var target = new BeginTarget { Name = "MyMobileDevice", Platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, ConnectionType = TargetConnectionType.WiFi, IPAddress = "", UserName = "myusername", Password = "mypassword" }; // Configure device target settings var settings = new TargetSettings { UseLiveReload = true, UseDebugging = true, UseConsoleLog = true }; // Connect to the device target var client = new TargetClient(); var result = await client.ConnectAsync(target, settings); // Deploy mobile app var appPath = "path/to/my/mobile/app.ipa"; var deployResult = await client.DeployAsync(appPath);In this example, a new device target is created for an iOS device with a WiFi connection. The target is then configured with desired settings and connected to using the TargetClient class. Finally, a mobile app is deployed to the target for testing. This package library is part of the Xamarin framework, a popular platform for building cross-platform mobile applications.