public ApplyLicenseAction(Network.IXenConnection connection, Host host, string filepath, bool activateFreeLicense) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.APPLYLICENSE_TITLE, host.Name), Messages.APPLYLICENSE_PREP) { this.Host = host; this.Filepath = filepath; this.ActivateFreeLicense = activateFreeLicense; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> /// <param name="pool">May be null.</param> /// <param name="host">Never null. In the case of a pool, "host" is set to the master.</param> public NewNetworkWizard(Network.IXenConnection connection, Pool pool, Host host) : base(connection) { InitializeComponent(); pageNetworkType = new NetWTypeSelect(); pageName = new NetWName(); pageNetworkDetails = new NetWDetails(); pageBondDetails = new NetWBondDetails(); pageChinDetails = new NetWChinDetails(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(host != null); Pool = pool; Host = host; if (Pool != null) pageBondDetails.SetPool(Pool); else pageBondDetails.SetHost(Host); pageNetworkDetails.Host = host; pageChinDetails.Host = host; pageChinDetails.Pool = pool; AddPage(pageNetworkType); AddPage(new XenTabPage { Text = "" }); }
private Network GetNetwork() { Network network = new Network(); network.name_label = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); network.name_description = "test descript"; return network; }
public CreateChinAction(IXenConnection connection, XenAPI.Network newNetwork, XenAPI.Network theInterface) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_CREATING_NETWORK_TITLE, newNetwork.Name, Helpers.GetName(connection))) { this.newNetwork = newNetwork; this.theInterface = theInterface; }
public VMCrossPoolMigrateAction(VM vm, Host destinationHost, XenAPI.Network transferNetwork, VmMapping mapping) : base(vm.Connection, GetTitle(vm, destinationHost)) { Session = vm.Connection.Session; Description = Messages.ACTION_PREPARING; VM = vm; Host = destinationHost; Pool = Helpers.GetPool(vm.Connection); this.mapping = mapping; this.transferNetwork = transferNetwork; }
public void SetXenObjects(IXenObject orig, IXenObject clone) { network = clone as XenAPI.Network; if (network == null) return; // use the pif of the master to populate the controls. We use it later in the create_VLAN_from_PIF call in Network Action host = Helpers.GetMaster(network.Connection); Repopulate(); EnableDisable(); }
/// <summary> /// Create an external (VLAN) network. /// </summary> /// <param name="network">A new Network instance describing the changes to be made on the server side.</param> /// <param name="pif">The PIF representing the physical NIC from which we're basing our new VLAN.</param> /// <param name="vlan">The new VLAN tag.</param> public NetworkAction(IXenConnection connection, XenAPI.Network network, PIF pif, long vlan) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_CREATING_NETWORK_TITLE, network.Name, Helpers.GetName(connection))) { actionType = network_actions.create; this.networkClone = network; this.pif = pif; this.vlan = vlan; this.external = true; this.PIFs = null; #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.create"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pool.create_VLAN_from_PIF"); #endregion init(); }
public NetworkRow(XenAPI.Network network, IXenObject xmo) { Network = network; Xmo = xmo; Cells.AddRange(ImageCell, NameCell, DescriptionCell, NicCell, VlanCell, AutoCell, LinkStatusCell, MacCell, MtuCell); Network.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, UpdateDetails); }
/// <summary> /// Nothrow guarantee. /// </summary> /// <param name="network"></param> /// <param name="new_bonds"></param> private void UnlockAll(XenAPI.Network network, List <NewBond> new_bonds) { if (network != null) { network.Locked = false; foreach (NewBond newbond in new_bonds) { newbond.master.Locked = false; = false; } } foreach (Host host in PIFs.Keys) { foreach (PIF pif in PIFs[host]) { pif.Locked = false; } } }
private bool ShowNetwork(XenAPI.Network network) { if (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork) { return(false); } if (network.IsInUseBondSlave) { return(false); } if ((this.selected_host != null) && !HalsignHelpers.hostCanSeeNetwork(selected_host, network)) { return(false); } if ((this.selected_host == null) && !HalsignHelpers.allHostsCanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create or destroy a private network. /// </summary> public NetworkAction(IXenConnection connection, XenAPI.Network network, bool create) : base(connection, string.Format(create ? Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_CREATING_NETWORK_TITLE : Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_REMOVING_NETWORK_TITLE, network.Name(), Helpers.GetName(connection))) { this.networkClone = network; this.external = false; if (create) { #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.create"); #endregion actionType = network_actions.create; PIFs = null; } else { PIFs = Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs); #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.destroy"); if (PIFs.Find(p => p.IsTunnelAccessPIF()) != null) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("tunnel.destroy"); } if (PIFs.Find(p => !p.IsTunnelAccessPIF() && p.physical) != null) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.forget"); // actually, we should have at most one of tunnel.destroy and pif.forget } if (PIFs.Find(p => !p.IsTunnelAccessPIF() && !p.physical) != null) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vlan.destroy"); // same here, shouldn't be both virtual and physcial really } #endregion actionType = network_actions.destroy; } init(); }
string CreateNetwork(int lo, int hi) { log.DebugFormat("Creating network {0}...", name_label); XenAPI.Network network = new XenAPI.Network(); network.name_label = name_label; network.AutoPlug = autoplug; network.MTU = mtu; if (network.other_config == null) { network.other_config = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } network.other_config[XenAPI.Network.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS] = "true"; RelatedTask = XenAPI.Network.async_create(Session, network); PollToCompletion(lo, hi); log.DebugFormat("Created network {0} as {1}.", name_label, Result); return(Result); }
protected override bool AllowSriovNetwork(XenAPI.Network network, string sysId) { if (sysId == null) { return(false); } VM vm = Connection.Resolve(new XenRef <VM>(sysId)); if (vm == null) { return(false); } if (vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Halted) { return(false); } return(vm.HasSriovRecommendation()); }
public UnplugPlugNetworkAction(XenAPI.Network network, bool suppressHistory) : base(network.Connection, Messages.ACTION_PIF_UNPLUG_PLUG_TITLE, Messages.ACTION_PIF_UNPLUG_PLUG_DESC, suppressHistory) { PIFs = Connection.ResolveAll <PIF>(network.PIFs); PIFs.RemoveAll(delegate(PIF p) { return(!p.currently_attached); }); VIFs = Connection.ResolveAll <VIF>(network.VIFs); VIFs.RemoveAll(delegate(VIF v) { if (!v.currently_attached) { return(true); } VM vm = v.Connection.Resolve(v.VM); if (vm == null || vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Running) // we only replug running VMs { return(true); } return(false); }); network.Locked = true; foreach (PIF p in PIFs) { p.Locked = true; } foreach (VIF v in VIFs) { v.Locked = true; } #region RBAC ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.async_unplug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.async_plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.async_plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.async_unplug"); #endregion Pool = Helpers.GetPool(Connection); = network; }
private void CreateNonBonded() { XenAPI.Network network = PopulateNewNetworkObj(); PIF nic; if (pageNetworkDetails.CreateVlanOnSriovNetwork) { if (pageNetworkDetails.SelectedHostNic == null || !pageNetworkDetails.SelectedHostNic.IsSriovPhysicalPIF()) { return; } var sriovPhysicalPif = xenConnection.Resolve(pageNetworkDetails.SelectedHostNic.sriov_physical_PIF_of[0]); if (sriovPhysicalPif == null) { return; } nic = xenConnection.Resolve(sriovPhysicalPif.logical_PIF); if (nic == null) { return; } } else { nic = pageNetworkDetails.SelectedHostNic; } long vlan = pageNetworkDetails.VLAN; NetworkAction action = pageNetworkType.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkTypes.External ? new NetworkAction(xenConnection, network, nic, vlan) : new NetworkAction(xenConnection, network, true); action.RunAsync(); }
private bool ShowNetwork(XenAPI.Network network) { if (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork) { return(false); } if (network.IsInUseBondSlave) { return(false); } Host temp_host = null; if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { VM _xenVM = this._xenModelObject as VM; temp_host = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(_xenVM); } else if (this._xenModelObject is Host) { temp_host = _xenModelObject as Host; } else { temp_host = Helpers.GetMaster(this._xenModelObject.Connection); } if ((temp_host != null) && !HalsignHelpers.hostCanSeeNetwork(temp_host, network)) { return(false); } if ((temp_host == null) && !HalsignHelpers.allHostsCanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ShowNetwork(Host targetHost, XenAPI.Network network) { if (!network.Show(Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { return(false); } if (network.IsSlave) { return(false); } if (targetHost != null && !targetHost.CanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } if (targetHost == null && !network.AllHostsCanSeeNetwork) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Function tells you when you can / cannot show the network based on the following rules /// 1) Don't show the guest installer network or networks with HideFromXenCenter==true. /// 2) If you selected an affinity, only show networks that host can see /// 3) If you haven't selected an affinity, only show networks all hosts can see /// </summary> private bool ShowNetwork(XenAPI.Network network) { if (!network.Show(Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { return(false); } if (network.IsSlave) { return(false); } if (m_selectedAffinity != null && !m_selectedAffinity.CanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } if (m_selectedAffinity == null && !network.AllHostsCanSeeNetwork) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void NetworkComboBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; XenAPI.Network network = (XenAPI.Network)(e.Index == -1 ? NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem : NetworkComboBox.Items[e.Index]); if (network == null) { return; } string purpose = FindOtherPurpose(network); string label = purpose == null || purpose == Purpose? network.ToString() : string.Format(Messages.NETWORK_IN_USE_BY, network.ToString(), purpose); Brush text_brush = (e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) > 0 ? SystemBrushes.HighlightText : SystemBrushes.ControlText; e.DrawBackground(); g.DrawString(label, Program.DefaultFont, text_brush, new PointF(e.Bounds.X + 1, e.Bounds.Y + 1)); e.DrawFocusRectangle(); }
public NetworkRow(XenAPI.Network network, IXenObject xmo) { Network = network; Xmo = xmo; Cells.AddRange(ImageCell, NameCell, DescriptionCell, NicCell, VlanCell, AutoCell, LinkStatusCell, MacCell); // add MTU to grid view on Network tab for pools and hosts, for Cowley or greater only (CA-45643) if (Helpers.CowleyOrGreater(Xmo.Connection)) { Cells.Add(this.MtuCell); } Network.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, UpdateDetails); }
internal void RefreshNetworkComboBox(Dictionary <XenAPI.Network, List <NetworkingPropertiesPage> > InUseMap, XenAPI.Network ManagementNetwork, bool AllowManagementOnVLAN) { this.InUseMap = InUseMap; this.ManagementNetwork = ManagementNetwork; XenAPI.Network selected = (XenAPI.Network)NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem; List <XenAPI.Network> networks = new List <XenAPI.Network>(InUseMap.Keys); networks.Sort(); NetworkComboBox.Items.Clear(); if (!AllowManagementOnVLAN && (type == Type.PRIMARY || type == Type.PRIMARY_WITH_HA)) { networks.RemoveAll(network => network.IsVLAN()); } networks.RemoveAll(network => network.IsSriov()); NetworkComboBox.Items.AddRange(networks.ToArray()); SquelchNetworkComboBoxChange = true; try { NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem = selected; } finally { SquelchNetworkComboBoxChange = false; } if (!TriggeringChange) { RefreshButtons(); } }
protected override void Run() { SafeToExit = false; bool isTemplate; try { string vmRef; if (m_filename.EndsWith("ova.xml")) //importing version 1 from of VM { m_filename = m_filename.Replace("ova.xml", ""); vmRef = GetVmRef(applyVersionOneFiles()); } else //importing current format of VM { vmRef = GetVmRef(applyFile()); } if (Cancelling) { throw new CancelledException(); } // Now lets try and set the affinity and start the VM if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vmRef)) { return; } while (!Cancelling && (VM = Connection.Resolve(new XenRef <VM>(vmRef))) == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Cancelling) { throw new CancelledException(); } isTemplate = VM.get_is_a_template(Session, vmRef); if (isTemplate && Helpers.FalconOrGreater(Connection) && VM.get_is_default_template(Session, vmRef)) { var otherConfig = VM.get_other_config(Session, vmRef); if (!otherConfig.ContainsKey(IMPORT_TASK) || otherConfig[IMPORT_TASK] != RelatedTask.opaque_ref) { throw new Exception(Messages.IMPORT_TEMPLATE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } Description = isTemplate ? Messages.IMPORT_TEMPLATE_UPDATING_TEMPLATE : Messages.IMPORTVM_UPDATING_VM; VM.set_name_label(Session, vmRef, DefaultVMName(VM.get_name_label(Session, vmRef))); if (!isTemplate && m_affinity != null) { VM.set_affinity(Session, vmRef, m_affinity.opaque_ref); } // Wait here for the wizard to finish Description = isTemplate ? Messages.IMPORT_TEMPLATE_WAITING_FOR_WIZARD : Messages.IMPORTVM_WAITING_FOR_WIZARD; lock (monitor) { while (!(m_wizardDone || Cancelling)) { Monitor.Wait(monitor); } } if (Cancelling) { throw new CancelledException(); } if (m_proxyVIFs != null) { Description = isTemplate ? Messages.IMPORT_TEMPLATE_UPDATING_NETWORKS : Messages.IMPORTVM_UPDATING_NETWORKS; // For ElyOrGreater hosts, we can move the VIFs to another network, // but for older hosts we need to destroy all vifs and recreate them List <XenRef <VIF> > vifs = VM.get_VIFs(Session, vmRef); List <XenAPI.Network> networks = new List <XenAPI.Network>(); bool canMoveVifs = Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection); foreach (XenRef <VIF> vif in vifs) { // Save the network as we may have to delete it later XenAPI.Network network = Connection.Resolve(VIF.get_network(Session, vif)); if (network != null) { networks.Add(network); } if (canMoveVifs) { var vifObj = Connection.Resolve(vif); if (vifObj == null) { continue; } // try to find a matching VIF in the m_proxyVIFs list, based on the device field var matchingProxyVif = m_proxyVIFs.FirstOrDefault(proxyVIF => proxyVIF.device == vifObj.device); if (matchingProxyVif != null) { // move the VIF to the desired network VIF.move(Session, vif,; // remove matchingProxyVif from the list, so we don't create the VIF again later m_proxyVIFs.Remove(matchingProxyVif); continue; } } // destroy the VIF, if we haven't managed to move it VIF.destroy(Session, vif); } // recreate VIFs if needed (m_proxyVIFs can be empty, if we moved all the VIFs in the previous step) foreach (Proxy_VIF proxyVIF in m_proxyVIFs) { VIF vif = new VIF(proxyVIF) { VM = new XenRef <VM>(vmRef) }; VIF.create(Session, vif); } // now delete any Networks associated with this task if they have no VIFs foreach (XenAPI.Network network in networks) { if (!network.other_config.ContainsKey(IMPORT_TASK)) { continue; } if (network.other_config[IMPORT_TASK] != RelatedTask.opaque_ref) { continue; } try { if (XenAPI.Network.get_VIFs(Session, network.opaque_ref).Count > 0) { continue; } if (XenAPI.Network.get_PIFs(Session, network.opaque_ref).Count > 0) { continue; } XenAPI.Network.destroy(Session, network.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception e) { log.ErrorFormat("Exception while deleting network {0}. Squashing.", network.Name()); log.Error(e, e); } } } if (!VM.get_is_a_template(Session, vmRef)) { if (m_startAutomatically) { Description = Messages.IMPORTVM_STARTING; VM.start(Session, vmRef, false, false); } } } catch (CancelledException) { Description = Messages.CANCELLED_BY_USER; throw; } Description = isTemplate ? Messages.IMPORT_TEMPLATE_IMPORTCOMPLETE : Messages.IMPORTVM_IMPORTCOMPLETE; }
public NetworkRow(XenAPI.Network network, IXenObject xmo) { Network = network; Xmo = xmo; Cells.AddRange(ImageCell, NameCell, DescriptionCell, NicCell, VlanCell, AutoCell, LinkStatusCell, MacCell); // add MTU to grid view on Network tab for pools and hosts, for Cowley or greater only (CA-45643) if (Helpers.CowleyOrGreater(Xmo.Connection)) Cells.Add(this.MtuCell); Network.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, UpdateDetails); }
public static Icons GetIconFor(IXenObject o) { VM vm = o as VM; if (vm != null) { return(GetIconFor(vm)); } VM_appliance appl = o as VM_appliance; if (appl != null) { return(GetIconFor(appl)); } SR sr = o as SR; if (sr != null) { return(GetIconFor(sr)); } Host host = o as Host; if (host != null) { return(GetIconFor(host)); } Pool pool = o as Pool; if (pool != null) { return(GetIconFor(pool)); } XenAPI.Network network = o as XenAPI.Network; if (network != null) { return(GetIconFor(network)); } VDI vdi = o as VDI; if (vdi != null) { return(GetIconFor(vdi)); } VBD vbd = o as VBD; if (vbd != null) { return(GetIconFor(vbd)); } Folder folder = o as Folder; if (folder != null) { return(GetIconFor(folder)); } PIF pif = o as PIF; if (pif != null) { return(GetIconFor(pif)); } StorageLinkServer storageLinkServer = o as StorageLinkServer; if (storageLinkServer != null) { return(GetIconFor(storageLinkServer)); } StorageLinkSystem storageLinkSystem = o as StorageLinkSystem; if (storageLinkSystem != null) { return(GetIconFor(storageLinkSystem)); } StorageLinkPool storageLinkPool = o as StorageLinkPool; if (storageLinkPool != null) { return(GetIconFor(storageLinkPool)); } StorageLinkVolume storageLinkVolume = o as StorageLinkVolume; if (storageLinkVolume != null) { return(GetIconFor(storageLinkVolume)); } StorageLinkRepository storageLinkRepository = o as StorageLinkRepository; if (storageLinkRepository != null) { return(GetIconFor(storageLinkRepository)); } System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(false, "You asked for an icon for a type I don't recognise!"); return(Icons.XenCenter); }
public UnplugPlugNetworkAction(XenAPI.Network network, bool suppressHistory) : base(network.Connection, Messages.ACTION_PIF_UNPLUG_PLUG_TITLE, Messages.ACTION_PIF_UNPLUG_PLUG_DESC, suppressHistory) { PIFs = Connection.ResolveAll<PIF>(network.PIFs); PIFs.RemoveAll(delegate(PIF p) { return !p.currently_attached; }); VIFs = Connection.ResolveAll<VIF>(network.VIFs); VIFs.RemoveAll(delegate(VIF v) { if (!v.currently_attached) return true; VM vm = v.Connection.Resolve(v.VM); if (vm == null || vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Running) // we only replug running VMs return true; return false; }); network.Locked = true; foreach (PIF p in PIFs) p.Locked = true; foreach (VIF v in VIFs) v.Locked = true; #region RBAC ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.async_unplug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.async_plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.async_plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.async_unplug"); #endregion Pool = Helpers.GetPool(Connection); = network; }
/// <summary> /// scan each ip address (from the guest agent) for an open port /// </summary> /// <param name="port"></param> public String PollPort(int port, bool vnc) { try { if (Source == null) { return(null); } VM vm = Source; XenRef <VM_guest_metrics> guestMetricsRef = vm.guest_metrics; if (guestMetricsRef == null || Helper.IsNullOrEmptyOpaqueRef(guestMetricsRef.opaque_ref)) { return(null); } VM_guest_metrics metrics = vm.Connection.Resolve(guestMetricsRef); if (metrics == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <string, string> networks = metrics.networks; if (networks == null) { return(null); } List <string> ipAddresses = new List <string>(); List <string> ipv6Addresses = new List <string>(); foreach (VIF vif in vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VIFs)) { XenAPI.Network network = vif.Connection.Resolve(; XenAPI.Host host = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on); XenAPI.PIF pif = Helpers.FindPIF(network, host); if (pif != null && pif.LinkStatus == PIF.LinkState.Connected) { foreach (var networkInfo in networks.Where(n => n.Key.StartsWith(String.Format("{0}/ip", vif.device)))) { if (networkInfo.Key.EndsWith("ip")) // IPv4 address { ipAddresses.Add(networkInfo.Value); } else { if (networkInfo.Key.Contains("ipv6")) // IPv6 address, enclose in square brackets { ipv6Addresses.Add(String.Format("[{0}]", networkInfo.Value)); } else { continue; } } } } } ipAddresses.AddRange(ipv6Addresses); // make sure IPv4 addresses are scanned first (CA-102755) foreach (String ipAddress in ipAddresses) { try { Log.DebugFormat("Poll port {0}:{1}", ipAddress, port); Stream s = connectGuest(ipAddress, port, vm.Connection); if (vnc) { Log.DebugFormat("Connected. Set Pending Vnc connection {0}:{1}", ipAddress, port); SetPendingVNCConnection(s); } else { s.Close(); } return(ipAddress); } catch (Exception exn) { Log.Debug(exn); } } } catch (WebException) { // xapi has gone away. } catch (IOException) { // xapi has gone away. } catch (Failure exn) { if (exn.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HANDLE_INVALID) { // HANDLE_INVALID is fine -- the guest metrics are not there yet. } else if (exn.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.SESSION_INVALID) { // SESSION_INVALID is fine -- these will expire from time to time. // We need to invalidate the session though. lock (activeSessionLock) { activeSession = null; } } else { Log.Warn("Exception while polling VM for port " + port + ".", exn); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn("Exception while polling VM for port " + port + ".", e); } return(null); }
public VMCannotSeeNetwork(Check check, VM vm, XenAPI.Network network) : base(check, vm) { Network = network; }
private Problem GetProblem(IXenConnection connection, XenRef <VM> vmRef, string[] exception) { try { System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(exception.Length > 0); var vm = connection.Resolve <VM>(vmRef); if (vm == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(exception[0]); } switch (exception[0]) { case Failure.VM_REQUIRES_SR: XenRef <SR> srRef = new XenRef <SR>(exception[2]); SR sr = connection.Resolve <SR>(srRef); if (sr == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(Failure.VM_REQUIRES_SR); } if (sr.content_type == SR.Content_Type_ISO) { return(new LocalCD(this, vm)); } else if (!sr.shared) { // Only show the problem if it is really local storage // As the pbd-plug checks will pick up broken storage. return(new LocalStorage(this, vm)); } return(null); case Failure.VM_MISSING_PV_DRIVERS: return(new NoPVDrivers(this, vm)); case Failure.VM_LACKS_FEATURE: return(new CannotMigrateVM(this, vm, GetMoreSpecificReasonForCannotMigrateVm(vm, CannotMigrateVM.CannotMigrateVMReason.CannotMigrateVm))); case Failure.VM_LACKS_FEATURE_SUSPEND: return(new CannotMigrateVM(this, vm, GetMoreSpecificReasonForCannotMigrateVm(vm, CannotMigrateVM.CannotMigrateVMReason.LacksFeatureSuspend))); case Failure.VM_HAS_PCI_ATTACHED: return(new CannotMigrateVM(this, vm, GetMoreSpecificReasonForCannotMigrateVm(vm, CannotMigrateVM.CannotMigrateVMReason.HasPCIAttached))); case "VM_OLD_PV_DRIVERS": return(new PVDriversOutOfDate(this, vm)); case Failure.NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE: //CA-63531: Boston server will come here in case of single host pool or standalone host return(new NoHosts(this, vm)); case Failure.HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_MEMORY: Pool pool = Helpers.GetPool(vm.Connection); if (pool == null || pool.Connection.Cache.HostCount == 1) { //CA-63531: Cowley server will come here in case of single host pool or standalone host return(new NoHosts(this, vm)); } Host host = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on); return(new NotEnoughMem(this, host)); case Failure.VM_REQUIRES_NETWORK: XenRef <XenAPI.Network> netRef = new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(exception[2]); XenAPI.Network network = connection.Resolve(netRef); if (network == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(Failure.VM_REQUIRES_NETWORK); } return(new VMCannotSeeNetwork(this, vm, network)); case Failure.VM_REQUIRES_GPU: return(new CannotMigrateVM(this, vm, CannotMigrateVM.CannotMigrateVMReason.CannotMigrateVmNoGpu)); case Failure.VM_HAS_VGPU: return(new VmHasVgpu(this, vm)); case Failure.OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS: return(new CannotMigrateVM(this, vm, CannotMigrateVM.CannotMigrateVMReason.OperationInProgress)); default: throw new NullReferenceException(exception[0]); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Debug("Exception parsing exception", e); throw new Failure(new List <String>(exception)); } }
private void UpdateEnablement() { bool locked = _xenObject.Locked; if (SelectedNetwork != null) { XenAPI.Network TheNetwork = SelectedNetwork; AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; EditNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && !TheNetwork.Locked && !TheNetwork.IsSlave && !TheNetwork.CreateInProgress; if (HasPhysicalNonBondNIC(TheNetwork)) { RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = false; RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PIF); } else { RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && !TheNetwork.Locked && !TheNetwork.IsSlave && !TheNetwork.CreateInProgress; RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(""); } } else if (SelectedVif != null) { VIF vif = SelectedVif; AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; // In this case read vif.currently_attached as is-it-plugged RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && (vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached); EditNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && (vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached); buttonActivateToggle.Enabled = !locked && ( vif.currently_attached && vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached && vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.plug)); buttonActivateToggle.Text = vif.currently_attached ? Messages.VM_NETWORK_TAB_DEACTIVATE_BUTTON_LABEL : Messages.VM_NETWORK_TAB_ACTIVATE_BUTTON_LABEL; VM vm = (VM)XenObject; if (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Suspended) { RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_NETWORK_SUSPENDED); EditButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_TOOLS); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.SetToolTip(vif.currently_attached ? Messages.TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE_VIF_SUSPENDED : Messages.TOOLTIP_ACTIVATE_VIF_SUSPENDED); } else { if (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Running && vm.GetVirtualisationStatus != XenAPI.VM.VirtualisationStatus.OPTIMIZED) { RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_NETWORK_TOOLS); EditButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_TOOLS); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.SetToolTip(vif.currently_attached ? Messages.TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE_VIF_TOOLS : Messages.TOOLTIP_ACTIVATE_VIF_TOOLS); } else { RemoveButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); EditButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.RemoveAll(); } } } else { AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = false; EditNetworkButton.Enabled = false; buttonActivateToggle.Enabled = false; } }
public void TestSetup() { networks = DatabaseManager.ConnectionFor(dbName).Cache.Networks.Length; newNetwork = GetNetwork(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="bond"></param> public DestroyBondAction(Bond bond) : base(bond.Connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DESTROY_BOND_TITLE, bond.Name), string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DESTROY_BOND_DESCRIPTION, bond.Name)) { #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("host.management_reconfigure"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.unplug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.reconfigure_ip"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("bond.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(XenAPI.Role.CommonSessionApiList); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(XenAPI.Role.CommonTaskApiList); #endregion Name = bond.Name; Pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Connection); foreach (Host host in Connection.Cache.Hosts) { Bond b = NetworkingHelper.FindBond(host, bond); if (b != null) { Bonds.Add(b); b.Locked = true; PIF master = Connection.Resolve(b.master); if (master != null) { Masters.Add(master); master.Locked = true; List<PIF> slaves = Connection.ResolveAll(b.slaves); NetworkingHelper.Sort(slaves); foreach (PIF pif in slaves) { Slaves.Add(pif); pif.Locked = true; } FirstSlaves[master] = Connection.Resolve(b.primary_slave); if (!FirstSlaves.ContainsKey(master) && slaves.Count != 0) FirstSlaves[master] = slaves[0]; } AppliesTo.Add(host.opaque_ref); } } PIF master_master = Connection.Resolve(bond.master); if (master_master != null) { Network = Connection.Resolve(; Network.Locked = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Will throw an exception if the network has gone away. /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="oldPIF"></param> /// <param name="newPIFs"></param> /// <param name="newNamePIFs"></param> private void CollateChanges(NetworkingPropertiesPage page, PIF oldPIF, List <PifTuple> newPIFs, List <PifTuple> newNamePIFs) { bool changed = false; bool changedName = false; if (oldPIF == null) { // This tab is newly created. XenAPI.Network network = (XenAPI.Network)page.NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem; oldPIF = FindPIFForThisHost(network.PIFs); if (oldPIF == null) { throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Network has gone away"); } changed = true; } else { // This tab was populated when this dialog was launched. XenAPI.Network network = connection.Resolve(; if ((XenAPI.Network)page.NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem != network) { // The user has changed the network, so find the one we're using now. XenAPI.Network new_network = (XenAPI.Network)page.NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem; oldPIF = FindPIFForThisHost(new_network.PIFs); if (oldPIF == null) { throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Network has gone away"); } changed = true; } } PIF newPIF = (PIF)oldPIF.Clone(); newPIF.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { changed = true; }; PIF newNamePIF = (PIF)oldPIF.Clone(); newNamePIF.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { changedName = true; }; if (page.DHCPIPRadioButton.Checked) { newPIF.ip_configuration_mode = ip_configuration_mode.DHCP; } else { newPIF.ip_configuration_mode = ip_configuration_mode.Static; newPIF.netmask = page.SubnetTextBox.Text; newPIF.gateway = page.GatewayTextBox.Text; newPIF.IP = page.IPAddressTextBox.Text; List <string> dns = new List <string>(); if (page.PreferredDNSTextBox.Text.Length > 0) { dns.Add(page.PreferredDNSTextBox.Text); } if (page.AlternateDNS1TextBox.Text.Length > 0) { dns.Add(page.AlternateDNS1TextBox.Text); } if (page.AlternateDNS2TextBox.Text.Length > 0) { dns.Add(page.AlternateDNS2TextBox.Text); } var newDns = string.Join(",", dns.ToArray()); newPIF.DNS = newDns; } = page.type != NetworkingPropertiesPage.Type.SECONDARY; if (page.type == NetworkingPropertiesPage.Type.SECONDARY) { if (changed) { newPIF.SetManagementPurpose(page.PurposeTextBox.Text); } else { newNamePIF.SetManagementPurpose(page.PurposeTextBox.Text); } } newPIFs.Add(new PifTuple(newPIF, changed)); newNamePIFs.Add(new PifTuple(newNamePIF, changedName)); }
public void RefreshButtons() { XenAPI.Network network = (XenAPI.Network)NetworkComboBox.SelectedItem; string purpose = network == null ? null : FindOtherPurpose(network); InUseWarning = purpose == null || purpose == Purpose ? null : type == Type.SECONDARY && network == ManagementNetwork? string.Format(Messages.NETWORKING_PROPERTIES_IN_USE_WARNING_MANAGEMENT, network.ToString()) : string.Format(Messages.NETWORKING_PROPERTIES_IN_USE_WARNING, network.ToString(), purpose); PurposeLabel.Visible = PurposeTextBox.Visible = DeleteButton.Visible = (type == Type.SECONDARY); panelHAEnabledWarning.Visible = (type == Type.PRIMARY_WITH_HA); SetDNSControlsVisible(type != Type.SECONDARY); panelInUseWarning.Visible = InUseWarning != null; InUseWarningText.Text = InUseWarning; IpAddressSettingsLabel.Text = type == Type.SECONDARY ? Messages.NETWORKING_PROPERTIES_IP_SETTINGS : Messages.NETWORKING_PROPERTIES_IP_AND_DNS_SETTINGS; IPAddressLabel.Text = Pool ? Messages.IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_LABEL : Messages.IP_ADDRESS_LABEL; tableLayoutPanelStaticSettings.Enabled = FixedIPRadioButton.Checked; RangeEndLabel.Visible = Pool; Valid = InUseWarning == null && NetworkComboBox.SelectedIndex != -1 && (DHCPIPRadioButton.Checked || ((StringUtility.IsIPAddress(IPAddressTextBox.Text)) && StringUtility.IsValidNetmask(SubnetTextBox.Text) && IsOptionalIPAddress(GatewayTextBox.Text))) && (type == Type.SECONDARY || ((IsOptionalIPAddress(PreferredDNSTextBox.Text) && IsOptionalIPAddress(AlternateDNS1TextBox.Text) && IsOptionalIPAddress(AlternateDNS2TextBox.Text)))); // Grey out everything if HA is enabled: CA-24714 if (type == Type.PRIMARY_WITH_HA) { foreach (Control c in Controls) { c.Enabled = false; } haEnabledWarningIcon.Enabled = haEnabledRubric.Enabled = true; } var pif = Tag as PIF; var existingCluster = network != null?network.Connection.Cache.Clusters.FirstOrDefault() : null; if (pif != null && existingCluster != null) { Host host = network.Connection.Resolve(; ClusteringEnabled = network.Connection.Cache.Cluster_hosts.Any(cluster => == && cluster.enabled); if (ClusteringEnabled) { if (host != null && host.enabled) { DisableControls(string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_CHANGE_IP_CLUSTERING_ENABLED, network.Name())); } else { DeleteButton.Enabled = false; tableLayoutInfo.Visible = true; labelWarning.Text = string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_REMOVE_IP_WHEN_CLUSTERING_ON_NETWORK, network.Name()); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Update a network. /// </summary> /// <param name="network">The modified network that we're going to save to the server.</param> /// <param name="changePIFs">True if we're going to create or destroy PIFs (i.e. change a private network to a /// VLAN, or vice versa.</param> /// <param name="external">Whether the new network is external i.e. a VLAN.</param> /// <param name="pif">The PIF representing the physical NIC from which we're basing our new VLAN. /// Null iff changePIFs is false or external is false.</param> /// <param name="vlan">The new VLAN tag. Ignored iff changePIFs is false or external is false.</param> /// <param name="suppressHistory"></param> public NetworkAction(IXenConnection connection, XenAPI.Network network, bool changePIFs, bool external, PIF pif, long vlan, bool suppressHistory) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_UPDATING_NETWORK_TITLE, network.Name, Helpers.GetName(connection)), suppressHistory) { actionType = network_actions.update; this.networkClone = network; this.changePIFs = changePIFs; this.external = external; this.pif = pif; this.vlan = vlan; PIFs = changePIFs ? Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs) : null; #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.set_name_label"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.set_other_config"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.add_to_other_config"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.remove_from_other_config"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.set_tags"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.add_tags"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.remove_tags"); if (changePIFs) { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.destroy"); if (external) ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pool.create_VLAN_from_PIF"); } #endregion init(); }
private void init() { SetAppliesTo(Connection); if (networkClone.opaque_ref != null) { // we are updating an existing object, and so should lock it networkServerObject = Connection.Resolve<XenAPI.Network>(new XenRef<XenAPI.Network>(networkClone.opaque_ref)); networkServerObject.Locked = true; } if (PIFs == null) return; foreach (PIF pif in PIFs) pif.Locked = true; }
/// <summary> /// Create or destroy a private network. /// </summary> public NetworkAction(IXenConnection connection, XenAPI.Network network, bool create) : base(connection, string.Format(create ? Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_CREATING_NETWORK_TITLE : Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_REMOVING_NETWORK_TITLE, network.Name, Helpers.GetName(connection))) { this.networkClone = network; this.external = false; if (create) { #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.create"); #endregion actionType = network_actions.create; PIFs = null; } else { PIFs = Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs); #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.destroy"); if (PIFs.Find(p => p.IsTunnelAccessPIF) != null) ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("tunnel.destroy"); if (PIFs.Find(p => !p.IsTunnelAccessPIF && p.physical) != null) ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.forget"); // actually, we should have at most one of tunnel.destroy and pif.forget if (PIFs.Find(p => !p.IsTunnelAccessPIF && !p.physical) != null) ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vlan.destroy"); // same here, shouldn't be both virtual and physcial really #endregion actionType = network_actions.destroy; } init(); }
private void SetMTUControlEnablement() { if (!network.CanUseJumboFrames) { labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; labelMTU.Visible = numericUpDownMTU.Visible = false; return; } if (SelectedIsInternal) { // internal // MTU doesn't really do much here labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; return; } PIF networksPIF = GetSelectedPIF(); // returns null for new VLAN if (networksPIF == null || !networksPIF.IsManagementInterface(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { // non management external (could be bond) if (runningVMsWithoutTools) { // The MTU controls have been designed to be more relaxed than the rest of the page, we will only block if we can't unplug the vifs // due to lack of tools (which then lets us unplug the PIFs) labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_VM_NO_TOOLS; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; } else if (networksPIF != null && networksPIF.IsTunnelAccessPIF) { // This branch is currently not in use as setting the MTU is disabled on CHINs. // Left in in case future support is added // with no other more danger warnings we should tell the user it's recommended that they set the MTU on the underlying networks to match XenAPI.Network mainNetwork = FindCHINMainNetwork(networksPIF); labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = string.Format(Messages.SET_MTU_ON_CHINS_UNDER_NETWORK, mainNetwork.Name); // incase some odd value has been set on the CLI numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX); numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN); numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = true; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; } else { labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; // in case some odd value has been set on the CLI numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX); numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN); numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = true; } } else { // physical or virtual external management (could be bond) numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_DISTURB_MANAGEMENT, networksPIF.ManagementInterfaceNameOrUnknown); labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; } }
private void UpdateEnablement() { bool locked = _xenObject.Locked; if (SelectedNetwork != null) { XenAPI.Network TheNetwork = SelectedNetwork; AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; EditNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && !TheNetwork.Locked && !TheNetwork.IsSlave() && !TheNetwork.CreateInProgress() && !TheNetwork.IsGuestInstallerNetwork(); // CA-218956 - Expose HIMN when showing hidden objects // HIMN should not be editable if (HasPhysicalNonBondNIC(TheNetwork)) { RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = false; RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PIF); } else { RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = EditNetworkButton.Enabled; // CA-218956 - Expose HIMN when showing hidden objects // HIMN should not be removable RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(""); } } else if (SelectedVif != null) { VIF vif = SelectedVif; AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; // In this case read vif.currently_attached as is-it-plugged RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && (vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached); EditNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked && (vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached); buttonActivateToggle.Enabled = !locked && ( vif.currently_attached && vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.unplug) || !vif.currently_attached && vif.allowed_operations.Contains(vif_operations.plug)); buttonActivateToggle.Text = vif.currently_attached ? Messages.VM_NETWORK_TAB_DEACTIVATE_BUTTON_LABEL : Messages.VM_NETWORK_TAB_ACTIVATE_BUTTON_LABEL; VM vm = (VM)XenObject; if (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Suspended) { RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_NETWORK_SUSPENDED); EditButtonContainer.SetToolTip(vm.HasNewVirtualisationStates() ? Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_IO_DRIVERS : Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_TOOLS); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.SetToolTip(vif.currently_attached ? Messages.TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE_VIF_SUSPENDED : Messages.TOOLTIP_ACTIVATE_VIF_SUSPENDED); } else { if (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Running && !vm.GetVirtualisationStatus().HasFlag(VM.VirtualisationStatus.IO_DRIVERS_INSTALLED)) { RemoveButtonContainer.SetToolTip(vm.HasNewVirtualisationStates() ? Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_NETWORK_IO_DRIVERS : Messages.TOOLTIP_REMOVE_NETWORK_TOOLS); EditButtonContainer.SetToolTip(vm.HasNewVirtualisationStates() ? Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_IO_DRIVERS : Messages.TOOLTIP_EDIT_NETWORK_TOOLS); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.SetToolTip(vif.currently_attached ? Messages.TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE_VIF_TOOLS : Messages.TOOLTIP_ACTIVATE_VIF_TOOLS); } else { RemoveButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); EditButtonContainer.RemoveAll(); toolTipContainerActivateToggle.RemoveAll(); } } } else { AddNetworkButton.Enabled = !locked; RemoveNetworkButton.Enabled = false; EditNetworkButton.Enabled = false; buttonActivateToggle.Enabled = false; } }
private XenAPI.Network PopulateNewNetworkObj() { XenAPI.Network result = new XenAPI.Network(); result.name_label = pageName.NetworkName; result.name_description = pageName.NetworkDescription; result.AutoPlug = (pageNetworkType.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkTypes.CHIN ? pageChinDetails.isAutomaticAddNicToVM : pageNetworkDetails.isAutomaticAddNicToVM); if (pageNetworkType.SelectedNetworkType == NetworkTypes.CHIN) result.MTU = pageChinDetails.MTU; else if (pageNetworkDetails.MTU.HasValue) //Custom MTU may not be allowed if we are making a virtual network or something result.MTU = pageNetworkDetails.MTU.Value; return result; }
protected override void Run() { // the network lock and the connection.expectDisruption will be cleared in clean() new_bonds = new List<NewBond>(); network = null; Connection.ExpectDisruption = true; int inc = 100 / (Connection.Cache.HostCount * 3 + 1); string network_ref = CreateNetwork(0, inc); try { network = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef<XenAPI.Network>(network_ref)); network.Locked = true; XenAPI.Network.remove_from_other_config(Session, network_ref, XenAPI.Network.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS); int lo = inc; foreach (Host host in GetHostsMasterLast()) { List<PIF> pifs = PIFs[host].FindAll(x => x.physical).ToList(); List<XenRef<PIF>> pif_refs = new List<XenRef<PIF>>(); foreach (PIF pif in pifs) { pif_refs.Add(new XenRef<PIF>(pif.opaque_ref)); } log.DebugFormat("Creating bond on {0} with {1} PIFs...", Helpers.GetName(host), pifs.Count); Dictionary<string, string> bondProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (bondMode == bond_mode.lacp) bondProperties.Add("hashing_algorithm", Bond.HashingAlgoritmToString(hashingAlgoritm)); RelatedTask = tampaOrGreater ? Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, "", bondMode, bondProperties) : bostonOrGreater ? Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, "", bondMode) : Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, ""); PollToCompletion(lo, lo + inc); lo += inc; log.DebugFormat("Creating bond on {0} done: bond is {1}.", Helpers.GetName(host), Result); Bond new_bond = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef<Bond>(Result)); if (new_bond == null) throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Bond didn't appear in our cache!"); PIF new_master = Connection.Resolve(new_bond.master); if (new_master == null) throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Bond master didn't appear in our cache!"); new_bonds.Add(new NewBond(new_bond, new_master, pifs)); new_bond.Locked = true; new_master.Locked = true; } foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds) { lo += inc; ReconfigureManagementInterfaces(new_bond.slaves, new_bond.master, lo); } foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds) { lo += inc; if (!bostonOrGreater) NetworkingActionHelpers.Plug(this, new_bond.master, lo); } } catch (Exception) { foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds) { RevertManagementInterfaces(new_bond); DestroyBond(; } DestroyNetwork(network_ref); throw; } Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_CREATE_BOND_DONE, name_label); }
protected override void Run() { switch (actionType) { case network_actions.destroy: Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_REMOVING_NETWORK; destroyPIFs(); XenAPI.Network.destroy(Session, networkClone.opaque_ref); networkClone = null; Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_NETWORK_REMOVED; break; case network_actions.update: Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_UPDATING_NETWORK; if (changePIFs) { if (external) { //Before we do a destroy check the vlan tag is not in use on this network foreach (PIF p in Connection.Cache.PIFs) { if (p.VLAN == vlan && p.device == pif.device) throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.PIF_VLAN_EXISTS); } } destroyPIFs(); if (external) CreateVLAN(networkClone.opaque_ref); } Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_NETWORK_UPDATED; break; case network_actions.create: Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_CREATING_NETWORK; XenRef<XenAPI.Network> networkRef = XenAPI.Network.create(Session, networkClone); if (external) CreateVLAN(networkRef.opaque_ref); Description = Messages.NETWORK_ACTION_NETWORK_CREATED; break; } }
public NetworkComboBoxItem(XenAPI.Network network) { Network = network; }
public override bool FailureFoundFor(IXenObject itemToFilterOn) { Pool targetPool; List <Host> targets = CollateHosts(itemToFilterOn, out targetPool); foreach (VM vm in preSelectedVMs) { log.InfoFormat("Asserting can migrate VM {0} to {1}...", vm.Name(), itemToFilterOn); bool vmIsMigratable = false; foreach (Host host in targets) { if (canceled) { return(false); } // obtain the cache data for a vm IDictionary <string, string> vmCache; lock (cacheLock) { if (!cache.ContainsKey(vm.opaque_ref)) { cache.Add(vm.opaque_ref, new Dictionary <string, string>()); } vmCache = cache[vm.opaque_ref]; } try { //CA-220218: for intra-pool motion of halted VMs we do a move, so no need to assert we can migrate Pool vmPool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(vm.Connection); if (_wizardMode == WizardMode.Move && vmPool != null && targetPool != null && vmPool.opaque_ref == targetPool.opaque_ref) { // vm is migratable, no need to itearate through all the pool members vmIsMigratable = true; break; } //Skip the resident host as there's a filter for it and //if not then you could exclude intrapool migration //CA-205799: do not offer the host the VM is currently on Host homeHost = vm.Home(); if (homeHost != null && homeHost.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref) { continue; } if (vmCache.ContainsKey(host.opaque_ref)) { disableReason = vmCache[host.opaque_ref]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(disableReason)) { // vm is migratable to at least one host in the pool, no need to itearate through all the pool members vmIsMigratable = true; break; } continue; } //if pool_migrate can be done, then we will allow it in the wizard, even if storage migration is not allowed (i.e. users can use the wizard to live-migrate a VM inside the pool) if (_wizardMode == WizardMode.Migrate && vmPool != null && targetPool != null && vmPool.opaque_ref == targetPool.opaque_ref) { var reason = VMOperationHostCommand.GetVmCannotBootOnHostReason(vm, host, vm.Connection.Session, vm_operations.pool_migrate); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) { lock (cacheLock) { vmCache.Add(host.opaque_ref, reason); } // vm is migratable to at least one host in the pool, no need to itearate through all the pool members vmIsMigratable = true; break; } } //check if the destination host is older than the source host var destinationVersion = Helpers.HostPlatformVersion(host); var sourceVersion = Helpers.HostPlatformVersion(vm.Home() ?? Helpers.GetMaster(vmPool)); if (Helpers.productVersionCompare(destinationVersion, sourceVersion) < 0) { throw new Failure(Messages.OLDER_THAN_CURRENT_SERVER); } PIF managementPif = host.Connection.Cache.PIFs.First(p =>; XenAPI.Network managementNetwork = host.Connection.Cache.Resolve(; Session session = host.Connection.DuplicateSession(); Dictionary <string, string> receiveMapping = Host.migrate_receive(session, host.opaque_ref, managementNetwork.opaque_ref, new Dictionary <string, string>()); var targetSrs = host.Connection.Cache.SRs.Where(sr => sr.SupportsStorageMigration()).ToList(); var targetNetwork = GetANetwork(host); VM.assert_can_migrate(vm.Connection.Session, vm.opaque_ref, receiveMapping, true, GetVdiMap(vm, targetSrs), vm.Connection == host.Connection ? new Dictionary <XenRef <VIF>, XenRef <XenAPI.Network> >() : GetVifMap(vm, targetNetwork), new Dictionary <string, string>()); lock (cacheLock) { vmCache.Add(host.opaque_ref, string.Empty); } // vm is migratable to at least one host in the pool, no need to itearate through all the pool members vmIsMigratable = true; break; } catch (Failure failure) { if (failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 0 && failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.RBAC_PERMISSION_DENIED) { disableReason = failure.Message.Split('\n')[0].TrimEnd('\r'); // we want the first line only } else { disableReason = failure.Message; } lock (cacheLock) { vmCache.Add(host.opaque_ref, disableReason.Clone().ToString()); } log.ErrorFormat("VM: {0}, Host: {1} - Reason: {2};", vm.Name(), host.Name(), failure.Message); vmIsMigratable = false; } } // if at least one VM is not migratable to the target pool, then there is no point checking the remaining VMs if (!vmIsMigratable) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void BuildList() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (!this.Visible) { return; } if (InBuildList) { return; } InBuildList = true; try { if (XenObject == null || XenObject.Locked) { return; } if (!XenObject.Connection.CacheIsPopulated) { return; } if (XenObject is VM) { DeregisterEventsOnGridRows(); VIF selectedVIF = SelectedVif; VM vm = XenObject as VM; NetworksGridView.SuspendLayout(); NetworksGridView.Rows.Clear(); List <VIF> vifs = vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VIFs); vifs.Sort(); // CA-8981 - Listen for guest metric changes which is necessary for IP Address updates VM_guest_metrics vmGuestMetrics = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.guest_metrics); if (vmGuestMetrics != null) { vmGuestMetrics.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; } var vifRowsToAdd = new List <VifRow>(); foreach (var vif in vifs) { var network = vif.Connection.Resolve(; if (network != null && // CA-218956 - Expose HIMN when showing hidden objects (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork() && !XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { continue; // Don't show the guest installer network in the network tab (CA-73056) } vifRowsToAdd.Add(new VifRow(vif)); } NetworksGridView.Rows.AddRange(vifRowsToAdd.ToArray()); bool selected = true; if (selectedVIF != null) { foreach (VifRow row in NetworksGridView.Rows) { // Cannot compare opaque_ref as VIFs get destroyed / recreated on each edit. if (row.Vif.device == selectedVIF.device) { row.Selected = true; break; } } } if (!selected && NetworksGridView.Rows.Count > 0) { NetworksGridView.Rows[0].Selected = true; } } else if (XenObject is Host || XenObject is Pool) { DeregisterEventsOnGridRows(); XenAPI.Network selectedNetwork = SelectedNetwork; NetworksGridView.SuspendLayout(); NetworksGridView.Rows.Clear(); XenAPI.Network[] networks = XenObject.Connection.Cache.Networks; Array.Sort <XenAPI.Network>(networks); List <NetworkRow> networkRowsToAdd = new List <NetworkRow>(); for (int i = 0; i < networks.Length; i++) { if (!networks[i].Show(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { continue; } networkRowsToAdd.Add(new NetworkRow(networks[i], XenObject)); } NetworksGridView.Rows.AddRange(networkRowsToAdd.ToArray()); // The following update causes this to be a lot slower with many networks. Alot! CA-43944 //foreach(NetworkRow r in NetworksGridView.Rows) //r.UpdateDefaultCellStyle(); // Has to be done again after adding to the grid view, even though it's already called in the constructor if (selectedNetwork != null) { foreach (NetworkRow row in NetworksGridView.Rows) { if (row.Network.opaque_ref == selectedNetwork.opaque_ref && selectedNetwork.Show(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { row.Selected = true; break; } } } } } finally { if (NetworksGridView.SortedColumn != null) { NetworksGridView.Sort( NetworksGridView.SortedColumn, NetworksGridView.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending); } NetworksGridView.ResumeLayout(); InBuildList = false; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="bond"></param> public DestroyBondAction(Bond bond) : base(bond.Connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DESTROY_BOND_TITLE, bond.Name), string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DESTROY_BOND_DESCRIPTION, bond.Name)) { #region RBAC Dependencies ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("host.management_reconfigure"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("network.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("vif.unplug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.reconfigure_ip"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("pif.plug"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("bond.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(XenAPI.Role.CommonSessionApiList); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(XenAPI.Role.CommonTaskApiList); #endregion Name = bond.Name; Pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Connection); foreach (Host host in Connection.Cache.Hosts) { Bond b = NetworkingHelper.FindBond(host, bond); if (b != null) { Bonds.Add(b); b.Locked = true; PIF master = Connection.Resolve(b.master); if (master != null) { Masters.Add(master); master.Locked = true; List <PIF> slaves = Connection.ResolveAll(b.slaves); NetworkingHelper.Sort(slaves); foreach (PIF pif in slaves) { Slaves.Add(pif); pif.Locked = true; } FirstSlaves[master] = Connection.Resolve(b.primary_slave); if (!FirstSlaves.ContainsKey(master) && slaves.Count != 0) { FirstSlaves[master] = slaves[0]; } } AppliesTo.Add(host.opaque_ref); } } PIF master_master = Connection.Resolve(bond.master); if (master_master != null) { Network = Connection.Resolve(; Network.Locked = true; } }
private void CreateCHIN() { XenAPI.Network network = PopulateNewNetworkObj(); XenAPI.Network theInterface = pageChinDetails.SelectedInterface; (new CreateChinAction(xenConnection, network, theInterface)).RunAsync(); }
public static Icons GetIconFor(XenAPI.Network network) { return(Icons.Network); }
string CreateNetwork(int lo, int hi) { log.DebugFormat("Creating network {0}...", name_label); XenAPI.Network network = new XenAPI.Network(); network.name_label = name_label; network.AutoPlug = autoplug; if (Helpers.CowleyOrGreater(Connection)) network.MTU = mtu; if (network.other_config == null) network.other_config = new Dictionary<string, string>(); network.other_config[XenAPI.Network.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS] = "true"; RelatedTask = XenAPI.Network.async_create(Session, network); PollToCompletion(lo, hi); log.DebugFormat("Created network {0} as {1}.", name_label, Result); return Result; }