void AutoRotateFlag()
     if (grid.GetType() != typeof(GFPolarGrid))
     autoRotating = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Auto-Rotating", autoRotating);
    public void Awake()
        levelGrid = GetComponent<GFGrid>();
        blocks = new List<GameObject>();

        // if and how much we need to shift the objects depends on the type of grid
        // This just just a matter of different grid coordinate systems. Try playing
        // with the numbers to see the difference.
        offset = Vector3.zero;
        // offset by 0.5 horizontal and vertical in rectangular grids
        if (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFRectGrid) ) { offset.x += 0.5f; offset.y -= 0.5f; }
        // Add 1 for polar grids because we don't want the origin
        if (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFPolarGrid)) { offset.x += 1; }

        BuildLevel(levelData[currentLevel], levelGrid);
	public void BuildLevel(TextAsset levelData, GFGrid levelGrid){
		//abort if there are no prefabs to instantiate
		if(!red || !green || !blue)
		//loop though the list of old blocks and destroy all of them, we don't want the new level on top of the old one
		foreach(GameObject go in blocks){
		//destroying the blocks doesn't remove the reference to them in the list, so clear the list
		//setup the reader, a variable for storing the read line and keep track of the number of the row we just read
		reader = new StringReader(levelData.text);
		string line;
		int row = 0;
		//read the text file line by line as long as there are lines
		while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null){
			//read each line character by character
			for(int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++){
				//first set the target position based on where in the text file we are, then place a block there (add 1 for polar grids because we don't want the origin)
				Vector3 targetPosition = levelGrid.GridToWorld(new Vector3(i + shift + (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFPolarGrid) ? 1 : 0), -row - shift, 0)); //offset by 0.5
				CreateBlock(line[i], targetPosition);
			//we read a row, now it's time to read the next one; increment the counter
	public void Awake(){
		levelGrid = GetComponent<GFGrid>();
		blocks = new List<GameObject>();
		// if and how much we need to shift the objects depends on the type of grid
		shift = levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFRectGrid) ? 0.5f : 0;
		BuildLevel(levelData[currentLevel], levelGrid);
Exemple #5
 public void Awake()
     levelGrid = GetComponent <GFGrid>();
     blocks    = new List <GameObject>();
     // if and how much we need to shift the objects depends on the type of grid
     shift = levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFRectGrid) ? 0.5f : 0;
     BuildLevel(levelData[currentLevel], levelGrid);
    public void Awake()
        levelGrid = GetComponent <GFGrid>();
        blocks    = new List <GameObject>();

        // if and how much we need to shift the objects depends on the type of grid
        // This just just a matter of different grid coordinate systems. Try playing
        // with the numbers to see the difference.
        offset = Vector3.zero;
        // offset by 0.5 horizontal and vertical in rectangular grids
        if (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFRectGrid))
            offset.x += 0.5f; offset.y -= 0.5f;
        // Add 1 for polar grids because we don't want the origin
        if (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFPolarGrid))
            offset.x += 1;

        BuildLevel(levelData[currentLevel], levelGrid);
Exemple #7
    public static bool IsAdjacent(this GFGrid theGrid, Vector3 position, Vector3 reference)
        //convert to Grid Space first
        Vector3 gridPosition  = theGrid.WorldToGrid(position);       //the light we want to test
        Vector3 gridReference = theGrid.WorldToGrid(reference);      //the light that was pressed

        //pick the implentation based on the type of grid
        if (theGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFRectGrid))
            return(RectIsAdjacent((GFRectGrid)theGrid, gridPosition, gridReference));
        else if (theGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFHexGrid))
            return(HexIsAdjacent((GFHexGrid)theGrid, gridPosition, gridReference));
        else if (theGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFPolarGrid))
            return(PolarIsAdjacent((GFPolarGrid)theGrid, gridPosition, gridReference));
Exemple #8
    public void BuildLevel(TextAsset levelData, GFGrid levelGrid)
        //abort if there are no prefabs to instantiate
        if (!red || !green || !blue)

        //loop though the list of old blocks and destroy all of them, we don't want the new level on top of the old one
        foreach (GameObject go in blocks)
            if (go)
        //destroying the blocks doesn't remove the reference to them in the list, so clear the list

        //setup the reader, a variable for storing the read line and keep track of the number of the row we just read
        reader = new StringReader(levelData.text);
        string line;
        int    row = 0;

        //read the text file line by line as long as there are lines
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            //read each line character by character
            for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
                //first set the target position based on where in the text file we are, then place a block there (add 1 for polar grids because we don't want the origin)
                Vector3 targetPosition = levelGrid.GridToWorld(new Vector3(i + shift + (levelGrid.GetType() == typeof(GFPolarGrid) ? 1 : 0), -row - shift, 0));                 //offset by 0.5
                CreateBlock(line[i], targetPosition);
            //we read a row, now it's time to read the next one; increment the counter