private object ProcessTemplateElem(IParentNode dataNode, IParentNode templateNode)
            //create an object based on the template node, and insert it in the template node

            var nodeTypes = typeof (DynamicTemplate)
                .Where(type => type.Name.ToLower() == templateNode.Name.ToLower());

            if (nodeTypes.Count() != 1) throw new Exception("Found " + nodeTypes.Count() + " of type " + templateNode.Name);

            var newType = nodeTypes.Single();
            var newObj = newType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[] {});

            templateNode.Attributes().Do(attr => ProcessAttribute(dataNode, templateNode, attr, newObj));

            //TODO: now do child elements of the templateNode
            //each element in the template will have data registered to it,
            //even if the parent never explicitly calls it.
            //A later optimization step could cull this out

            return newObj;