internal static extern void RealTimeMultiplayerManager_SendUnreliableMessage(
     HandleRef self,
  /* from(RealTimeRoom_t) */IntPtr room,
  /* from(MultiplayerParticipant_t const *) */IntPtr[] participants,
  /* from(size_t) */UIntPtr participants_size,
  /* from(uint8_t const *) */byte[] data,
  /* from(size_t) */UIntPtr data_size);
Example #2
 public MemoryBlock(UIntPtr size)
     size = (UIntPtr)(((long)size + 0xFFFFL) & ~0xFFFFL);
     this.size = size;
     location = VirtualAlloc((IntPtr)0, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
     security = MemoryBlockSecurity.ReadWrite;
Example #3
 public static extern bool VirtualProtectEx(
         IntPtr hProcess
     ,   IntPtr lpAddress
     ,   UIntPtr dwSize
     ,   uint flNewProtect
     ,   out uint lpflOldProtect
		public IntPtr NativeCallback (IntPtr register_buffer, IntPtr content_buffer, IntPtr start, IntPtr end, out UIntPtr length, IntPtr user_data)
			try {
				ulong mylength;

				byte [] __ret = managed (GLib.Object.GetObject(register_buffer) as Gtk.TextBuffer, GLib.Object.GetObject(content_buffer) as Gtk.TextBuffer, Gtk.TextIter.New (start), Gtk.TextIter.New (end), out mylength);

				length = new UIntPtr (mylength);

				IntPtr ret_ptr;
				if (mylength > 0) {
					ret_ptr = GLib.Marshaller.Malloc ((ulong)(Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(byte)) * (int)mylength));
					Marshal.Copy (__ret, 0, ret_ptr, (int)mylength);
				} else {
					ret_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

				if (release_on_call)
					gch.Free ();
				return ret_ptr;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
				// NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
				throw e;
Example #5
        public static void TestUseCase(Assert assert)

            var t1 = new Type();
            assert.Ok(t1 != null, "#565 t1");

            var t2 = new ValueType();
            assert.Ok(t2 != null, "#565 t2");

            var t3 = new IntPtr();
            assert.Ok(t3.GetType() == typeof(IntPtr) , "#565 t3");

            var t4 = new UIntPtr();
            assert.Ok(t4.GetType() == typeof(UIntPtr), "#565 t4");

            var t5 = new ParamArrayAttribute();
            assert.Ok(t5 != null, "#565 t5");

            var t6 = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
            assert.Ok(t6.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle), "#565 t6");

            var t7 = new RuntimeFieldHandle();
            assert.Ok(t7.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeFieldHandle), "#565 t7");
Example #6
 public Streamcipher(BlockcipherKind algorithm, BlockcipherModeKind mode, int max_workers)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_sc_init_with_blockcipher(algorithm, mode, (UIntPtr)max_workers)) == (UIntPtr)0)
		public void SetDateTime (OciHandle handle, OciErrorHandle errorHandle,
					short year, byte month, byte day,
					byte hour, byte min, byte sec, uint fsec, string timezone)
			// Get size of buffer
			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			int status = OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, null, timezone, ref rsizep);

			// Fill buffer
			rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
			byte[] bytes = new byte[rsize];
			if (status == 0 && rsize > 0)
				OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, bytes, timezone, ref rsizep);

			if (fsec > 0)
				fsec = fsec * 1000000;

			uint timezoneSize = (uint) bytes.Length;
			OciCalls.OCIDateTimeConstruct (handle,
				errorHandle, this.Handle,
				year, month, day,
				hour, min, sec, fsec,
				bytes, timezoneSize);

			//uint valid = 0;
			//int result = OciCalls.OCIDateTimeCheck (handle,
			//	errorHandle, this.Handle, out valid);
Example #8
        private IntPtr LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            string chars = "";
                if (nCode >= 0)
                    if (wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYDOWN ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYUP ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYUP)
                        // Captures the character(s) pressed only on WM_KEYDOWN
                        chars = InterceptKeys.VKCodeToString((uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam),
                            (wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYDOWN ||
                            wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYDOWN));

                        hookedKeyboardCallbackAsync.BeginInvoke((InterceptKeys.KeyEvent)wParam.ToUInt32(), Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam), chars, null, null);
            catch (Exception e)

            return InterceptKeys.CallNextHookEx(hookId, nCode, wParam, lParam);
Example #9
 public Log4JEventProperty(IntPtr name, UIntPtr nameSize, IntPtr value, UIntPtr valueSize)
     Name = name;
     NameSize = nameSize;
     Value = value;
     ValueSize = valueSize;
Example #10
        public static unsafe void TestCtor_VoidPointer_ToPointer()
            void* pv = new UIntPtr(42).ToPointer();

            VerifyPointer(new UIntPtr(pv), 42);
            VerifyPointer((UIntPtr)pv, 42);
Example #11
 public static extern int RegQueryValueEx(
   UIntPtr hKey,
   string lpValueName,
   int lpReserved,
   out uint lpType,
   StringBuilder lpData,
   ref uint lpcbData);
Example #12
 private static extern IntPtr SendMessageTimeout(IntPtr hWnd,
                                                 uint Msg,
                                                 UIntPtr wParam,
                                                 UIntPtr lParam,
                                                 SendMessageTimeoutFlags fuFlags,
                                                 uint uTimeout,
                                                 out UIntPtr lpdwResult);
Example #13
		public MemoryBlock(UIntPtr start, long size)
#if !MONO
			Start = Kernel32.VirtualAlloc(start, checked((UIntPtr)size),
				Kernel32.AllocationType.RESERVE | Kernel32.AllocationType.COMMIT,
			if (Start == UIntPtr.Zero)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("VirtualAlloc() returned NULL");
			if (start != UIntPtr.Zero)
				End = (UIntPtr)((long)start + size);
				End = (UIntPtr)((long)Start + size);
			Size = (long)End - (long)Start;
			Start = LibC.mmap(start, checked((UIntPtr)size), 0, LibC.MapType.MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, IntPtr.Zero);
			if (Start == UIntPtr.Zero)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("mmap() returned NULL");
			End = (UIntPtr)((long)Start + size);
			Size = (long)End - (long)Start;
Example #14
File: Hash.cs Project: sothis/libk
 public Hash(HashKind hashsum, int output_bits)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_hash_init(hashsum, (uint)output_bits)) == (UIntPtr)0)
Example #15
 static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
     string lpBuffer,
     UIntPtr nSize,
     out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten
 /// <summary>
 /// Private Constructor, only called by the getter for the InstalledDevices property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Position of this device in the list of all devices.</param>
 /// <param name="caps">Win32 Struct with device metadata</param>
 private OutputDevice(UIntPtr deviceId, Win32API.MIDIOUTCAPS caps)
     : base(caps.szPname)
     this.deviceId = deviceId;
     this.caps = caps;
     this.isOpen = false;
        /// <summary>
        ///   The delegate with a signature that matches the native checkout progress_cb function's signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The path that was updated.</param>
        /// <param name="completedSteps">The number of completed steps.</param>
        /// <param name="totalSteps">The total number of steps.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">Payload object.</param>
        private void OnGitCheckoutProgress(IntPtr str, UIntPtr completedSteps, UIntPtr totalSteps, IntPtr payload)
            // Convert null strings into empty strings.
            string path = (str != IntPtr.Zero) ? Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(str) : string.Empty;

            onCheckoutProgress(path, (int)completedSteps, (int)totalSteps);
Example #18
 public Streamcipher(StreamcipherKind algorithm, int noncebits)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_sc_init(algorithm, (uint)noncebits)) == (UIntPtr)0)
        public static byte[] PackRpcDefinition(NtRpcDefinition def, out UIntPtr packedLen)
            WireEncoder enc = new WireEncoder();

            int paramsSize = def.ParamsArray.Length;
            if (paramsSize > 0xff) paramsSize = 0xff;
            for (int i = 0; i < paramsSize; ++i)

            int resultsSize = def.ResultsArray.Length;
            if (resultsSize > 0xff) resultsSize = 0xff;
            for (int i = 0; i < resultsSize; ++i)
            packedLen = (UIntPtr)enc.Buffer.Length;
            return enc.Buffer;
Example #20
		/// <include file='ManagedHooks.xml' path='Docs/KeyboardHook/HookCallback/*'/>
		protected override void HookCallback(int code, UIntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
            if (KeyboardEvent == null)

			int vkCode = 0;
			KeyboardEvents kEvent = (KeyboardEvents)wparam.ToUInt32();

			if (kEvent != KeyboardEvents.KeyDown		&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.KeyUp			&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.SystemKeyDown	&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.SystemKeyUp)

			GetKeyboardReading(wparam, lparam, ref vkCode);
			VirtualKeys vk = (VirtualKeys)vkCode;
			System.Windows.Forms.Keys key  = ConvertKeyCode(vk);

			if (key == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Attn)

			KeyboardEvent(kEvent, key);
Example #21
 public static extern int RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(
     UIntPtr hKey,
     bool bWatchSubtree,
     uint dwNotifyFilter,
     SafeWaitHandle hEvent,
     bool fAsynchronous
Example #22
        private int LineCallback(GitDiffDelta delta, GitDiffRange range, GitDiffLineOrigin lineorigin, IntPtr content, UIntPtr contentlen, IntPtr payload)
            string decodedContent = Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(content, (int)contentlen);

            string prefix;

            switch (lineorigin)
                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                    prefix = string.Empty;

            return 0;
Example #23
 public static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
     IntPtr lpBuffer,
     uint nSize,
     UIntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten
Example #24
 public static UIntPtr KeyboardHook(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
         if (nCode == 0)
             var wm = (WinAPI.WM)wParam.ToUInt32();
             Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT keyboardHookStruct = (Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT));
             if (OnKeyboardInputReceived(wm, keyboardHookStruct))
                 return new UIntPtr(1);
     catch (Exception ex)
         return Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
     catch (Exception ex)
     return new UIntPtr(1);
Example #25
 public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(
     UIntPtr hKey,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpSubKey,
     uint ulOptions,
     uint samDesired,
     out UIntPtr phkResult
Example #26
        private int HunkCallback(GitDiffDelta delta, GitDiffRange range, IntPtr header, UIntPtr headerlen, IntPtr payload)
            string decodedContent = Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(header, (int)headerlen);

            return 0;
		static bool PlaySound (
		byte [] ptrToSound,
		UIntPtr hmod,
		SoundFlags flags)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Override F1 to prevent it from getting to MSHTML. Will fire the HelpRequested
        /// event when the F1 key is pressed
        /// </summary>
        protected override IntPtr OnKeyHooked(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            // only process HC_ACTION
            if (nCode == HC.ACTION)
                // We want one key event per key key-press. To do this we need to
                // mask out key-down repeats and key-ups by making sure that bits 30
                // and 31 of the lParam are NOT set. Bit 30 specifies the previous
                // key state. The value is 1 if the key is down before the message is
                // sent; it is 0 if the key is up. Bit 31 specifies the transition
                // state. The value is 0 if the key is being pressed and 1 if it is
                // being released. Therefore, we are only interested in key events
                // where both bits are set to 0. To test for both of these bits being
                // set to 0 we use the constant REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK.
                const uint REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK = 0xC0000000;
                if (((uint)lParam & REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK) == 0)
                    // extract the keyCode and combine with modifier keys
                    Keys keyCombo =
                        ((Keys)(int)wParam & Keys.KeyCode) | KeyboardHelper.GetModifierKeys();

                    if (_tabs.CheckForTabSwitch(keyCombo))
                        return new IntPtr(1);

            // key not handled by our hook, continue processing
            return CallNextHook(nCode, wParam, lParam);
        private ExceptionDispatchInfo(Exception exception)
            // Copy over the details we need to save.
            m_Exception = exception;
#if MONO
			var count = exception.captured_traces == null ? 0 : exception.captured_traces.Length;
			var stack_traces = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace [count + 1];
			if (count != 0)
				Array.Copy (exception.captured_traces, 0, stack_traces, 0, count);

			stack_traces [count] = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace (exception, 0, true);
			m_stackTrace = stack_traces;
            m_remoteStackTrace = exception.RemoteStackTrace;
            // NOTE: don't be tempted to pass the fields for the out params; the containing object
            //       might be relocated during the call so the pointers will no longer be valid.
            object stackTrace;
            object dynamicMethods;
            m_Exception.GetStackTracesDeepCopy(out stackTrace, out dynamicMethods);
            m_stackTrace = stackTrace;
            m_dynamicMethods = dynamicMethods;

            m_IPForWatsonBuckets = exception.IPForWatsonBuckets;
            m_WatsonBuckets = exception.WatsonBuckets;                                                        
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a processor affinity mask for the current thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mask">A thread affinity mask where each bit set to 1 specifies a logical processor on which this thread is allowed to run. 
 /// <remarks>Note: a thread cannot specify a broader set of CPUs than those specified in the process affinity mask.</remarks> 
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The previous affinity mask for the current thread.</returns>
 public static UIntPtr SetThreadAffinityMask(UIntPtr mask)
     UIntPtr lastaffinity = Win32Native.SetThreadAffinityMask(Win32Native.GetCurrentThread(), mask);
     if (lastaffinity == UIntPtr.Zero)
         throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
     return lastaffinity;
 public AddrinfoW(int Flags = default, int Family = default, int Socktype = default, int Protocol = default, System.UIntPtr Addrlen = default, ref ptr <ushort> Canonname = default, System.UIntPtr Addr = default, ref ptr <AddrinfoW> Next = default)
     this.Flags     = Flags;
     this.Family    = Family;
     this.Socktype  = Socktype;
     this.Protocol  = Protocol;
     this.Addrlen   = Addrlen;
     this.Canonname = Canonname;
     this.Addr      = Addr;
     this.Next      = Next;
Example #32
 public static extern bool PlaySound
     string pszSound,
     System.UIntPtr hmod,
     uint fdwSound
Example #33
 private static void fetch(this ptr <Link> _addr_ll, System.UIntPtr s)
     ref Link ll = ref _addr_ll.val;
Example #34
 public static extern uint ZDICT_isError(size_t code);
Example #35
 public static extern uint ZSTD_isError(size_t code);
Example #36
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_NewTensor(TFDataType dataType, IntPtr zeroDims, int num_dims, IntPtr data, size_t len, Deallocator deallocator, IntPtr deallocator_arg);
Example #37
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(TFDataType dataType, IntPtr zeroDim, int num_dims, size_t len);
Example #38
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(TFDataType dataType, long[] dims, int num_dims, size_t len);
Example #39
 public bucket(ref ptr <bucket> next = default, ref ptr <bucket> allnext = default, bucketType typ = default, System.UIntPtr hash = default, System.UIntPtr size = default, System.UIntPtr nstk = default)
 {    = next;
     this.allnext = allnext;
     this.typ     = typ;
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.size    = size;
     this.nstk    = nstk;
Example #40
 public heapArena(array <byte> bitmap = default, array <ptr <mspan> > spans = default, array <byte> pageInUse = default, array <byte> pageMarks = default, array <byte> pageSpecials = default, System.UIntPtr zeroedBase = default)
     this.bitmap       = bitmap;
     this.spans        = spans;
     this.pageInUse    = pageInUse;
     this.pageMarks    = pageMarks;
     this.pageSpecials = pageSpecials;
     this.zeroedBase   = zeroedBase;
Example #41
 public functab(System.UIntPtr entry = default, System.UIntPtr funcoff = default)
     this.entry   = entry;
     this.funcoff = funcoff;
Example #42
 public moduledata(slice <byte> pclntable = default, slice <functab> ftab = default, slice <uint> filetab = default, System.UIntPtr findfunctab = default, System.UIntPtr minpc = default, System.UIntPtr maxpc = default, System.UIntPtr text = default, System.UIntPtr etext = default, System.UIntPtr noptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr data = default, System.UIntPtr edata = default, System.UIntPtr bss = default, System.UIntPtr ebss = default, System.UIntPtr noptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr end = default, System.UIntPtr gcdata = default, System.UIntPtr gcbss = default, System.UIntPtr types = default, System.UIntPtr etypes = default, slice <textsect> textsectmap = default, slice <int> typelinks = default, slice <ptr <itab> > itablinks = default, slice <ptabEntry> ptab = default, @string pluginpath = default, slice <modulehash> pkghashes = default, @string modulename = default, slice <modulehash> modulehashes = default, byte hasmain = default, bitvector gcdatamask = default, bitvector gcbssmask = default, map <typeOff, ptr <_type> > typemap = default, bool bad = default, ref ptr <moduledata> next = default)
     this.pclntable    = pclntable;
     this.ftab         = ftab;
     this.filetab      = filetab;
     this.findfunctab  = findfunctab;
     this.minpc        = minpc;
     this.maxpc        = maxpc;
     this.text         = text;
     this.etext        = etext;
     this.noptrdata    = noptrdata;
     this.enoptrdata   = enoptrdata;         = data;
     this.edata        = edata;
     this.bss          = bss;
     this.ebss         = ebss;
     this.noptrbss     = noptrbss;
     this.enoptrbss    = enoptrbss;
     this.end          = end;
     this.gcdata       = gcdata;
     this.gcbss        = gcbss;
     this.types        = types;
     this.etypes       = etypes;
     this.textsectmap  = textsectmap;
     this.typelinks    = typelinks;
     this.itablinks    = itablinks;
     this.ptab         = ptab;
     this.pluginpath   = pluginpath;
     this.pkghashes    = pkghashes;
     this.modulename   = modulename;
     this.modulehashes = modulehashes;
     this.hasmain      = hasmain;
     this.gcdatamask   = gcdatamask;
     this.gcbssmask    = gcbssmask;
     this.typemap      = typemap;
     this.bad          = bad;         = next;
Example #43
 public chantype(_type typ = default, ref ptr <_type> elem = default, System.UIntPtr dir = default)
     this.typ  = typ;
     this.elem = elem;
     this.dir  = dir;
Example #44
 private static extern unsafe size_t TF_StringEncode(byte *src, size_t src_len, sbyte *dst, size_t dst_len, TF_Status status);
Example #45
 public static extern size_t ZSTD_compressBound(size_t srcSize);
Example #46
 private static extern unsafe size_t TF_StringDecode(sbyte *src, size_t src_len, sbyte **dst, size_t *dst_len, TF_Status status);
Example #47
 public static extern size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(byte[] dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity, byte[] samplesBuffer, size_t[] samplesSizes, uint nbSamples);
Example #48
 public stkframe(funcInfo fn = default, System.UIntPtr pc = default, System.UIntPtr continpc = default, System.UIntPtr lr = default, System.UIntPtr sp = default, System.UIntPtr fp = default, System.UIntPtr varp = default, System.UIntPtr argp = default, System.UIntPtr arglen = default, ref ptr <bitvector> argmap = default)
     this.fn       = fn;
     this.pc       = pc;
     this.continpc = continpc;       = lr;
     this.sp       = sp;
     this.fp       = fp;
     this.varp     = varp;
     this.argp     = argp;
     this.arglen   = arglen;
     this.argmap   = argmap;
Example #49
 public static extern IntPtr ZDICT_getErrorName(size_t code);
Example #50
 public _defer(int siz = default, bool started = default, bool heap = default, bool openDefer = default, System.UIntPtr sp = default, System.UIntPtr pc = default, ref ptr <funcval> fn = default, ref ptr <_panic> _panic = default, ref ptr <_defer> link = default, unsafe.Pointer fd = default, System.UIntPtr varp = default, System.UIntPtr framepc = default)
Example #51
 public static extern uint vbyte_encode(uint[] @in, size_t length, byte[] bout);
 public sigactiont(System.UIntPtr sa_handler = default, ulong sa_flags = default, System.UIntPtr sa_restorer = default, ulong sa_mask = default)
     this.sa_handler  = sa_handler;
     this.sa_flags    = sa_flags;
     this.sa_restorer = sa_restorer;
     this.sa_mask     = sa_mask;
Example #53
 private static extern size_t TF_StringEncodedSize(size_t len);
Example #54
 private static (System.UIntPtr, error) getPagefileUsage()
     System.UIntPtr _p0 = default;
     error          _p0 = default !;
 private static extern void mouse_event(MouseFlags dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, System.UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
Example #56
 public rtype(System.UIntPtr size = default, System.UIntPtr ptrdata = default, uint hash = default, tflag tflag = default, byte align = default, byte fieldAlign = default, byte kind = default, Func <unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer, bool> equal = default, ref ptr <byte> gcdata = default, nameOff str = default, typeOff ptrToThis = default)
 public TransmitFileBuffers(System.UIntPtr Head = default, uint HeadLength = default, System.UIntPtr Tail = default, uint TailLength = default)
     this.Head       = Head;
     this.HeadLength = HeadLength;
     this.Tail       = Tail;
     this.TailLength = TailLength;
 public memRecordCycle(System.UIntPtr allocs = default, System.UIntPtr frees = default, System.UIntPtr alloc_bytes = default, System.UIntPtr free_bytes = default)
     this.allocs      = allocs;
     this.frees       = frees;
     this.alloc_bytes = alloc_bytes;
     this.free_bytes  = free_bytes;
Example #59
 public arrayType(rtype rtype = default, ref ptr <rtype> elem = default, ref ptr <rtype> slice = default, System.UIntPtr len = default)
     this.m_rtypeRef = new ptr <rtype>(rtype);
     this.elem       = elem;
     this.slice      = slice;
     this.len        = len;
 public dirInfo(System.UIntPtr dir = default)
     this.dir = dir;