         * This will allow the player to choose what resources they loose when
         * the dice land on a "7" while the player has more than 7 resources on hand.
        public void loadPlayerResourceLoss(Player pl)
            //Load the player's resource selectors
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Board.ResourceType resType        = (Board.ResourceType)i;
                ResourceSelector   playerSelector = new ResourceSelector(resType);
                playerSelector.Location = new Point(5, i * playerSelector.Height + 1);
                playerSelector.Click += playerClickResourceSelectorRobber;
            lblInstructions.Visible  = true;
            btnAccept.Enabled        = false;
            initiatingPlayer         = pl;
            lblPlayerTitle.Text      = pl.getName();
            lblPlayerTitle.BackColor = pl.getColor();
            //Disable the cancel button
            btnCancel.Visible = false;
            int numToGive = pl.getTotalResourceCount() / 2; //Since this is an integer, VS will automatically drop the decimal which is essentailly the same as floor(count/2)

            minimumPlayerInput = numToGive;
            //Hide the other section
            lblTradeName.Text = "";
            pnlOther.Visible  = false;
            //Show the player some instructions.
            lblInstructions.Text = "Please select " + numToGive + " resource to give up.";

            btnClearSelection.Click += playerClickResourceSelectorRobber;