string GetOutputIcon(long combine_id_) { ConfCombineFormula data = ConfCombineFormula.Get(combine_id_); long out_put_id = data.outputId; if (0 == out_put_id) { return(null); } switch ((ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE)data.type) { case ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.POLICE: { return(ConfOfficer.Get(ConfProp.Get(out_put_id).officerId).icon); } case ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.COLLECTION: case ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.OTHER: { return(ConfProp.Get(out_put_id).icon); } default: break; } return(null); }
bool RefreshBigStuffs(long id_) { ConfCombineFormula data = ConfCombineFormula.Get(id_); long[] big_props = new long[] { data.propId1, data.propId2, data.propId3, data.propId4, data.propId5, data.propId6 }; int sum = 0; PlayerPropMsg prop_info; bool have; int num; for (int i = 0; i < big_props.Length; ++i) { if (0 == big_props[i]) { m_big_stuffs[i].Visible = false; sum += 1; continue; } prop_info = GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.GetBagInfosByID(big_props[i]); have = null != prop_info ? true : false; sum += have ? 1 : 0; num = have ? prop_info.Count : 0; m_big_stuffs[i].Refresh(big_props[i], num, ConfProp.Get(big_props[i]).icon, have); m_big_stuffs[i].Visible = true; } return(sum >= 6); }
public void Refresh(long item_id_, int cur_count_, int max_count_) { ConfProp tool = ConfProp.Get(item_id_); m_tool_name.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; m_icon.Sprite = tool.icon; m_num.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", cur_count_, max_count_); m_num.color = cur_count_ < max_count_ ? :; m_descs.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(tool.description); List <string> adr_list = new List <string>(); string[] adr_array = tool.address; foreach (var adr in adr_array) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adr)) { continue; } adr_list.Add(adr); } m_address_grid.EnsureSize <AddressItem>(adr_list.Count); for (int i = 0; i < adr_list.Count; ++i) { m_address_grid.GetChild <AddressItem>(i).Refresh(LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(adr_list[i])); } m_bg.Widget.sizeDelta = new Vector2(m_bg.Widget.sizeDelta.x, C_BG_EXCEPT_GRID_H + adr_list.Count * C_ADDRESS_ITEM_H); }
public void SetData(LottoItemProto itemProto, CostType costType, float costValue) { this.m_normalEffect.Visible = !itemProto.Special; this.m_effect.Visible = itemProto.Special; if (itemProto.Special) { } ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(itemProto.PropId); if (prop == null) { return; } m_icon_img.Sprite = prop.icon; m_itemCount_lab.Text = string.Format("x{0}", itemProto.Count); m_itemName_lab.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; if (costType == CostType.CostCash) { m_costType_img.Sprite = "icon_mainpanel_cash_2.png"; } else if (costType == CostType.CostCoin) { m_costType_img.Sprite = "icon_mainpanel_coin_2.png"; } m_costValue_lab.Text = costValue.ToString(); GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.AddSingleBagInfo(itemProto.PropId, itemProto.Count); GameEvents.UIEvents.UI_GameEntry_Event.Listen_OnCombinePropCollected.SafeInvoke(); }
private void OnPropUseTips(long propID, int type, int continueTime) { if (0 == type) { if (propID <= 0) { return; } if (propID == m_propId) { this.m_propUseEffect.Visible = true; this.m_propUseEffect.ReplayEffect(); this.m_propUseEffect.SetEffectHideTime(4f); } } else if (1 == type && m_isArrowTips && !this.m_arrowImg.Visible) { this.m_arrowImg.Visible = true; if (continueTime > 0) { TimeModule.Instance.SetTimeout(OnHideArrow, continueTime); } } else if (2 == type && needForceTips) { PlayerPropMsg propMsg = GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.GetBagInfosByID(this.m_propId); if (propMsg != null && propMsg.Count > 0) { this.m_tishi_02Effect.EffectPrefabName = "UI_daoju_tishi02.prefab"; this.m_tishi_02Effect.Visible = true; this.m_wordHintCom.SetContent(LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(ConfProp.Get(m_propId).description)); this.m_wordHintCom.Visible = true; } } }
private RewardWrapper GetRewardWrapperByTaskRewardData(RewardItemDataWrap reward) { RewardWrapper rw = new RewardWrapper(); rw.m_num = reward.ItemNum; rw.m_id = 0; switch (reward.ItemType) { case RewardItemType.CASH: rw.m_icon = CommonHelper.GetOutputIconName(EUNM_BASE_REWARD.E_CASH); rewardCash += rw.m_num; break; case RewardItemType.COIN: rw.m_icon = CommonHelper.GetOutputIconName(EUNM_BASE_REWARD.E_COIN); rewardCoin += rw.m_num; break; case RewardItemType.EXP: rw.m_icon = CommonHelper.GetOutputIconName(EUNM_BASE_REWARD.E_EXP); rewardExp += rw.m_num; break; case RewardItemType.VIT: rw.m_icon = CommonHelper.GetOutputIconName(EUNM_BASE_REWARD.E_VIT); rewardVit += rw.m_num; break; case RewardItemType.ITEM: rw.m_id = reward.ItemID; rw.m_icon = ConfProp.Get(reward.ItemID).icon; break; } return(rw); }
private void PressDown(GameObject go, Vector2 delta) { if (!m_tips) { return; } if (0 != m_item_id) { Vector2 screenPoint2 = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(CameraManager.Instance.UICamera, this.Widget.position); int address_count = ConfProp.Get(m_item_id).address.Length; ToolTipsData data = new ToolTipsData() { ItemID = m_item_id, CurCount = Num, MaxCount = 0, ScreenPos = screenPoint2 - new Vector2(ToolTipsView.C_WIDTH * 0.5f + m_offset.x /* - this.Widget.sizeDelta.x * 0.5f*/, -10.0f * address_count + m_offset.y), }; FrameMgr.OpenUIParams ui_data = new FrameMgr.OpenUIParams(UIDefine.UI_TOOL_TIPS) { Param = data, }; EngineCoreEvents.UIEvent.ShowUIEventWithParam.SafeInvoke(ui_data); } }
public void SetRandomDropItem(long[] dropItemList, Vector3 pickedPosition) { this.Position = pickedPosition; Vector2 dropPos =; for (int i = 0; i < dropItemList.Length; ++i) { switch (i) { case 0: dropPos.x = -100; break; case 1: dropPos.x = 100; break; case 2: dropPos.y = 20; break; case 3: dropPos.y = -20; break; } this.m_randomItemList[i].Widget.anchoredPosition =; this.m_randomItemList[i].Visible = true; this.m_randomItemList[i].DoEffect(dropPos, ConfProp.Get(dropItemList[i]).icon); } TimeModule.Instance.SetTimeout(() => this.Visible = false, 10f); }
public static bool GetConfig(string fieldName, object fieldValue, out ConfProp config) { DataTable sqReader = SQLiteHelper.Instance().GetSelectWhereCondition("conf_Prop", fieldName, fieldValue); if (sqReader != null) { try { sqReader.Read(); if (sqReader.HasRows) { config = GetConfByDic(sqReader); } else { config = null; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { SqliteDriver.SQLiteHelper.OnError(string.Format("Prop 表找不到列={0} 值={1}的数据\n{2}", fieldName, fieldValue, ex)); } config = null; return(false); } config = null; return(false); }
void RefreshProps(long id_) { ConfCombineFormula data = ConfCombineFormula.Get(id_); m_combine_name_txt.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; long[] big_props = new long[] { data.propId1, data.propId2, data.propId3, data.propId4, data.propId5, data.propId6 }; PlayerPropMsg prop_info; bool have; int num; for (int i = 0; i < big_props.Length; ++i) { if (0 == big_props[i]) { continue; } prop_info = GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.GetBagInfosByID(big_props[i]); have = null != prop_info ? true : false; num = have ? prop_info.Count : 0; m_big_stuffs[i].Refresh(big_props[i], num, ConfProp.Get(big_props[i]).icon, have); } }
bool RefreshSmallStuffs(long id_) { ConfCombineFormula data = ConfCombineFormula.Get(id_); long[] special_props = new long[] { data.specialPropId1, data.specialPropId2, data.specialPropId3, data.specialPropId4 }; int[] special_needs = new int[] { data.special1Count, data.special2Count, data.special3Count, data.special4Count }; int sum = 0; int?cur_num; int need_num; for (int i = 0; i < special_props.Length; ++i) { if (0 == special_props[i]) { m_small_stuffs[i].Visible = false; sum += 1; continue; } cur_num = GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.GetBagInfosByID(special_props[i])?.Count; need_num = special_needs[i]; sum += cur_num.GetValueOrDefault() >= need_num ? 1 : 0; m_small_stuffs[i].Refresh(special_props[i], ConfProp.Get(special_props[i]).icon, cur_num.GetValueOrDefault(), need_num); m_small_stuffs[i].Visible = true; } return(sum >= 4); }
private void InitDialog() { if (m_bagData == null) { return; } ConfProp confProp = m_bagData.prop.prop; m_propName_lab.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; m_icon_img.Sprite = confProp.icon; m_propNum_lab.Text = string.Format("x{0}", m_bagData.prop.num); m_currentNumLab.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString("user_have_icon", m_bagData.prop.num); m_useNum_lab.Text = m_curNum.ToString();//string.Format("{0}/{1}",m_curNum, m_bagData.prop.num); if (m_bagData.infoType == PropInfoTypeEnum.Use) { m_title_lab.Text = "Use Prop"; m_priceNode_lab.SetActive(false); m_getNumNode_lab.SetActive(false); m_getNum_lab.Visible = false; m_yesLab.Visible = true; } else if (m_bagData.infoType == PropInfoTypeEnum.Sale) { m_title_lab.Text = "Sale Prop"; m_priceNode_lab.SetActive(true); m_getNumNode_lab.SetActive(true); m_getNum_lab.Visible = true; m_yesLab.Visible = false; m_propPrice_lab.Text = confProp.price.ToString(); m_getNum_lab.Text = (confProp.price * m_curNum).ToString(); } }
private void AnimOver() { totoalTimeSection = 0f; timesection = 0f; if (m_chooseItemIndex < m_lottoRes.Items.Count) { LottoItemProto itemProto = m_lottoRes.Items[m_chooseItemIndex]; if (itemProto.Special) { m_curLucky = 0; } else { m_curLucky += itemProto.Lucky; } ConfProp rewardProp = ConfProp.Get(itemProto.PropId); if (rewardProp != null) { if (rewardProp.type == (int)GamePropType.Cash) { GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.ChangeCash(itemProto.Count); if (m_cost_type == CostType.CostCash) { SetBuyContent(m_lottoRes.CostValue, GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.Cash); } } else if (rewardProp.type == (int)GamePropType.Coin) { GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.ChangeCoin(itemProto.Count); if (m_cost_type == CostType.CostCoin) { SetBuyContent(m_lottoRes.CostValue, GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.Coin); } } else if (rewardProp.type == (int)GamePropType.BindingEnergy) { GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.ChangeVit(itemProto.Count); } } m_luckValue_lab.Text = m_curLucky.ToString(); if (m_playingAudio != null) { m_playingAudio.Stop(); } //EngineCoreEvents.AudioEvents.s(GameCustomAudioKey.shop_buycoin.ToString(), null); TimeModule.Instance.SetTimeout(() => { m_buy_btn.Visible = true; m_canClose = true; OnActiveAllEffect(false); m_slotResult_com.Visible = true; m_slotResult_com.SetData(itemProto, m_lottoRes.CostType, m_lottoRes.CostValue); }, 1.2f); } m_startBuy = false; m_startSure = false; SetPageState(true); }
public void Refresh(long id_, int num_) { ITEM_ID = id_; var data = ConfProp.Get(id_); m_icon.Sprite = data.icon; m_name_txt.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; m_num_txt.Text = 0 == num_ ? "" : num_.ToString(); }
public string GetPropNameByIndex(int index) { ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(m_itemTable[index].id); if (prop != null) { return(prop.icon); } return(string.Empty); }
public void SetData(long id) { //chooseAction = cb; this.m_id = id; ConfProp confProp = ConfProp.Get(id); this.m_iconImg.Sprite = confProp.icon; this.m_contentLab.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(confProp.description); this.m_titleLab.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; }
public static int GetPropExp(long prop_id_, int num_) { ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(prop_id_); if ((int)PROP_TYPE.E_EXP == prop.type) { return(prop.value * num_); } return(0); }
public void SetBuyItemInfo(SCMarketItemResponse marketItemInfo) { this.m_itemInfo = marketItemInfo; this.m_itemConf = ConfProp.Get(marketItemInfo.MarketItems.SellId); if (this.m_itemConf == null) { DebugUtil.LogError($"no item:{marketItemInfo.MarketItems.SellId}"); } RefreshUI(); }
private void OnSkillFinish(long carryId) { ConfProp confprop = ConfProp.Get(carryId); if (confprop == null) { return; } ConfSkill releaseSkill = ConfSkill.Get(confprop.skillId); if (releaseSkill == null) { return; } if (carryId == this.m_propId) { m_fillImage.FillTime =; if (GuidNewNodeManager.Instance.GetCommonParams(GuidNewNodeManager.PropFree) == this.m_propId.ToString()) { ResetSkill(); return; } GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.ReducePropForBag(this.m_propId); PlayerPropMsg propMsg = GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.GetBagInfosByID(this.m_propId); if (propMsg == null) { this.m_lbRemain.Text = "0"; } else { this.m_lbRemain.Text = propMsg.Count.ToString(); } ResetSkill(); Dictionary <UBSParamKeyName, object> internalBuyItemKeypoint = new Dictionary <UBSParamKeyName, object>(); internalBuyItemKeypoint.Add(UBSParamKeyName.Description, UBSDescription.PROPUSE); internalBuyItemKeypoint.Add(UBSParamKeyName.PropItem_ID, carryId); internalBuyItemKeypoint.Add(UBSParamKeyName.PropItem_Num, 1); UserBehaviorStatisticsModules.Instance.LogEvent(UBSEventKeyName.game_propuse, 1, internalBuyItemKeypoint); //this.CanClick = false; //this.m_btnItem.Enable = false; } else if (IsFunctionProp(releaseSkill)) { if (IsFunctionProp(this.m_confSKill) || this.m_lbRemain.Text.Equals("+")) { m_fillImage.FillTime =; this.m_isCD = true; } } }
protected override void InitCarryBase() { ConfProp confProp = ConfProp.Get(m_carryID); if (confProp != null) { m_skillID = confProp.skillId; MessageHandler.RegisterMessageHandler(MessageDefine.SCSkillEmitResponse, OnRes); GameEvents.MainGameEvents.OnGameStatusChange += OnGameStatusChange; base.InitCarryBase(); } }
public void SetData(ResultItemData itemData) { ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(itemData.m_propID); if (prop == null) { Visible = false; Debug.LogErrorFormat("no exist prop : " + itemData.m_propID); } m_Icon.Sprite = prop.icon; m_Number.Text = string.Format("x{0}", itemData.m_propCount); m_Name.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; }
//public void SetIconName(string iconName) //{ // this.m_IconImg.Sprite = iconName; //} public void SetData(long itemId, int count) { this.m_item_id = itemId; this.Num = count; ConfProp confprop = ConfProp.Get(itemId); if (confprop == null) { Debug.LogError("error prop id:" + itemId); return; } this.m_IconImg.Sprite = confprop.icon; }
public void SetData(DropInfo info) { ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(info.PropId); if (prop == null) { Visible = false; Debug.LogErrorFormat("no exist prop : " + info.PropId); } m_Icon.Sprite = prop.icon; m_Number.Text = string.Format("x{0}", info.Count); m_Name.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; }
public void RefreshRewardItem() { ConfProp confProp = ConfProp.Get(this.m_rewardItemData.ItemID); if (confProp == null) { Debug.LogError($"item {this.m_rewardItemData.ItemID} not found"); } this.m_itemIcon.Sprite = confProp.icon; this.m_itemName.Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; this.m_itemNum.Text = $"x{m_rewardItemData.ItemNum}"; }
private void InitSlots(LottoResponse res) { m_luckValue_lab.Text = res.Lucky.ToString(); m_cost_type = res.CostType; if (res.CostType == CostType.CostCoin) { m_moneyIcon_img.Sprite = "icon_mainpanel_coin_2.png"; SetBuyContent(res.CostValue, GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.Coin); } else if (res.CostType == CostType.CostCash) { m_moneyIcon_img.Sprite = "icon_mainpanel_cash_2.png"; SetBuyContent(res.CostValue, GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.Cash); } if (res.Items.Count != ITEMMAXSIZE) { Debug.Log("item 太少了"); } for (int i = 0; i < ITEMMAXSIZE; i++) { if (res.Items.Count > i) { LottoItemProto lottoItem = res.Items[i]; if (lottoItem == null) { continue; } ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(lottoItem.PropId); if (prop == null) { continue; } m_itemIcon_img[i].Sprite = prop.icon; //m_itemName_lab[i].Text = LocalizeModule.Instance.GetString(; m_itemCount_lab[i].Text = string.Format("x{0}", lottoItem.Count); m_special_root[i].Visible = lottoItem.Special; if (lottoItem.Special) { m_itemBg_img[i].Sprite = m_SpecialBG_Str; m_SpecialEffect.gameObject.transform.SetParent(m_itemBg_img[i].gameObject.transform, false); m_SpecialEffect.Visible = true; } else { m_itemBg_img[i].Sprite = m_NormalBG_Str; } } } }
private void AddProp(SCSceneRewardResponse msg) { foreach (var reward in msg.UpLevelRewards) { ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(reward.ItemId); if ((int)PROP_TYPE.E_FUNC == prop.type || (int)PROP_TYPE.E_CHIP == prop.type || (int)PROP_TYPE.E_NROMAL == prop.type || (int)PROP_TYPE.E_ENERGE == prop.type) { GlobalInfo.MY_PLAYER_INFO.AddSingleBagInfo(reward.ItemId, reward.Num); } } GameEvents.UIEvents.UI_GameEntry_Event.Listen_OnCombinePropCollected.SafeInvoke(); }
public void Refresh(IEnumerable <CombineGiftData> datas) { int i = 0; foreach (CombineGiftData data in datas) { if (i >= m_gifts.Length) { break; } m_gifts[i].Refresh(ConfProp.Get(data.m_id).icon, data.m_num); ++i; } }
public static List <PropData> getPropData(Dictionary <long, PlayerPropMsg> propMsg) { if (propMsg == null || 0 == propMsg.Count) { return(new List <PropData>()); } List <PlayerPropMsg> datas = new List <PlayerPropMsg>(propMsg.Values); List <PropData> propList = new List <PropData>(); for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; i++) { PlayerPropMsg pd = datas[i]; ConfProp prop = ConfProp.Get(pd.PropId); if (prop == null) { continue; } if ((int)PROP_TYPE.E_EXHABIT == prop.type) //陈列物件除外 { continue; } if (prop.heapSize > 0 && prop.heapSize < pd.Count) { int cellNum = pd.Count / prop.heapSize; int finalPropNum = pd.Count % prop.heapSize; for (int j = 0; j < cellNum; j++) { PropData realPropData = new PropData(prop, prop.heapSize); propList.Add(realPropData); } if (finalPropNum != 0) { PropData realPropData = new PropData(prop, finalPropNum); propList.Add(realPropData); } } else { PropData realPropData = new PropData(prop, pd.Count); propList.Add(realPropData); } } return(propList); }
public void ShowGift(long combine_id_) { long gift_id = ConfCombineFormula.Get(combine_id_).dropGroupId; long drop_id = ConfProp.Get(gift_id).dropout; List <DropOutJsonData> datas = CommonHelper.GetFixedDropOuts(drop_id); var props = from data in datas select new CombineGiftData() { m_id = data.value, m_num = data.count }; m_gift_view.Visible = true; m_gift_view.Refresh(props); }
private static void GetArrrayList() { if (cacheArray.Count <= 0) { DataTable sqReader = SQLiteHelper.Instance().GetReadFullTable("conf_Prop"); if (sqReader != null) { while (sqReader.Read()) { ConfProp _conf = GetConfByDic(sqReader); cacheArray.Add(_conf); dic[] = _conf; } resLoaded = true; } } }