Exemple #1
	public bool fullLinesClear(CubeInfo [,]cubesArray, ref ArrayList height)
		bool isFullLine = false;
		int counter;

		for (int i = 0; i < this.cells.GetLength(0); i++)
			counter = 0;
			for (int y = 0; y < this.cells.GetLength(1); y++)
				if (this.cells[i, y]) counter++;
			if (counter == this.cells.GetLength(1))
				isFullLine = true;
				if(height == null) height=new ArrayList();
				height.Add (i);
				for (int g = i; g > 0; g--)
					for (int h = 0; h < this.cells.GetLength(1); h++)
						if ((g - 1) <= (this.cells.GetLength(0) - 1))
							this.cells[g, h] = this.cells[g - 1, h];
							cubesArray[g, h].cubeColored.renderer.material.color = cubesArray[g-1, h].cubeColored.renderer.material.color;
							this.cells[g, h] = false;
		return isFullLine;
        protected override void RefreshTree()

            if (CubeInfo != null)
                // Если задано уникальное имя измерения, то создаем для данного измерения узел
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DimensionUniqueName))
                    DimensionInfo info = CubeInfo.GetDimension(DimensionUniqueName);
                    if (info != null)
                        DimensionTreeNode dimNode = AddDimensionNode(null, info);
                        CreateHierarchies(dimNode, info, false);
                        dimNode.IsExpanded = true;
                        LogManager.LogError(this, String.Format(Localization.MetadataResponseException_DimensionByUniqueName_InCube_NotFound, DimensionUniqueName, CubeName));

                // Отображаем все измерения
                CreateDimensions(null, CubeInfo, true);
Exemple #3
    List <GameObject> GetAttackRange()
        List <GameObject> attacks = new List <GameObject>();

        foreach (GameObject go in attackList)
            if (go == lastAttack)
            CubeInfo ci    = go.GetComponent <CubeInfo>();
            int[]    sides = { ci.side1, ci.side2, ci.side3 };
            foreach (int i in sides)
                if (i == currentSide)
        Vector3 currentPos = lastAttack.transform.position;

        foreach (GameObject go in attacks)
            if (currentPos.x != go.transform.position.x && currentPos.z != go.transform.position.z)
Exemple #4
    CubeInfo initNewCube()
        CubeInfo instance = null;

        instance = Instantiate(cubePrefabs, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as CubeInfo;
Exemple #5
    public void BeginDraw()
        RaycastHit hit;
        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            if (hit.collider != null)
                switch (Settings.Instance.currBrush)
                case Brush.Voxel:
                    click = true;

                case Brush.Rect:
                case Brush.Line:
                case Brush.Fill:
                    beginCube = new CubeInfo(hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <CubeInfo>());
                    beginSide = Settings.Instance.String2Sides(hit.collider.name);
                    click     = true;
    private void ActivateMarkedCube(Vector2 markedCoord, bool isSpecial)
        //Check if there is a cube above the marked tile and if there is deactivate it
        //find cube above marked tile
        CubeInfo cube = gameManager.GetCubeAboveMarkedTile(markedCoord);

        //If there is a cube above it Deactivate the cube
        if (cube != null)
            gameManager.addedPauseTime += 0.8f;
        //If it isn't a special trigger then unmark normally
        if (!isSpecial)
            markedTile = null;
            tileMarked = false;
        else//Otherwise unmark as special
        NodeInfo GetNodeInfo(CubeInfo cube_info, byte id, byte level, NodeInfo parent)
            NodeInfo node_info;

            if (cube_info.free_nodes == 0)
                Nodes nodes = new Nodes();

                nodes.next           = cube_info.node_queue;
                cube_info.node_queue = nodes;
                cube_info.next_node  = 0;
                cube_info.free_nodes = NodesInAList;

            cube_info.node_queue.nodes[cube_info.next_node] = new NodeInfo();

            node_info        = cube_info.node_queue.nodes[cube_info.next_node];
            node_info.parent = parent;
            node_info.id     = id;
            node_info.level  = level;


 void Reduce(CubeInfo cube_info, NodeInfo node_info)
     // Traverse any children.
     if (node_info.census != 0)
         for (int id = 0; id < MaxTreeDepth; id++)
             if ((node_info.census & (1 << id)) != 0)
                 Reduce(cube_info, node_info.child[id]);
     if (node_info.quantize_error <= cube_info.pruning_threshold)
         PruneChild(cube_info, node_info);
         // Find minimum pruning threshold.
         if (node_info.number_unique > 0)
         if (node_info.quantize_error < cube_info.next_threshold)
             cube_info.next_threshold = node_info.quantize_error;
        public ColorQuantizer(int NumColors)
            m_pCubeInfo     = null;
            m_pQuantizeInfo = new QuantizeInfo();
            m_Depth         = 8;
            m_Colors        = NumColors;

            m_pQuantizeInfo.number_colors = NumColors;
            m_pQuantizeInfo.dither        = 0;

            // Depth of color tree is: Log4(colormap size)+2.
            int colors = NumColors;

            for (m_Depth = 1; colors != 0; m_Depth++)
                colors >>= 2;
            if (m_pQuantizeInfo.dither > 0)
            m_Depth += 2;

            m_pCubeInfo = GetCubeInfo(m_pQuantizeInfo, m_Depth);
Exemple #10
 private void SearchPath(CubeInfo[,] cubeArray, CubeInfo cube)
     for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
         for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
             if ((i == 0 || j == 0) && (i != 0 || j != 0) && cubeArray[cube.x - i, cube.z - j].cubAtt != CubeAttribute.NotMove && !closeList.Contains(cubeArray[cube.x - i, cube.z - j]))
                 cubeArray[cube.x - i, cube.z - j].parent = cube;
                 OpenListAdd(cubeArray[cube.x - i, cube.z - j]);
                 if (cubeArray[cube.x - i, cube.z - j].cubAtt == CubeAttribute.End)
     for (int i = openlist.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
         if (openlist[i].f < openlist[i - 1].f)
             CubeInfo temp;
             temp            = openlist[i];
             openlist[i]     = openlist[i - 1];
             openlist[i - 1] = temp;
     SearchPath(cubeArray, openlist[0]);
    private void HandleMouseInput()
        if (_commandManager.AcceptInput() && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000))
                if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer >= 10 && hit.collider.gameObject.layer <= 15)
                    var distance = Camera.main.transform.position - Vector3.zero;
                    var com      = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionTriggerController>();
                    _selectedCube    = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CubeSelectionReference>().Cube;
                    _isMouseMoving   = true;
                    _mousePosition   = Input.mousePosition;
                    _targetCubeLayer = hit.collider.gameObject.layer;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && _isMouseMoving)
            _isMouseMoving = false;

        if (_isMouseMoving)
            if (_mouseDistance > _MinimumDragThreshold)
    public IEnumerator DeactivateCube(CubeInfo cube)
        //Remove the deactivated cube from the list
        GameObject parent = cube.transform.parent.gameObject;

        //deactivate the block and move it to a holder
        while (parent.GetComponent <CubeMovement>().isMoving)
            yield return(null);
        parent.transform.position = inactiveCubeHolder.position;
        parent.transform.parent   = inactiveCubeHolder;

        //Check the type of block that was deactivated - if it was special or forbidden do extra.
        //If forbidden cube was deactivated -3 to block counter
        if (cube.typeOfCube == CubeInfo.CubeType.forbidden)
        //If it was special mark the 9 floor tiles around the cubes pos as marked.
        if (cube.typeOfCube == CubeInfo.CubeType.special)
Exemple #13
    public List <List <CubeInfo> > BuildCubes()
        List <List <CubeInfo> > currentCubes = new List <List <CubeInfo> >();

        for (int h = 1; h < cubesAmountY + 1; h++)
            if ((h * posY) + ((h - 1) * posY) + cubeUnitSize - posY + marginUnitSize / 2 > resolutionHeight)

            currentCubes.Add(new List <CubeInfo>());

            for (int w = 1; w < cubesAmountX + 1; w++)
                if ((w * posX) + ((w - 1) * posX) + cubeUnitSize - posX + marginUnitSize / 2 > resolutionWidth)

                GameObject cube = Instantiate(
                    new Vector3(transform.position.x + (w * posX) + ((w - 1) * posX), transform.position.x + (h * posY) + ((h - 1) * posY), cubeUnitSize / 2),

                cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cubeUnitSize, cubeUnitSize, cubeUnitSize);
                CubeInfo cubeInfo = new CubeInfo();
                currentCubes[h - 1].Add(cubeInfo);

        for (int x = 0; x < currentCubes.Count; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < currentCubes[x].Count; y++)
                if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == currentCubes.Count - 1 || y == currentCubes[x].Count - 1)
                    SetCubeColor(currentCubes[x][y].gameOBJ, Color.black);
                    if (Random.Range(0, 1000) < seed)
                        SetCubeColor(currentCubes[x][y].gameOBJ, orange);
                        SetCubeColor(currentCubes[x][y].gameOBJ, black);
Exemple #14
 public CubeInfo()
     g        = 0; h = 0; f = 0;
     parent   = null;
     position = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
     color    = Color.white;
     cubAtt   = CubeAttribute.CanMove;
Exemple #15
 public void PaintFill(CubeInfo start, Sides currSide, CubeInfo[,,] cubeMap)
     if (start.y == -1)
     AttachFill(start, currSide, cubeMap, true);
Exemple #16
 public void PaintCube(CubeInfo info, int material)
     if (info.material != -1)
         info.material = material;
         info.meshRenderer.material = materials[material];
Exemple #17
 public UnitBuoInfo(CubeInfo cube, BuoyanceType type, int x, int y, int z)
     this.cube = cube;
     Type      = type;
     this.x    = x;
     this.y    = y;
     this.z    = z;
Exemple #18
 private void Path(CubeInfo cube)
     cube.color = Color.red;
     if (cube.cubAtt == CubeAttribute.Start)
Exemple #19
 public void AttachCube(CubeInfo info, Sides side, int material)
     if (info.neighbors[(int)side] != null)
         info.neighbors[(int)side].material = material;
         info.neighbors[(int)side].meshRenderer.material = materials[material];
Exemple #20
 public void AttachFill(CubeInfo start, Sides currSide, CubeInfo[,,] cubeMap, bool paint = false)
     if (currSide == Sides.Up)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.y > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y - 1, start.z].material;
         floodfillUp(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Down)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.y < cubeMap.GetLength(1))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y + 1, start.z].material;
         floodfillDown(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Front)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.z < cubeMap.GetLength(2))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y, start.z + 1].material;
         floodfillFront(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Back)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.z > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y, start.z - 1].material;
         floodfillBack(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
     if (currSide == Sides.Right)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.x > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x - 1, start.y, start.z].material;
         floodfillRight(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Left)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.x < cubeMap.GetLength(0))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x + 1, start.y, start.z].material;
         floodfillLeft(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, Settings.Instance.currMaterial, mat, cubeMap, paint);
Exemple #21
 public void EraseFill(CubeInfo start, Sides currSide, CubeInfo[,,] cubeMap)
     if (currSide == Sides.Up)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.y > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y - 1, start.z].material;
         floodfillUp(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Down)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.y < cubeMap.GetLength(1))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y + 1, start.z].material;
         floodfillDown(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Front)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.z < cubeMap.GetLength(2))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y, start.z + 1].material;
         floodfillFront(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Back)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.z > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x, start.y, start.z - 1].material;
         floodfillBack(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
     if (currSide == Sides.Right)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.x > 0)
             mat = cubeMap[start.x - 1, start.y, start.z].material;
         floodfillRight(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
     else if (currSide == Sides.Left)
         int mat = -1;
         if (start.x < cubeMap.GetLength(0))
             mat = cubeMap[start.x + 1, start.y, start.z].material;
         floodfillLeft(start.x, start.y, start.z, start.material, -1, mat, cubeMap);
    private void LoadCube()
        CubeInfo cubeInfo     = SaveManager.LoadCube();
        Vector3  cubePosition = new Vector3();

        cubePosition.x = cubeInfo.position[0];
        cubePosition.y = cubeInfo.position[1];
        cubePosition.z = cubeInfo.position[2];
        GameObject.Find("Cube").transform.position = cubePosition;
Exemple #23
 public CubeInfo(CubeInfo ci)
     position = ci.position;
     material = ci.material;
     for (int i = 0; i < ci.neighbors.Length; ++i)
         neighbors[i] = ci.neighbors[i];
     meshRenderer = ci.meshRenderer;
Exemple #24
 public void StartAStar(CubeInfo[,] cubeArray, CubeInfo start, CubeInfo end)
     openlist  = new List <CubeInfo>();
     closeList = new List <CubeInfo>();
     SetMap(cubeArray, start, end);
     SearchPath(cubeArray, start);
    public static void SaveCube(Cube cube)
        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        FileStream      stream    = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
        CubeInfo        cubeInfo  = new CubeInfo(cube);

        formatter.Serialize(stream, cubeInfo);
        Debug.Log("Saved to " + path);
 void Reduction(CubeInfo cube_info, int number_colors)
     cube_info.next_threshold = 0.0;
     while (cube_info.colors > number_colors)
         cube_info.pruning_threshold = cube_info.next_threshold;
         cube_info.next_threshold    = cube_info.root.quantize_error - 1;
         cube_info.colors            = 0;
         Reduce(cube_info, cube_info.root);
Exemple #27
        public CubeInfo Info()
            var info = new CubeInfo()
                id         = Id,
                positionId = PositionId,
                transform  = transform

Exemple #28
        private void delBlocks(Player player, string rangeS)
            float range = 0;

            float.TryParse(rangeS, out range);

            if (range <= 0)
                sendError(player, GetMessage("InvalidCommand"));
                if (range > 50)
                    range = 50;

                Vector3 playerPosition = getPositionV3(player);
                if (playerPosition[0] != 0)
                    float           delta = range / 2;
                    List <CubeInfo> cubs  = new List <CubeInfo>();

                    for (float x = playerPosition.x - delta; x < playerPosition.x + delta; x++)
                        for (float y = playerPosition.y - delta; y < playerPosition.y + delta; y++)
                            for (float z = playerPosition.z - delta; z < playerPosition.z + delta; z++)
                                Vector3Int testPosition = new Vector3Int((int)x, (int)y, (int)z);
                                CubeInfo   cubInfo      = BlockManager.DefaultCubeGrid.GetCubeInfoAtLocal(testPosition);
                                sendError(player, "cubInfo " + cubInfo);

                                if ((int)cubInfo.Prefab == 0 && cubInfo.MaterialID != CubeInfo.Air.MaterialID)

                    if (cubs.Count == 0)
                        //todo translate
                        sendError(player, "No cube in range");
                        sendError(player, cubs.Count + " cubs found in range");
Exemple #29
 public bool Equals(CubeInfo cubeInfo)
     if (Position == cubeInfo.Position)
Exemple #30
 private void Start()
     foreach (var cube in cubes)
         var info = new CubeInfo();
         info.name         = cube.name;
         info.color        = Color.white;
         info.visitCount   = 0;
         _cubes[info.name] = info;
Exemple #31
 void Start()
     _matrix = GetComponent<CubeMatrix>();
     for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (var x = 0; x < loop; x++) {
             var cube = _matrix[x, y];
             var cubeInfo = new CubeInfo(){ state = State.Off, materials = stateMaterials[0], renderer = cube.GetComponent<Renderer>() };
             _cubeInfos[x, y] = cubeInfo;
    public void LoadPersistedData(string name, bool visualise = false)
        /// Reseting the ID for every new deserialized item so the ids match the original ids.

        CubeInfo[] infos = GetAllSavedCubes();

        CubeInfo info = infos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);

        if (info == null)
            Debug.Log("No info with the given name!!!");

        List <ClassVisualisation.MethodAndParameterNodes[]> methodInfoWithParamInfo = new List <ClassVisualisation.MethodAndParameterNodes[]>();

        /// Creating and regestering the class nodes
        for (int i = 0; i < info.ClassInfos.Length; i++)
            ClassInfo cin      = info.ClassInfos[i];
            Type      type     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(cin.Name);
            Vector3   position = cin.Position;

            var spellClass = this.UI.classVisualisation.GenerateClassVisualisation(this.UI.classVisualisation.GenerateNodeData(type), position, out Node one);

            this.UI.connTracker.RegisterClassNameForPersistence(new ClassTracking {
                Name = type.FullName, node = one
            }, info.Name);


        List <InputCanvas.InputElements> inputs = new List <InputCanvas.InputElements>();

        /// Establish the DirectInputs
        List <ResultCanvas.VariableInput> variablesForDisplay = new List <ResultCanvas.VariableInput>();

        for (int i = 0; i < info.directInputs.Length; i++)
            DirectInput DI = info.directInputs[i];

            /// CONSTANT
            if (DI.Name == null)
                var cnst = this.UI.inputCanvas.CreateInputCanvas(DI.Value, DI.ID, this.UI, false);
                this.UI.connTracker.RegisterDirectInput(new DirectInput(DI.ID, null, DI.Value), info.Name);
            else /// VARIABLE
                var var = this.UI.inputCanvas.CreateInputCanvas(default, DI.ID, this.UI, true, DI.Name);
	public void showEffect(Model model, int _y, CubeInfo cubeInfo)
		float _x = model.cells.GetLength (1)/2;
		float position_x = -_x * cubeInfo.cubeSize + 1.5f + cubeInfo.cubeSize/2;
		float _z = cubeInfo.cubeSize;
		GameObject effectGO;
		effectBlow = new Blow[model.cells.GetLength(1)];
		float y = (model.cells.GetLength(0)-1-_y)*cubeInfo.cubeSize + cubeInfo.cubeSize/2;
		if (model != null)
			for (int i=0; i<model.cells.GetLength(1); i++)
				effectGO =(GameObject) Instantiate(effectPSPrefab,new Vector3(position_x, y, -_z), Quaternion.identity);
				position_x += cubeInfo.cubeSize;

    // ============================================================
    //                         FONCTIONS
    // ============================================================
    void ApplyColorFirstRow(CubeInfo[,] cubes, float hauteurBasses, float hauteurMoyennes, float hauteurAigues)
        //On effecte la premiere rangée des cubes du plancher (depth = 0)
        int largeur = cubes.GetLength(0);
        int idxMidRight = 0;
        int idxGraves = 3*largeur/4;
        int idxMidLeft = largeur/2;
        int idxAigues = largeur/4;
        float ampli = 0.1f;
        float g = 0f;
        float r = 0f;
        float b = 0f;
        float timeSin=Mathf.Sin(Time.time/7f);
        float fastTime=Mathf.Sin(Time.time*2);
        Renderer renderer;
        //Color col;

        ///Valeurs connues:
        /// MidsR:
        cubes[idxMidRight,0].lastColor = cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
        ampli = cubes[idxMidRight,0].transform.localScale.y;
        g =  ((timeSin*0.7f) * (ampli/6f))-0.4f;
        r = (ampli/6f) - (g);
        b = 0.8f - (ampli/3);
        renderer = cubes[idxMidRight, 0].GetComponent<Renderer>();
        renderer.material.color = new Color(r,g,b);

        cubes[idxMidLeft,0].lastColor = cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
        ampli = cubes[idxMidLeft,0].transform.localScale.y;
        g = ((timeSin*0.7f) * (ampli/6f))-0.4f;
        r = (ampli/6f) - (0.8f*g);
        b = 0.8f - (ampli/3);
        cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        // Graves:
        cubes[idxGraves,0].lastColor = cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
        ampli = cubes[idxGraves,0].transform.localScale.y;
        g = ((0.8f - ((timeSin*0.7f) * (ampli/6)))-0.2f);
        r = (ampli/4f) - (0.8f*g);
        b = 0.8f - (ampli/3);
        cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        // Aigues:
        cubes[idxAigues,0].lastColor = cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
        ampli = cubes[idxAigues,0].transform.localScale.y;
        g = (ampli/4f);
        r = 0.4f*fastTime - (ampli/6);
        b = 0.5f - (ampli/6);
        cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        float prop1 = 0f;
        float prop2 = 0f;

        int dist = idxAigues - idxMidRight;
        for(int i = idxMidRight+1; i<idxAigues; i++){

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxMidRight)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;

            r = prop1*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r + prop2*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r;
            g = prop1*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g + prop2*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g;
            b = prop1*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b + prop2*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b;
            cubes[i,0].lastColor = cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
            cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        dist = idxMidLeft - idxAigues;
        for(int i = idxAigues+1; i<idxMidLeft; i++){

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxAigues)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;

            r = prop1*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r + prop2*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r;
            g = prop1*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g + prop2*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g;
            b = prop1*cubes[idxAigues,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b + prop2*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b;
            cubes[i,0].lastColor = cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
            cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        dist = idxGraves - idxMidLeft;
        for(int i = idxMidLeft+1; i<idxGraves; i++){

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxMidLeft)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;

            r = prop1*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r + prop2*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r;
            g = prop1*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g + prop2*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g;
            b = prop1*cubes[idxMidLeft,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b + prop2*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b;
            cubes[i,0].lastColor = cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
            cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));

        dist = largeur - idxGraves;
        for(int i = idxGraves+1; i<largeur; i++){

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxGraves)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;

            r = prop1*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r + prop2*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").r;
            g = prop1*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g + prop2*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").g;
            b = prop1*cubes[idxGraves,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b + prop2*cubes[idxMidRight,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color").b;
            cubes[i,0].lastColor = cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
            cubes[i,0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(r,g,b));
    // ============================================================
    void CopyFirstRow(CubeInfo[,] original, CubeInfo[,] copy, int z0, int nZ)
        for (int i = 0; i<original.GetLength(0); i++) {
            for (int j = z0; j<(z0+nZ); j++) {
                copy[i,j].lastScaleY = original[i,0].lastScaleY;
                copy[i,j].lastScaleZ = original[i,0].lastScaleZ;
                copy[i,j].transform.localScale = original[i,0].transform.localScale;
                copy[i,j].lastColor = original[i,0].lastColor;

 // ============================================================
 void ApplyScaleWave(CubeInfo[,] cubes)
     for(int i = 0; i<cubes.GetLength(0); i++){
         for(int j = 1; j<cubes.GetLength(1); j++)	{
             //Le jratio sert a prendre en compte l'effet conique. Si on ne divisait pas par jratio,
             //on aurait l'impression que les scale augmente avec la profondeur
             cubes[i,j].lastScaleY = cubes[i,j].transform.localScale.y / cubes[i,j].jRatio;
             cubes[i,j].lastScaleZ = cubes[i,j].transform.localScale.z;
             cubes[i,j].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[i,j].jWidth, cubes[i,j].jRatio * cubes[i,j-1].lastScaleY, cubes[i,j-1].lastScaleZ) ;
    // ============================================================
    void ApplyScaleFirstRow(CubeInfo[,] cubes, float hauteurBasses, float hauteurMoyennes, float hauteurAigues)
        //On effecte la premiere rangée des cubes du plancher (depth = 0)
        int largeur = cubes.GetLength(0);
        int idxMidRight = 0;
        int idxGraves = 3*largeur/4;
        int idxMidLeft = largeur/2;
        int idxAigues = largeur/4;
        //float timeSin=Mathf.Sin(Time.time/7f);
        //float fastTime=Mathf.Sin(Time.time*2);

        ///Valeurs connues:
        /// MidsR:
        cubes[idxMidRight,0].lastScaleY = cubes[idxMidRight,0].transform.localScale.y;
        cubes[idxMidRight,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[idxMidRight,0].transform.localScale.z;

        cubes[idxMidRight,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[idxMidRight,0].jWidth, hauteurMoyennes, 1.0f + hauteurMoyennes/5.0f) ;

        cubes[idxMidLeft,0].lastScaleY = cubes[idxMidLeft,0].transform.localScale.y;
        cubes[idxMidLeft,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[idxMidLeft,0].transform.localScale.z;
        cubes[idxMidLeft,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[idxMidLeft,0].jWidth, hauteurMoyennes,1.0f + hauteurMoyennes/5.0f) ;

        // Graves:
        cubes[idxGraves,0].lastScaleY = cubes[idxGraves,0].transform.localScale.y;
        cubes[idxGraves,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[idxGraves,0].transform.localScale.z;
        cubes[idxGraves,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[idxGraves,0].jWidth, hauteurBasses,1.0f + hauteurBasses/5.0f) ;

        // Aigues:
        cubes[idxAigues,0].lastScaleY = cubes[idxAigues,0].transform.localScale.y;
        cubes[idxAigues,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[idxAigues,0].transform.localScale.z;
        cubes[idxAigues,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[idxAigues,0].jWidth, hauteurAigues, 1.0f + hauteurAigues/5.0f) ;

        float prop1 = 0f;
        float prop2 = 0f;

        float scale = 0f;
        float scalez = 0f;
        int dist = idxAigues - idxMidRight;
        for(int i = idxMidRight+1; i<idxAigues; i++){
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleY = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.y;
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.z;

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxMidRight)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;
            scale = (prop1*hauteurMoyennes) + (prop2*hauteurAigues);
            scalez = (prop1*(1.0f + hauteurMoyennes/5.0f)) + (prop2*(1.0f + hauteurAigues/5.0f));
            cubes[i,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[i,0].jWidth, scale, scalez) ;

        dist = idxMidLeft - idxAigues;
        for(int i = idxAigues+1; i<idxMidLeft; i++){
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleY = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.y;
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.z;

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxAigues)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;
            scale = (prop1*hauteurAigues) + (prop2*hauteurMoyennes);
            scalez = (prop1*(1.0f + hauteurAigues/5.0f)) + (prop2*(1.0f + hauteurMoyennes/5.0f));
            cubes[i,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[i,0].jWidth, scale, scalez) ;

        dist = idxGraves - idxMidLeft;
        for(int i = idxMidLeft+1; i<idxGraves; i++){
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleY = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.y;
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.z;

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxMidLeft)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;
            scale = (prop1*hauteurMoyennes) + (prop2*hauteurBasses);
            scalez = (prop1*(1.0f+hauteurMoyennes/5.0f)) + (prop2*(1.0f+hauteurBasses/5.0f));
            cubes[i,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[i,0].jWidth, scale, scalez) ;

        dist = largeur - idxGraves;
        for(int i = idxGraves+1; i<largeur; i++){
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleY = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.y;
            cubes[i,0].lastScaleZ = cubes[i,0].transform.localScale.z;

            prop1 = (1f - (float)(i-idxGraves)/dist);
            prop2 = 1f-prop1;
            scale = (prop1*hauteurBasses) + (prop2*hauteurMoyennes);
            scalez = (prop1*(1.0f + hauteurBasses/5.0f)) + (prop2*(1.0f + hauteurMoyennes/5.0f));
            cubes[i,0].transform.localScale = new Vector3( cubes[i,0].jWidth, scale, scalez);
 // ============================================================
 void ApplyColorWave(CubeInfo[,] cubes)
     for(int i = 0; i<cubes.GetLength(0); i++){
         for(int j = 1; j<cubes.GetLength(1); j++){
             cubes[i,j].lastColor = cubes[i,j].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetColor("_Color");
             cubes[i,j].GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", cubes[i,j-1].lastColor);
    private bool flexTunnel(CubeInfo[,] cubes1,CubeInfo[,] cubes2, float sinOffsetX, float sinOffsetY, int flexionID)
        bool flexionDone = false;
        float amp = 1000f;

        // Si c'est la premiere frame de cette flexion, avertir TunnelSpinner pour qu'il cesse d'enregistrer la position
        if ( firstFlexFrame[flexionID]==true ) {
            firstFlexFrame[flexionID] = false;

        if ((song.time() - song.flexionTime[flexionID])<Mathf.Min (2,song.flexionLength[flexionID]/3)) {
            // La force d'amplication du sinus commence a 0 et augmente jusqu'a 4
            amp = (song.time()-song.flexionTime[flexionID])/2;

        else if ((song.time() - song.flexionTime[flexionID])<(song.flexionLength[flexionID]-4))  {

            amp = 1f;
        else {
            // La force d'amplication du sinus diminue jusqu'a 0 (parabole inversée)
            amp = Mathf.Max ((song.flexionLength[flexionID]-(song.time()-song.flexionTime[flexionID]))/4,0);

        for(int i = 0; i<cubes1.GetLength(0); i++){
            for(int j = 1; j<cubes1.GetLength(1); j++){
                cubes1[i,j].transform.localPosition = new Vector3 ((cubes1[i,j].posSansFlexion.x+ amp*Mathf.Pow((float)j,2f)*sinOffsetX),cubes1[i,j].posSansFlexion.y + amp*Mathf.Pow((float)j,2f)*sinOffsetY,cubes1[i,j].transform.localPosition.z);
        for(int i = 0; i<cubes2.GetLength(0); i++){
            for(int j = 1; j<cubes2.GetLength(1); j++){
                cubes2[i,j].transform.localPosition = new Vector3 ((cubes2[i,j].posSansFlexion.x+ amp*Mathf.Pow((float)j,2f)*sinOffsetX),cubes2[i,j].posSansFlexion.y+ amp*Mathf.Pow((float)j,2f)*sinOffsetY,cubes2[i,j].transform.localPosition.z);
        // Stop the flexion script when amp and the offset are small
        if (amp < 0.0001f){
            flexionDone = true;
        return flexionDone;
Exemple #40
		private void ReadGndFile() {
			string Root = textBox2.Text;
			using( FileStream s = File.OpenRead( textBox1.Text ) ) {
				using( BinaryReader bin = new BinaryReader( s, Encoding.GetEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" ) ) ) {
					bin.BaseStream.Position += 6;

					mHeader = new HeaderInfo();
					mHeader.Width = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mHeader.Height = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mHeader.Ratio = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mHeader.TextureCount = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mHeader.TextureSize = bin.ReadUInt32();

					mTextures = new TextureInfo[ mHeader.TextureCount ];
					for( int i = 0; i < mTextures.Length; i++ ) {
						mTextures[ i ] = new TextureInfo();
						mTextures[ i ].TexPath = ReadWord( bin, 40 ).ToLower();
						mTextures[ i ].Unknown = ReadWord( bin, 40 ).ToCharArray();

						mTextures[ i ].TextureBmp = Bitmap.FromFile( Root + @"\" + mTextures[ i ].TexPath ) as Bitmap;

					mLightmapCount = (uint)bin.ReadInt32();

					mGrid = new GridInfo();
					mGrid.X = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mGrid.Y = bin.ReadUInt32();
					mGrid.Cells = bin.ReadUInt32();

					mLightmaps = new LitghmapInfo[ mLightmapCount ];
					for( int i = 0; i < mLightmaps.Length; i++ ) {
						mLightmaps[ i ] = new LitghmapInfo();
						mLightmaps[ i ].brightness = bin.ReadChars( 64 );
						mLightmaps[ i ].colorrbg = bin.ReadChars( 192 );

					mTileCount = (uint)bin.ReadInt32();
					mTiles = new TileInfo[ mTileCount ];
					for( int i = 0; i < mTiles.Length; i++ ) {
						mTiles[ i ] = new TileInfo();
						mTiles[ i ].VectorWidth = ReadVector4( bin );
						mTiles[ i ].VectorHeight = ReadVector4( bin );
						mTiles[ i ].TextureIndex = bin.ReadUInt16();
						mTiles[ i ].Lightmap = bin.ReadUInt16();
						mTiles[ i ].color = bin.ReadChars( 4 );

					mCubeCount = mHeader.Width * mHeader.Height;
					mCubes = new CubeInfo[ mCubeCount ];
					for( int i = 0; i < mCubes.Length; i++ ) {
						mCubes[ i ] = new CubeInfo();
						mCubes[ i ].Height = ReadVector4( bin );
						mCubes[ i ].tile_up = bin.ReadInt32();
						mCubes[ i ].tile_side = bin.ReadInt32();
						mCubes[ i ].tile_aside = bin.ReadInt32();



Exemple #41
    void SmoothMap(int skyHeight)
        CubeInfo[,,] temp = new CubeInfo[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1), map.GetLength(2)];

        for (int x = 1; x < map.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
            for (int y = skyHeight + 1; y < map.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                for (int z = 1; z < map.GetLength(2) - 1; z++)
                    int neighbourWallTiles = GetSurroundingCubeCount(x, y, z);

                    if (neighbourWallTiles > 13)
                        temp[x, y, z] = CubeInfo.Grass;
                    else if (neighbourWallTiles < 13)
                        temp[x, y, z] = CubeInfo.None;

        for (int x = 1; x < map.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
            for (int y = skyHeight + 1; y < map.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                for (int z = 1; z < map.GetLength(2) - 1; z++)
                    map[x, y, z].mapinfo = temp[x, y, z];