Exemple #1
    bool SolveBottomMiddlePositions(ref List <string> path)
        List <CubeInfo.Cubie> bottom = _cubies.FindBottomMiddle();
        bool sorted = _cubies.BottomMiddlesCorrectPositions();

        if (sorted)
            return(true);        // no work to do
        FocusCubie(new Vector3(-1, -2, -1));

        for (int i = 0; i < _cubies.GetNumCubes(); i++)
            if (!_cubies.IsCenterCube(i))
                _cubies.EnableColor(_cubies.GetCubeInfo(i), false);

        foreach (CubeInfo.Cubie c in bottom)
            _cubies.EnableColor(c, true);

        // case 1: need to rotate three
        // case 2: need to swap consecutive cubies
        // case 3: need to swap opposite cubies
        ArrayList steps = new ArrayList();

        string[] sequences =
            //rotate C
            "F2 D L' R F2 L R' D F2",
            "L2 D B' F L2 B F' D L2",
            "B2 D R' L B2 R L' D B2",
            "R2 D F' B R2 F B' D R2",

            //rotate CC
            "F2 D' L' R F2 L R' D' F2",
            "L2 D' B' F L2 B F' D' L2",
            "B2 D' R' L B2 R L' D' B2",
            "R2 D' F' B R2 F B' D' R2",

            //swap opposite
            "R2 L2 U R2 L2 D2 R2 L2 U R2 L2",
            "R F D F' D' R2 B' D' B D R",

            //swap neighbors
            "R F D F' D' R2 B' D' B D R",
            "B R D R' D' B2 L' D' L D B"

        // ASN TODO: We know the sequence if we analyze the cube more closely
        foreach (string seqn in sequences)
            string[] words = seqn.Split();
            foreach (string word in words)
                string[] tmp = { word };
            path = _solver.Search(null, _solved, steps, _solver.ScorePositions);
            if (path.Count > 0)

        return(path.Count > 0);