target: "); int index = Array.BinarySearch(array, target); if (index < 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} not found", target); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} found at index {1}", target, index); } } else { help(); } cmd = iw.getString(": "); } }
public static void Main() { Account acc; IChecking ichk; ISavings isav; // Initialize accounts and show starting state Account[] accounts = new Account[3]; accounts[0] = new CheckingAccount(100, "Bob", 0); accounts[1] = new SavingsAccount(200, "Mary", 1); accounts[2] = new CheckingAccount(300, "Charlie", 2); ShowAccounts(accounts); acc = accounts[0]; Console.WriteLine(acc.GetStatement()); // Command processing loop InputWrapper iw = new InputWrapper(); string cmd; Console.WriteLine("Enter command, quit to exit"); cmd = iw.getString("> "); while (!cmd.Equals("quit")) { try { if (cmd.Equals("show")) { ShowAccounts(accounts); } else if (cmd.Equals("account")) { int id = iw.getInt("account id: "); acc = accounts[id]; Console.WriteLine(acc.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("deposit")) { decimal amount = iw.getDecimal("amount: "); acc.Deposit(amount); ShowBalance(acc); } else if (cmd.Equals("withdraw")) { decimal amount = iw.getDecimal("amount: "); acc.Withdraw(amount); ShowBalance(acc); } else if (cmd.Equals("statement")) { Console.WriteLine(acc.GetStatement()); } else if (cmd.Equals("fee")) { // cast to interface and check for exception try { ichk = (IChecking)acc; Console.WriteLine("fee = {0:C}", ichk.Fee); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Console.WriteLine("IChecking in not supported"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } else if (cmd.Equals("interest")) { // use C# "is" operator if (acc is ISavings) { isav = (ISavings)acc; Console.WriteLine("interest = {0:C}", isav.Interest); } else { Console.WriteLine("ISavings in not supported"); } } else if (cmd.Equals("rate")) { // use C# "as" operator isav = acc as ISavings; if (isav != null) { //isav = (ISavings) acc; // cast not necessary Console.WriteLine("rate = {0}", isav.Rate); } else { Console.WriteLine("ISavings in not supported"); } } else { help(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); } } cmd = iw.getString("> "); } }