//TODO: 2. $$$ Replace this method with the automatic template reading above
 private static IUIEntityRow BuildEntityRow(IParentNode node, Func<IParentNode, IAccessor<string>> fnGetDesc)
     IEntityRow row = new EntityRow {Columns = new[] {fnGetDesc(node)}, Context = node};
     return node.Get<IUIEntityRow>();
 private static void BuildNoteList(IParentNode rootNode, Func<IParentNode, IEnumerable<IParentNode>> fnGetNotes, Func<IParentNode, IAccessor<string>> fnGetDesc, IContainer container, out EntityList entityList)
     var notesContext = fnGetNotes(rootNode);
     var rows = notesContext.Take(2).Select(node => BuildEntityRow(node, fnGetDesc)).ToList();
     entityList = new EntityList {Parent = container, Rows = rows};