internal static extern void RealTimeMultiplayerManager_SendUnreliableMessage(
     HandleRef self,
  /* from(RealTimeRoom_t) */IntPtr room,
  /* from(MultiplayerParticipant_t const *) */IntPtr[] participants,
  /* from(size_t) */UIntPtr participants_size,
  /* from(uint8_t const *) */byte[] data,
  /* from(size_t) */UIntPtr data_size);
Esempio n. 2
 public MemoryBlock(UIntPtr size)
     size = (UIntPtr)(((long)size + 0xFFFFL) & ~0xFFFFL);
     this.size = size;
     location = VirtualAlloc((IntPtr)0, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
     security = MemoryBlockSecurity.ReadWrite;
Esempio n. 3
 public static extern bool VirtualProtectEx(
         IntPtr hProcess
     ,   IntPtr lpAddress
     ,   UIntPtr dwSize
     ,   uint flNewProtect
     ,   out uint lpflOldProtect
		public IntPtr NativeCallback (IntPtr register_buffer, IntPtr content_buffer, IntPtr start, IntPtr end, out UIntPtr length, IntPtr user_data)
			try {
				ulong mylength;

				byte [] __ret = managed (GLib.Object.GetObject(register_buffer) as Gtk.TextBuffer, GLib.Object.GetObject(content_buffer) as Gtk.TextBuffer, Gtk.TextIter.New (start), Gtk.TextIter.New (end), out mylength);

				length = new UIntPtr (mylength);

				IntPtr ret_ptr;
				if (mylength > 0) {
					ret_ptr = GLib.Marshaller.Malloc ((ulong)(Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(byte)) * (int)mylength));
					Marshal.Copy (__ret, 0, ret_ptr, (int)mylength);
				} else {
					ret_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

				if (release_on_call)
					gch.Free ();
				return ret_ptr;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
				// NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
				throw e;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void TestUseCase(Assert assert)

            var t1 = new Type();
            assert.Ok(t1 != null, "#565 t1");

            var t2 = new ValueType();
            assert.Ok(t2 != null, "#565 t2");

            var t3 = new IntPtr();
            assert.Ok(t3.GetType() == typeof(IntPtr) , "#565 t3");

            var t4 = new UIntPtr();
            assert.Ok(t4.GetType() == typeof(UIntPtr), "#565 t4");

            var t5 = new ParamArrayAttribute();
            assert.Ok(t5 != null, "#565 t5");

            var t6 = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
            assert.Ok(t6.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle), "#565 t6");

            var t7 = new RuntimeFieldHandle();
            assert.Ok(t7.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeFieldHandle), "#565 t7");
Esempio n. 6
 public Streamcipher(BlockcipherKind algorithm, BlockcipherModeKind mode, int max_workers)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_sc_init_with_blockcipher(algorithm, mode, (UIntPtr)max_workers)) == (UIntPtr)0)
Esempio n. 7
		public void SetDateTime (OciHandle handle, OciErrorHandle errorHandle,
					short year, byte month, byte day,
					byte hour, byte min, byte sec, uint fsec, string timezone)
			// Get size of buffer
			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			int status = OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, null, timezone, ref rsizep);

			// Fill buffer
			rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
			byte[] bytes = new byte[rsize];
			if (status == 0 && rsize > 0)
				OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, bytes, timezone, ref rsizep);

			if (fsec > 0)
				fsec = fsec * 1000000;

			uint timezoneSize = (uint) bytes.Length;
			OciCalls.OCIDateTimeConstruct (handle,
				errorHandle, this.Handle,
				year, month, day,
				hour, min, sec, fsec,
				bytes, timezoneSize);

			//uint valid = 0;
			//int result = OciCalls.OCIDateTimeCheck (handle,
			//	errorHandle, this.Handle, out valid);
Esempio n. 8
        private IntPtr LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            string chars = "";
                if (nCode >= 0)
                    if (wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYDOWN ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYUP ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
                        wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYUP)
                        // Captures the character(s) pressed only on WM_KEYDOWN
                        chars = InterceptKeys.VKCodeToString((uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam),
                            (wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_KEYDOWN ||
                            wParam.ToUInt32() == (int)InterceptKeys.KeyEvent.WM_SYSKEYDOWN));

                        hookedKeyboardCallbackAsync.BeginInvoke((InterceptKeys.KeyEvent)wParam.ToUInt32(), Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam), chars, null, null);
            catch (Exception e)

            return InterceptKeys.CallNextHookEx(hookId, nCode, wParam, lParam);
Esempio n. 9
 public Log4JEventProperty(IntPtr name, UIntPtr nameSize, IntPtr value, UIntPtr valueSize)
     Name = name;
     NameSize = nameSize;
     Value = value;
     ValueSize = valueSize;
Esempio n. 10
        public static unsafe void TestCtor_VoidPointer_ToPointer()
            void* pv = new UIntPtr(42).ToPointer();

            VerifyPointer(new UIntPtr(pv), 42);
            VerifyPointer((UIntPtr)pv, 42);
Esempio n. 11
 public static extern int RegQueryValueEx(
   UIntPtr hKey,
   string lpValueName,
   int lpReserved,
   out uint lpType,
   StringBuilder lpData,
   ref uint lpcbData);
Esempio n. 12
 private static extern IntPtr SendMessageTimeout(IntPtr hWnd,
                                                 uint Msg,
                                                 UIntPtr wParam,
                                                 UIntPtr lParam,
                                                 SendMessageTimeoutFlags fuFlags,
                                                 uint uTimeout,
                                                 out UIntPtr lpdwResult);
Esempio n. 13
		public MemoryBlock(UIntPtr start, long size)
#if !MONO
			Start = Kernel32.VirtualAlloc(start, checked((UIntPtr)size),
				Kernel32.AllocationType.RESERVE | Kernel32.AllocationType.COMMIT,
			if (Start == UIntPtr.Zero)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("VirtualAlloc() returned NULL");
			if (start != UIntPtr.Zero)
				End = (UIntPtr)((long)start + size);
				End = (UIntPtr)((long)Start + size);
			Size = (long)End - (long)Start;
			Start = LibC.mmap(start, checked((UIntPtr)size), 0, LibC.MapType.MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, IntPtr.Zero);
			if (Start == UIntPtr.Zero)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("mmap() returned NULL");
			End = (UIntPtr)((long)Start + size);
			Size = (long)End - (long)Start;
Esempio n. 14
File: Hash.cs Progetto: sothis/libk
 public Hash(HashKind hashsum, int output_bits)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_hash_init(hashsum, (uint)output_bits)) == (UIntPtr)0)
Esempio n. 15
 static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
     string lpBuffer,
     UIntPtr nSize,
     out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten
 /// <summary>
 /// Private Constructor, only called by the getter for the InstalledDevices property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Position of this device in the list of all devices.</param>
 /// <param name="caps">Win32 Struct with device metadata</param>
 private OutputDevice(UIntPtr deviceId, Win32API.MIDIOUTCAPS caps)
     : base(caps.szPname)
     this.deviceId = deviceId;
     this.caps = caps;
     this.isOpen = false;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        ///   The delegate with a signature that matches the native checkout progress_cb function's signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The path that was updated.</param>
        /// <param name="completedSteps">The number of completed steps.</param>
        /// <param name="totalSteps">The total number of steps.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">Payload object.</param>
        private void OnGitCheckoutProgress(IntPtr str, UIntPtr completedSteps, UIntPtr totalSteps, IntPtr payload)
            // Convert null strings into empty strings.
            string path = (str != IntPtr.Zero) ? Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(str) : string.Empty;

            onCheckoutProgress(path, (int)completedSteps, (int)totalSteps);
Esempio n. 18
 public Streamcipher(StreamcipherKind algorithm, int noncebits)
     if (UnmanagedError.RegisterThread() != ErrorKind.K_ESUCCESS)
         throw new Exception("unable to register libk error handler");
     if ((context = SafeNativeMethods.k_sc_init(algorithm, (uint)noncebits)) == (UIntPtr)0)
        public static byte[] PackRpcDefinition(NtRpcDefinition def, out UIntPtr packedLen)
            WireEncoder enc = new WireEncoder();

            int paramsSize = def.ParamsArray.Length;
            if (paramsSize > 0xff) paramsSize = 0xff;
            for (int i = 0; i < paramsSize; ++i)

            int resultsSize = def.ResultsArray.Length;
            if (resultsSize > 0xff) resultsSize = 0xff;
            for (int i = 0; i < resultsSize; ++i)
            packedLen = (UIntPtr)enc.Buffer.Length;
            return enc.Buffer;
Esempio n. 20
		/// <include file='ManagedHooks.xml' path='Docs/KeyboardHook/HookCallback/*'/>
		protected override void HookCallback(int code, UIntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
            if (KeyboardEvent == null)

			int vkCode = 0;
			KeyboardEvents kEvent = (KeyboardEvents)wparam.ToUInt32();

			if (kEvent != KeyboardEvents.KeyDown		&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.KeyUp			&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.SystemKeyDown	&&
				kEvent != KeyboardEvents.SystemKeyUp)

			GetKeyboardReading(wparam, lparam, ref vkCode);
			VirtualKeys vk = (VirtualKeys)vkCode;
			System.Windows.Forms.Keys key  = ConvertKeyCode(vk);

			if (key == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Attn)

			KeyboardEvent(kEvent, key);
Esempio n. 21
 public static extern int RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(
     UIntPtr hKey,
     bool bWatchSubtree,
     uint dwNotifyFilter,
     SafeWaitHandle hEvent,
     bool fAsynchronous
Esempio n. 22
        private int LineCallback(GitDiffDelta delta, GitDiffRange range, GitDiffLineOrigin lineorigin, IntPtr content, UIntPtr contentlen, IntPtr payload)
            string decodedContent = Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(content, (int)contentlen);

            string prefix;

            switch (lineorigin)
                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                case GitDiffLineOrigin.GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT:
                    prefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new[] { (byte)lineorigin });

                    prefix = string.Empty;

            return 0;
Esempio n. 23
 public static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
     IntPtr lpBuffer,
     uint nSize,
     UIntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten
Esempio n. 24
 public static UIntPtr KeyboardHook(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
         if (nCode == 0)
             var wm = (WinAPI.WM)wParam.ToUInt32();
             Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT keyboardHookStruct = (Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT));
             if (OnKeyboardInputReceived(wm, keyboardHookStruct))
                 return new UIntPtr(1);
     catch (Exception ex)
         return Mubox.WinAPI.WindowHook.CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
     catch (Exception ex)
     return new UIntPtr(1);
Esempio n. 25
 public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(
     UIntPtr hKey,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpSubKey,
     uint ulOptions,
     uint samDesired,
     out UIntPtr phkResult
Esempio n. 26
        private int HunkCallback(GitDiffDelta delta, GitDiffRange range, IntPtr header, UIntPtr headerlen, IntPtr payload)
            string decodedContent = Utf8Marshaler.FromNative(header, (int)headerlen);

            return 0;
		static bool PlaySound (
		byte [] ptrToSound,
		UIntPtr hmod,
		SoundFlags flags)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Override F1 to prevent it from getting to MSHTML. Will fire the HelpRequested
        /// event when the F1 key is pressed
        /// </summary>
        protected override IntPtr OnKeyHooked(int nCode, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            // only process HC_ACTION
            if (nCode == HC.ACTION)
                // We want one key event per key key-press. To do this we need to
                // mask out key-down repeats and key-ups by making sure that bits 30
                // and 31 of the lParam are NOT set. Bit 30 specifies the previous
                // key state. The value is 1 if the key is down before the message is
                // sent; it is 0 if the key is up. Bit 31 specifies the transition
                // state. The value is 0 if the key is being pressed and 1 if it is
                // being released. Therefore, we are only interested in key events
                // where both bits are set to 0. To test for both of these bits being
                // set to 0 we use the constant REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK.
                const uint REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK = 0xC0000000;
                if (((uint)lParam & REDUNDANT_KEY_EVENT_MASK) == 0)
                    // extract the keyCode and combine with modifier keys
                    Keys keyCombo =
                        ((Keys)(int)wParam & Keys.KeyCode) | KeyboardHelper.GetModifierKeys();

                    if (_tabs.CheckForTabSwitch(keyCombo))
                        return new IntPtr(1);

            // key not handled by our hook, continue processing
            return CallNextHook(nCode, wParam, lParam);
Esempio n. 29
        private ExceptionDispatchInfo(Exception exception)
            // Copy over the details we need to save.
            m_Exception = exception;
#if MONO
			var count = exception.captured_traces == null ? 0 : exception.captured_traces.Length;
			var stack_traces = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace [count + 1];
			if (count != 0)
				Array.Copy (exception.captured_traces, 0, stack_traces, 0, count);

			stack_traces [count] = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace (exception, 0, true);
			m_stackTrace = stack_traces;
            m_remoteStackTrace = exception.RemoteStackTrace;
            // NOTE: don't be tempted to pass the fields for the out params; the containing object
            //       might be relocated during the call so the pointers will no longer be valid.
            object stackTrace;
            object dynamicMethods;
            m_Exception.GetStackTracesDeepCopy(out stackTrace, out dynamicMethods);
            m_stackTrace = stackTrace;
            m_dynamicMethods = dynamicMethods;

            m_IPForWatsonBuckets = exception.IPForWatsonBuckets;
            m_WatsonBuckets = exception.WatsonBuckets;                                                        
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a processor affinity mask for the current thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mask">A thread affinity mask where each bit set to 1 specifies a logical processor on which this thread is allowed to run. 
 /// <remarks>Note: a thread cannot specify a broader set of CPUs than those specified in the process affinity mask.</remarks> 
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The previous affinity mask for the current thread.</returns>
 public static UIntPtr SetThreadAffinityMask(UIntPtr mask)
     UIntPtr lastaffinity = Win32Native.SetThreadAffinityMask(Win32Native.GetCurrentThread(), mask);
     if (lastaffinity == UIntPtr.Zero)
         throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
     return lastaffinity;
Esempio n. 31
 public AddrinfoW(int Flags = default, int Family = default, int Socktype = default, int Protocol = default, System.UIntPtr Addrlen = default, ref ptr <ushort> Canonname = default, System.UIntPtr Addr = default, ref ptr <AddrinfoW> Next = default)
     this.Flags     = Flags;
     this.Family    = Family;
     this.Socktype  = Socktype;
     this.Protocol  = Protocol;
     this.Addrlen   = Addrlen;
     this.Canonname = Canonname;
     this.Addr      = Addr;
     this.Next      = Next;
Esempio n. 32
 public static extern bool PlaySound
     string pszSound,
     System.UIntPtr hmod,
     uint fdwSound
Esempio n. 33
 private static void fetch(this ptr <Link> _addr_ll, System.UIntPtr s)
     ref Link ll = ref _addr_ll.val;
Esempio n. 34
 public static extern uint ZDICT_isError(size_t code);
Esempio n. 35
 public static extern uint ZSTD_isError(size_t code);
Esempio n. 36
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_NewTensor(TFDataType dataType, IntPtr zeroDims, int num_dims, IntPtr data, size_t len, Deallocator deallocator, IntPtr deallocator_arg);
Esempio n. 37
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(TFDataType dataType, IntPtr zeroDim, int num_dims, size_t len);
Esempio n. 38
 private static extern unsafe TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(TFDataType dataType, long[] dims, int num_dims, size_t len);
Esempio n. 39
 public bucket(ref ptr <bucket> next = default, ref ptr <bucket> allnext = default, bucketType typ = default, System.UIntPtr hash = default, System.UIntPtr size = default, System.UIntPtr nstk = default)
 {    = next;
     this.allnext = allnext;
     this.typ     = typ;
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.size    = size;
     this.nstk    = nstk;
Esempio n. 40
 public heapArena(array <byte> bitmap = default, array <ptr <mspan> > spans = default, array <byte> pageInUse = default, array <byte> pageMarks = default, array <byte> pageSpecials = default, System.UIntPtr zeroedBase = default)
     this.bitmap       = bitmap;
     this.spans        = spans;
     this.pageInUse    = pageInUse;
     this.pageMarks    = pageMarks;
     this.pageSpecials = pageSpecials;
     this.zeroedBase   = zeroedBase;
Esempio n. 41
 public functab(System.UIntPtr entry = default, System.UIntPtr funcoff = default)
     this.entry   = entry;
     this.funcoff = funcoff;
Esempio n. 42
 public moduledata(slice <byte> pclntable = default, slice <functab> ftab = default, slice <uint> filetab = default, System.UIntPtr findfunctab = default, System.UIntPtr minpc = default, System.UIntPtr maxpc = default, System.UIntPtr text = default, System.UIntPtr etext = default, System.UIntPtr noptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrdata = default, System.UIntPtr data = default, System.UIntPtr edata = default, System.UIntPtr bss = default, System.UIntPtr ebss = default, System.UIntPtr noptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr enoptrbss = default, System.UIntPtr end = default, System.UIntPtr gcdata = default, System.UIntPtr gcbss = default, System.UIntPtr types = default, System.UIntPtr etypes = default, slice <textsect> textsectmap = default, slice <int> typelinks = default, slice <ptr <itab> > itablinks = default, slice <ptabEntry> ptab = default, @string pluginpath = default, slice <modulehash> pkghashes = default, @string modulename = default, slice <modulehash> modulehashes = default, byte hasmain = default, bitvector gcdatamask = default, bitvector gcbssmask = default, map <typeOff, ptr <_type> > typemap = default, bool bad = default, ref ptr <moduledata> next = default)
     this.pclntable    = pclntable;
     this.ftab         = ftab;
     this.filetab      = filetab;
     this.findfunctab  = findfunctab;
     this.minpc        = minpc;
     this.maxpc        = maxpc;
     this.text         = text;
     this.etext        = etext;
     this.noptrdata    = noptrdata;
     this.enoptrdata   = enoptrdata;         = data;
     this.edata        = edata;
     this.bss          = bss;
     this.ebss         = ebss;
     this.noptrbss     = noptrbss;
     this.enoptrbss    = enoptrbss;
     this.end          = end;
     this.gcdata       = gcdata;
     this.gcbss        = gcbss;
     this.types        = types;
     this.etypes       = etypes;
     this.textsectmap  = textsectmap;
     this.typelinks    = typelinks;
     this.itablinks    = itablinks;
     this.ptab         = ptab;
     this.pluginpath   = pluginpath;
     this.pkghashes    = pkghashes;
     this.modulename   = modulename;
     this.modulehashes = modulehashes;
     this.hasmain      = hasmain;
     this.gcdatamask   = gcdatamask;
     this.gcbssmask    = gcbssmask;
     this.typemap      = typemap;
     this.bad          = bad;         = next;
Esempio n. 43
 public chantype(_type typ = default, ref ptr <_type> elem = default, System.UIntPtr dir = default)
     this.typ  = typ;
     this.elem = elem;
     this.dir  = dir;
Esempio n. 44
 private static extern unsafe size_t TF_StringEncode(byte *src, size_t src_len, sbyte *dst, size_t dst_len, TF_Status status);
Esempio n. 45
 public static extern size_t ZSTD_compressBound(size_t srcSize);
Esempio n. 46
 private static extern unsafe size_t TF_StringDecode(sbyte *src, size_t src_len, sbyte **dst, size_t *dst_len, TF_Status status);
Esempio n. 47
 public static extern size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(byte[] dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity, byte[] samplesBuffer, size_t[] samplesSizes, uint nbSamples);
Esempio n. 48
 public stkframe(funcInfo fn = default, System.UIntPtr pc = default, System.UIntPtr continpc = default, System.UIntPtr lr = default, System.UIntPtr sp = default, System.UIntPtr fp = default, System.UIntPtr varp = default, System.UIntPtr argp = default, System.UIntPtr arglen = default, ref ptr <bitvector> argmap = default)
     this.fn       = fn;
     this.pc       = pc;
     this.continpc = continpc;       = lr;
     this.sp       = sp;
     this.fp       = fp;
     this.varp     = varp;
     this.argp     = argp;
     this.arglen   = arglen;
     this.argmap   = argmap;
Esempio n. 49
 public static extern IntPtr ZDICT_getErrorName(size_t code);
Esempio n. 50
 public _defer(int siz = default, bool started = default, bool heap = default, bool openDefer = default, System.UIntPtr sp = default, System.UIntPtr pc = default, ref ptr <funcval> fn = default, ref ptr <_panic> _panic = default, ref ptr <_defer> link = default, unsafe.Pointer fd = default, System.UIntPtr varp = default, System.UIntPtr framepc = default)
Esempio n. 51
 public static extern uint vbyte_encode(uint[] @in, size_t length, byte[] bout);
 public sigactiont(System.UIntPtr sa_handler = default, ulong sa_flags = default, System.UIntPtr sa_restorer = default, ulong sa_mask = default)
     this.sa_handler  = sa_handler;
     this.sa_flags    = sa_flags;
     this.sa_restorer = sa_restorer;
     this.sa_mask     = sa_mask;
Esempio n. 53
 private static extern size_t TF_StringEncodedSize(size_t len);
Esempio n. 54
 private static (System.UIntPtr, error) getPagefileUsage()
     System.UIntPtr _p0 = default;
     error          _p0 = default !;
 private static extern void mouse_event(MouseFlags dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, System.UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
Esempio n. 56
 public rtype(System.UIntPtr size = default, System.UIntPtr ptrdata = default, uint hash = default, tflag tflag = default, byte align = default, byte fieldAlign = default, byte kind = default, Func <unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer, bool> equal = default, ref ptr <byte> gcdata = default, nameOff str = default, typeOff ptrToThis = default)
 public TransmitFileBuffers(System.UIntPtr Head = default, uint HeadLength = default, System.UIntPtr Tail = default, uint TailLength = default)
     this.Head       = Head;
     this.HeadLength = HeadLength;
     this.Tail       = Tail;
     this.TailLength = TailLength;
Esempio n. 58
 public memRecordCycle(System.UIntPtr allocs = default, System.UIntPtr frees = default, System.UIntPtr alloc_bytes = default, System.UIntPtr free_bytes = default)
     this.allocs      = allocs;
     this.frees       = frees;
     this.alloc_bytes = alloc_bytes;
     this.free_bytes  = free_bytes;
Esempio n. 59
 public arrayType(rtype rtype = default, ref ptr <rtype> elem = default, ref ptr <rtype> slice = default, System.UIntPtr len = default)
     this.m_rtypeRef = new ptr <rtype>(rtype);
     this.elem       = elem;
     this.slice      = slice;
     this.len        = len;
Esempio n. 60
 public dirInfo(System.UIntPtr dir = default)
     this.dir = dir;