public static NBTChunk LoadChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("ChunkChecker.Update"); key.Set(chunkX, chunkZ); if (!chunkDict.ContainsKey(key)) { TagNodeCompound Chunk = GetChunkNode(chunkX, chunkZ); if (Chunk != null) { TagNodeCompound Level = Chunk["Level"] as TagNodeCompound; TagNodeList Sections = Level["Sections"] as TagNodeList; NBTChunk chunk = ChunkPool.GetChunk(); chunk.SetData(chunkX, chunkZ, Sections); chunkDict.Add(key, chunk); } } UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); if (chunkDict.ContainsKey(key)) { return(chunkDict[key]); } return(null); }
public void SetActive(bool active, Mesh mesh = null) { gameObject.SetActive(active); meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; if (active) { if (addCollider == AddColliderMode.Delayed) { Invoke("AddCollider", ChunkPool.GetBusyCount() * delay); } else if (addCollider == AddColliderMode.Immediate) { AddCollider(); } else if (addCollider == AddColliderMode.DelayedOnReuse) { AddCollider(); addCollider = AddColliderMode.Delayed; } } else { meshCollider.sharedMesh = null; } }
void InitChunks() { for (int i = 0; i < CountChunksAtStart; i++) { CurrentChunks.Add(ChunkPool.GetChunk()); } }
public void Initialize() { int poolWidth, poolHeight; poolWidth = Screen.width / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / visualChunkSize + 2 * poolWidthBorder; poolHeight = Screen.height / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / visualChunkSize + 2 * poolHeightBorder; visualChunkPool = new ChunkPool <VisualChunk>(poolWidth, poolHeight, visualChunkPrefab, visualChunkContainer, visualChunkSize) { prevCamPosition = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2(cam.transform.position), visualChunkSize) }; poolWidth = Screen.width / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / lightChunkSize + 2 * poolWidthBorder + 2; poolHeight = Screen.height / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / lightChunkSize + 2 * poolHeightBorder + 2; lightChunkPool = new ChunkPool <LightChunk>(poolWidth, poolHeight, lightChunkPrefab, lightChunkContainer, lightChunkSize) { prevCamPosition = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2(cam.transform.position), lightChunkSize) }; GenerateChunks(ref visualChunkPool); GenerateChunks(ref lightChunkPool); }
private void OnDestroy() { ChunkPool.Uninit(); InputManager.Destroy(); UISystem.DestroyUIRoot(); PlayerController.Destroy(); NBTHelper.Uninit(); }
private T CreateChunk <T>(Int2 pos, ref ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { T newChunk = Instantiate(chunkPool.prefab, new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y), Quaternion.identity, chunkPool.container).GetComponent <T>(); chunkPool.dictionary.Add(pos, newChunk); newChunk.Position = pos; return(newChunk); }
public static void LoadChunk(CSChunk csChunk) { //Debug.Log("loadChunk,x=" + csChunk.Position.x + ",z=" + csChunk.Position.y); Chunk chunk = ChunkPool.GetChunk(); chunk.SetData(csChunk.Position.x, csChunk.Position.y, csChunk.BlocksInBytes); AddToChunkDict(chunk); ChunkRefresher.Add(chunk); }
private void Start() { Instance = this; regionManager = GetComponent <RegionManager>(); chunkPool = new ChunkPool((int)Mathf.Pow(loadRange * 2, 3), transform); visibleChunks = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, ChunkObject>(); markedForUnload = new HashSet <Vector3Int>(); }
private void GenerateChunks <T>(ref ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { for (int x = 0; x < chunkPool.poolWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < chunkPool.poolHeight; y++) { Int2 pos = new Int2((x - chunkPool.poolWidth / 2) * chunkPool.chunkSize + (int)cam.transform.position.x, (y - chunkPool.poolHeight / 2) * chunkPool.chunkSize + (int)cam.transform.position.y); chunkPool.chunkArray[x, y] = CreateChunk(pos, ref chunkPool); } } }
public Chunk(Vector3 position, Material material, byte ID) { indexID = ID; this.mesh = new Mesh(); chunk = ChunkPool.SpawnGameObject(); chunk.SetActive(false); = string.Concat("Chunk: ", position.ToString()); chunk.transform.position = new Vector3(position.x, 0, position.z); chunk.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material; meshFilter = chunk.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); toUpdate = true; }
public static void RemoveChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ) { key.Set(chunkX, chunkZ); if (chunkDict.ContainsKey(key)) { NBTChunk chunk = chunkDict[key]; ChunkRefresher.Remove(chunk); chunk.ClearData(); ChunkPool.Recover(chunk); chunkDict.Remove(key); } }
private void UpdateChunk <T>(int x, int y, ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { T chunk; Int2 pos = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2(x, y), chunkPool.chunkSize); chunkPool.dictionary.TryGetValue(pos, out chunk); if (chunk) { chunk.UpdateChunk(); } }
public static void UnloadChunk(int x, int z) { //Debug.Log("UnloadChunk,x=" + x + ",z=" + z); Chunk chunk = GetChunk(x, z); if (chunk != null) { ChunkRefresher.Remove(chunk); chunk.ClearData(); RemoveFromChunkDict(chunk); ChunkPool.Recover(chunk); } }
public Chunk GetChunk(int x, int z) { bool haveData = false; if (db == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Open Db first"); } var subChunks = new Dictionary <byte, byte[]>(); var key = CreateKey(x, z); for (byte subChunkIdx = 0; subChunkIdx < 15; subChunkIdx++) { key[9] = subChunkIdx; UIntPtr length; var data = db.Get(key, out length); if (data != null) { subChunks[subChunkIdx] = data; haveData = true; } } if (!haveData) { return(null); } Chunk c; if (ChunkPool != null) { c = ChunkPool.Get(); c.X = x; c.Z = z; } else { c = new Chunk(x, z); } foreach (var subChunkRaw in subChunks) { CopySubChunkToChunk(c, subChunkRaw); } return(c); }
void Start() { ChunkChecker.Init(); ChunkRefresher.Init(); ChunkManager.Init(); ChunkPool.Init(); OtherPlayerManager.Init(); ItemSelectPanel.Show(); ChatPanel.ShowChatPanel(); List <Vector2Int> preloadChunks = Utilities.GetSurroudingChunks(PlayerController.GetCurrentChunk()); ChunkManager.ChunksEnterLeaveViewReq(preloadChunks); }
public void Initialize() { chunkPool = FindObjectOfType <ChunkPool>(); chunks = new HashSet <Chunk>(); coords = new HashSet <Vector3Int>(); chunkSize = voxelSettings.VoxelsPerChunk; invChunkSize = new Vector3( 1f / (float)chunkSize.x, 1f / (float)chunkSize.y, 1f / (float)chunkSize.z); bounds = new BoundsCollection(chunkSize, extents); updateSqrDistance = updateDistance * updateDistance; isInitialized = true; }
private void UpdateChunk <T>(int x, int y, ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { T chunk; // Find the chunk that the position is located in and update it if it exists Int2 pos = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2(x, y), chunkPool.chunkSize); chunkPool.dictionary.TryGetValue(pos, out chunk); if (chunk) { chunk.UpdateChunk(); } else { Debug.Log("not here"); } }
void Start() { SettingsPanel.Init(); ChunkRefresher.Init(); ChunkPool.Init(); ItemSelectPanel.Show(); ChatPanel.ShowChatPanel(); InventorySystem.Init(); GameModeManager.Init(); // load chunk here ChunkChecker.Init(); PlayerController.Init(); LocalNavMeshBuilder.Init(); ChunkRefresher.ForceRefreshAll(); }
private void GenerateChunks <T>(ref ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { chunkPool.ResetRows(); chunkPool.dictionary.Clear(); for (int x = 0; x < chunkPool.poolWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < chunkPool.poolHeight; y++) { Int2 camPosition = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2(cam.transform.position), chunkPool.chunkSize); Int2 pos = new Int2((x - chunkPool.poolWidth / 2) * chunkPool.chunkSize, (y - chunkPool.poolHeight / 2) * chunkPool.chunkSize); pos += camPosition; chunkPool.dictionary.Add(pos, chunkPool.chunkArray[x, y]); chunkPool.chunkArray[x, y].transform.position = new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y); chunkPool.chunkArray[x, y].Position = pos; } } }
public void Initialize() { cam = Camera.main; int poolWidth = Screen.width / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / visualChunkSize + poolWidthBorder; int poolHeight = Screen.height / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / visualChunkSize + poolHeightBorder; visualChunkPool = new ChunkPool <VisualChunk>(poolWidth, poolHeight, 0, poolWidth - 1, poolHeight - 1, 0, visualChunkPrefab, visualChunkContainer, visualChunkSize); visualChunkPool.prevCamPosition = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2((int)cam.transform.position.x, (int)cam.transform.position.y), visualChunkSize); poolWidth = Screen.width / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / colliderChunkSize + poolWidthBorder; poolHeight = Screen.height / pixelsPerScreenPixel / pixelsPerTile / colliderChunkSize + poolHeightBorder; colliderChunkPool = new ChunkPool <ColliderChunk>(poolWidth, poolHeight, 0, poolWidth - 1, poolHeight - 1, 0, colliderChunkPrefab, colliderChunkContainer, colliderChunkSize); colliderChunkPool.prevCamPosition = RoundToChunkPos(new Int2((int)cam.transform.position.x, (int)cam.transform.position.y), colliderChunkSize); GenerateChunks <VisualChunk>(ref visualChunkPool); GenerateChunks <ColliderChunk>(ref colliderChunkPool); }
public PoolArena(string name, int pageSize, int maxOrder, int chunkSize) { _name = name; _pageSize = pageSize; _maxOrder = maxOrder; _chunkSize = chunkSize; _pageShifts = Utils.Log2(pageSize); _subpageOverflowMask = ~(pageSize - 1); _tinySubpagePools = new PoolPage[32]; for (var i = 0; i < _tinySubpagePools.Length; i++) { _tinySubpagePools[i] = this.CreateSubpagePoolHead(); } _smallSubpagePools = new PoolPage[_pageShifts - 9]; for (var i = 0; i < _smallSubpagePools.Length; i++) { _smallSubpagePools[i] = this.CreateSubpagePoolHead(); } _chunkPools = new ChunkPool(); }
void Start() { master = Master; Pool = new ChunkPool(MaxInstanceCount); ChunkGrid = new Chunk[3, 3, 3]; maxsize = Mathf.Pow(16, Visibility); MinSize = Mathf.Pow(16, Resolution); DrawList = new List <Chunk>(); PrecomputeList = new List <PrecomputeAttrib>(); for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) { ChunkGrid[(i + 3) % 3, (j + 3) % 3, (k + 3) % 3] = Pool.GetInstance(new Vector3(i, j, k), maxsize, "INIT"); ChunkGrid[(i + 3) % 3, (j + 3) % 3, (k + 3) % 3].Dfs(Player.transform.position); } } } }
public Chunk GetChunk(int x, int z, ChunkData data) { Chunk c; if (ChunkPool != null) { c = ChunkPool.Get(); c.X = x; c.Z = z; } else { c = new Chunk(x, z); } foreach (var subChunkRaw in data.SubChunks) { CopySubChunkToChunk(c, subChunkRaw.Index, subChunkRaw.Data); } return(c); }
void CheckLast() { if (CurrentChunks.Count <= 1) { return; } CurrentDistance.x = Mathf.Abs(Block.transform.position.x - Rocket.transform.position.x); CurrentDistance.y = Mathf.Abs(Block.transform.position.y - Rocket.transform.position.y); if (CurrentDistance.x > Distance || CurrentDistance.y > Distance) { var chunk = CurrentChunks[0]; Block.position = chunk.transform.position; CurrentChunks.Remove(chunk); chunk.ChunkDisable(); CurrentChunks.Add(ChunkPool.GetChunk()); if (!lockSpeed) { ChangeSpeed(); } } }
public static async Task <NBTChunk> LoadChunkAsync(int chunkX, int chunkZ) { Vector2Int key = new Vector2Int(chunkX, chunkZ); if (!chunkDict.ContainsKey(key)) { TagNodeCompound Chunk = await GetChunkNodeAsync(chunkX, chunkZ); if (Chunk != null) { TagNodeCompound Level = Chunk["Level"] as TagNodeCompound; NBTChunk chunk = ChunkPool.GetChunk(); chunk.SetData(chunkX, chunkZ, Level); chunkDict.Add(key, chunk); } } if (chunkDict.ContainsKey(key)) { return(chunkDict[key]); } return(null); }
void Start() { memoryManager = new SpatialChunkPool(chunkBuilderAsset); InitializeFirstChunks(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; chunkPool = new List <CubeChunk>(); }
public BitmapRenderBlock(Dictionary <string, Texture> textureDictionary, string texturePath, ChunkPool pool, RenderSettings renderSettings, IGraphicsApi <TImage> graphics, int chunkSize, int chunksPerDimension, ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions options) { int tileSize = chunksPerDimension * chunkSize; graphics.SetPoolDimensions(tileSize, tileSize); int chunkRenderedCounter = 0; ThreadLocal <RendererCombi <TImage> > renderCombi = new ThreadLocal <RendererCombi <TImage> >(() => new RendererCombi <TImage>(textureDictionary, texturePath, renderSettings, graphics)); Block = new TransformBlock <IEnumerable <ChunkAndData>, ImageInfo <TImage> >(chunkAndData => { var b = graphics.GetPooledImage(); { var chunkList = chunkAndData.ToList(); var firstX = chunkList.First().C.X; var firstZ = chunkList.First().C.Z; var chunkRenderer = renderCombi.Value.ChunkRenderer; foreach (var chunk in chunkList) { var x = chunk.C.X % chunksPerDimension; var z = chunk.C.Z % chunksPerDimension; if (x < 0) { x += chunksPerDimension; } if (z < 0) { z += chunksPerDimension; } chunkRenderer.RenderChunk(b, chunk.C, x * chunkSize, z * chunkSize); pool?.Return(chunk.C); } var fx = CoordHelpers.GetGroupedCoordinate(firstX, chunksPerDimension); var fz = CoordHelpers.GetGroupedCoordinate(firstZ, chunksPerDimension); Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount); Interlocked.Add(ref chunkRenderedCounter, chunkList.Count); if (chunkRenderedCounter >= 32) { var v = chunkRenderedCounter; ChunksRendered?.Invoke(this, new ChunksRenderedEventArgs(v)); Interlocked.Add(ref chunkRenderedCounter, -v); } return(new ImageInfo <TImage>() { Image = b, X = fx, Z = fz, Cd = chunkList.SelectMany(x => x.Cd) }); } }, options); }
private void InitializeChunkPool() { chunkPool = new ChunkPool(chunkPoolSize); }
private void MoveCamera <T>(Int2 dist, ref ChunkPool <T> chunkPool) where T : Chunk { if (dist.x != 0) { T chunk; int col; int moveDirection = (int)Mathf.Sign(dist.x); for (int x = 0; x < Mathf.Abs(dist.x); x++) { if (moveDirection == 1) { col = chunkPool.leftCol; } else { col = chunkPool.rightCol; } for (int y = 0; y < chunkPool.poolHeight; y++) { chunk = chunkPool.chunkArray[col, y]; chunkPool.dictionary.Remove(chunk.Position); chunk.transform.Translate(new Vector3(moveDirection * chunkPool.poolWidth * chunkPool.chunkSize, 0, 0)); chunk.Position = new Int2(chunk.transform.position); chunkPool.dictionary.Add(chunk.Position, chunk); } chunkPool.leftCol = Utilities.Mod((moveDirection + chunkPool.leftCol), chunkPool.poolWidth); chunkPool.rightCol = Utilities.Mod((moveDirection + chunkPool.rightCol), chunkPool.poolWidth); } } if (dist.y != 0) { T chunk; int row; int moveDirection = (int)Mathf.Sign(dist.y); for (int y = 0; y < Mathf.Abs(dist.y); y++) { if (moveDirection == 1) { row = chunkPool.botRow; } else { row = chunkPool.topRow; } for (int x = 0; x < chunkPool.poolWidth; x++) { chunk = chunkPool.chunkArray[x, row]; chunkPool.dictionary.Remove(chunk.Position); chunk.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, moveDirection * chunkPool.poolHeight * chunkPool.chunkSize, 0)); chunk.Position = new Int2(chunk.transform.position); chunkPool.dictionary.Add(chunk.Position, chunk); } chunkPool.topRow = Utilities.Mod((moveDirection + chunkPool.topRow), chunkPool.poolHeight); chunkPool.botRow = Utilities.Mod((moveDirection + chunkPool.botRow), chunkPool.poolHeight); } } }