public frmMergeGNLines(IApplication app, IEditor editor) { InitializeComponent(); _app = app; m_editor = editor; m_Config = ConfigUtil.GetMergeSplitConfig(); }
// modified form constructor to accept the app and editor objects passed by ref public SpiralCurveDialog(ref IApplication pApp, ref IEditor pEditor) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); try { m_pApp = pApp; m_pEditor = pEditor; m_pEditProp2 = (IEditProperties2)m_pEditor; // REGEX strings that will be used for DMS units m_RegexUnitsDMS = new ArrayList(); m_RegexUnitsDMS.Add(@" *(\d+)\.(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d) *"); m_RegexUnitsDMS.Add(@" *(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+\.?\d*) *"); m_RegexUnitsDMS.Add(@" * *(\d+)\^(\d+)\'(\d+\.?\d*)\" + quote + " *"); m_RegexUnitsDMS.Add(@" *(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+\.?\d*) *"); // REGEX string that will be used for DD, radians, Gons, etc.. m_RegexUnitsDecimals = @" *(\d+\.?\d+) *"; // REGEX object for validating the length with units m_RegexUnitsMeasure = new Regex(@"(\d*\.?\d+) *(" + String.Join("|", this.AllowedUnits) + ") *$"); // validate the spatial reference of the edit data frame; m_SRValid = SpatialRefValid(); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// 引き継いで新規作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="iEditor">テキストを取得するためのIEditorインターフェース</param> /// <returns>正否だけどとりあえずtrueしか返さない</returns> public bool CreateNewPlus(IEditor iEditor) { NewFilePlusControl control = new NewFilePlusControl(); control.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow; var newFilePlusViewModel = NewFilePlusGenerator.GetNewFilePlusViewModel(); control.DataContext = newFilePlusViewModel; //ダイアログを表示する if (ShowDialogManager.ShowDialog(control) == true) { var transferData = NewFilePlusGenerator.GetTransferData(newFilePlusViewModel); ModelsComposite.CreateNew(iEditor); CurrentFile = ""; // Transferの過程でイベントが発生しても怒られないように、一旦Newの状態を各画面に通知する EventAggregator.OnDataReloaded(this, new DataReloadedEventArgs()); // 引き継ぎ NewFilePlusTransferer.Transfer(transferData); // もっかい画面に通知 EventAggregator.OnDataReloaded(this, new DataReloadedEventArgs()); return true; } return true; }
public static void Load(IEditor editor, string fileName) { editor.Clear(); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fileName); var waves = doc.SelectSingleNode("Waves"); editor.WaveList = new ObservableCollection<Wave>(); foreach (XmlNode wave in waves.SelectNodes("Wave")) { var w = new Wave(); w.EnemyList = new ObservableCollection<Enemy>(); foreach (XmlNode enemy in wave.SelectNodes("Enemy")) { w.EnemyList.Add(new Enemy { Type = enemy.GetAttribute("Type"), Spawn = float.Parse(enemy.GetAttribute("Spawn").Default("0")), X = float.Parse(enemy.GetAttribute("X").Default("0")), Speed = float.Parse(enemy.GetAttribute("Speed").Default("0")), Money = float.Parse(enemy.GetAttribute("Money").Default("0")) }); } editor.WaveList.Add(w); } }
//! Save xml. public void SaveXml(XmlWriter Writer, IEditor AssetDatabase) { // Write original prefab Writer.WriteAttributeString("prefab", AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(AssetDatabase.GetPrefabParent(gameObject))); // Save instance m_Instance.SaveXml(Writer); }
public FindReplaceDialogViewModel(IEditor editor) { this.editor = editor; //_searchDirections = new List<string>(); //_searchDirections.Add("Next"); //_searchDirections.Add("Prev"); }
public CommandDPForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.pbImage.Image = new Bitmap(CommandDPForm.IMG_WIDTH, CommandDPForm.IMG_HEIGHT); Graphics imgGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(this.pbImage.Image); imgGraphics.Clear(Color.White); this.calcStretch(); this.tool = Palette.LINE; this.tsbLine.Tag = Palette.LINE; this.tsbRectangle.Tag = Palette.RECTANGLE; this.tsbEllipse.Tag = Palette.ELLIPSE; this.tsbLeft.Tag = MoveType.LEFT; this.tsbUp.Tag = MoveType.UP; this.tsbRight.Tag = MoveType.RIGHT; this.tsbDown.Tag = MoveType.DOWN; this.tscbLineWidth.SelectedIndex = 0; this.tsbColor.BackColor = Color.Black; this.editor = new Editor(); this.tscbShapes.Items.Add(new EmptyShape(Pens.White)); this.tscbShapes.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public CurrentUserInfo(IEditor editor) { _userName = Environment.UserName; _domainName = Environment.UserDomainName; _fullName = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", _domainName, _userName); _databaseUser = GetDatabaseUser(editor); }
/// <summary> /// 新規作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="iEditor">テキストを取得するためのIEditorインターフェース</param> /// <returns>正否だけどとりあえずtrueしか返さない</returns> public bool CreateNew(IEditor iEditor) { ModelsComposite.CreateNew(iEditor); CurrentFile = ""; EventAggregator.OnDataReloaded(this, new DataReloadedEventArgs()); return true; }
EventListener(IEditor editor, bool bListenAll) { if (editor == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } m_editor = editor; }
public void Setup() { _messageDispatcher = new Fake_MessageDispatcher(); _pluginFactory = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPluginLoader>(); _editor = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IEditor>(); _fileWriter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFileWriter>(); _dispatcher = new EditorDispatcher(_pluginFactory, _messageDispatcher, _fileWriter); _dispatcher.SetEditor(_editor); }
public EventListener(IEditor editor, EditorEvent editEvent) { if (editor == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } m_editor = editor; }
public SetFlowByDigitizedDirectionCSharp() { UID uidUtilNet = new UIDClass(); uidUtilNet.Value = "esriEditorExt.UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt"; m_utilNetExt = ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(uidUtilNet) as IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExt; UID uidEditor = new UIDClass(); uidEditor.Value = "esriEditor.Editor"; m_editorExt = ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(uidEditor) as IEditor; }
//! Save scene. public void SaveScene(string Path, IEditor AssetDatabase) { // Testing for now var stream = new FileStream(Application.dataPath + "/Scenes/" + Path + "scene.bytes", FileMode.Create); var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); // Serialize map m_TerrainManager.Save(formatter, stream, AssetDatabase); stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); }
public void NotifyDocumentSaved(IEditor source) { //If we are the source, don't do anything. We already have the changes if(source != this) { DotaDataObject obj = EditingObject; //Force the property editor to clear out the data and redraw EditingObject = null; EditingObject = obj; } }
public EditorManager(IFileViewModel setting, MainViewModel mainViewModel) { m_editorsWithSettings = new FilteredObservableCollection<IEditor>(m_baseEditors, editor => editor.Settings != null); m_setting = setting; m_mainViewModel = mainViewModel; m_imageViewerViewModel = new ImageViewerViewModel(); m_jsonEditorViewModel = new JsonEditorViewModel(mainViewModel); m_simpleEditor = new BaseTextEditorViewModel(mainViewModel); m_findInFilesViewModel = new FindInFilesViewModel(mainViewModel); UpdateSettings(); m_setting.ContentChanged += SettingOnContentChanged; }
protected override void DoSave(IEditor source) { if (source is TextEditor) { TextEditor textEd = source as TextEditor; //Commit these changes to the dota object. KeyValue kv = KVParser.KV1.Parse(textEd.TextContent); DotaObject.KeyValue = kv; } }
public void Bind(IEditor editorContainer, IModel model) { this.editorContainer = editorContainer; this.model = model; //this.editorContainer.Editor.Document.HighlightingStrategy = // HighlightingStrategyFactory.CreateHighlightingStrategy("C#"); OnBind(); editorContainer.Editor.TextChanged += new EventHandler(Editor_TextChanged); editorContainer.Editor.InputChar += new Editors.OnInputChar(Editor_InputChar); editorContainer.Editor.KeyPreview += new Editors.OnKeyPreview(Editor_KeyPreview); GlobalService.ModelManager.ParseError += new OnParseError(ModelManager_ParseError); }
public ViperPinForm(IEditor3 editor) { InitializeComponent(); m_editor = editor; m_edSketch = m_editor as IEditSketch3; m_editLayers = m_editor as IEditLayers; lblEditLayer.Text = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.Name; //Load field combo box with field names IFields pFields = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.Fields; for (int i=0; i < pFields.FieldCount; i++) { cmbPINField.Items.Add(pFields.get_Field(i).Name); } //get pinfield from registry string pinField = null; RegistryKey pRegKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\ESRI\\ViperPin"); if (pRegKey != null) { pinField = pRegKey.GetValue("Pinfield").ToString(); } //set the combo box to the pinfield for (int i = 0; i < pFields.FieldCount; i++) { if (pinField == pFields.get_Field(i).Name) { cmbPINField.Text = pinField; break; } else { cmbPINField.Text = "None"; } } //cmbPINField.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPINField.Refresh(); m_lotNum = 1; txtlot.Text = "1"; //Set center right of form to center right of screen this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.Left = 0; this.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2) - (this.Height / 2); }
internal EditLogger(ISDUTExtension ext, Transaction current, TransactionConfig config, QAManager qaManager) { chg_evnt = new IEditEvents_OnChangeFeatureEventHandler(LogFeatureUpdate); crt_evnt = new IEditEvents_OnCreateFeatureEventHandler(LogFeatureInsert); del_evnt = new IEditEvents_OnDeleteFeatureEventHandler(LogFeatureDelete); transaction = current; this.config = config; this.qaManager = qaManager; editor = ext.Editor; ((IEditEvents_Event)editor).OnChangeFeature += chg_evnt; ((IEditEvents_Event)editor).OnCreateFeature += crt_evnt; ((IEditEvents_Event)editor).OnDeleteFeature += del_evnt; }
public ExpandResult Expand(string folderPath, IEditor iEditor) { _iEditor = iEditor; string fileCompositePath = folderPath + "\\document.xml"; // ちゃんとしたファイルを書き出す。 XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlSaveObjectVer1_0_0)); FileStream outstream = new System.IO.FileStream(fileCompositePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open); LoadComposition = (XmlSaveObjectVer1_0_0)serializer.Deserialize(outstream); outstream.Close(); ExpandObject(); return ExpandResult.Succeeded; }
public CurveByInference() { Finished = true; Curves = new ObservableCollection<InferredCurve>(); if (ArcMap.Application != null) { m_pEd = ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor") as IEditor; if (m_pEd != null) { _IsEditing = m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing; IEditEvents_Event editEvent = (IEditEvents_Event)m_pEd; editEvent.OnStartEditing += new IEditEvents_OnStartEditingEventHandler(editEvent_OnStartEditing); editEvent.OnStopEditing += new IEditEvents_OnStopEditingEventHandler(editEvent_OnStopEditing); } } }
public NotebookEditorLabel(EditorNotebook parent_netbook, IEditor se) { this.CanFocus=false; this.BorderWidth = 1; string stockIcon = "home.png"; if (se.FileName != "StartPage"){ stockIcon = MainClass.Tools.GetIconForExtension( System.IO.Path.GetExtension(se.Caption) ); } image = new Gtk.Image(MainClass.Tools.GetIconFromStock(stockIcon, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); image.SetPadding(2,2); this.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); caption =se.Caption.Replace("_","__"); lblDisplay.Text = caption; lblDisplay.CanFocus=false; this.PackStart(lblDisplay, false, false, 0); Pixbuf default_pixbuf = null; string file = System.IO.Path.Combine(MainClass.Paths.ResDir, "stock-close.png"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { default_pixbuf = new Pixbuf(file); Button btnClose = new Button(new Gtk.Image(default_pixbuf)); btnClose.TooltipText = MainClass.Languages.Translate("close"); btnClose.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; btnClose.CanFocus = false; btnClose.WidthRequest = btnClose.HeightRequest = 18; btnClose.Clicked += delegate { parent_netbook.ClosePage(se); }; this.PackEnd(btnClose, false, false, 0); } lblDisplay.TooltipText = se.FileName; this.ShowAll(); }
public static void Save(IEditor editor, string fileName) { var text = "<Waves>\r\n"; foreach (var wave in editor.WaveList) { text += "\t<Wave BeforeWaveDelay='{0}'>\r\n".ToFormat(wave.BeforeWaveDelay); text = wave.EnemyList.Aggregate(text, (current, enemy) => current + "\t\t<Enemy Type='{0}' Spawn='{1}' X='{2}' Speed='{3}' Money='{4}' />\r\n".ToFormat(enemy.Type, enemy.Spawn, enemy.X, enemy.Speed, enemy.Money)); text += "\t</Wave>\r\n"; } text += "</Waves>"; using (var file = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { file.WriteLine(text); } }
public MapTopologyDefaults(IApplication pApp) { try { m_pApp = pApp; UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "esriEditor.Editor"; m_pEditor = (IEditor)m_pApp.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); pUID.Value = "esriEditorExt.TopologyExtension"; m_pTopologyExt = m_pApp.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID) as ITopologyExtension; m_pMapTopology = m_pTopologyExt.MapTopology; m_pISDUTExt = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.extension(); //(ISDUTExtension)m_pApp.FindExtensionByName("SUITT Extension"); //m_XYTolerance = SetTopoClasses(); m_pTopologyExt.CurrentTopology = m_pMapTopology; // make sure the specified tolerance is not less than allowable tolerance if (m_XYTolerance < GetMinXYTolerance) { util.Logger.Write("The specified xy cluster tolerance (" + m_XYTolerance.ToString() + ") for the <SUITT Map Topology> defaults was " + "below the minimum xy tolerance allowed. The value of " + GetMinXYTolerance.ToString() + " will be used instead."); m_XYTolerance = GetMinXYTolerance; } m_pMapTopology.ClusterTolerance = m_XYTolerance; //m_pMapTopology.Name = "<ISDUT Map Topology>"; // apply the topology name } catch(Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); util.Logger.Write(" Descrip : Setting up the SUITT map topology defaults." + "\n Message : " + ex.Message + "\n StackTrc : " + ex.StackTrace, util.Logger.LogLevel.Debug); } }
public ToggleOperableStatus() { m_Editor = Globals.getEditor(ArcMap.Application); ConfigUtil.type = "gas"; }
public Task <GotoDefinitionInfo> GotoDefinition(IEditor editor, int offset) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void AttachEditor(IEditor editor) { _editor = editor; }
public EstablishFlowDigitized() { m_Editor = Globals.getEditor(ArcMap.Application); ConfigUtil.type = "gas"; }
public static void UpdatePlaceholderColor(this MauiTextView textView, IEditor editor) => textView.PlaceholderTextColor = editor.PlaceholderColor?.ToPlatform() ?? ColorExtensions.PlaceholderColor;
public static void UpdateVerticalTextAlignment(this MauiTextView textView, IEditor editor) { textView.VerticalTextAlignment = editor.VerticalTextAlignment; }
public static void ExpandCode(ILine editLine, Runspace runspace) { InitTabExpansion(); // hot line if (editLine == null) { editLine = Far.Api.Line; if (editLine == null) { A.Message("There is no current editor line."); return; } } int lineOffset = 0; string inputScript; int cursorColumn; var prefix = string.Empty; IEditor editor = null; Interactive console; InteractiveArea area; // script? if (A.Psf.PSVersion.Major > 2 && editLine.WindowKind == WindowKind.Editor && My.PathEx.IsPSFile((editor = Far.Api.Editor).FileName)) { int lineIndex = editor.Caret.Y; int lastIndex = editor.Count - 1; // previous text var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < lineIndex; ++i) { sb.AppendLine(editor[i].Text); } // current line lineOffset = sb.Length; cursorColumn = lineOffset + editLine.Caret; // remaining text for (int i = lineIndex; i < lastIndex; ++i) { sb.AppendLine(editor[i].Text); } sb.Append(editor[lastIndex]); // whole text inputScript = sb.ToString(); } // area? else if (editor != null && (console = editor.Host as Interactive) != null && (area = console.CommandArea()) != null) { int lineIndex = area.Caret.Y; int lastIndex = area.LastLineIndex; // previous text var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = area.FirstLineIndex; i < lineIndex; ++i) { sb.AppendLine(editor[i].Text); } // current line lineOffset = sb.Length; cursorColumn = lineOffset + area.Caret.X; // remaining text for (int i = lineIndex; i < lastIndex; ++i) { sb.AppendLine(editor[i].Text); } sb.Append(editor[lastIndex]); // whole text inputScript = sb.ToString(); } // line else { // original line inputScript = editLine.Text; cursorColumn = editLine.Caret; // process prefix, used to be just for panels but it is needed in dialogs, too Entry.SplitCommandWithPrefix(ref inputScript, out prefix); // correct caret cursorColumn -= prefix.Length; if (cursorColumn < 0) { return; } } // skip empty (also avoid errors) if (inputScript.Length == 0) { return; } // invoke try { // call TabExpansion Hashtable result; using (var ps = runspace == null ? A.Psf.NewPowerShell() : PowerShell.Create()) { if (runspace != null) { ps.Runspace = runspace; } result = (Hashtable)ps.AddScript(_callTabExpansion, true).AddArgument(inputScript).AddArgument(cursorColumn).Invoke()[0].BaseObject; } // results var words = Cast <IList> .From(result["CompletionMatches"]); //! remote gets PSObject int replacementIndex = (int)result["ReplacementIndex"]; int replacementLength = (int)result["ReplacementLength"]; replacementIndex -= lineOffset; if (replacementIndex < 0 || replacementLength < 0) { return; } // variables from the current editor if (editLine.WindowKind == WindowKind.Editor) { // replaced text var lastWord = inputScript.Substring(lineOffset + replacementIndex, replacementLength); //! as TabExpansion.ps1 but ends with \$(\w*)$ var matchVar = Regex.Match(lastWord, @"^(.*[!;\(\{\|""'']*)\$(global:|script:|private:)?(\w*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (matchVar.Success) { var start = matchVar.Groups[1].Value; var scope = matchVar.Groups[2].Value; var re = new Regex(@"\$(global:|script:|private:)?(" + scope + matchVar.Groups[3].Value + @"\w+:?)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var variables = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var line1 in Far.Api.Editor.Lines) { foreach (Match m in re.Matches(line1.Text)) { var all = m.Value; if (all[all.Length - 1] != ':') { variables.Add(start + all); if (scope.Length == 0 && m.Groups[1].Value.Length > 0) { variables.Add(start + "$" + m.Groups[2].Value); } } } } // union lists foreach (var x in words) { if (x != null) { variables.Add(TECompletionText(x)); } } // final sorted list words = variables.OrderBy(x => x, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList(); } } // expand ExpandText(editLine, replacementIndex + prefix.Length, replacementLength, words); } catch (RuntimeException) { } }
private void SetUp(IEditor createdEditor, object model) { _newStyledText = null; _oldStyledText = null; /// 親controllerへの通知 var containerCtrl = _target.Controller as IContainerController; Contract.Requires( containerCtrl != null && containerCtrl.CanContainChild(_modelFactory.ModelDescriptor) ); var createdConnectionCtrl = createdEditor.Controller as IConnectionController; var createdEdge = createdEditor.Figure as IEdge; if (createdEditor == null || createdConnectionCtrl == null || createdEdge == null) { /// rollback containerCtrl.RemoveChild(model); _target.RemoveChildEditor(createdEditor); throw new ArgumentException(); } var srcConnectableCtrl = _edgeSourceEditor == null? null: _edgeSourceEditor.Controller as IConnectableController; var srcConnectableFig = _edgeSourceEditor == null? null: _edgeSourceEditor.Figure as IConnectable; var tgtConnectableCtrl = _edgeTargetEditor == null? null: _edgeTargetEditor.Controller as IConnectableController; var tgtConnectableFig = _edgeTargetEditor == null? null: _edgeTargetEditor.Figure as IConnectable; /// パラメタの妥当性検査 var isValidSrcConnect = _edgeSourceEditor != null && srcConnectableFig != null && createdConnectionCtrl.CanConnectSource(_edgeSourceEditor.Model); var isValidSrcDisconnect = (_edgeSourceEditor == null || srcConnectableCtrl == null || !createdConnectionCtrl.CanConnectSource(_edgeSourceEditor.Model) ) && createdConnectionCtrl.CanDisconnectSource; var isValidSrc = isValidSrcConnect || isValidSrcDisconnect; var isValidTgtConnect = _edgeTargetEditor != null && tgtConnectableCtrl != null && createdConnectionCtrl.CanConnectTarget(_edgeTargetEditor.Model); var isValidTgtDisconnect = (_edgeTargetEditor == null || tgtConnectableCtrl == null || !createdConnectionCtrl.CanConnectTarget(_edgeTargetEditor.Model) ) && createdConnectionCtrl.CanDisconnectTarget; var isValidTgt = isValidTgtConnect || isValidTgtDisconnect; if (!isValidSrc || !isValidTgt) { /// rollback containerCtrl.RemoveChild(model); _target.RemoveChildEditor(createdEditor); throw new ArgumentException(); } /// controllerの通知 if (isValidSrcConnect) { createdConnectionCtrl.ConnectSource(_edgeSourceEditor.Model); srcConnectableCtrl.ConnectOutgoing(model); } if (isValidTgtConnect) { createdConnectionCtrl.ConnectTarget(_edgeTargetEditor.Model); tgtConnectableCtrl.ConnectIncoming(model); var node = _edgeTargetEditor.Figure as INode; var mtext = _edgeTargetEditor.Model as MemoText; _oldStyledText = mtext.StyledText.CloneDeeply() as StyledText.Core.StyledText; _newStyledText = mtext.StyledText; var charIndex = node.GetCharIndexAt(_edgePoints.Last()); var inline = node.StyledText.GetInlineAt(charIndex); var anc = default(Anchor); if (inline.IsAnchorCharacter) { anc = inline as Anchor; } else { /// nodeのcharIndex位置にAnchor追加 anc = new Anchor(); var insertAnchorCommand = new InsertInlineCommand(_newStyledText, charIndex, anc); insertAnchorCommand.Execute(); } var edge = createdEdge; _newTargetAnchorId = anc.Id; _oldTargetAnchorId = edge.TargetConnectionOption as string; edge.TargetConnectionOption = _newTargetAnchorId; var connectCommand = new ConnectCommand(createdEditor, createdEdge.TargetAnchor, _edgeTargetEditor, _edgePoints.Last()); connectCommand.Execute(); } /// figureの編集 createdEdge.SetEdgePoints(_edgePoints); createdEdge.Route(); if (isValidSrcConnect) { createdEdge.Source = srcConnectableFig; } if (isValidTgtConnect) { createdEdge.Target = tgtConnectableFig; } createdEditor.Enable(); }
public void SaveGeologicEvents() { int idFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("GeologicEvents_ID"); int eventFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("Event"); int ageDisplayFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("AgeDisplay"); int ageYoungerTermFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("AgeYoungerTerm"); int ageOlderTermFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("AgeOlderTerm"); int timeScaleFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("TimeScale"); int ageYoungerValueFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("AgeYoungerValue"); int ageOlderValueFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("AgeOlderValue"); int dataSrcFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("DataSourceID"); int notesFld = m_GeologicEventsTable.FindField("Notes"); IEditor theEditor = ArcMap.Editor; if (theEditor.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { theEditor.StartEditing(m_theWorkspace); } theEditor.StartOperation(); try { string updateWhereClause = "GeologicEvents_ID = '"; ICursor insertCursor = m_GeologicEventsTable.Insert(true); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GeologicEvents> aDictionaryEntry in m_GeologicEventsDictionary) { GeologicEvents thisGeologicEvents = (GeologicEvents)aDictionaryEntry.Value; switch (thisGeologicEvents.RequiresUpdate) { case true: updateWhereClause += thisGeologicEvents.GeologicEvents_ID + "' OR GeologicEvents_ID = '"; break; case false: IRowBuffer theRowBuffer = m_GeologicEventsTable.CreateRowBuffer(); theRowBuffer.set_Value(idFld, thisGeologicEvents.GeologicEvents_ID); theRowBuffer.set_Value(eventFld, thisGeologicEvents.Event); theRowBuffer.set_Value(ageDisplayFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeDisplay); theRowBuffer.set_Value(ageYoungerTermFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeYoungerTerm); theRowBuffer.set_Value(ageOlderTermFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeOlderTerm); theRowBuffer.set_Value(timeScaleFld, thisGeologicEvents.TimeScale); theRowBuffer.set_Value(ageYoungerValueFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeYoungerValue); theRowBuffer.set_Value(ageOlderValueFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeOlderValue); theRowBuffer.set_Value(dataSrcFld, thisGeologicEvents.DataSourceID); theRowBuffer.set_Value(notesFld, thisGeologicEvents.Notes); insertCursor.InsertRow(theRowBuffer); break; } } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(insertCursor); theEditor.StopOperation("Insert GeologicEvents"); if (updateWhereClause == "GeologicEvents_ID = '") { return; } theEditor.StartOperation(); updateWhereClause = updateWhereClause.Remove(updateWhereClause.Length - 25); IQueryFilter QF = new QueryFilterClass(); QF.WhereClause = updateWhereClause; ICursor updateCursor = m_GeologicEventsTable.Update(QF, false); IRow theRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); while (theRow != null) { string theID = theRow.get_Value(idFld).ToString(); GeologicEvents thisGeologicEvents = m_GeologicEventsDictionary[theID]; theRow.set_Value(eventFld, thisGeologicEvents.Event); theRow.set_Value(ageDisplayFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeDisplay); theRow.set_Value(ageYoungerTermFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeYoungerTerm); theRow.set_Value(ageOlderTermFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeOlderTerm); theRow.set_Value(timeScaleFld, thisGeologicEvents.TimeScale); theRow.set_Value(ageYoungerValueFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeYoungerValue); theRow.set_Value(ageOlderValueFld, thisGeologicEvents.AgeOlderValue); theRow.set_Value(dataSrcFld, thisGeologicEvents.DataSourceID); theRow.set_Value(notesFld, thisGeologicEvents.Notes); updateCursor.UpdateRow(theRow); theRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); } theEditor.StopOperation("Update GeologicEvents"); } catch { theEditor.StopOperation("GeologicEvents Management Failure"); } }
private ClangTranslationUnit GenerateTranslationUnit(IEditor editor, List <ClangUnsavedFile> unsavedFiles) { ClangTranslationUnit result = null; var file = editor.SourceFile; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file.Location)) { var args = new List <string>(); var superProject = file.Project.Solution.StartupProject as IStandardProject; if (superProject == null) { superProject = file.Project as IStandardProject; } var project = file.Project as IStandardProject; var toolchainIncludes = superProject?.ToolChain?.GetToolchainIncludes(file); if (toolchainIncludes != null) { AddArguments(args, toolchainIncludes.Select(s => $"-isystem{s}")); } // toolchain includes // This code is same as in toolchain, get compiler arguments... does this need a refactor, or toolchain get passed in? Clang take GCC compatible arguments. // perhaps this language service has its own clang tool chain, to generate compiler arguments from project configuration? // Referenced includes var referencedIncludes = project.GetReferencedIncludes(); AddArguments(args, referencedIncludes.Select(s => $"-I{s}")); // global includes var globalIncludes = superProject?.GetGlobalIncludes(); AddArguments(args, globalIncludes?.Select(s => $"-I{s}")); // includes AddArguments(args, project.Includes.Select(s => $"-I{Path.Combine(project.CurrentDirectory, s.Value)}")); var referencedDefines = project.GetReferencedDefines(); AddArguments(args, referencedDefines.Select(s => $"-D{s}")); // global includes var globalDefines = superProject?.GetGlobalDefines(); AddArguments(args, globalDefines?.Select(s => $"-D{s}")); AddArguments(args, project.Defines.Select(s => $"-D{s}")); switch (file.Extension) { case ".c": { AddArguments(args, superProject?.CCompilerArguments); } break; case ".cpp": { AddArguments(args, superProject?.CppCompilerArguments); } break; } // TODO do we mark files as class header? CAn clang auto detect this? //if (file.Language == Language.Cpp) { args.Add("-xc++"); args.Add("-std=c++14"); args.Add("-D__STDC__"); // This is needed to ensure inbuilt functions are appropriately prototyped. } args.Add("-Wunused-variable"); var translationUnitFlags = TranslationUnitFlags.IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion | TranslationUnitFlags.PrecompiledPreamble | TranslationUnitFlags.CacheCompletionResults | TranslationUnitFlags.Incomplete; result = index.ParseTranslationUnit(file.Location, args.ToArray(), unsavedFiles.ToArray(), translationUnitFlags); } if (result == null) { throw new Exception("Error generating translation unit."); } return(result); }
private static IEditor VerifySnippet(Snippet snippet, string body, IEditor server, bool insertViaMenu = false) { if (insertViaMenu) { Keyboard.Type(snippet.Shortcut + "\t"); // one tab for auto completion, one tab for snippet } else { Keyboard.Type(snippet.Shortcut + "\t\t"); } server.WaitForText(snippet.Expected.Replace("$body$", body)); foreach (var decl in snippet.Declarations) { Console.WriteLine("Declaration: {0}", decl.Replacement); Keyboard.Type(decl.Replacement); Keyboard.Type("→"); server.WaitForText(decl.Expected.Replace("$body$", body)); Keyboard.Type("\t"); } Keyboard.Type("\r"); return server; }
/// <summary> /// Starts using a brush of the specified type /// </summary> public void UseBrush( IEditor newBrush ) { if ( m_CurrentBrush != null ) { if ( m_Control != null ) { m_CurrentBrush.UnbindFromControl( m_Control ); } m_CurrentBrush = null; } m_CurrentBrush = newBrush; if ( m_Control != null ) { m_CurrentBrush.BindToControl( m_Control ); } }
public override void ConfigureEditor(IEditor editor) { }
private static IReadOnlyCollection <OpenFileArguments> CreateOpenFileArguments(IReadOnlyCollection <string> files, IEditor preferrEditor) { var arguments = new List <OpenFileArguments>(); if (!files.Any()) { return(arguments); } var fdm = IoC.Get <IFileDefinitionManager>(); foreach (var file in files) { var fileDefinition = fdm.GetDefinitionByExtension(Path.GetExtension(file)); var editorId = Guid.Empty; if (preferrEditor != null) { editorId = preferrEditor.EditorId; } var argument = new OpenFileArguments(fileDefinition, file, editorId); arguments.Add(argument); } return(arguments); }
private async void debugger_Stopped(object sender, StopRecord e) { if (ignoreEvents) { return; } switch (e.Reason) { case StopReason.ExitedNormally: case StopReason.Exited: case StopReason.ExitedSignalled: IsExecuting = false; IsUpdating = false; StopDebugSession(); break; default: IsUpdating = true; if (DebugFrameChanged != null) { var args = new FrameChangedEventArgs(); args.Address = e.Frame.Address; args.VariableChanges = await currentDebugger.UpdateVariablesAsync(); DebugFrameChanged(this, args); } if (e.Frame != null && e.Frame.FullFileName != null) { var normalizedPath = e.Frame.FullFileName.Replace("\\\\", "\\").NormalizePath(); ISourceFile file = null; var document = _shell.GetDocument(normalizedPath); if (document != null) { lastDocument = document; file = document?.ProjectFile; } if (file == null) { file = _shell.CurrentSolution.FindFile(normalizedPath); } if (file != null) { await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeTaskAsync( async() => { lastDocument = document = await _shell.OpenDocument(file, e.Frame.Line, 1, true); }); } else { _console.WriteLine("Unable to find file: " + normalizedPath); } } IsUpdating = false; IsExecuting = false; break; } }
public void FindNext(bool InvertLeftRight = false) { IEditor CE = GetCurrentEditor(); if (CE == null) { return; } Regex r; if (InvertLeftRight) { SearchUp = !SearchUp; r = GetRegEx(); SearchUp = !SearchUp; } else { r = GetRegEx(); } Match m = r.Match(CE.Text, r.Options.HasFlag(RegexOptions.RightToLeft) ? CE.SelectionStart : CE.SelectionStart + CE.SelectionLength); if (m.Success) { CE.Select(m.Index, m.Length); } else { // we have reached the end of the document // start again from the beginning/end, object OldEditor = CurrentEditor; do { if (ShowSearchIn) { CE = GetNextEditor(r.Options.HasFlag(RegexOptions.RightToLeft)); if (CE == null) { return; } } if (r.Options.HasFlag(RegexOptions.RightToLeft)) { m = r.Match(CE.Text, CE.Text.Length); } else { m = r.Match(CE.Text, 0); } if (m.Success) { CE.Select(m.Index, m.Length); break; } else { // Failed to find the text //MessageBox.Show("No occurence found.", "Search"); } } while (CurrentEditor != OldEditor); } }
public static void UpdatePlaceholderColor(this Entry platformEntry, IEditor editor) { platformEntry.PlaceholderColor = editor.PlaceholderColor.ToPlatform(); }
public static void UpdateIsReadOnly(this UITextView textView, IEditor editor) { textView.UserInteractionEnabled = !(editor.IsReadOnly || editor.InputTransparent); }
// ======================================== // method // ======================================== public void Select(IEditor selected) { }
public static void UpdatePlaceholder(this MauiTextView textView, IEditor editor) => textView.PlaceholderText = editor.Placeholder;
public void Deselect(IEditor selected) { }
public static void UpdateHorizontalTextAlignment(this UITextView textView, IEditor editor) { textView.TextAlignment = editor.HorizontalTextAlignment.ToPlatformHorizontal().AdjustForFlowDirection(editor); }
public SessionHolder(T session, IEditor owner) { Assert.IsNotNull(session); Session = session; _owner = owner; }
public TraceSummaryIsolation() { m_Editor = Globals.getEditor(ArcMap.Application); ConfigUtil.type = "gas"; }
protected override void OnClick() { ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension"); IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd; if (pParcEditorMan == null) { return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again."); return; } IParcelConstruction pConstr = pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction; ICadastralPoints pCadastralPts = pConstr as ICadastralPoints; IGSPoint pFromPoint = null; IGSPoint pToPoint = null; IGSLine pParcelLine = null; List <double> xcoords = new List <double>(); List <double> ycoords = new List <double>(); double dX = 0; double dY = 0; bool bLineSelectionSequence = false; #region simple method as fall-back for (int i = 0; i < pConstr.LineCount; i++) { if (pConstr.GetLineSelection(i)) { if (pConstr.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine)) { pFromPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pParcelLine.FromPoint); pToPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pParcelLine.ToPoint); xcoords.Add((pFromPoint.X + pToPoint.X) / 2); ycoords.Add((pFromPoint.Y + pToPoint.Y) / 2); } bLineSelectionSequence = true; } } if (bLineSelectionSequence) { dX = xcoords.Average(); dY = ycoords.Average(); } else { return; } IMetricUnitConverter pMetricUnitConv = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadEd; double newX = 0; double newY = 0; pMetricUnitConv.ConvertXY(esriCadastralUnitConversionType.esriCUCFromMetric, dX, dY, ref newX, ref newY); // Calculate center point of current map extent IPoint centerPoint = new PointClass(); centerPoint.SpatialReference = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap.SpatialReference; centerPoint.PutCoords(newX, newY); IEnvelope envelope = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent; envelope.CenterAt(centerPoint); //envelope.Expand(zoomRatio, zoomRatio, true); ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent = envelope; ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Refresh(); #endregion }
protected override void Dispose(bool value) { m_Editor = null; base.Dispose(value); }
public void SetUp() { _editor = new Editor(); }
public Task <IEnumerable <SymbolRenameInfo> > RenameSymbol(IEditor editor, string renameTo) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool SetupEditEnvironment(IWorkspace TheWorkspace, ICadastralFabric TheFabric, IEditor TheEditor, out bool IsFileBasedGDB, out bool IsUnVersioned, out bool UseNonVersionedEdit) { IsFileBasedGDB = false; IsUnVersioned = false; UseNonVersionedEdit = false; ITable pTable = TheFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels); IsFileBasedGDB = (!(TheWorkspace.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace)); if (!(IsFileBasedGDB)) { IVersionedObject pVersObj = (IVersionedObject)pTable; IsUnVersioned = (!(pVersObj.IsRegisteredAsVersioned)); pTable = null; pVersObj = null; } if (IsUnVersioned && !IsFileBasedGDB) {// DialogResult dlgRes = MessageBox.Show("Fabric is not registered as versioned." + "\r\n You will not be able to undo." + "\r\n Click 'OK' to delete permanently.", "Continue with delete?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (dlgRes == DialogResult.OK) { UseNonVersionedEdit = true; } else if (dlgRes == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } //MessageBox.Show("The fabric tables are non-versioned." + // "\r\n Please register as versioned, and try again."); //return false; } else if ((TheEditor.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing)) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing first and try again.", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return(false); } return(true); }
public RunCreateRulesCommand() { ConfigUtil.type = "aa"; UID editorUID = new UIDClass(); editorUID.Value = "esriEditor.editor"; _editor = ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(editorUID) as IEditor; if (_editor != null) { return; } }
public IEnumerable <IContextActionProvider> GetContextActionProviders(IEditor editor) { return(Enumerable.Empty <IContextActionProvider>()); }
public LevelGeometryEditMode( ) { m_PolygonBrush = new PolygonBrushEditor( ); m_CircleBrush = new CircleBrushEditor( 3 ); m_CurrentBrush = m_PolygonBrush; }
public async Task <CodeCompletionResults> CodeCompleteAtAsync(IEditor editor, int index, int line, int column, List <UnsavedFile> unsavedFiles, char lastChar, string filter) { var clangUnsavedFiles = new List <ClangUnsavedFile>(); foreach (var unsavedFile in unsavedFiles) { clangUnsavedFiles.Add(new ClangUnsavedFile(unsavedFile.FileName, unsavedFile.Contents)); } var result = new CodeCompletionResults(); await clangAccessJobRunner.InvokeAsync(() => { var translationUnit = GetAndParseTranslationUnit(editor, clangUnsavedFiles); if (translationUnit != null) { var completionResults = translationUnit.CodeCompleteAt(editor.SourceFile.Location, line, column, clangUnsavedFiles.ToArray(), CodeCompleteFlags.IncludeBriefComments | CodeCompleteFlags.IncludeMacros | CodeCompleteFlags.IncludeCodePatterns); completionResults.Sort(); result.Contexts = (CompletionContext)completionResults.Contexts; if (result.Contexts == CompletionContext.Unexposed && lastChar == ':') { result.Contexts = CompletionContext.AnyType; // special case Class::<- here static class member access. } foreach (var codeCompletion in completionResults.Results) { var typedText = string.Empty; if (codeCompletion.CompletionString.Availability == AvailabilityKind.Available || codeCompletion.CompletionString.Availability == AvailabilityKind.Deprecated) { foreach (var chunk in codeCompletion.CompletionString.Chunks) { if (chunk.Kind == CompletionChunkKind.TypedText) { typedText = chunk.Text; } switch (chunk.Kind) { case CompletionChunkKind.LeftParen: case CompletionChunkKind.LeftAngle: case CompletionChunkKind.LeftBrace: case CompletionChunkKind.LeftBracket: case CompletionChunkKind.RightAngle: case CompletionChunkKind.RightBrace: case CompletionChunkKind.RightBracket: case CompletionChunkKind.RightParen: case CompletionChunkKind.Placeholder: case CompletionChunkKind.Comma: break; } } if (filter == string.Empty || typedText.StartsWith(filter)) { var completion = new CodeCompletionData(typedText, typedText) { Priority = (int)codeCompletion.CompletionString.Priority, Kind = FromClangKind(codeCompletion.CursorKind), BriefComment = codeCompletion.CompletionString.BriefComment }; result.Completions.Add(completion); if (completion.Kind == CodeCompletionKind.OverloadCandidate) { Console.WriteLine("TODO Implement overload candidate."); } } } } completionResults.Dispose(); } }); return(result); }
public void SetView(MarkingSelector view, IEditor iEditor) { _selectTab = 0; _iEditor = iEditor; _view = view; _view.DataContext = this; _view.BindData(this); EventAggregator.AddIMarkableHandler += EventAggregator_AddIMarkableHandler; EventAggregator.DeleteIMarkableHandler += EventAggregator_DeleteIMarkableHandler; }
public void RegisterSourceFile(IEditor editor) { if (clangAccessJobRunner == null) { clangAccessJobRunner = new JobRunner(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { clangAccessJobRunner.RunLoop(new CancellationToken()); }); } if (dataAssociations.TryGetValue(editor.SourceFile, out CPlusPlusDataAssociation association)) { throw new Exception("Source file already registered with language service."); } IndentationStrategy = new CSharpIndentationStrategy(new AvaloniaEdit.TextEditorOptions { ConvertTabsToSpaces = true }); association = new CPlusPlusDataAssociation(); dataAssociations.Add(editor.SourceFile, association); association.TextInputHandler = (sender, e) => { switch (e.Text) { case "}": case ";": editor.IndentLine(editor.Line); break; case "{": if (IndentationStrategy != null) { editor.IndentLine(editor.Line); } break; } OpenBracket(editor, editor.Document, e.Text); CloseBracket(editor, editor.Document, e.Text); }; association.BeforeTextInputHandler = (sender, e) => { switch (e.Text) { case "\n": case "\r\n": var nextChar = ' '; if (editor.CaretOffset != editor.Document.TextLength) { nextChar = editor.Document.GetCharAt(editor.CaretOffset); } if (nextChar == '}') { var newline = "\r\n"; // TextUtilities.GetNewLineFromDocument(editor.Document, editor.TextArea.Caret.Line); editor.Document.Insert(editor.CaretOffset, newline); editor.Document.TrimTrailingWhiteSpace(editor.Line - 1); editor.IndentLine(editor.Line); editor.CaretOffset -= newline.Length; } break; } }; editor.TextEntered += association.TextInputHandler; editor.TextEntering += association.BeforeTextInputHandler; }