ToUInt64() public method

public ToUInt64 ( ) : ulong
return ulong
		public void SetDateTime (OciHandle handle, OciErrorHandle errorHandle,
					short year, byte month, byte day,
					byte hour, byte min, byte sec, uint fsec, string timezone)
			// Get size of buffer
			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			int status = OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, null, timezone, ref rsizep);

			// Fill buffer
			rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
			byte[] bytes = new byte[rsize];
			if (status == 0 && rsize > 0)
				OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (handle, bytes, timezone, ref rsizep);

			if (fsec > 0)
				fsec = fsec * 1000000;

			uint timezoneSize = (uint) bytes.Length;
			OciCalls.OCIDateTimeConstruct (handle,
				errorHandle, this.Handle,
				year, month, day,
				hour, min, sec, fsec,
				bytes, timezoneSize);

			//uint valid = 0;
			//int result = OciCalls.OCIDateTimeCheck (handle,
			//	errorHandle, this.Handle, out valid);
        private NativeScoreEntry GetElement(UIntPtr index)
            if (index.ToUInt64() >= Length().ToUInt64())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            return new NativeScoreEntry(
                ScorePage.ScorePage_Entries_GetElement(SelfPtr(), index));
        internal static void InternalOnDataReceived(
            IntPtr room, IntPtr participant, IntPtr data, UIntPtr dataLength, bool isReliable,
            IntPtr userData)
            GooglePlayGames.OurUtils.Logger.d("Entering InternalOnDataReceived: " + userData.ToInt64());

            var callback = Callbacks.IntPtrToPermanentCallback
            <Action<NativeRealTimeRoom, MultiplayerParticipant, byte[], bool>>(userData);

            using (var nativeRoom = NativeRealTimeRoom.FromPointer(room))
                using (var nativeParticipant = MultiplayerParticipant.FromPointer(participant))
                    if (callback == null)

                    byte[] convertedData = null;

                    if (dataLength.ToUInt64() != 0)
                        convertedData = new byte[dataLength.ToUInt32()];
                        Marshal.Copy(data, convertedData, 0, (int)dataLength.ToUInt32());

                        callback(nativeRoom, nativeParticipant, convertedData, isReliable);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        GooglePlayGames.OurUtils.Logger.e("Error encountered executing InternalOnDataReceived. " +
                            "Smothering to avoid passing exception into Native: " + e);
Example #4
		public IDebuggerValue Create(UIntPtr value) {
			return debugger.Dispatcher.UI(() => {
				var res = CreateNoConstructorUI(appDomain.UIntPtr).CorValue;
				Debug.Assert(res.DereferencedValue != null && res.DereferencedValue.BoxedValue != null);
				res = res.DereferencedValue.BoxedValue;
				if (value != UIntPtr.Zero) {
					var bytes = UIntPtr.Size == 4 ?
							BitConverter.GetBytes(value.ToUInt32()) :
				return new DebuggerValue(debugger, res);
Example #5
            private static unsafe int Write(
                ref GitOid oid,
                IntPtr backend,
                IntPtr data,
                UIntPtr len,
                Core.GitObjectType type)
                OdbBackend odbBackend = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(backend, GitOdbBackend.GCHandleOffset)).Target as OdbBackend;

                ObjectType objectType = type.ToObjectType();

                if (odbBackend != null &&
                    len.ToUInt64() < long.MaxValue)
                        using (UnmanagedMemoryStream stream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte*)data, (long)len.ToUInt64()))
                            byte[] finalOid;

                            int toReturn = odbBackend.Write(oid.Id, stream, (long)len.ToUInt64(), objectType, out finalOid);

                            if (0 == toReturn)
                                oid.Id = finalOid;

                            return toReturn;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex);

                return (int)GitErrorCode.Error;
            private unsafe static int Read(
                IntPtr stream,
                IntPtr buffer,
                UIntPtr buf_size,
                out UIntPtr bytes_read)
                bytes_read = UIntPtr.Zero;

                SmartSubtransportStream transportStream = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(stream, GitSmartSubtransportStream.GCHandleOffset)).Target as SmartSubtransportStream;

                if (transportStream != null &&
                    buf_size.ToUInt64() < (ulong)long.MaxValue)
                    using (UnmanagedMemoryStream memoryStream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte*)buffer, 0, (long)buf_size.ToUInt64(), FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                            long longBytesRead;

                            int toReturn = transportStream.Read(memoryStream, (long)buf_size.ToUInt64(), out longBytesRead);

                            bytes_read = new UIntPtr((ulong)Math.Max(0, longBytesRead));

                            return toReturn;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Net, ex);

                return (int)GitErrorCode.Error;
Example #7
		internal string GetOracleVersion ()
			byte[] buffer = new Byte[256];
			uint bufflen = (uint) buffer.Length;

			IntPtr sh = oci.ServiceContext;
			IntPtr eh = oci.ErrorHandle;

			OciCalls.OCIServerVersion (sh, eh, ref buffer,  bufflen, OciHandleType.Service);
			// Get length of returned string
			ulong 	rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			IntPtr	env = oci.Environment;
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, null, buffer, ref rsizep);
			// Get string
			rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
			StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder((int)rsize);
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, ret, buffer, ref rsizep);

			return ret.ToString ();
Example #8
        private ReturnCode OnAiFileSeekProc(IntPtr file, UIntPtr offset, Origin seekOrigin)
            if(m_filePtr != file)
                return ReturnCode.Failure;

            ReturnCode code = ReturnCode.Failure;

                code = Seek((long) offset.ToUInt64(), seekOrigin);
            catch(Exception) { /*Assimp will report an IO error*/ }

            return code;
Example #9
 public override void ParseScriptText(string code, string itemName, object context, string delimiter, UIntPtr sourceContext, uint startingLineNumber, ScriptTextFlags flags, IntPtr pVarResult, out EXCEPINFO excepInfo)
     activeScriptParse.ParseScriptText(code, itemName, context, delimiter, sourceContext.ToUInt64(), startingLineNumber, flags, pVarResult, out excepInfo);
Example #10
		public static OciErrorInfo HandleError (OciHandle hwnd, int status) 
			OciErrorInfo info;
			info.ErrorCode = status;
			info.ErrorMessage = OciGlue.ReturnCodeToString (status);

			if (status == OciGlue.OCI_ERROR || status == OciGlue.OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
				OciHandle h = hwnd;
				if (h == null)
					throw new Exception ("Internal driver error: handle is null.");
				ulong errbufSize = 4096;
				UIntPtr errbufSizep = new UIntPtr (errbufSize);
				IntPtr errbuf = OciCalls.AllocateClear ((int)errbufSize);

				OciCalls.OCIErrorGet (hwnd,
					out info.ErrorCode,
					(uint) errbufSize,

				byte[] bytea = new byte[errbufSize];
				Marshal.Copy (errbuf, bytea, 0, (int)errbufSize);
				errbufSize = 0;

				// first call to OCICharSetToUnicode gets the size
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (h, null, bytea, ref errbufSizep);
				errbufSize = errbufSizep.ToUInt64 ();
				StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ((int)errbufSize);

				// second call to OCICharSetToUnicode gets the string
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (h, str, bytea, ref errbufSizep);

				string errmsg = String.Empty;
				if (errbufSize > 0) {
					errmsg = str.ToString ();
					info.ErrorMessage = String.Copy (errmsg);
				Marshal.FreeHGlobal (errbuf);
			return info;
Example #11
		private void GetOutValue (OracleCommand cmd)
			// used to update the parameter value
			// for Output, the output of InputOutput, and Return parameters
			value = DBNull.Value;
			if (indicator == -1)

			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			IntPtr env = IntPtr.Zero;
			StringBuilder ret = null;

			// FIXME: redo all types - see how Char, Number, and Date are done
			// here and in Bind()

			switch (ociType) {
			case OciDataType.VarChar2:
			case OciDataType.String:
			case OciDataType.VarChar:
			case OciDataType.Char:
			case OciDataType.CharZ:
			case OciDataType.OciString:
			case OciDataType.RowIdDescriptor:
				// Get length of returned string
				rsize = 0;
				env = cmd.Connection.Environment;
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, null, bytes, ref rsizep);

				// Get string
				rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
				ret = new StringBuilder((int)rsize);
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, ret, bytes, ref rsizep);

				value = ret.ToString ();
			case OciDataType.Long:
			case OciDataType.LongVarChar:
				int longSize = 0;
				if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
					longSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte [] {bytes [0], bytes [1], bytes [2], bytes [3]}, 0);
					longSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte [] {bytes [3], bytes [2], bytes [1], bytes [0]}, 0);

				ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding ();
				value = encoding.GetString (bytes, 4, longSize);
				encoding = null;
			case OciDataType.LongRaw:
			case OciDataType.LongVarRaw:
				int longrawSize = 0;
				if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
					longrawSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte [] {bytes [0], bytes [1], bytes [2], bytes [3]}, 0);
					longrawSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte [] {bytes [3], bytes [2], bytes [1], bytes [0]}, 0);

				byte[] longraw_buffer = new byte [longrawSize];
				Array.ConstrainedCopy (bytes, 4, longraw_buffer, 0, longrawSize);
				value = longraw_buffer;
			case OciDataType.Raw:
			case OciDataType.VarRaw:
				int rawSize = 0;
				if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
					rawSize = (int) BitConverter.ToInt16 (new byte [] {bytes [0], bytes [1]}, 0);
					rawSize = (int) BitConverter.ToInt16 (new byte [] {bytes [1], bytes [0]}, 0);

				byte[] raw_buffer = new byte [rawSize];
				Array.ConstrainedCopy (bytes, 2, raw_buffer, 0, rawSize);
				value = raw_buffer;
			case OciDataType.Integer:
			case OciDataType.Number:
			case OciDataType.Float:
				rsize = 0;
				env = cmd.Connection.Environment;
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, null, bytes, ref rsizep);

				// Get string
				rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
				ret = new StringBuilder((int)rsize);
				OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, ret, bytes, ref rsizep);

				// if not empty, parse string as a decimal using session format
				if (ret.Length > 0) {
					switch (dbType) {
					case DbType.UInt16: 
						value = UInt16.Parse (ret.ToString (), cmd.Connection.SessionFormatProvider);
					case DbType.UInt32: 
						value = UInt32.Parse (ret.ToString (), cmd.Connection.SessionFormatProvider);
					case DbType.Int16:
						value = Int16.Parse (ret.ToString (), cmd.Connection.SessionFormatProvider);
					case DbType.Int32:
						value = Int32.Parse (ret.ToString (), cmd.Connection.SessionFormatProvider);
						value = Decimal.Parse (ret.ToString (), cmd.Connection.SessionFormatProvider);
			case OciDataType.TimeStamp:
				value = dateTimeDesc.GetDateTime (connection.Environment, dateTimeDesc.ErrorHandle);
			case OciDataType.Date:
				value = UnpackDate (bytes);
			case OciDataType.Blob:
			case OciDataType.Clob:
				if (value != null && value is OracleLob && value != OracleLob.Null) {
					OracleLob lob2 = (OracleLob) value;
					lob2.connection = connection;
				else {
					OracleLob lob = new OracleLob (lobLocator, ociType);
					lob.connection = connection;
					value = lob;
			case OciDataType.RSet: // REF CURSOR				
				OciStatementHandle cursorStatement = GetOutRefCursor (cmd);
				value = new OracleDataReader (cursorStatement.Command, cursorStatement, true, CommandBehavior.Default);
				throw new NotImplementedException ("Data Type not implemented: " + ociType.ToString() + ".");
Example #12
        private static void VerifyPointer(UIntPtr ptr, ulong expected)
            Assert.Equal(expected, ptr.ToUInt64());

            uint expected32 = (uint)expected;
            if (expected32 != expected)
                Assert.Throws<OverflowException>(() => ptr.ToUInt32());

            Assert.Equal(expected32, ptr.ToUInt32());

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), ptr.ToString());

            Assert.Equal(ptr, new UIntPtr(expected));
            Assert.True(ptr == new UIntPtr(expected));
            Assert.False(ptr != new UIntPtr(expected));

            Assert.NotEqual(ptr, new UIntPtr(expected + 1));
            Assert.False(ptr == new UIntPtr(expected + 1));
            Assert.True(ptr != new UIntPtr(expected + 1));
        private static bool[] GetBooleanArrayFromPtr(IntPtr ptr, UIntPtr size)
            int iSize = (int)size.ToUInt64();

            bool[] bArr = new bool[iSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
                IntPtr data = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + sizeof(int) * i);
                bArr[i] = (int)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(int)) != 0;
            return bArr;
 //Must be null terminated
 internal static byte[] ReadUTF8StringToByteArray(IntPtr str, UIntPtr size)
     int iSize = (int)size.ToUInt64();
     byte[] data = new byte[iSize];
     Marshal.Copy(str, data, 0, iSize);
     return data;
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the free and total amount of GPU memory on the current devide
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="free">The free amount of GPU memory</param>
 /// <param name="total">The total amount of GPU memory</param>
 public static void GetGpuMemInfo(out ulong free, out ulong total)
     UIntPtr f = new UIntPtr(), t = new UIntPtr();
      getGpuMemInfo(ref f, ref t);
      free = f.ToUInt64();
      total = t.ToUInt64();
Example #16
                internal object GetValue (IFormatProvider formatProvider, OracleConnection conn)
			object tmp;

			byte [] buffer = null;

			switch (DataType) {
			case OciDataType.VarChar2:
			case OciDataType.String:
			case OciDataType.VarChar:
			case OciDataType.Char:
			case OciDataType.CharZ:
			case OciDataType.OciString:
			case OciDataType.RowIdDescriptor:
				buffer = new byte [Size];
				Marshal.Copy (Value, buffer, 0, Size);

				// Get length of returned string
				ulong 	rsize = 0;
				UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
				//IntPtr	env = Parent.Parent;	// Parent is statement, grandparent is environment
				IntPtr env = conn.Environment;
				int status = OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, null, buffer, ref rsizep);
				OciErrorHandle.ThrowExceptionIfError (ErrorHandle, status);

				// Get string
				rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
				StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder((int)rsize);
				status = OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (env, ret, buffer, ref rsizep);
				OciErrorHandle.ThrowExceptionIfError (ErrorHandle, status);

				return ret.ToString ();
			case OciDataType.LongVarChar:
			case OciDataType.Long:
				buffer = new byte [LongVarCharMaxValue];
				Marshal.Copy (Value, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

				int longSize = 0;
				if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
					longSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte[]{buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]}, 0);
					longSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte[]{buffer[3], buffer[2], buffer[1], buffer[0]}, 0);

				ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding ();
				string e = encoding.GetString (buffer, 4, longSize);
				return e;
			case OciDataType.Integer:
			case OciDataType.Number:
			case OciDataType.Float:
			case OciDataType.VarNum:
			case OciDataType.UnsignedInt:
				tmp = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (Value, Size);
				if (tmp != null)
					return Decimal.Parse (String.Copy ((string) tmp), formatProvider);
			case OciDataType.TimeStamp:
				return dateTimeDesc.GetDateTime (conn.Environment, dateTimeDesc.ErrorHandle);
			case OciDataType.Date:
				return UnpackDate ();
			case OciDataType.Raw:
			case OciDataType.VarRaw:
				byte [] raw_buffer = new byte [Size];
				Marshal.Copy (Value, raw_buffer, 0, Size);
				return raw_buffer;
			case OciDataType.LongRaw:
			case OciDataType.LongVarRaw:
				buffer = new byte [LongVarRawMaxValue];
				Marshal.Copy (Value, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

				int longrawSize = 0;
				if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
					longrawSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte[]{buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]}, 0);
					longrawSize = BitConverter.ToInt32 (new byte[]{buffer[3], buffer[2], buffer[1], buffer[0]}, 0);

				byte[] longraw_buffer = new byte [longrawSize];
				Array.ConstrainedCopy (buffer, 4, longraw_buffer, 0, longrawSize);
				return longraw_buffer;
			case OciDataType.Blob:
			case OciDataType.Clob:
				return GetOracleLob ();
			case OciDataType.IntervalDayToSecond:
				return new OracleTimeSpan (intervalDesc.GetDayToSecond (conn.Environment, intervalDesc.ErrorHandle));
			case OciDataType.IntervalYearToMonth:
				return new OracleMonthSpan (intervalDesc.GetYearToMonth (conn.Environment, intervalDesc.ErrorHandle));
				throw new Exception("OciDataType not implemented: " + DataType.ToString ());

			return DBNull.Value;
Example #17
		public static OciErrorInfo HandleError (OciHandle hand)
			OciErrorInfo info;
			info.ErrorCode = 0;
			info.ErrorMessage = String.Empty;

			ulong errbufSize = 4096;
			UIntPtr errbufSizep = new UIntPtr (errbufSize);
			IntPtr errbuf = OciCalls.AllocateClear ((int)errbufSize);

			OciCalls.OCIErrorGet (hand,
				out info.ErrorCode,
				(uint) errbufSize,

			byte[] bytea = new byte[errbufSize];
			Marshal.Copy (errbuf, bytea, 0, (int)errbufSize);
			errbufSize = 0;

			OciHandle h = hand.Parent;
			if (h == null)
				h = hand;
			if (h == null)
				throw new Exception ("Internal driver error: handle is null.");

			// first call to OCICharSetToUnicode gets the size
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (h, null, bytea, ref errbufSizep);
			errbufSize = errbufSizep.ToUInt64 ();
			StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ((int)errbufSize);

			// second call to OCICharSetToUnicode gets the string
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (h, str, bytea, ref errbufSizep);

			string errmsg = String.Empty;
			if (errbufSize > 0)
				errmsg = str.ToString ();
				errmsg = "Internal driver error. Could not retrieve error message.";

			info.ErrorMessage = String.Copy (errmsg);
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal (errbuf);

			return info;
Example #18
		internal void Bind (OciStatementHandle statement, OracleConnection con, uint pos)
			connection = con;

			if (bindHandle == null)
				bindHandle = new OciBindHandle ((OciHandle) statement);

			IntPtr tmpHandle = bindHandle.Handle;

			if (Direction != ParameterDirection.Input)
				AssertSizeIsSet ();
			if (!sizeSet)
				size = InferSize ();

			bindSize = size;
			object v = value;
			int status = 0;
			bindType = ociType;
			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			string svalue;
			string sDate;
			DateTime dt;
			bool isnull = false;
			int byteCount;
			byte[] byteArrayLen;

			if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
				if (v == null)
					isnull = true;
				else if (v is DBNull)
					isnull = true;
				else {
					INullable mynullable = v as INullable;
					if (mynullable != null)
						isnull = mynullable.IsNull;

			if (isnull == true && direction == ParameterDirection.Input) {
				indicator = 0;
				bindType = OciDataType.VarChar2;
				bindSize = 0;
			} else {
				switch(ociType) {
				case OciDataType.VarChar2:
				case OciDataType.String:
				case OciDataType.VarChar:
				case OciDataType.Char:
				case OciDataType.CharZ:
				case OciDataType.OciString:
					bindType = OciDataType.String;
					indicator = 0;
					svalue = "\0";
					// convert value from managed type to type to marshal
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {

						svalue = v.ToString ();

						if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input && size > 0 && svalue.Length > size)
							svalue = svalue.Substring(0, size);

						svalue = svalue.ToString () + '\0';
						// convert managed type to memory allocated earlier
						// in this case using OCIUnicodeToCharSet
						rsize = 0;
						// Get size of buffer
						status = OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, null, svalue, ref rsizep);
						rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
						if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input)
							bindSize = (int)rsize;
						else {
							// this cannot be rsize because you need room for the output after the execute
							bindSize = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount (Size + 1);

						// allocate memory based on bind size
						bytes = new byte [bindSize];

						// Fill buffer
						status = OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, bytes, svalue, ref rsizep);
					} else {
						// for Output and ReturnValue parameters, get size in bytes 					
						bindSize = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount (size + 1);
						// allocate memory for oracle to place the results for the Return or Output param						
						bytes = new byte [bindSize];
				case OciDataType.Date:
					bindType = OciDataType.Date;
					bindSize = 7;
					// convert value from managed type to type to marshal
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {

						if (isnull)
							bytes = new byte [7];
						else {
							sDate = "";
							dt = DateTime.MinValue;
							if (v is String) {
								sDate = (string) v;
								dt = DateTime.Parse (sDate);
							else if (v is DateTime)
								dt = (DateTime) v;
							else if (v is OracleString) {
								sDate = v.ToString ();
								dt = DateTime.Parse (sDate);
							else if (v is OracleDateTime) {
								OracleDateTime odt = (OracleDateTime) v;
								dt = (DateTime) odt.Value;
								throw new NotImplementedException ("For OracleType.DateTime, data type not implemented: " + v.GetType().ToString() + ".");

							// for Input and InputOuput, create byte array and pack DateTime into it
							bytes = PackDate (dt);
					} else	{
						// allocate 7-byte array for Output and ReturnValue to put date
						bytes = new byte [7];
				case OciDataType.TimeStamp:
					dateTimeDesc = (OciDateTimeDescriptor) connection.Environment.Allocate (OciHandleType.TimeStamp);
					if (dateTimeDesc == null) {
						OciErrorInfo info = connection.ErrorHandle.HandleError ();
						throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage);
					dateTimeDesc.ErrorHandle = connection.ErrorHandle;
					bindSize = 11;
					bindType = OciDataType.TimeStamp;
					bindOutValue = dateTimeDesc.Handle;
					bindValue = dateTimeDesc.Handle;
					useRef = true;
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {

						dt = DateTime.MinValue;
						sDate = "";
						if (isnull)
							indicator = -1;
						else if (v is String) {
							sDate = (string) v;
							dt = DateTime.Parse (sDate);
						else if (v is DateTime)
							dt = (DateTime) v;
						else if (v is OracleString) {
							sDate = (string) v;
							dt = DateTime.Parse (sDate);
						else if (v is OracleDateTime) {
							OracleDateTime odt = (OracleDateTime) v;
							dt = (DateTime) odt.Value;
							throw new NotImplementedException ("For OracleType.Timestamp, data type not implemented: " + v.GetType().ToString()); // ?

						short year = (short) dt.Year;
						byte month = (byte) dt.Month;
						byte day = (byte) dt.Day;
						byte hour = (byte) dt.Hour;
						byte min = (byte) dt.Minute;
						byte sec = (byte) dt.Second;
						uint fsec = (uint) dt.Millisecond;
						string timezone = "";
						dateTimeDesc.SetDateTime (connection.Session,
							year, month, day, hour, min, sec, fsec,
				case OciDataType.Integer:
				case OciDataType.Float:
				case OciDataType.Number:
					bindType = OciDataType.String;
					indicator = 0;
					svalue = "\0";
					// convert value from managed type to type to marshal
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {

						svalue = null;
						if(v is IFormattable)
							svalue = ((IFormattable)v).ToString (null, con.SessionFormatProvider);
						else if (v is OracleNumber)
							svalue = ((OracleNumber)v).ToString(con.SessionFormatProvider);
							svalue = v.ToString();

						svalue = svalue + "\0";

						rsize = 0;
						// Get size of buffer
						OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, null, svalue, ref rsizep);

						// Fill buffer 
						rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
						if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input)
							bindSize = (int)rsize;
							bindSize = 30; // need room for output possibly being bigger than the input
						bytes = new byte [bindSize];
						OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, bytes, svalue, ref rsizep);
					} else {
						// Output and ReturnValue parameters allocate memory
						bindSize = 30;
						bytes = new byte [bindSize];
				case OciDataType.Long:
				case OciDataType.LongVarChar:
					bindType = OciDataType.LongVarChar;

					// FIXME: use piecewise fetching for Long, Clob, Blob, and Long Raw
					// See
					bindSize = Size + 5; // 4 bytes prepended for length, bytes, 1 byte NUL character

					indicator = 0;
					svalue = "\0";
					// convert value from managed type to type to marshal
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {

						svalue = v.ToString () + '\0';

					bytes = new byte [bindSize];
					// LONG is only ANSI 
					ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding ();
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
						if (svalue.Length > 0) {	
							byteCount = enc.GetBytes (svalue, 4, svalue.Length, bytes, 0);
							// LONG VARCHAR prepends a 4-byte length
							if (byteCount > 0) {
								byteArrayLen = BitConverter.GetBytes ((uint) byteCount);
								bytes[0] = byteArrayLen[0];
								bytes[1] = byteArrayLen[1];
								bytes[2] = byteArrayLen[2];
								bytes[3] = byteArrayLen[3];
				case OciDataType.Clob:
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input) {
						svalue = v.ToString();
						rsize = 0;

						// Get size of buffer
						OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, null, svalue, ref rsizep);

						// Fill buffer
						rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
						bytes = new byte[rsize];
						OciCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (statement.Parent, bytes, svalue, ref rsizep);

						bindType = OciDataType.Long;
						bindSize = bytes.Length;
					else if (direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
						// not the exact error that .net 2.0 throws, but this is better
						throw new NotImplementedException ("Parameters of OracleType.Clob with direction of InputOutput are not supported.");
					else {
						// Output and Return parameters
						bindSize = -1;
						lobLocator = (OciLobLocator) connection.Environment.Allocate (OciHandleType.LobLocator);
						if (lobLocator == null) {
							OciErrorInfo info = connection.ErrorHandle.HandleError ();
							throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage);
						bindOutValue = lobLocator.Handle;
						bindValue = lobLocator.Handle;
						lobLocator.ErrorHandle = connection.ErrorHandle;
						lobLocator.Service = statement.Service;
						lobLocator.Environment = connection.Environment;
						useRef = true;
				case OciDataType.Blob:
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input) {
						if (v is byte[]) {
							bytes = (byte[]) v;
							bindType = OciDataType.LongRaw;
							bindSize = bytes.Length;
						else if (v is OracleLob) {
							OracleLob lob = (OracleLob) v;
							if (lob.LobType == OracleType.Blob) {
								lobLocator = lob.Locator;
								bindOutValue = lobLocator.Handle;
								bindValue = lobLocator.Handle;
								lobLocator.ErrorHandle = connection.ErrorHandle;
								lobLocator.Service = connection.ServiceContext;
								useRef = true;
								throw new NotImplementedException("For OracleType.Blob, data type OracleLob of LobType Clob/NClob is not implemented.");
							throw new NotImplementedException ("For OracleType.Blob, data type not implemented: " + v.GetType().ToString()); // ?
					else if (direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
						// not the exact error that .net 2.0 throws, but this is better
						throw new NotImplementedException ("Parameters of OracleType.Blob with direction of InputOutput are not supported.");
					else {
						bindSize = -1;
						if (value != null && value is OracleLob) {
							OracleLob blob = (OracleLob) value;
							if (blob.LobType == OracleType.Blob)
								if (value != OracleLob.Null) {
									lobLocator = blob.Locator;
									byte[] bs = (byte[]) blob.Value;
									bindSize = bs.Length;
						if (lobLocator == null) {
							lobLocator = (OciLobLocator) connection.Environment.Allocate (OciHandleType.LobLocator);
							if (lobLocator == null) {
								OciErrorInfo info = connection.ErrorHandle.HandleError ();
								throw new OracleException (info.ErrorCode, info.ErrorMessage);
						bindOutValue = lobLocator.Handle;
						bindValue = lobLocator.Handle;
						lobLocator.ErrorHandle = connection.ErrorHandle;
						lobLocator.Service = connection.ServiceContext;
						lobLocator.Environment = connection.Environment;
						useRef = true;
				case OciDataType.Raw:
				case OciDataType.VarRaw:
					bindType = OciDataType.VarRaw;
					bindSize = Size + 2; // include 2 bytes prepended to hold the length
					indicator = 0;
					bytes = new byte [bindSize];
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
						byteCount = 0;
						byte[] val;
						if (dbType == DbType.Guid)
							val = ((Guid)v).ToByteArray();
							val = v as byte[];
						if (val.Length > 0) {	
							byteCount = val.Length;
							// LONG VARRAW prepends a 4-byte length
							if (byteCount > 0) {
								byteArrayLen = BitConverter.GetBytes ((ushort) byteCount);
								bytes[0] = byteArrayLen[0];
								bytes[1] = byteArrayLen[1];
								Array.ConstrainedCopy (val, 0, bytes, 2, byteCount);
				case OciDataType.LongRaw:
				case OciDataType.LongVarRaw:
					bindType = OciDataType.LongVarRaw;
					bindSize = Size + 4; // include 4 bytes prepended to hold the length
					indicator = 0;
					bytes = new byte [bindSize];
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
						byteCount = 0;
						byte[] val = v as byte[];
						if (val.Length > 0) {	
							byteCount = val.Length;
							// LONG VARRAW prepends a 4-byte length
							if (byteCount > 0) {
								byteArrayLen = BitConverter.GetBytes ((uint) byteCount);
								bytes[0] = byteArrayLen[0];
								bytes[1] = byteArrayLen[1];
								bytes[2] = byteArrayLen[2];
								bytes[3] = byteArrayLen[3];
								Array.ConstrainedCopy (val, 0, bytes, 4, byteCount);
				case OciDataType.RowIdDescriptor:
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Output || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue) {

					size = 10;
					bindType = OciDataType.Char;
					bindSize = size * 2;
					bindOutValue = OciCalls.AllocateClear (bindSize);
					bindValue = bindOutValue;
					} else
						throw new NotImplementedException("data type RowIdDescriptor as Intput parameters");
				case OciDataType.RSet: // REF CURSOR
					if (direction == ParameterDirection.Output || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput || 
						direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue) {

						cursor = IntPtr.Zero;
						OciCalls.OCIHandleAlloc (connection.Environment,
							out cursor,
							bindSize = 0;
						bindType = OciDataType.RSet;
					} else
						throw new NotImplementedException ("data type Ref Cursor not implemented for Input parameters");
					throw new NotImplementedException ("Data Type not implemented: " + ociType.ToString() + ".");
			// Now, call the appropriate OCI Bind function;

			if (useRef == true) {
				if (bindType == OciDataType.TimeStamp) {
					bindValue = dateTimeDesc.Handle;
					status = OciCalls.OCIBindByNameRef (statement,
						out tmpHandle,
						ref bindValue,
						ref indicator,
				else {
					status = OciCalls.OCIBindByNameRef (statement,
						out tmpHandle,
						ref bindValue,
						ref indicator,
			else if (bindType == OciDataType.RSet) {
				status = OciCalls.OCIBindByNameRef (statement,
					out tmpHandle,
					ref cursor,
					ref indicator,
			else if (bytes != null) {
				status = OciCalls.OCIBindByNameBytes (statement,
					out tmpHandle,
					ref indicator,
			else {
				status = OciCalls.OCIBindByName (statement,
					out tmpHandle,
					ParameterName.Length, // FIXME: this should be in bytes!
					ref indicator,
			OciErrorHandle.ThrowExceptionIfError (connection.ErrorHandle, status);

			bindHandle.SetHandle (tmpHandle);
Example #19
        public static IEnumerable<_Disasm> Disassemble(byte[] data, UIntPtr address, Architecture architecture)
            GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            UInt64 EndCodeSection = (UInt64)h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + (ulong)data.Length;

            _Disasm d = new _Disasm();
            d.InstructionPointer = (UIntPtr)h.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64();
            d.VirtualAddr = address.ToUInt64();
            d.Architecture = architecture;
            bool error = false;
            while (!error)
                d.SecurityBlock = (uint)(EndCodeSection - d.InstructionPointer.ToUInt64());

                d.Length = BeaEngine.Disassemble(ref d);
                if (d.Length == BeaEngine.OutOfBlock)
                    Console.WriteLine("disasm engine is not allowed to read more memory.");
                    error = true;
                else if (d.Length == BeaEngine.UnknownOpcode)
                    _Disasm yieldedInst = d;
                    d.InstructionPointer = d.InstructionPointer + 1;
                    d.VirtualAddr = d.VirtualAddr + 1;
                    yield return yieldedInst;
                    _Disasm yieldedInst = d;
                    d.InstructionPointer = d.InstructionPointer + d.Length;
                    d.VirtualAddr = d.VirtualAddr + (ulong)d.Length;
                    if (d.InstructionPointer.ToUInt64() >= EndCodeSection)
                        error = true;

                    yield return yieldedInst;

            yield break;
Example #20
        internal static long ConverToLong(UIntPtr len)
            if (len.ToUInt64() > long.MaxValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                        "Provided length ({0}) exceeds long.MaxValue ({1}).",
                        len.ToUInt64(), long.MaxValue));

            return (long)len.ToUInt64();
Example #21
 public override void EnumCodeContextsOfPosition(UIntPtr sourceContext, uint offset, uint length, out IEnumDebugCodeContexts enumContexts)
     var del = RawCOMHelpers.GetMethodDelegate<RawEnumCodeContextsOfPosition>(pActiveScriptDebug, 5);
     RawCOMHelpers.HResult.Check(del(pActiveScriptDebug, sourceContext.ToUInt64(), offset, length, out enumContexts));
 internal static byte[] GetRawDataFromPtr(IntPtr ptr, UIntPtr size)
     int len = (int)size.ToUInt64();
     byte[] data = new byte[len];
     Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, len);
     return data;
Example #23
        private UIntPtr OnAiFileWriteProc(IntPtr file, IntPtr dataToWrite, UIntPtr sizeOfElemInBytes, UIntPtr numElements)
            if(m_filePtr != file)
                return UIntPtr.Zero;

            long longSize = (long) sizeOfElemInBytes.ToUInt64();
            long longNum = (long) numElements.ToUInt64();
            long count = longSize * longNum;

            byte[] byteBuffer = GetByteBuffer(longSize, longNum);
            MemoryHelper.Read<byte>(dataToWrite, byteBuffer, 0, (int) count);

            long actualCount = 0;

                actualCount = Write(byteBuffer, count);
            catch(Exception) { /*Assimp will report an IO error*/ }

            return new UIntPtr((ulong) actualCount);
 //Must be null terminated
 internal static string ReadUTF8String(IntPtr str, UIntPtr size)
     int iSize = (int)size.ToUInt64();
     byte[] data = new byte[iSize];
     Marshal.Copy(str, data, 0, iSize);
     return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
Example #25
		// Get NLS Info
		// handle = OciEnvironmentHandle or OciSessionHandle
		// bufflen = Length of byte buffer to allocate to retrieve the NLS info
		// item = OciNlsServiceType enum value
		// if unsure how much you need, use OciNlsServiceType.MAXBUFSZ
		internal string GetNlsInfo (OciHandle handle, uint bufflen, OciNlsServiceType item)
			byte[] buffer = new Byte[bufflen];

			OciCalls.OCINlsGetInfo (handle, ErrorHandle, 
				ref buffer, bufflen, (ushort) item);

			// Get length of returned string
			ulong rsize = 0;
			UIntPtr rsizep = new UIntPtr (rsize);
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (Environment, null, buffer, ref rsizep);
			// Get string
			rsize = rsizep.ToUInt64 ();
			StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder ((int)rsize);
			OciCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (Environment, ret, buffer, ref rsizep);

			return ret.ToString ();
        private static bool[] GetBooleanArrayFromPtr(IntPtr ptr, UIntPtr size)
            int iSize = (int)size.ToUInt64();

            bool[] bArr = new bool[iSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
                bArr[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr, sizeof(int) * i) != 0;
            return bArr;
            private static unsafe int Write(
                IntPtr stream,
                IntPtr buffer,
                UIntPtr len)
                OdbBackendStream odbBackendStream = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(stream, GitOdbBackendStream.GCHandleOffset)).Target as OdbBackendStream;

                if (odbBackendStream != null &&
                    len.ToUInt64() < long.MaxValue)
                    long length = (long)len.ToUInt64();

                    using (UnmanagedMemoryStream dataStream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte*)buffer, length))
                            return odbBackendStream.Write(dataStream, length);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex);

                return (int)GitErrorCode.Error;
 private static double[] GetDoubleArrayFromPtr(IntPtr ptr, UIntPtr size)
     double[] arr = new double[size.ToUInt64()];
     Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, arr.Length);
     return arr;
Example #29
            private static int WriteStream(
                out IntPtr stream_out,
                IntPtr backend,
                UIntPtr length,
                Core.GitObjectType type)
                stream_out = IntPtr.Zero;

                OdbBackend odbBackend = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(backend, GitOdbBackend.GCHandleOffset)).Target as OdbBackend;

                ObjectType objectType = type.ToObjectType();

                if (odbBackend != null &&
                    length.ToUInt64() < long.MaxValue)
                    OdbBackendStream stream;

                        int toReturn = odbBackend.WriteStream((long)length.ToUInt64(), objectType, out stream);

                        if (0 == toReturn)
                            stream_out = stream.GitOdbBackendStreamPointer;

                        return toReturn;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex);

                return (int)GitErrorCode.Error;
        private static string[] GetStringArrayFromPtr(IntPtr ptr, UIntPtr size)
            int ntStringSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NtStringRead));
            int arraySize = (int)size.ToUInt64();
            string[] strArray = new string[arraySize];

            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                IntPtr data = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + ntStringSize * i);
                strArray[i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(NtStringRead)).ToString();
            return strArray;