public ConfigState() { /* Set default values */ fastTagging = false; currentDatabase = Constants.DEFAULT_DB_NAME; lang = null; autoSave = false; captureVideoStandard = VideoStandards.P480_16_9.Clone(); captureEncodingProfile = EncodingProfiles.MP4.Clone(); captureEncodingQuality = EncodingQualities.Medium.Clone(); renderVideoStandard = VideoStandards.P720_16_9.Clone(); renderEncodingProfile = EncodingProfiles.MP4.Clone(); renderEncodingQuality = EncodingQualities.High.Clone(); overlayTitle = true; enableAudio = false; fps_n = 25; fps_d = 1; autorender = false; autorenderDir = null; lastRenderDir = null; lastDir = null; reviewPlaysInSameWindow = true; defaultTemplate = null; hotkeys = new Hotkeys(); projectSortMethod = ProjectSortMethod.Date; ignoreUpdaterVersion = null; }
private void EditHotkey(Hotkey hk) { using (var qf = new QuickForm("Enter New Hotkey") .Item(new HotkeyQuickFormItem("Hotkey", hk.HotkeyString)) .OkCancel()) { if (qf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var key = qf.String("Hotkey"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { return; } var conflict = _hotkeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HotkeyString == key && x != hk); if (conflict != null) { if (MessageBox.Show(key + " is already assigned to \"" + Hotkeys.GetHotkeyDefinition(conflict.ID) + "\".\n" + "Continue anyway?", "Conflict Detected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } hk.HotkeyString = key; UpdateHotkeyList(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hk = Hotkeys.loadHotkeys(); keybind = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(12).ToString(); text = GetComponent <Text>(); text.text = "Press " + keybind + " to Continue"; }
public static IntPtr HotKeyHook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { const int WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312; switch (msg) { case WM_HOTKEY: //switch (wParam.ToInt32()) //{ //case 0: //case 1: var k = new Hotkey( (lParam.ToInt32() >> 16), (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_ALT) > 0, (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_SHIFT) > 0, (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_CONTROL) > 0 ); var a = (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_ALT) > 0; var b = (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_SHIFT) > 0; var c = (lParam.ToInt32() & MOD_CONTROL) > 0; if (Hotkeys.ContainsKey(k)) { Hotkeys[k].Callback.Invoke(); } handled = true; // TODO: Find a way to not always capture the hotkey break; //}break; } return(IntPtr.Zero); }
private void HotkeyAddButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var key = HotkeyCombination.Text; if (HotkeyActionList.SelectedIndex <= 0 || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { return; } var conflict = _hotkeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HotkeyString == key); if (conflict != null) { if (MessageBox.Show(key + " is already assigned to \"" + Hotkeys.GetHotkeyDefinition(conflict.ID) + "\".\n" + "Continue anyway?", "Conflict Detected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } var def = (HotkeyDefinition)HotkeyActionList.SelectedItem; var blank = _hotkeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == def.ID && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.HotkeyString)); if (blank == null) { _hotkeys.Add(new Hotkey { ID = def.ID, HotkeyString = key }); } else { blank.HotkeyString = key; } HotkeyCombination.Text = ""; UpdateHotkeyList(); }
private void ExportSettings() { using (var dialog = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = RubberduckUI.DialogMask_XmlFilesOnly, Title = RubberduckUI.DialogCaption_SaveGeneralSettings }) { dialog.ShowDialog(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialog.FileName)) { return; } var service = new XmlPersistanceService <Rubberduck.Settings.GeneralSettings> { FilePath = dialog.FileName }; service.Save(GetCurrentGeneralSettings()); var hkService = new XmlPersistanceService <HotkeySettings> { FilePath = dialog.FileName }; hkService.Save(new HotkeySettings { Settings = Hotkeys.ToArray() }); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hk = Hotkeys.loadHotkeys(); keybind = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(11).ToString(); text = GetComponent <TextMesh>(); text.text = "Press " + keybind + " to Interact"; }
// 初期化メソッド void Start() { // 自分に設定されているAnimatorコンポーネントを習得する this.animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); // load hotkeys hk = Hotkeys.loadHotkeys(); keybind1 = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(5); keybind2 = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(6); keybind3 = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(7); keybind4 = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(8); up = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(0); down = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(1); left = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(2); right = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(3); dash = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(10); // load attacks atk1 = GetComponent <ExampleAttack>(); atk2 = GetComponent <AttackWithRecoilDamage>(); atk3 = GetComponent <AttackThatCanHitSelf>(); atk4 = GetComponent <Shoot>(); //load movement movement = GetComponent <PlayerMovement1>(); }
private void ProcessHotkey(int hotkeyId) { if (Hotkeys.ContainsKey(hotkeyId)) { Hotkeys[hotkeyId].Action(); } }
private void Start() { playerBlinking = GetComponent <Player>(); playerMovement = GetComponent <PlayerMovement>(); hotkeys = GameObject.Find("_SCRIPTS_"). GetComponent <Hotkeys>(); }
private static void DisableRun() { Running = false; /* * if (Recording) { * controller.WriteInputs(); * } */ Recording = false; State = State.None; NextState = State.None; BindingHelper.RestorePlayerBindings(); Celeste.Mod.Core.CoreModule.Settings.UseKeyboardForTextInput = KbTextInput; Controller.ResetSpawn = null; if (ExportSyncData) { EndExport(); ExportSyncData = false; } LibTasHelper.EndExport(); EnforceLegal = false; AllowUnsafeInput = false; AnalogHelper.AnalogModeChange(AnalogueMode.Ignore); Hotkeys.ReleaseAllKeys(); RestoreSettings.TryRestore(); }
/// <summary>Initializes this plugin.</summary> public void Initialize() { // Make life easier! Hotkeys.Register("DevTab.RunCode", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Q, ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Shift, h => { if (!PluginManager.IsEnabled(this)) { return; } if (_instance != null) { _instance.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => _instance.ButtonExecuteText_Click(null, null))); } }); Hotkeys.Register("DevTab.RunFile", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Z, ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Shift, h => { if (!PluginManager.IsEnabled(this)) { return; } if (_instance != null) { _instance.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => _instance.ButtonExecuteFile_Click(null, null))); } }); }
public static void Initialize() { EnableAoe = true; PauseRotation = false; EnableInterrupts = true; EnableCharge = true; EnableSolo = false; EnableHK55 = false; //F9 and F10 are reservered for internal commands Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle HK55 (F4)", ChangeHK55, Keys.F4); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F4] Toggle HK55"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle Interrupts (F5)", ChangeInterrupts, Keys.F5); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F5] Toggle Interrupts"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle Charge (F6)", ChangeCharge, Keys.F6); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F6] Toggle Charge"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle AOE (F7)", ChangeAoe, Keys.F7); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F7] Toggle AOE"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Pause Rotation (F8)", ChangePause, Keys.F8); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F8] Pause Rotation"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle Solo (F11)", ChangeSolo, Keys.F11); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F11] Toggle Solo Mode"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Set Tank (F12)", Targeting.SetTank, Keys.F12); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F12] Set Tank"); }
public void UpdateConfig(Configuration config) { config.UserSettings.GeneralSettings.Language = SelectedLanguage; config.UserSettings.GeneralSettings.HotkeySettings = Hotkeys.ToArray(); config.UserSettings.GeneralSettings.AutoSaveEnabled = AutoSaveEnabled; config.UserSettings.GeneralSettings.AutoSavePeriod = AutoSavePeriod; }
public void UnregisterAllHotkeys(bool removeFromList = true) { foreach (HotkeySettings hotkeySetting in Hotkeys.ToArray()) { UnregisterHotkey(hotkeySetting, removeFromList); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int command = (int)((HotkeyTypeEnum)cbAddType.SelectedValue); Hotkey newHotkey = HotkeyTypeFactory.GetHotkeyType(command); newHotkey.Command = command; Form hotkeyEdit = HotkeyEditFormFactory.GetHotkeyEditForm(newHotkey.Command, newHotkey); IHotkeyForm hotkeyEditConv = null; if (hotkeyEdit is IHotkeyForm) { hotkeyEditConv = (IHotkeyForm)hotkeyEdit; } else { throw new Exception("Somehow the form doesn't cast to IHotkeyForm. Developer bad! Bad developer!"); } DialogResult result = hotkeyEdit.ShowDialog(); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Hotkeys.Add(hotkeyEditConv.Hotkey); AddedHotkeys.Add(hotkeyEditConv.Hotkey); } }
public void RegisterAllHotkeys() { foreach (HotkeySettings hotkeySetting in Hotkeys.ToArray()) { RegisterHotkey(hotkeySetting); } }
public void RegisterHotkey(HotkeySettings hotkeySetting) { if (!Program.Settings.DisableHotkeys || hotkeySetting.TaskSettings.Job == HotkeyType.DisableHotkeys) { UnregisterHotkey(hotkeySetting, false); if (hotkeySetting.HotkeyInfo.Status != HotkeyStatus.Registered && hotkeySetting.HotkeyInfo.IsValidHotkey) { hotkeyForm.RegisterHotkey(hotkeySetting.HotkeyInfo); if (hotkeySetting.HotkeyInfo.Status == HotkeyStatus.Registered) { DebugHelper.WriteLine("Hotkey registered: " + hotkeySetting); } else if (hotkeySetting.HotkeyInfo.Status == HotkeyStatus.Failed) { DebugHelper.WriteLine("Hotkey register failed: " + hotkeySetting); } } } if (!Hotkeys.Contains(hotkeySetting)) { Hotkeys.Add(hotkeySetting); } }
public static void InsertHotkey(Hotkeys hotkey) { if (hotkey != null && !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hotkey.Key) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hotkey.Modifiers) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hotkey.Name))) { DLLocalDatabase.Hotkey.InsertHotkey(hotkey); } }
private void tbCheckTimerHotKey_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!e.Shift && !e.Control && !e.Alt) //None of the key key's (get it?) pressed? return. return; //Good! now let's check if the KeyCode is not alt shift or ctr if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Alt || e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey || e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) return; BLIO.Log("tbCheckTimerHotKey legal key combination pressed."); tbCheckTimerHotKey.Text = ""; foreach (string m in e.Modifiers.ToString().Split(',')) { tbCheckTimerHotKey.Text += m + " + "; } tbCheckTimerHotKey.Text += e.KeyCode.ToString(); BLIO.Log("tbCheckTimerHotKey key combination: " + tbCheckTimerHotKey.Text); //Get the current key combination for the Timer popup Hotkeys timerCheckKey = BLLocalDatabase.Hotkey.TimerCheck; timerCheckKey.Key = e.KeyCode.ToString(); //Set the new key timerCheckKey.Modifiers = e.Modifiers.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty); //Set the new modifier(remove whitespace) BLLocalDatabase.Hotkey.TimerCheck = timerCheckKey; //Assign the value BLIO.Log("TimerCheck.Key=" + timerCheckKey.Key + " TimerCheck.Modifiers=" + timerCheckKey.Modifiers); }
private void AddHotkeyCommandExecute([NotNull] object obj) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(obj, "obj"); var oldHotkey = new Hotkey(); oldHotkey.Actions.Add(new SendTextAction()); var hotKeyToAdd = new GlobalHotkeyViewModel(oldHotkey, _actionDescriptions); var hotKeyEditDialog = new GlobalHotkeyEditDialog { DataContext = hotKeyToAdd, Owner = (Window)obj }; var dialogResult = hotKeyEditDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult.HasValue && dialogResult.Value) { var hotkeyViewModel = Hotkeys.FirstOrDefault(hotk => hotk.Key == hotKeyToAdd.Key && hotk.ModifierKeys == hotKeyToAdd.ModifierKeys); if (hotkeyViewModel != null) { Hotkeys.Remove(hotkeyViewModel); } var hotkey = _hotkeys.FirstOrDefault(hotk => hotk.Key == hotKeyToAdd.Key && hotk.ModifierKeys == hotKeyToAdd.ModifierKeys); if (hotkey != null) { _hotkeys.Remove(hotkey); } Hotkeys.Add(hotKeyToAdd); _hotkeys.Add(hotKeyToAdd.Hotkey); } }
public static void Initialize() { EnableAoe = true; PauseRotation = false; EnableInterrupts = true; EnableCharge = true; EnableRaidBuffs = false; //F9 and F10 are reservered for internal commands Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle RaidBuffs (F4)", ChangeRaidBuffs, Keys.F4); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F4] Toggle Raid Buffs"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle Interrupts (F5)", ChangeInterrupts, Keys.F5); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F5] Toggle Interrupts"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle Charge (F6)", ChangeCharge, Keys.F6); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F6] Toggle Charge"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Toggle AOE (F7)", ChangeAoe, Keys.F7); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F7] Toggle AOE"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Pause Rotation (F8)", ChangePause, Keys.F8); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F8] Pause Rotation"); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F9] Pause/Resume Bot"); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F10] Start/Stop Bot"); Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey("Set Tank (F12)", Targeting.SetTank, Keys.F12); Logger.Write("[Hot Key][F12] Set Tank"); }
public void RegisterHotkeys(Hotkeys hotkeys) { foreach (var hotkey in hotkeys) { RegisterHotkey(hotkey.Key, hotkey.Value); } }
public override void OnHotkey(Hotkeys hk) { if (hk == Hotkeys.ResetViewport) { aleViewport.ResetControls(); } }
void Start() { textCanvas = dialogueCanvas.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); hk = Hotkeys.loadHotkeys(); callDialogue = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(11); continueDialogue = hk.loadHotkeySpecific(12); }
/// <summary> /// Looks for key combinations to launch the timer form (to set a timer quickly) /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e">The keyeventargs which contains the pressed keys</param> private void GlobalKeyPress(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (BLSettings.GetSettings().EnableQuickTimer != 1) //Not enabled? don't do anything { return; } if (!e.Shift && !e.Control && !e.Alt) //None of the key key's (get it?) pressed? return. { return; } //Good! now let's check if the KeyCode is not alt shift or ctr if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Alt || e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey || e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) { return; } timerHotkey = BLHotkeys.TimerPopup; if (e.Modifiers.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty) == timerHotkey.Modifiers && e.KeyCode.ToString() == timerHotkey.Key) { BLIO.Log("Timer hotkey combination pressed!"); TimerPopup quickTimer = new TimerPopup(); quickTimer.Show(); } }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvHotkeys.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { Hotkey selectedHotkey = (Hotkey)dgvHotkeys.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem; if (selectedHotkey != null) { Form hotkeyEdit = HotkeyEditFormFactory.GetHotkeyEditForm(selectedHotkey.Command, selectedHotkey); IHotkeyForm hotkeyEditConv = null; if (hotkeyEdit is IHotkeyForm) { hotkeyEditConv = (IHotkeyForm)hotkeyEdit; } else { throw new Exception("Somehow the form doesn't cast to IHotkeyForm. Developer bad! Bad developer!"); } DialogResult result = hotkeyEdit.ShowDialog(); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Hotkeys.Remove(selectedHotkey); RemovedHotkeys.Add(selectedHotkey); Hotkeys.Add(hotkeyEditConv.Hotkey); AddedHotkeys.Add(hotkeyEditConv.Hotkey); } } } }
private void tbTimerHotkey_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!e.Shift && !e.Control && !e.Alt) //None of the key key's (get it?) pressed? return. { return; } //Good! now let's check if the KeyCode is not alt shift or ctr if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Alt || e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey || e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) { return; } tbTimerHotkey.Text = ""; foreach (string m in e.Modifiers.ToString().Split(',')) { tbTimerHotkey.Text += m + " + "; } tbTimerHotkey.Text += e.KeyCode.ToString(); //Get the current key combination for the Timer popup Hotkeys timerKey = BLHotkeys.TimerPopup; timerKey.Key = e.KeyCode.ToString(); //Set the new key timerKey.Modifiers = e.Modifiers.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty); //Set the new modifier(remove whitespace) BLHotkeys.TimerPopup = timerKey; //Assign the value }
public void ProcessHotkey(Hotkeys hotkey, HotkeyBinding form, TextBox textBox) { form.Close(); textBox.Text = hotkey.subKey.ToString() + "," + hotkey.mainKey.ToString(); textBox.Tag = hotkey; SaveHotkeys(); this.Visible = true; }
static Input() { DebugMouseCursorPos = false; Hotkeys.Register("TritonHs.Input.DebugMouseCursorPos", Keys.X, ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt, new Action <Hotkey>(Class237.< > 9.method_0)); Hotkeys.Register("TritonHs.ProcessHookManager.Disable", Keys.D, ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt, new Action <Hotkey>(Class237.< > 9.method_1)); Hotkeys.Register("TritonHs.ProcessHookManager.Enable", Keys.E, ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt, new Action <Hotkey>(Class237.< > 9.method_2)); Hotkeys.Register("TritonHs.ProcessHookManager.Reset", Keys.R, ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Alt, new Action <Hotkey>(Class237.< > 9.method_3)); }
public KeyboardShortcut(Hotkeys hotkeys) : this() { this.hotkeys = hotkeys; HookEvents(); }
public void register_hotkeys() { hook = new Hotkeys(); hook.KeyPressed += hook_KeyPressed; try { hook.RegisterHotKey(global::ModifierKeys.Control | global::ModifierKeys.Shift, Keys.D3); hook.RegisterHotKey(global::ModifierKeys.Control | global::ModifierKeys.Shift, Keys.D4); hook.RegisterHotKey(global::ModifierKeys.Control | global::ModifierKeys.Shift, Keys.D5); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't register hotkeys. Perhaps they are already in use or try running as an Administrator.", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }