public void Reset() { listing = new List <Card>(); foreach (Card card in deck.Keys) { listing.Add(card); } deck = Clone.DeepClone <Dictionary <Card, int> >(startingDeck); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine("Please input what you want to show!"); if (args != null && args.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello World:{args[0]}"); } //use $ to format string of gettting input /* var input = Console.ReadLine(); * Console.WriteLine($"Hello World:{input}"); */ //use stack string firstStr = "it is the first string"; string secondStr = "it is the first string"; Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(firstStr); stack.Push(secondStr); Console.WriteLine($"The first element is {stack.Pop()}, second element is {stack.Pop()}"); //serialize CloneTestClass ali = new CloneTestClass() { Name = "Ali", Age = 20 }; var tencent = (CloneTestClass)Clone.DeepClone(ali); Console.WriteLine($"Before change Ali:Name is{ali.Name} and Age is {ali.Age}"); Console.WriteLine($"Before change Tencent:Name is{tencent.Name} and Age is {tencent.Age}"); tencent.Age = 30; tencent.Name = "Tencent"; Console.WriteLine($"After change Ali:Name is{ali.Name} and Age is {ali.Age}"); Console.WriteLine($"After change Tencent:Name is{tencent.Name} and Age is {tencent.Age}"); try { var mayBeException = Clone.DeepClone(new SeriClassB() { Name = "Test" }); } catch { Console.WriteLine($"SeriClassB can't be serialize cause SeriClassA don't have the attribute Serializeable!"); } }
private void LoadRom(string romLocation) { gameInfo = BlitzGame.GetBlitz2000Zoinkity(); tbTeamCount.Text = gameInfo.GameTeamCount.ToString(); this.romLocation = romLocation; BlitzTeams = RomEditor.ReadRom(romLocation, gameInfo); gameFiles = ParseBlitzFileList(romLocation, gameInfo); filesSortedByOffset = Clone.DeepClone(gameFiles).OrderBy(x => x.fileOffset).ToList(); lbGameFiles.ItemsSource = gameFiles; RomEditor.ReadTeamFiles(romLocation, gameInfo, ref blitzTeams, gameFiles); lbGameFiles.DisplayMemberPath = "fileName"; NotifiyPropertyChanged("BlitzTeams"); }