static FMOD.RESULT DumpSoundBank(FMOD.System FModSystem, string FSBFileStr)
     bool Flag = false;
     FMOD.RESULT FModResult;							// Set our variable we will keep updating with the FMOD Results
     Console.WriteLine("File: " + FSBFileStr);
     FMOD.Sound FModSound = new Sound();				// Initialize a new FMod Sound object with some standard mode flags
     if (FModResult != FMOD.RESULT.OK) {
         // Again, if something went wrong, print the error.
         Console.WriteLine("ERR CreateSound: " + FMOD.Error.String(FModResult));
     } else {
         // Otherwise, get the number of sub-sounds within the FSB.
         int NumSubSounds = 0;
         FModResult = FModSound.getNumSubSounds(ref NumSubSounds);
         if (FModResult != FMOD.RESULT.OK) {
             Console.WriteLine("ERR GetNumSounds: " + FMOD.Error.String(FModResult));
         } else {
             Console.WriteLine("   Sounds: " + NumSubSounds);
             for (int i = 0; i < NumSubSounds; i++) {
                 // For each sub-sound in the Sound Bank, create a new one and initialize it like we did above
                 FMOD.Sound SubSound = new Sound();
                 FModResult = FModSystem.createSound(FSBFileStr, FMOD.MODE.SOFTWARE | FMOD.MODE.CREATESTREAM | FMOD.MODE.ACCURATETIME, ref SubSound);
                 if (FModSound.getSubSound(i, ref SubSound) == FMOD.RESULT.OK) {					// Get the next sub-sound
                     StringBuilder SubSoundName = new StringBuilder(256);
                     if ((SubSound.getName(SubSoundName, 256) == FMOD.RESULT.OK) && (SubSoundName[0] != 0)) {		// Get the sub-sound name and put it in a StringBuilder
                         SubSound.seekData(0);													// Seek to the beginning of the sound data
                         string DirName = Path.GetFileName(FSBFileStr).Replace(".fsb", "");		// Set the subdirectory name to the name of the FSB without the extension.
                         if ((!Directory.Exists(TargetDir + @"\" + DirName)) && ExtractFSB) {
                             // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't exist.
                             Console.WriteLine("   Creating Subdirectory: " + DirName);
                             Directory.CreateDirectory(TargetDir + @"\" + DirName);
                         Console.WriteLine("   " + String.Format("{0:D" + NumSubSounds.ToString().Length + "}", (i + 1)) + "/" + NumSubSounds + ": " + SubSoundName.ToString());		// Print status
                         //if (ExtractFSB && SubSoundName.ToString().ToLower().Contains("female1")) {
                         if (ExtractFSB) {
                             Flag = true;
                             // Piece together a new filename in the format of "TargetDir\FSBName\#_SoundName.wav" and open the file.
                             FileStream SubSoundStream = new FileStream(TargetDir + @"\" + DirName + @"\" + String.Format("{0:D" + NumSubSounds.ToString().Length + "}", (i + 1)) + "_" + SubSoundName.ToString() + ".wav", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                             uint Length = WriteHeader(SubSoundStream, SubSound, FSBFileStr);	// Manually create the wave header and write it to the file
                             do {
                                 byte[] SoundData = new byte[65536];								// Create a max-length buffer for the audio data
                                 uint LenToRead;													// Specify the length is at most 65,536, or to the end of the data
                                 if (Length > SoundData.Length) { LenToRead = 65536; } else { LenToRead = Length; }
                                 uint LenRead = LenToRead;
                                 IntPtr BufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)LenToRead);		// Allocate the buffer and get its pointer
                                 // Read the "LenToRead" bytes into the buffer and update LenRead with the number of bytes read
                                 FModResult = SubSound.readData(BufferPtr, LenToRead, ref LenRead);
                                 Marshal.Copy(BufferPtr, SoundData, 0, (int)LenRead);			// Copy the data out of unmanaged memory into the SoundData byte[] array
                                 SubSoundStream.Write(SoundData, 0, (int)LenRead);				// Write the sound data to the file
                                 Length -= LenRead;												// Subtract what we read from the remaining length of data.
                             } while ((Length > 0) && (FModResult == FMOD.RESULT.OK));			// As long as we have no errors and still more data to read
                             long FileSize = SubSoundStream.Position;
                             SubSoundStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                             SubSoundStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((long)(FileSize - 8)), 0, 4);
                         } else if (Flag) {
     return FModResult;