public ChessboardSearchTask(WorkFlowTask parent, CaptureCamera captureCamera, Chessboard chessboard) : base(parent) { CaptureCamera = captureCamera; Chessboard = chessboard; WriteLine("Taking Snapshot"); }
public ChessboardSearchTask(Window window, CaptureCamera captureCamera, Chessboard chessboard) : base(window) { CaptureCamera = captureCamera; Chessboard = chessboard; WriteLine("Taking Snapshot"); }
public VirtualProjector(string name, string uuid, Size imageSize, PointF principal, double focalLength, Screen screen, Chessboard chessboard, CaptureCamera captureCamera) : base(name, uuid, imageSize, principal, focalLength, screen, chessboard, captureCamera) { OrbitCamera = new OrbitCamera("{0} Orbit".FormatWith(name), "N/A", imageSize, principal, focalLength, Intrinsics.NearPlaneDistance, Intrinsics.FarPlaneDistance) { Color = Color.DarkCyan.Alpha(0.7f), }; Color = Color.DarkKhaki.Alpha(0.6f); ProgramTask.AttachInputToCamera(Program.WhenInput.Where(input => !input.KeyPressed(Keys.C)), Window, OrbitCamera); Program.WhenInput.Where(input => input.KeyDown(Keys.P)).Subscribe(input => { var frustum = new Frustum(OrbitCamera, Intrinsics.ImageSize); var plane = new Plane(Vector3.UnitZ, 0); var p0 = frustum.IntersectWithPlane(ProjectorQuadCorners[0].X, ProjectorQuadCorners[0].Y, plane).ToPointF(); var p1 = frustum.IntersectWithPlane(ProjectorQuadCorners[1].X, ProjectorQuadCorners[1].Y, plane).ToPointF(); var p2 = frustum.IntersectWithPlane(ProjectorQuadCorners[2].X, ProjectorQuadCorners[2].Y, plane).ToPointF(); var p3 = frustum.IntersectWithPlane(ProjectorQuadCorners[3].X, ProjectorQuadCorners[3].Y, plane).ToPointF(); var quadCorners = new[] { p0, p1, p2, p3, }; // Chessboard.HomographTo(quadCorners); }); }
public ChessboardShapeTask(Window window, Projector projector, Chessboard chessboard) : base(window) { Projector = projector; Chessboard = chessboard; ColoredChessboard = new ColoredChessboard(Chessboard, Color.Black, Color.White); LoadOrDefault(projector.Window.ClientSize); }
public CalibrateIndirectlyTask(Window window, IEnumerable<CaptureCamera> captureCameras, Projector projector, Chessboard chessboard) : base(window) { CaptureCameras = captureCameras; Chessboard = chessboard; Projector = projector; ProjectorQuadCorners = Chessboard.GetDefaultImageQuadCorners(projector.Window.ClientSize); WorldToProjectorHom = Chessboard.GetHomographyTo(ProjectorQuadCorners); ColoredChessboard = new ColoredChessboard(Chessboard, Color.Black, Color.White, WorldToProjectorHom.ToMatrixFromHomogeneous3x3()); Circles = Chessboard.Saddles.Select(s => new Circle2D(s.ToVector3(z: 0.01f), 10, 4, Color.Crimson) { AlreadyInScreenSpace = false } ).ToList(); }
public List<square> GetNeighbours(Chessboard _Board) { List<square> neighs = new List<square>(); for (int iColDelta = -1; iColDelta <= 1; iColDelta++) for (int iRowDelta = -1; iRowDelta <= 1; iRowDelta++) { if (iColDelta == 0 && iRowDelta == 0) // don’t check yourself continue; int iNeighCol = m_iCol + iColDelta; int iNeighRow = m_iRow + iRowDelta; if (iNeighCol >= 0 && iNeighCol < _Board.m_iSize && iNeighRow >= 0 && iNeighRow < _Board.m_iSize) neighs.Add(_Board.GetSquare(iNeighCol, iNeighRow)); } return neighs; }
public void StartNewGame() { redPlayer = new Player(this, Players.Red, takenChessmenPic, lostChessmenPic, "Красный игрок"); yellowPlayer = new Player(this, Players.Yellow, takenChessmenPic, lostChessmenPic, "Желтый игрок"); redPlayer.SetAlly(yellowPlayer); yellowPlayer.SetAlly(redPlayer); blackPlayer = new Player(this, Players.Black, takenChessmenPic, lostChessmenPic, "Черный игрок"); bluePlayer = new Player(this, Players.Blue, takenChessmenPic, lostChessmenPic, "Синий игрок"); blackPlayer.SetAlly(bluePlayer); bluePlayer.SetAlly(blackPlayer); //dopilit' turn = Players.Black; ToggleTurn(); logTurn = ""; logBuffer = ""; chessboard = new Chessboard(this, 0, 0, chessboardPic.Width, chessboardPic.Height, arrangement); chessboard.SetStatusBar(statusBar); chessboardPic.MouseClick -= chessboardPic_MouseClick; chessboardPic.MouseClick += chessboardPic_MouseClick; chessboardPic.MouseMove -= chessboardPic_MouseMove; chessboardPic.MouseMove += chessboardPic_MouseMove; surrenderButton.Click -= surrenderButton_Click; surrenderButton.Click += surrenderButton_Click; prisonersChangeButton.Click -= prisonersChangeButton_Click; prisonersChangeButton.Click += prisonersChangeButton_Click; chessboard.ShowChessboard(chessboardPic); numberOfTurn = 1; //dopilit' }
public override Chessboard GenerateBoard() { Chessboard board = new Chessboard(8, 8, this); board[new Coordinate(0, 0)] = new Rook { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(1, 0)] = new Knight { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(2, 0)] = new Bishop { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(3, 0)] = new Queen { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(4, 0)] = new King { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(5, 0)] = new Bishop { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(6, 0)] = new Knight { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(7, 0)] = new Rook { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(0, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(1, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(2, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(3, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(4, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(5, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(6, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(7, 1)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.White }; board[new Coordinate(0, 7)] = new Rook { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(1, 7)] = new Knight { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(2, 7)] = new Bishop { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(3, 7)] = new Queen { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(4, 7)] = new King { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(5, 7)] = new Bishop { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(6, 7)] = new Knight { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(7, 7)] = new Rook { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(0, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(1, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(2, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(3, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(4, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(5, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(6, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; board[new Coordinate(7, 6)] = new Pawn { Color = TeamColor.Black }; return(board); }
public override void SolveProblem(Chessboard chessBoard) { int sizeOfSingleGeneration = chessBoard.Parameters.SizeOfSingleGeneration; double percentOfElitism = chessBoard.Parameters.PercentOfElitism / 100; double crossoverProbability = chessBoard.Parameters.CrossoverProbability / 100; double mutationProbability = chessBoard.Parameters.MutationProbability / 100; int numberOfGenerations = chessBoard.Parameters.NumberOfGenerations; int boardSize = chessBoard.Size; int steps = 0; var generation = new List <ChessPiece[, ]>(); // generation -> list of states // generate initial generation for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfSingleGeneration; i++) { var generatedState = this.GenerateRandomBoardState(boardSize); generation.Add(generatedState); } var bestState = chessBoard.Board; int bestResult = chessBoard.HeuristicResult; // N iterations for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGenerations; i++) { // calculate h for each state and find the best bestState = ReturnBestState(generation, boardSize); bestResult = Heuristic(bestState, boardSize); if (bestResult == 0) { break; } var newGeneration = new List <ChessPiece[, ]>(); SortListOfStates(generation, boardSize); // best best m << k are copied into next generation var elite = GetElite(generation, percentOfElitism); newGeneration = elite; while (newGeneration.Count != sizeOfSingleGeneration) { // 1. Selection ChessPiece[,] chromosome1 = SelectChromosome(generation); ChessPiece[,] chromosome2 = SelectChromosome(generation); // 2. Crossover Crossover(chromosome1, chromosome2, boardSize, crossoverProbability); // 3. Mutation Mutation(chromosome1, chromosome2, boardSize, mutationProbability); newGeneration.Add(chromosome1); newGeneration.Add(chromosome2); } steps++; generation = newGeneration; } bestState = ReturnBestState(generation, boardSize); bestResult = Heuristic(bestState, boardSize); chessBoard.Steps = steps; chessBoard.Board = bestState; chessBoard.HeuristicResult = bestResult; }
public Bishop(PlayerColor color, Cell cell, Chessboard chessboard) : base(PieceType.Bishop, color, cell, chessboard) { }
protected override bool IsValidRule( PieceBase piece, Position newPosition, Chessboard chessboard) => chessboard .GetPiece(newPosition) .Fold(true)(otherPiece => !piece.SameColor(otherPiece));
public CalibrateTask(Window window, Camera camera, Chessboard chessboard) : base(window) { Camera = camera; Chessboard = chessboard; }
private static IExpectedResultStep MoveTo(Chessboard chessboard) { return(ValidateMoveTestDataBuilder.ForChessPiece(ChessPiece).MoveTo(chessboard)); }
public Bishop(Chessboard chessboard, Color color) : base(chessboard, color) { }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IEnumerable <Move> GetMoves(Piece piece, Coordinate position, Chessboard board, bool guardedSquaresOnly = false) { // The 4 directions from the piece. for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { // Sets a direction for the checker int xDir = 1; int yDir = 1; switch (n) { case 0: xDir = 1; yDir = 0; break; case 1: xDir = -1; yDir = 0; break; case 2: xDir = 0; yDir = 1; break; case 3: xDir = 0; yDir = -1; break; default: break; } // Checker for (int i = 1; i < board.Height * board.Width; i++) { // Position update Coordinate checkPosition = new Coordinate((i * xDir) + position.File, (i * yDir) + position.Rank); // If the checking position is outside of the board. if (checkPosition.Rank >= board.Height || checkPosition.Rank < 0 || checkPosition.File >= board.Width || checkPosition.File < 0) { break; } // whether the position is occupied. Piece occupyingPiece = board.GetPiece(checkPosition); // is position empty? if (occupyingPiece is null) { yield return(new Move(checkPosition, position, piece, false, piece.Color)); continue; } else if (guardedSquaresOnly) // if not empty { yield return(new Move(checkPosition, position, piece, false, piece.Color)); break; } // There is a enemy piece if (occupyingPiece.Color != piece.Color || guardedSquaresOnly) { // Sends the move. yield return(new Move(checkPosition, position, piece, true, piece.Color)); } break; } } }
private async Task <IActionResult> ProcessStep(SkillRequest request, Coordinates coords) { Session session = request.Session; var state = new State(Database.Context, session); Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "User reaches coordinates {0}", coords); Logger.LogTrace(LoggingEvents.Game, "{0} moves, last reached {1}", state.MovesCount, state.LastReached); if (!coords.IsValid) { // Something went wrong Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.Game, "Invalid coordinates"); var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask( new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = @"<speak>Non ho capito. Ripeti le coordinate per favore.</speak>" }, new Reprompt { OutputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = @"<speak>Quali sono le <emphasis level=""moderate"">coordinate</emphasis> dello spazio in cui ti trovi?</speak>" } } ); return(Ok(response)); } if (state.IsSessionStart) { // First position, can ignore direction if (Chessboard.IsStartPosition(coords)) { Direction startDir = Chessboard.GetStartDirection(coords); Logger.LogDebug(LoggingEvents.Game, "User in {0} should look towards {1}", coords, startDir); Coordinates effectiveTarget = new Coordinates(coords.Column, coords.Row, startDir); state.RecordDestination(effectiveTarget, true); if (effectiveTarget.Direction != coords.Direction) { // Hint at correct direction var progResp = new ProgressiveResponse(request); await progResp.SendSpeech(string.Format( "OK. Sei in {0}, {1}. Assicurati di girarti verso {2}.", effectiveTarget.Column.FromColumnIndex(), effectiveTarget.Row, effectiveTarget.Direction.Value.ToLocale() )); coords = effectiveTarget; } } else { Logger.LogDebug(LoggingEvents.Game, "User in {0}, not a valid starting position", coords); return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Devi partire in uno spazio sul bordo della scacchiera. Spostati e dimmi dove sei.", null))); } } else if (!coords.Direction.HasValue) { // Not first position, requires direction: // register coordinates in session and ask for direction if (session.Attributes == null) { session.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } session.Attributes["row"] = coords.Row; session.Attributes["col"] = coords.Column; var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask( new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = @"<speak>OK. In che direzione stai guardando?</speak>" }, new Reprompt { OutputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = @"<speak>Dimmi in che <emphasis level=""moderate"">direzione</emphasis> stai guardando.</speak>" } }, session ); return(Ok(response)); } session.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // clean up session attributes // Check for destination to reach var destination = state.LastDestination; if (destination.HasValue) { if (destination.Value.Equals(coords)) { Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "Correct cell"); state.ReachDestination(); var progResp = new ProgressiveResponse(request); await progResp.SendSpeech("Sei nel posto giusto!"); } else if (destination.Value.LocationEquals(coords)) { Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "Wrong direction, expected {0}", destination.Value); var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Stai guardando nella direzione sbagliata. Riprova.", null, session); return(Ok(response)); } else { Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "Wrong cell, expected {0}", destination.Value); var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Purtroppo sei nella casella sbagliata. Riprova.", null, session); return(Ok(response)); } } if (state.MovesCount >= Chessboard.MaxLevel) { Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "User completed last level"); return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell( new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = @"<speak>Complimenti! Hai completato <emphasis level=""moderate"">Cody Maze</emphasis> con successo.</speak>" } ))); } // Assign new destination Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "Generating new destination (step {0})", state.MovesCount); (var mazeDestination, var instructions) = Chessboard.GenerateMazeForLevel(coords, state.MovesCount); if (!mazeDestination.IsValid) { Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.Game, "Invalid coordinates generated for maze level {0}", state.MovesCount); return(await InternalError()); } state.RecordDestination(mazeDestination); return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask( new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = string.Format( @"<speak>Esegui le seguenti istruzioni{1}. <emphasis level=""strong"">{0}</emphasis>.</speak>", instructions, (state.MovesCount <= 2) ? " e poi dimmi le tue coordinate e direzione" : string.Empty ) }, new Reprompt { OutputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = string.Format( @"<speak>Esegui le istruzioni. <emphasis level=""strong"">{0}</emphasis>.</speak>", instructions ) } }, session ))); }
private Task <IActionResult> ProcessHelpAndBacktrack(SkillRequest request, IntentRequest intent) { Logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.Game, "Help request received"); Session session = request.Session; var state = new State(Database.Context, session); session.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // clean up session attributes if (state.IsSessionStart) { return(Task.FromResult <IActionResult>( Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask( "Dopo aver preparato la scacchiera, posizionati in uno degli spazi sul bordo. Poi dimmi dove ti trovi, specificando colonna e poi riga.", null, session )) )); } else { var coords = state.LastReached; if (!coords.HasValue) { Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.Game, "Cannot find last reached position for user"); return(InternalError()); } (var mazeDestination, var instructions) = Chessboard.GenerateMazeForLevel(coords.Value, state.MovesCount - 1); if (!mazeDestination.IsValid || state.LastDestination != mazeDestination) { Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.Game, "Regenerated destination for maze level {0} is {1} instead of previously generated {2}", state.MovesCount, mazeDestination, state.LastDestination); return(InternalError()); } return(Task.FromResult <IActionResult>( Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask( new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = string.Format( @"<speak>Torna alla casella <emphasis level=""strong"">{0}, {1},</emphasis> e girati verso {2}. Poi esegui le istruzioni: <emphasis level=""strong"">{3}</emphasis>.</speak>", coords.Value.Column.FromColumnIndex(), coords.Value.Row, coords.Value.Direction.Value.ToLocale(), instructions ) }, new Reprompt { OutputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech { Ssml = string.Format( @"<speak>Parti da <emphasis level=""strong"">{0}, {1},</emphasis> verso {2}. Esegui le istruzioni: <emphasis level=""strong"">{3}</emphasis>.</speak>", coords.Value.Column.FromColumnIndex(), coords.Value.Row, coords.Value.Direction.Value.ToLocale(), instructions ) } }, session )) )); } }
public bool IsGameFinished(Chessboard chessboard, GameHistory gameHistory, ChessColor lastTurnBy) { return(!GetAvailableMoves(chessboard, lastTurnBy.GetOppositeChessColor(), gameHistory).Any() || gameHistory.IsPositionRepeatedThreeTimes); }
public override List <Cell> CouldMenace(Chessboard board, Cell point) { var menacing = new List <Cell>(); var nP = point.NewWithOffset(-2, -1); var cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(-1, -2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(+2, -1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(-1, +2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(+1, -2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(-2, +1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(+1, +2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } nP = point.NewWithOffset(+2, +1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos) { menacing.Add(nP); } return(menacing); }
public override List <Move> Moves(Chessboard board, Cell position) { var moves = new List <Move>(); var nP = position.NewWithOffset(-2, -1); var cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(-1, -2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(+2, -1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(-1, +2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(+1, -2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(-2, +1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(+1, +2); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } nP = position.NewWithOffset(+2, +1); cs = board.GetCellState(nP, team); if (cs != CellState.invalidPos && cs != { moves.Add(new Move { piece = this, from = position, to = nP }); } return(moves); }
public YellowPawn(ChessmenParameters chessmanParameters, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessmanParameters, chessboard) { }
private bool CanMove(Position position) { ChessPiece cp = Chessboard.ChessPiece(position); return(cp == null || cp.Color != Color); }
private Chessman GetNewCorrectPawn(ChessmenParameters chessmanParameters, Chessboard chessboard) { Chessman result; switch ((int)chessmanParameters.player) { case 0: result = new YellowPawn(chessmanParameters, chessboard); break; case 1: result = new RedPawn(chessmanParameters, chessboard); break; case 2: result = new BluePawn(chessmanParameters, chessboard); break; case 3: result = new BlackPawn(chessmanParameters, chessboard); break; default: { result = null; break; } } return result; }
public Bishop(Color color, Chessboard chessboard) : base(color, chessboard) { }
private static IExpectedChessboardStateStep WithInitialChessboardState(Chessboard chessboard) { return(PieceMoveTestDataBuilder.ForChessPiece(ChessPiece).WithInitialChessboardState(chessboard)); }
public BlackPawn(ChessMatchState chessGameState, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessGameState, chessboard) { }
private List <Chessboard> ChangeBoard(int size, int numberOfStates, List <Chessboard> chessboardStates, Chessboard chessboard) { for (int n = 0; n < numberOfStates; n++) { int[] compareArray = new int[size]; int[] heuristicArray = new int[size]; chessboardStates[n].GetQueensPlacament().CopyTo(compareArray, 0); //in each iteration of for loop given chessboard will be moved to it's best possible state chessboardStates[n].SetQueensPlacement(MoveQueensInChessboard(chessboardStates[n].GetQueensPlacament(), size, heuristicArray)); //If array wasn't changed it will be replaced by a new random one if (ArrayNotChanged(chessboardStates[n].GetQueensPlacament(), compareArray)) { chessboard.FillWithRandomPlacements(); chessboardStates[n].SetQueensPlacement(chessboard.GetQueensPlacament()); } } return(chessboardStates); }
private bool CanMove(Position position) { var piece = Chessboard.GetPiece(position); return(piece == null || piece.Color != this.Color); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var p1 = new Player("Matteo"); var p2 = new PlayerMediumComputer("CPU1"); IPlayer toMove = p1; int xs, ys, xe, ye; var b = new Chessboard(p1, p2); do { try{ Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(b.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Turn: {0}", toMove.Name); Console.WriteLine("Let move from..."); Console.Write("V:"); xs = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("H:"); ys = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Let move to..."); Console.Write("V:"); xe = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("H:"); ye = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); b.MovePawn(toMove, xs, ys, xe, ye); if (toMove == p1) { toMove = p2; } else { toMove = p1; } }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } while (b.Winner == null); Console.WriteLine("Press to simulate legal move (5,1) -> (4,2)..."); Console.ReadLine(); b.MovePawn(p2, 5, 1, 4, 2); Console.WriteLine(b.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Press to simulate play..."); Console.ReadLine(); b.SimulatePlay(); Console.WriteLine("Winner is {0} with score {1}", b.Winner.Name, b.Winner.Score); Console.WriteLine("Loser is {0} with score {1}", b.Loser.Name, b.Loser.Score); }
private bool TestRookForCastling(Position position) { var piece = Chessboard.GetPiece(position); return(piece != null && piece is Rook && piece.Color == Color && piece.Moves == 0); }
protected WhitePiece(ChessMatchState chessGameState, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessGameState, ChessPlayer.White, chessboard) { }
public override bool[,] PossibleMoves() { bool[,] matrix = new bool[Chessboard.Lines, Chessboard.Columns]; var position = new Position(0, 0); // N position.SetValues(Position.Line - 1, Position.Column); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // NE position.SetValues(Position.Line - 1, Position.Column + 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // E position.SetValues(Position.Line, Position.Column + 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // SE position.SetValues(Position.Line + 1, Position.Column + 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // S position.SetValues(Position.Line + 1, Position.Column); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // SW position.SetValues(Position.Line + 1, Position.Column - 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // W position.SetValues(Position.Line, Position.Column - 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } // NW position.SetValues(Position.Line - 1, Position.Column - 1); if (Chessboard.ValidPosition(position) && CanMove(position)) { matrix[position.Line, position.Column] = true; } if (Moves == 0 && !game.Mate) { // Roque Pequeno #SpecialMove var firstPosition = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column + 3); if (TestRookForCastling(firstPosition)) { var positionOne = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column + 1); var positionTwo = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column + 2); if (Chessboard.GetPiece(positionOne) == null && Chessboard.GetPiece(positionTwo) == null) { matrix[Position.Line, Position.Column + 2] = true; } } // Roque Grande #SpecialMove var secondPosition = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column - 4); if (TestRookForCastling(secondPosition)) { var positionOne = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column - 1); var positionTwo = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column - 2); var positionThree = new Position(Position.Line, Position.Column - 3); if (Chessboard.GetPiece(positionOne) == null && Chessboard.GetPiece(positionTwo) == null && Chessboard.GetPiece(positionThree) == null) { matrix[Position.Line, Position.Column - 2] = true; } } } return(matrix); }
internal ValidatorBaseTests(ValidatorBase validator, IReadOnlyCollection <PieceBase> pieces) { this.validator = validator; this.chessboard = new List <PieceBase>(pieces); }
public King(Chessboard chessboard, Color color, ChessGame game) : base(chessboard, color) { = game; }
public Bishop(ChessmenParameters chessmanParameters, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessmanParameters, chessboard) { }
public BlackKnight(ChessMatchState chessGameState, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessGameState, chessboard) { }
public King(ChessmenParameters chessmanParameters, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessmanParameters, chessboard) { if (horizontal == 9) { horizontal = 8; graphHorizontal = 9; } else { if (horizontal == 0) { horizontal = 1; graphHorizontal = 0; } else { graphHorizontal = horizontal; } } if (vertical == 9) { vertical = 8; graphVertical = 9; } else { if (vertical == 0) { vertical = 1; graphVertical = 0; } else { graphVertical = vertical; } } }
private void Save(Chessboard chessboard, Vector3[] fourImageCorners) { var df = new DictionaryFile(); df.Set("tileCount.Width", chessboard.TileCount.Width); df.Set("tileCount.Height", chessboard.TileCount.Height); df.Set("imageCorner0.X", fourImageCorners[0].X); df.Set("imageCorner0.Y", fourImageCorners[0].Y); df.Set("imageCorner1.X", fourImageCorners[1].X); df.Set("imageCorner1.Y", fourImageCorners[1].Y); df.Set("imageCorner2.X", fourImageCorners[2].X); df.Set("imageCorner2.Y", fourImageCorners[2].Y); df.Set("imageCorner3.X", fourImageCorners[3].X); df.Set("imageCorner3.Y", fourImageCorners[3].Y); using (var sw = File.CreateText(FourCornersPath)) df.Save(sw); }
/* Numbers of chessmen are: 0 - King, 1 - Queen, 2 - Bishop, 3 - Knight, 4 - Tower, * 5 - Pawn of Queen, 6 - Pawn of Bishop, 7 - Pawn of Knight, 8 - Pawn of Tower. * Numbers of players are: 0 - Yellow, 1 - Red, 2 - Blue, 3 - Black. * Number of arrangement - numberOfArrangement. */ public Chessman CreateNewChessman(string playersColor, string chessmanName, Chessboard chessboard) { int indexOfPlayer = -1; int indexOfChessman = -1; ChessmenParameters chessmanParam = new ChessmenParameters(); Chessman result; //gets number of player switch (playersColor) { case "Yellow": indexOfPlayer = 0; break; case "Red": indexOfPlayer = 1; break; case "Blue": indexOfPlayer = 2; break; case "Black": indexOfPlayer = 3; break; default: { MessageBox.Show("Внутренняя ошибка, невозможно выполнить действие"); return null; } } //gets number of chessman switch (chessmanName) { case "King": indexOfChessman = 0; break; case "Queen": indexOfChessman = 1; break; case "Bishop": indexOfChessman = 2; break; case "Knight": indexOfChessman = 3; break; case "Tower": indexOfChessman = 4; break; case "PawnOfQueen": indexOfChessman = 5; chessmanName = "Pawn of Queen"; break; case "PawnOfBishop": indexOfChessman = 6; chessmanName = "Pawn of Bishop"; break; case "PawnOfKnight": indexOfChessman = 7; chessmanName = "Pawn of Knight"; break; case "PawnOfTower": indexOfChessman = 8; chessmanName = "Pawn of Tower"; break; default: { MessageBox.Show("Внутренняя ошибка, невозможно выполнить действие"); return null; } } //set parameters chessmanParam.horizontal = positionOfChessmen[numberOfArrangement, indexOfPlayer, indexOfChessman, 1]; chessmanParam.vertical = positionOfChessmen[numberOfArrangement, indexOfPlayer, indexOfChessman, 0]; chessmanParam.ruNameNominative = GetNominativeRu(indexOfPlayer, indexOfChessman); chessmanParam.engName = playersColor + ' ' + chessmanName; chessmanParam.chessmanBitmap = chessmanBitmap[indexOfPlayer, indexOfChessman]; chessmanParam.ruNameAccusative = GetAccusativeRu(indexOfPlayer, indexOfChessman); chessmanParam.kindOfChessman = (ChessmenNames)indexOfChessman; chessmanParam.player = (Players)indexOfPlayer; chessmanParam.ruAttack = GetAttackRu(indexOfChessman); chessmanParam.ruMove = GetMoveRu(indexOfChessman); switch (indexOfChessman) { case 0: result = new King(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 1: result = new Queen(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 2: result = new Bishop(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 3: result = new Knight(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 4: result = new Tower(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 5: result = GetNewCorrectPawn(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 6: result = GetNewCorrectPawn(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 7: result = GetNewCorrectPawn(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; case 8: result = GetNewCorrectPawn(chessmanParam, chessboard); break; default: { result = null; break; } } return result; }
private static void Save(Chessboard chessboard, PointF[] projectorQuadCorners) { var df = new DictionaryFile(); df.Set("tileCount.Width", chessboard.TileCount.Width); df.Set("tileCount.Height", chessboard.TileCount.Height); df.Set("corner0.X", projectorQuadCorners[0].X); df.Set("corner0.Y", projectorQuadCorners[0].Y); df.Set("corner1.X", projectorQuadCorners[1].X); df.Set("corner1.Y", projectorQuadCorners[1].Y); df.Set("corner2.X", projectorQuadCorners[2].X); df.Set("corner2.Y", projectorQuadCorners[2].Y); df.Set("corner3.X", projectorQuadCorners[3].X); df.Set("corner3.Y", projectorQuadCorners[3].Y); using (var sw = File.CreateText(FourCornersPath)) df.Save(sw); }
public BluePawn(ChessmenParameters chessmanParameters, Chessboard chessboard) : base(chessmanParameters, chessboard) { }
private void OnDestroy() { Instance = null; }
public Pawn(Chessboard chessboard, Color color, ChessMatch chessMatch) : base(chessboard, color) { this.chessMatch = chessMatch; }
private static void PlayEngineGame() { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); //Chessboard position = new Chessboard(false); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("1rbq1bnr/pp1kpppp/2p5/P1PP4/Q7/4P3/5PPP/RNB1KBNR w KQ - 0 15"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("r1k2bnr/p3pppp/8/2P5/4b3/8/3N1PPP/R1B1KBNR b KQ - 1 20"); // Castling problems //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("R1rqkb1r/1Ppbpppp/7n/8/3P4/2P1P3/3N1PPP/2BQKBNR b KQkq - 2 25"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("r1bqkbnr/pppppppp/2P5/8/P2P4/2P1P3/5PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 12"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("1r2kbnr/pqpbpppp/8/8/3P4/2P1P3/3N1PPP/1RBQKBNR b Kk - 2 30"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("4kbnr/p1p1pppp/4b3/N7/3P4/2P1P3/5PPP/2B1KBNR b Kk 16 2 32"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/3nbkpp/p2rp3/8/K7/2P5/4BPPP/2B3NR w - - 10 42"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/8/5k2/K3R1p1/6p1/2r5/7P/6N1 w - - 10 48"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("2k2bnr/pr2pppp/2P5/8/4b3/8/3N1PPP/R1B1KBNR w KQ - 5 21"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("6r1/pk1b1pp1/2p5/2P2n1p/8/8/5PPP/2B1KBNR w K - 3 54"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("4r3/pk1b1pp1/2p5/2P2n1B/8/8/5PPP/2B1K1NR w K - 0 56"); //Problematic //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("2k1b3/3r1pp1/2p4n/2P3K1/5P2/3B4/3B2PP/6NR w - - 7 70"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("4k3/7K/2p5/2P5/8/8/8/8 w - - 10 83"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/2kbrpp1/p1p5/2P2n2/5P2/6PB/4N2P/2B1K2R b K - 0 67"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/4k3/2p2pp1/p4n2/1rb2PB1/8/6PP/2B1K1NR w K - 8 81"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("4k3/1R2N1K1/8/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 4 151"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("3k4/R5K1/3N4/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 14 156"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/4k3/5pp1/p1p2n2/1rb2PB1/8/6PP/2B1K1NR w K - 8 81"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/4k3/5pp1/p1p2B2/1rb2P2/8/6PP/2B1K1NR b K - 1 82"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/5k2/5pp1/p1p2n2/1rb2PB1/8/6PP/2B1K1NR w K - 8 81"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("8/1k6/5pp1/p1p5/1rb2P1P/3B4/3B2P1/4K1NR b K - 12 41"); Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("r4r1k/1bpq1p1n/p1np4/1p1Bb1BQ/P7/6R1/1P3PPP/1N2R1K1 w - - 4 28"); // Mate in 4 //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("4rr1k/1Ppq1p1n/2np4/3B2BQ/8/6b1/1P3PPP/1N2R1K1 b - - 8 32"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("5k2/2p4n/8/p3Q3/5r2/8/5q1P/7K b - - 17 59"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("r1b1k2r/ppppnppp/2n2q2/2b5/3NP3/2P1B3/PP3PPP/RN1QKB1R w KQkq - 5 13"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("rnb1kb1r/ppppnppp/5q2/6B1/3pP3/2N2N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R b KQkq - 4 1"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("rnb1kb1r/ppppnppp/3q4/6B1/4P3/2p2N2/PPPK1PPP/R2Q1B1R w kq - 3 32"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("rnb1kb1r/3p1ppp/p2q4/1ppNn1B1/B3P3/P7/R1PQ1PPP/4NRK1 w kq 17 0 16"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("rnb1kb1r/3p1ppp/p2q4/QppNn1B1/B3P3/P7/R1P2PPP/4NRK1 b kq 17 0 16"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("r1b1k1nr/pppp1ppp/8/4P3/1P6/6P1/PP2Q2P/RNB1KBNq b KQkq - 0 6"); //Chessboard position = Utils.LoadPositionFromFenString("1n1qkb1r/4pppp/2p3b1/3nP3/r5P1/3B3P/PPPP1P2/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 11"); position.PrintBoard(); while (true) { //try //{ sw.Start(); Search.Initialize(position, 5); sw.Stop(); //} //catch //{ // position.PrintBoard(); // System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nERROR"); // System.Console.ReadLine(); //} if (position.MaximizingSideBestMove.Direction != Direction.Castle) { Move bestMove = new Move( position.MaximizingSideBestMove.FromSquare, position.MaximizingSideBestMove.ToSquare, position.MaximizingSideBestMove.Direction); position.MakeMove(bestMove); } else { Move bestMove = new Move( position.MaximizingSideBestMove.KingFromSquare, position.MaximizingSideBestMove.KingToSquare, position.MaximizingSideBestMove.RookFromSquare, position.MaximizingSideBestMove.RookToSquare); position.MakeMove(bestMove); } position.PrintBoard(); System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nMove: " + position.MoveCounter); System.Console.WriteLine("Fifty-move rule: " + position.FiftyMoveCounter); System.Console.WriteLine("Hash: " + ZobristHasher.GetZobristHash(position)); System.Console.WriteLine("Side to move: " + position.SideToMove); System.Console.WriteLine("EnPassant square: " + position.EnPassantSquare); System.Console.WriteLine("Visited nodes: " + Search.VisitedNodes); System.Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: " + sw.Elapsed); System.Console.ReadLine(); sw.Reset(); } }
public override void HandleKeyboardInput() { KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); chessboard = (Chessboard)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(Chessboard)); if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.I)) { chessboard.Blocked = true; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.O)) { chessboard.Blocked = false; } // to see if the camera is moving while switching between turns . if (!isLerping) { if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D1)) { changeCamera(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do the movement for the player One if (isPlayerOneCamera) { // rotate the camera position around the YAxis if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { // rotate up P1CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(P1yAxis, MathHelper.ToRadians(-1))); } else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { // rotate down P1CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(P1yAxis, MathHelper.ToRadians(1))); } else { // no rotation P1CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.Identity; } // apply the current yRotation to the xAxis P1xAxis = Vector3.Transform(P1xAxis, Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(P1CurrentYRotation)); //////////////////////////////////////// //perform the zoom opeeration if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { // zoom out currentPlayerOnePosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentPlayerOnePosition, target, -0.02f); //position = currentPlayerOnePosition; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { // zoom in currentPlayerOnePosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentPlayerOnePosition, target, 0.02f); //position = currentPlayerOnePosition; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { // layer up if (P1UpDown < 15) { P1UpDown += 0.15f; currentPlayerOnePosition += new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); target += new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); } } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { // layer down if (P1UpDown > 0) { P1UpDown -= 0.15f; currentPlayerOnePosition -= new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); target -= new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); } } } else { // do the movement for the player Two /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rotate the camera position around the YAxis if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { // rotate up P2CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(P2yAxis, MathHelper.ToRadians(-1))); } else if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { // rotate down P2CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(P2yAxis, MathHelper.ToRadians(1))); } else { // no rotation P2CurrentYRotation = Quaternion.Identity; } // apply the current yRotation to the xAxis P2xAxis = Vector3.Transform(P2xAxis, Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(P2CurrentYRotation)); //////////////////////////////////////// //perform the zoom opeeration if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { // zoom out currentPlayerTwoPosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentPlayerTwoPosition, target, -0.02f); //position = currentPlayerOnePosition; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { // zoom in currentPlayerTwoPosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentPlayerTwoPosition, target, 0.02f); //position = currentPlayerOnePosition; } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { // layer up if (P2UpDown < 15) { P2UpDown += 0.15f; currentPlayerTwoPosition += new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); target += new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); } } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { // layer down if (P2UpDown > 0) { P2UpDown -= 0.15f; currentPlayerTwoPosition -= new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); target -= new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); } } } } else { if (isPlayerOneCamera) { if (!setPlayerOneCamera()) { UpdateViewMatrix(); } else { isLerping = false; //limit = 0; } } else if (!setPlayerTwoCamera()) { UpdateViewMatrix(); } else { isLerping = false; //limit = 0; } } UpdateViewMatrix(); base.HandleKeyboardInput(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; lastChessPosition = new Vector2Int(-9999, -9999); }