Example #1
            public void UpdateDetails()
                Enabled = !Network.IsSlave();


                Pif = Helpers.FindPIF(Network, Xmo as Host);


                ImageCell.Value       = Properties.Resources._000_Network_h32bit_16;
                NameCell.Value        = NetworkName();
                DescriptionCell.Value = Network.Description();
                NicCell.Value         = Helpers.GetName(Pif);
                VlanCell.Value        = Helpers.VlanString(Pif);
                AutoCell.Value        = Network.GetAutoPlug() ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO;
                LinkStatusCell.Value  = Xmo is Pool?Network.LinkStatusString() :
                                            Pif == null ? Messages.NONE : Pif.LinkStatusString();

                MacCell.Value = Pif != null && Pif.IsPhysical() ? Pif.MAC : Messages.SPACED_HYPHEN;
                MtuCell.Value = Network.CanUseJumboFrames() ? Network.MTU.ToString() : Messages.SPACED_HYPHEN;
Example #2
            public void UpdateDetails()
                Enabled = !Network.IsSlave();


                Pif = Helpers.FindPIF(Network, Xmo as Host);


                ImageCell.Value       = Properties.Resources._000_Network_h32bit_16;
                NameCell.Value        = NetworkName();
                DescriptionCell.Value = Network.Description();
                NicCell.Value         = Helpers.GetName(Pif);
                VlanCell.Value        = Helpers.VlanString(Pif);
                AutoCell.Value        = Network.GetAutoPlug() ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO;
                LinkStatusCell.Value  = Xmo is Pool?Network.LinkStatusString() :
                                            Pif == null ? Messages.NONE : Pif.LinkStatusString();

                MacCell.Value = Pif != null && Pif.IsPhysical() ? Pif.MAC : Messages.SPACED_HYPHEN;
                MtuCell.Value = Network.CanUseJumboFrames() ? Network.MTU.ToString() : Messages.SPACED_HYPHEN;

                var networkSriov = Pif != null?Pif.NetworkSriov() : null;

                if (networkSriov == null)
                    SriovCell.Value = Messages.NO;
                    var sriov = Pif.Connection.Resolve(networkSriov);
                    SriovCell.Value = sriov == null
                        ? Messages.NO
                        : sriov.requires_reboot
                            ? Messages.HOST_NEEDS_REBOOT_ENABLE_SRIOV
                            : Messages.YES;
Example #3
        private void SetMTUControlEnablement()
            if (!network.CanUseJumboFrames())
                labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false;
                labelMTU.Visible = numericUpDownMTU.Visible = false;

            if (SelectedIsInternal)
                // internal
                // MTU doesn't really do much here
                labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false;
                numericUpDownMTU.Enabled        = false;

            PIF networksPIF = GetSelectedPIF();  // returns null for new VLAN

            if (networksPIF == null || !networksPIF.IsManagementInterface(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs))
                // non management external (could be bond)

                if (runningVMsWithoutTools)
                    // The MTU controls have been designed to be more relaxed than the rest of the page, we will only block if we can't unplug the vifs
                    // due to lack of tools (which then lets us unplug the PIFs)
                    labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text    = Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_VM_NO_TOOLS;
                    labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true;
                    numericUpDownMTU.Enabled        = false;
                else if (networksPIF != null && networksPIF.IsTunnelAccessPIF())
                    // This branch is currently not in use as setting the MTU is disabled on CHINs.
                    // Left in in case future support is added

                    // with no other more danger warnings we should tell the user it's recommended that they set the MTU on the underlying networks to match
                    XenAPI.Network mainNetwork = FindCHINMainNetwork(networksPIF);
                    labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = string.Format(Messages.SET_MTU_ON_CHINS_UNDER_NETWORK, mainNetwork.Name());
                    // incase some odd value has been set on the CLI
                    numericUpDownMTU.Maximum        = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX);
                    numericUpDownMTU.Minimum        = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN);
                    numericUpDownMTU.Enabled        = true;
                    labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true;
                    labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false;
                    // in case some odd value has been set on the CLI
                    numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX);
                    numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN);
                    numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = true;
                // physical or virtual external management (could be bond)
                numericUpDownMTU.Enabled        = false;
                labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text    = string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_DISTURB_MANAGEMENT, networksPIF.ManagementInterfaceNameOrUnknown());
                labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true;