Example #1
        /// Determines the public key for which `sig` is a valid signature for
        /// `msg`. Requires a verify-capable context.
        public PublicKey Recover(Message msg, RecoverableSigniture sig)

            if (Caps == ContextFlag.SignOnly || Caps == ContextFlag.None)
                throw new Exception("IncapableContext");

            var pkBytes = new byte[64];

            if (Proxy.secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(Ctx, pkBytes, sig.Value, msg.Value) != 1)
                throw new Exception("InvalidSignature");
Example #2
        /// Constructs a signature for `msg` using the secret key `sk` and RFC6979 nonce
        /// Requires a signing-capable context.
        public RecoverableSigniture sign_recoverable(Message msg, SecretKey sk)

            if (Caps == ContextFlag.VerifyOnly || Caps == ContextFlag.None)
                throw new Exception("IncapableContext");

            var ret = new byte[65];

            // We can assume the return value because it's not possible to construct
            // an invalid signature from a valid `Message` and `SecretKey`
            if (Proxy.secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(Ctx, ret, msg.Value, sk.Value, IntPtr.Zero /*Proxy.secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979()*/, IntPtr.Zero) == 1)
            throw new Exception("This should never happen!");