Exemple #1
        public async Task RoundUpdate()
            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);
            var        user   = UserHandler.GetUser(Context.User.Id);

            //Tests each case to make sure all circumstances for the execution of this command are valid (character exists, in correct location)
                await UserHandler.UserNotInCombat(idList);
            catch (InvalidUserStateException)

            var inst   = CombatHandler.GetInstance(user.CombatID);
            var embeds = OsirisEmbedBuilder.RoundStart(inst);

            for (int i = 0; i < embeds.Count; i++)
                await MessageHandler.SendEmbedMessage(inst.Location, "", embeds[i]);
Exemple #2
        public async Task CheckCard()
            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);
            var        user   = UserHandler.GetUser(idList.UserId);

            if (user.CombatID == -1)
                foreach (BasicCard card in user.ActiveCards)
                    await MessageHandler.SendEmbedMessage(idList, "", OsirisEmbedBuilder.CardList(card));
                foreach (BasicCard card in user.ActiveCards)
                    await MessageHandler.SendEmbedMessage(idList, "", OsirisEmbedBuilder.PlayerTurnStatus(card, CombatHandler.GetInstance(user.CombatID).RoundNumber));
Exemple #3
        public async Task CheckCard(SocketGuildUser target)
            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);
            var        user   = UserHandler.GetUser(idList.UserId);
            var        other  = UserHandler.GetUser(target.Id);

                await UserHandler.OtherUserHasNoCards(idList, user, other);
            catch (InvalidUserStateException)

            if (other.CombatID == -1)
                foreach (BasicCard card in other.ActiveCards)
                    await MessageHandler.SendEmbedMessage(idList, "", OsirisEmbedBuilder.CardList(card));
                foreach (BasicCard card in other.ActiveCards)
                    await MessageHandler.SendEmbedMessage(idList, "", OsirisEmbedBuilder.PlayerTurnStatus(card, CombatHandler.GetInstance(user.CombatID).RoundNumber));
Exemple #4
        private async Task MessageRecieved(SocketMessage messageParam)
            // Don't process the command if it was a system message
            var message = messageParam as SocketUserMessage;

            if (message == null)

            // Create a number to track where the prefix ends and the command begins
            int argPos = 0;

            //**MOVE CHECK LOGIC**\\
            foreach (BasicCard card in UserHandler.GetUser(message.Author.Id).ActiveCards)
                if (card.IsTurn && UserHandler.GetUser(message.Author.Id).CombatID != -1)
                    var author = UserHandler.GetUser(message.Author.Id);
                    var inst   = CombatHandler.GetInstance(author.CombatID);

                    var moveNum = -1;
                    //Loop through the card's moves
                    foreach (BasicMove move in card.Moves)

                        //If the message contains any of the moves' names
                        if (message.Content.Contains($"{move.Name}"))
                            //Fail if the user is silenced and they did not use their Basic
                            if (moveNum != 0 && card.IsSilenced())
                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! You are silenced. You may only use your Basic (first move listed on your card).");


                            //Count the inputs, if necessary
                            if (move.Targets >= 1)
                                //Setup a list of targeted cards
                                List <BasicCard> targets = new List <BasicCard>();

                                //Loop through every mentioned user
                                foreach (SocketUser user in message.MentionedUsers)
                                    //Tests each case to make sure all circumstances for the execution of this command are valid (character exists, in correct location)
                                        await UserHandler.OtherUserHasNoCards(CombatHandler.GetInstance(author.CombatID).Location, author, UserHandler.GetUser(user.Id));
                                    catch (InvalidUserStateException)

                                    //If the player has at least 1 card, and they are in the same combat session as the author, add them to the list of targets.
                                    var player = UserHandler.GetUser(user.Id);

                                    //Check if the target is dead, if they are and this move cannot target dead, cancel.
                                    if (player.ActiveCards[0].Dead)
                                        if (!move.CanTargetDead)
                                            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target the dead! {player.ActiveCards[0].Signature} is dead.");


                                    //Check if the target is an enemy (or a teammate that has ALSO been puppeted) and if this move cannot target enemies. If so, cancel
                                    if (player.TeamNum != inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum || (player.TeamNum == inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum&& player.ActiveCards[0].IsPuppet && card.IsPuppet))
                                        if (!move.CanTargetEnemies)
                                            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target enemies!");


                                    //Check if the target is an enemy and if this move cannot target enemies. If so, cancel
                                    if (player.TeamNum == inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum&& !(player.ActiveCards[0].IsPuppet && card.IsPuppet))
                                        if (!move.CanTargetAllies)
                                            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target allies!");


                                    //Check if the target is untargetable and is not on the same team as the caster. If so, cancel.
                                    if (player.ActiveCards[0].IsUntargetable() && player.TeamNum != author.TeamNum)
                                        await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {player.ActiveCards[0].Signature} is untargetable.");


                                    //Check if the target is the player using the move. If so and this move cannot target self, cancel.
                                    if (player.ActiveCards[0].Equals(card))
                                        if (!move.CanTargetSelf)
                                            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target yourself!");


                                    if (player.CombatID == author.CombatID)

                                //Split the message apart by spaces, and search for 0. followed by any number
                                string[] split = message.Content.Split(' ');
                                foreach (string str in split)
                                    int parse = 0;
                                    //If the current string contains a 0. and ends with a
                                    if (str.Contains("0.") && str.Length >= 3 && int.TryParse(str.Substring(2), out parse) && parse <= CombatHandler.GetInstance(author.CombatID).CardList.Count&& parse >= 1)
                                        var target = inst.CardList[parse - 1];

                                        if (target.Dead)
                                            if (!move.CanTargetDead)
                                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target the dead! {target.Signature} is dead.");


                                        //Check if the target is the player using the move. If so and this move cannot target self, cancel.
                                        if (target.Equals(card))
                                            if (!move.CanTargetSelf)
                                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target yourself!");


                                        //Check if the target is an enemy and if this move cannot target enemies. If so, cancel
                                        if (inst.GetTeam(target).TeamNum != inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum || (inst.GetTeam(target).TeamNum == inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum&& target.IsPuppet && card.IsPuppet))
                                            if (!move.CanTargetEnemies)
                                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target enemies!");


                                        //Check if the target is an enemy and if this move cannot target enemies. If so, cancel
                                        if (inst.GetTeam(target).TeamNum == inst.GetTeam(card).TeamNum&& !(target.IsPuppet && card.IsPuppet))
                                            if (!move.CanTargetAllies)
                                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {move.Name} cannot target allies!");


                                        //Check if the target is the player using the move. If so and this move cannot target self, cancel.
                                        if (target.IsUntargetable() && UserHandler.GetUser(target.Owner).TeamNum != author.TeamNum)
                                            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {target.Signature} is untargetable.");



                                //Determine if a sole target exists on the enemy team
                                bool      soleTargetExists = false;
                                BasicCard soleTarg         = new BasicCard(true);
                                foreach (Team team in inst.Teams)
                                    if (team.TeamNum != author.TeamNum)
                                        foreach (UserAccount acc in team.Members)
                                            foreach (BasicCard c in acc.ActiveCards)
                                                if (c.IsSoleTarget())
                                                    soleTargetExists = true;
                                                    soleTarg         = c;

                                //If a sole target exists on the enemy team and any target is not a teammate, and that target does not have the "Sole Target" buff, the move fails.
                                if (soleTargetExists)
                                    foreach (BasicCard target in targets)
                                        if (UserHandler.GetUser(target.Owner).TeamNum != author.TeamNum)
                                            if (!target.IsSoleTarget())
                                                await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, $"MOVE FAILED! {soleTarg.Signature} is the sole target of all attacks.");


                                if (targets.Count <= move.Targets && targets.Count > 0)
                                    if (!move.OnCooldown)
                                        await CombatHandler.UseMove(inst, card, move, targets);
                                        await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, "That move is on cooldown!");
                                if (!move.OnCooldown)
                                    await CombatHandler.UseMove(inst, card, move);
                                    await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, "That move is on cooldown!");

                    if ((message.Content.Contains("Skip") || message.Content.Contains("Pass")) && card.CanPassTurn)
                        await CombatHandler.SkipTurn(inst, card);
                    else if ((message.Content.Contains("Skip") || message.Content.Contains("Pass")) && !card.CanPassTurn)
                        await MessageHandler.SendMessage(inst.Location, "You are cursed! You cannot Pass your turn.");
            //**MOVE CHECK LOGIC END **\\

            // Determine if the message is a command based on the prefix and make sure no bots trigger commands
            if (!(message.HasStringPrefix("0.", ref argPos) ||
                  message.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) ||

            // Create a WebSocket-based command context based on the message
            var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, message);

            if (UserHandler.GetUser(message.Author.Id).Blocked)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{context.User.Username} you have been blocked from using Osiris. Please speak to an admin if this was not supposed to happen.");


            // Execute the command with the command context we just
            // created, along with the service provider for precondition checks.
            await _commands.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, services : null);

            //Update user's info
            UserHandler.UpdateUserInfo(context.User.Id, context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync().Result.Id, context.User.Username, context.User.Mention, context.User.GetAvatarUrl());