protected override bool OnButtonPressed(string name, Button button)
            Parent.ObjectFactory.Name = name;

            return true;
        public override void LoadContent()
            //((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400)
            myNewLevelPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), 0));

            //descriptionBackgroundPosition = (new Vector2 (((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100))) ;
            descriptionByTherapistPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100))) ;
            myDescriptionPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100)));

            //nameBackgroundPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40)));
            nameOfTherapistPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40)));
            myNamePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40)));

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            nameOfTherapist = "";
            descriptionByTherapist = "";
            textBackgorund = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/textBackground");
            myNewLevelTitle = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/newLevel");

            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            btnCreate = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth) - 120), 0, "GUI/createButton");
            btnHelp = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth) - 55), ScreenHeight - 55, "HELP/helpIcon");
            delDesc = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) + 301), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 107), "Gui/miniX");
            delName = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) + 301), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 47), "Gui/miniX");

            myName = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/name");
            clearNameButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40), "GUI/nothing");

            myDescription = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/description");
            clearDescriptionButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GUI/nothingHighlight");

            keyboard = new Keyboard(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 250), ((ScreenHeight) - 240), Content);
        private Color DoEvil(Button butt)
            var fields = typeof(Button).GetFields( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Texture2D tex = null;
            // must get icon field which was field 1 on my machine
            foreach (var info in fields)
                if (info.FieldType == typeof(Texture2D))
                    tex = (Texture2D)info.GetValue(butt);


            var centerPixel = new Color[1];
            Debug.Assert(tex != null, "Could not get texture information.");

            tex.GetData<Color>( 0,
                   // Interior rectangle with only one pixel.
                   new Rectangle(2, 2, 1, 1),
                   centerPixel, 0, 1);

            return centerPixel[0];
        public override void LoadContent()
            searchQueryPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 275), 120));
            magnifyGlassPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), 120));
            listBackgroundPosition = (new Vector2( ((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), 200));
            //searchBackground = (new Vector2( ((screenWidth / 2) - 280), 200));

            myLoadLevelTitlePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), 0));
            //myCancelButtonPosition = (new Vector2(0, 0));

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            searchQuery = "";
            textBackgorund = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/textBackground");
            magnifyGlass = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/magnifyGlass");
            listBackground = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/listBackground");
            myLoadLevelTitle = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/loadGameTitle");

            btnHelp = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth) - 55), ScreenHeight - 55, "HELP/helpIcon");
            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            btnOpen = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth) - 120), 0, "GUI/openButton");
            delSearch = MakeButton( ((ScreenWidth / 2) - 19), 113, "Gui/miniX");
            goSearch = MakeButton(  ((ScreenWidth / 2) + 40), 113, "Gui/go");
            clearSearchButton = MakeButton( ((ScreenWidth / 2) - 275), 120, "GUI/nothing2");
            keyboard = new Keyboard(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 250), ((ScreenHeight) - 240), Content);

            fileList = new List(levelNames.getFileNames(), 600, 15, 25, listBackgroundPosition, listBackground, font, Color.Black, Color.Yellow);
            // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!
 public override void LoadContent()
     _pauseMenuBackgroundPosition =
             (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth/2) - 100),
                          ((ScreenHeight/2) - 175)));
     _pauseMenuGraphicPosition =
             (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                          ((ScreenHeight/2) - 175)));
     _pauseMenuBackground =
     _pauseMenuTitle =
     _btnPauseContinue = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                                   ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 20,
     _btnPauseEdit = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                               ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 75,
     _btnPauseLoad = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                               ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 130,
     _btnPauseRestart = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                                  ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 185,
     // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!
        protected override bool OnButtonPressed(string name, Button button)

            // Go to the next state.
            return true;
        protected override bool OnButtonPressed(string shapeName, Button button)
            Parent.ObjectFactory.Name = shapeName;

            // Go to the next state.
            return true;
        // What happens when a Color gets clicked on.
        protected override bool OnButtonPressed(string name, Button button)
            // WARNING: Don't look at the implementation of DoEvil.
            // Just replace it.
            var color = DoEvil(button);
            Parent.ObjectFactory.Color = color;

            // Go to the next state.
            return true;
 public override void LoadContent()
     myTitlePosition = new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400), 0);
     btnNew = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2)-300), ((ScreenHeight/3)), "GUI/newButton");
     btnLoad = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), ((ScreenHeight / 3)+150), "GUI/loadButton");
     btnExit = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300), ((ScreenHeight / 3)+300), "GUI/exitButton");
     btnHelp = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth) - 55), ScreenHeight-55, "HELP/helpIcon");
     myTitle = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/targetTappingGame");
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 300));
        public override void LoadContent()
            answerPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 398), 112));
            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            cancelAndCreateHelp = MakeButton(0, 120, "HELP/cancelAndCreateHelp");
            descriptionAndNameHelp = MakeButton(0, 170, "HELP/descriptionAndNameHelp");
            xHelp = MakeButton(0, 220, "HELP/littleXHelp");
            keyboardHelp = MakeButton(0, 270, "HELP/keyboardHelp");
            answerBackDrop = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/answerBackDrop");
            answerBackDropPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400), 110));
            title = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/title");
            titlePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 150), 0));

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            cancelAndCreateHelpAnswer =
                "Cancel: This button will bring you back to the previous screen.\n"+
                "Create: This button will advance you to the environment editing screen.\n"+
                "Note, in order to create a level, the name and description must be 3 or\n"+
                "more characters.";

            descriptionAndNameHelpAnswer =
                "Description and Name are input fields to guide you towards a consistent\n"+
                "naming convention. In order to find previously loaded environments quickly\n"+
                "and without frustration, it is important to consistently name your\n" +
                "environments. Following this naming convention will ensure this.\n"+
                "In the description field you should describe the environment you intend to\n"+
                "create very briefly, such as '40_Blue_Squares' or 'full_multi'\n"+
                "The name field can contain either your name as the therapist, or the\n" +
                "patient's name who this environment is intended for, like Joe.\n"+
                "The environment will then be saved in a file named along the lines of\n"+
                " 'Joe_40_Blue_Squares'. \n";

            xHelpAnswer =
                "The little ' X ' located next to the textboxes will delete the textbox's\n" +
                "content completely. This is a great way to start clean, rather than\n" +
                "having to backspace 15 times.\n";

            keyboardHelpAnswer =
                "The keyboard is simple for two reasons. First this game does not require\n"+
                "alot of text input. Second in order to more strictly enforce naming \n"+
                "conventions we have limited the amount of characters you may use in naming.\n"+
                "Hopefully you will find it easier to remember what you have named your files\n"+
                "when you don't have to remember if you used upper/lower case, or if you\n"+
                "spelt out the number two, or used the number sign, 2.\n"+
                "\nWhy is there no space bar? We used underscores instead of whitespace as it\n"+
                "makes for cleaner, more structured looking file names.";

            // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!
        public override void LoadContent()

            /* Load all of the graphics. */
            _backgroundPosition =
                    (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth/2) - 100),
                                 ((ScreenHeight/2) - 175)));
            _background =
            _btnPlayAgain = MakeButton(0, 0, "herp/derp");
            _btnEditLevel = MakeButton(0, 0, "Herp/Derp");
            _btnLoadLevel = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                                       ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 130,
            _btnQuit = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth/2) - 60),
                                  ((ScreenHeight/2) - 150) + 185,
        public override void LoadContent()
            //((screenWidth / 2) - 400)
            savedPopUpPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) + 175)));
            levelEditorMenuPosition = (new Vector2( ((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 175) ) );
            levelEditorMenuGraphicPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 175) ) );

            levelEditorMenuBackground = Content.Load<Texture2D>("LevelEditorMenu/menuBackground");
            levelEditorMenuTitle = Content.Load<Texture2D>("LevelEditorMenu/levelEditorMenuGraphic");
            savedPopUp = Content.Load<Texture2D>("LevelEditorMenu/saveSuccessful");
            btnLemBack = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 150)+20, "LevelEditorMenu/backButtonGraphic");
            btnLemSave = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 150) + 75, "LevelEditorMenu/saveButtonGraphic");
            btnLemLoad = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 150) + 130, "LevelEditorMenu/loadButtonGraphic");
            btnLemClear = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 150) + 185, "LevelEditorMenu/clearButtonGraphic");
            btnLemExit = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 60), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 150) + 240, "LevelEditorMenu/exitButtonGraphic");

               // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!
        public override void LoadContent()
            answerPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 398), 112));
            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            cancelOpenHelp = MakeButton(0, 120, "HELP/cancelAndOpenHelp");
            searchHelp = MakeButton(0, 170, "HELP/searchHelp");
            listHelp = MakeButton(0, 220, "HELP/listHelp");
            keyboardHelp = MakeButton(0, 270, "HELP/searchKeyboardHelp");
            answerBackDrop = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/answerBackDrop");
            answerBackDropPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400), 110));
            title = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/title");
            titlePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 150), 0));

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            cancelOpenHelpAnswer =
                "Cancel: Go to the previous screen.\n"+
                "Open: Open the selected environment from the list inside the editor.\n"+
                "Note: You must first select the environment you would like to load\n"+
                "from the list before you can proceed to the editor.\n";
            searchHelpAnswer =
                "Tap inside the textbox to open the keyboard, once the keyboard\n"+
                "has appearded you can type in your search query. If you would like\n"+
                "to clear your search query press the ' X ' next to the text box.\n"+
                "Once you have typed in your search query press ' GO ' to search the "+
            listHelpAnswer =
                "The list shows all available saved environments. Once you have found\n"+
                "the environment you would like to open, tap it to select it, then\n"+
                "press the open button in the top right corner.\n"+
                "All environments previosuly saved successfully will appear inside\n"+
                "this list. If the list is to long you may want to search a \n"+
                "environment in the search bar above the list.\n";
            keyboardHelpAnswer =
                "The keyboard is not visible until you have tapped on the search.\n"+
                "To open the keyboard simply tap inside the seach text box. From\n"+
                "here you can type in your search query and press ' GO ' to search.\n";
            // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!
        public override void LoadContent()
            btnTouchToStart = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 100), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GameScreenContent/touchToStart");
            youFinished = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 150), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GameScreenContent/gameFinished");

            btnPause = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/pauseButton");
            //initialize the score
            score = 0;
            //load the spritefount to print the scroe to
            this.font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font");

            float scoreLength = (font.MeasureString("999/999")).X;
            //Load audio for button press
            song = Content.Load<Song>("ButtonPress");

            //set the score fnal
            this.totalTimeAllowed = this.playingLevel.objectList.Count * this.playingLevel.upTime;

            //double check this position
            scorePosition = new Vector2(ScreenWidth - 240, 30);
            timePosition = new Vector2(ScreenWidth - 120, 30);
 // What happens when a button is clicked. Return true if the button
 // must go to the next state.
 protected abstract bool OnButtonPressed(string name, Button button);
        public override void LoadContent()
            point = Vector2.Zero;
            calibratedPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            Vector2 viewLocation = new Vector2((ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f) - 320, (ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 240);

            view = new KinectView(ScreenManager.Input.Sensor, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, viewLocation);

            UR = UL = LR = LL = Vector2.Zero;

            trackedArea = new Quadrilateral(UL, UR, LL, LR, 3, Color.Red, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice);

            trackedLimb = new KinectTrackedObject(UL, UR, LL, LR);

            Content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content");
            SpriteBatch = ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;

            if (((Manager)ScreenManager).Hand == "Left")
                cursor = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Left Hand");

                cursor = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Right Hand");

            Texture2D textUR = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/URButton");
            Texture2D textUL = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/ULButton");
            Texture2D textLR = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/LRButton");
            Texture2D textLL = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/LLButton");

            Texture2D textSelect = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/SelectButton");

            float xOffset = ScreenManager.ScaleXPosition(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - textUR.Width);
            float yOffset = ScreenManager.ScaleYPosition(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - textUR.Height);

            float middle = ScreenManager.ScaleXPosition((ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f) - (textUR.Width / 2.0f));

            Rectangle rectUL = new Rectangle(0, 0, textUR.Width, textUL.Height);
            Rectangle rectUR = new Rectangle((int)xOffset, 0, textUR.Width, textUR.Height);
            Rectangle rectLL = new Rectangle(0, (int)yOffset, textLR.Width, textLR.Height);
            Rectangle rectLR = new Rectangle((int)xOffset, (int)yOffset, textLL.Width, textLL.Height);

            Rectangle rectSelect = new Rectangle((int)middle, (int)yOffset, textSelect.Width, textSelect.Height);

            buttonUR = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(textUR, rectUR);
            buttonUL = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(textUL, rectUL);
            buttonLR = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(textLR, rectLR);
            buttonLL = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(textLL, rectLL);

            selectButton = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(textSelect, rectSelect);
Example #17
        public void LoadContent(RichContentManager content)
            // Load the background.
            _shapePalletBackground =

            BoundingBox = new Rectangle(
                    Position.X, Position.Y,

            // And the cancel button to the bottom of the palette.
            _cancelButton = content.MakeButton(
                    BoundingBox.Center.X - (120/2),

            // LoadContent for all palette states; do not LoadContent more than once.
            var statesLoaded = new List<PaletteState>();
            foreach (var state in _states.Values.Where( state => !statesLoaded.Contains(state)))
        public override void Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime)
            // Lagic!
            //AddScreenAndChill(new LoadLevelScreen(levelName));

            if (keyboard.CurrentKey != "")
                if (keyboard.CurrentKey == "0")
                   if (searchQuery.Length > 0)
                        searchQuery = searchQuery.Remove((searchQuery.Length) - 1);
                    searchQuery = searchQuery + keyboard.CurrentKey;
            if (goSearch.IsClicked())
                var temporaryList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> ();
                foreach (var item in levelNames.getFileNames())
                    if (item.Contains(searchQuery))
                fileList = new List(temporaryList, 600, 15, 25, listBackgroundPosition, listBackground, font, Color.Black, Color.Yellow);
            if (btnCancel.IsClicked())
                AddScreenAndChill(new MenuScreen());
            if (btnOpen.IsClicked())
                if (fileList.SelectedElement() == "")
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please select a level to load from the list.");
                    LevelLoad levelL = new LevelLoad();
                    SerializableLevel sLevel = levelL.initiateLoad(fileList.SelectedElement());
                    var graphics = GameManager.GlobalInstance.Graphics;
                    GameManager.GlobalInstance.activeLevel = sLevel.constructLevel(Content, graphics);
                    AddScreenAndChill(new LevelEditScreen());
            if (delSearch.IsClicked())
                searchQuery = "";
                clearSearchButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 275), 120, "GUI/nothing2Highlight");
            if (clearSearchButton.IsClicked())
                if (loadKeyBoard == false) { loadKeyBoard = true; } //else { loadKeyBoard = false; }
                clearSearchButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 275), 120, "GUI/nothing2Highlight");

            if (btnHelp.IsClicked())
                AddScreenAndChill(new LoadHelpScreen());
            // update load screen
            if (loadKeyBoard == true)

            fileList.Update(gameTime, MouseState);

        public override void LoadContent()
            answerPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 398), 112));
            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            newLayoutHelp = MakeButton(0, 120, "HELP/newLayoutHelp");
            loadLayoutHelp = MakeButton(0, 170, "HELP/loadLayoutHelp");
            exitHelp = MakeButton(0, 220, "HELP/exitHelp");
            gameBreakDownHelp = MakeButton(0, 270, "HELP/gameBreakDownHelp");
            answerBackDrop = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/answerBackDrop");
            answerBackDropPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400), 110));
            title = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/title");
            titlePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 150), 0));

            //Below are the hard-coded answers for help topics.
            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////CUT OFF HERE//////////
            newLayoutHelpAnswer =
                "QUICK ANSWER:\nTap new layout if you would like to design a new\n" +
                "'Target-Tapping' environment for a patient.\n\n" +
                "LONG ANSWER:\n" +
                "As a therapist, your role is to design 'tapping environments' for\n" +
                "patients. Patients will then play the games you make for them.\n" +
                "To simplify the process of creating a 'tapping environment' we allow\n" +
                "you to save the tapping environments you create.\n" +
                "Enter a description of the game you intend to create so that in the \n" +
                "future you will be able to identify the 'tapping environment'. In\n" +
                "addition associate a name to the tapping environment. Name can be yours'\n" +
                "as the therapist, or it could be the patients name that the environment\n" +
                "is intended for. Either way just name and describe your environments\n" +
                "in a way that will allow them to be identified in upcoming sessions.\n\n" +
                "E.G. Description: forty_blue_squares\n"+
                "     Name:        sydney_crosby\n" +
                "This will be saved as sydney_crosby_forty_blue_squares.\n" +
                "The important thing to note is for productivity make new environments \n" +
                "when a current like-environment does not already exist. When \n" +
                "like-environments do exist you may want to load them,\n" +
                "instead of making a new environments from scratch.\n";

            loadLayoutHelpAnswer = //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                "QUICK ANSWER:\nTap 'load layout' if you would like to start playing a game\n" +
                "or change to a game that has already been designed. This game does not\n"+
                "come with any pre-created games, thus if you or another therapist have\n" +
                "not already created a 'target tapping environment' you will first have\n"+
                "to create one, which you will be able to load everytime afterwards.\n\n" +
                "LONG ANSWER:\nAs a therapist you may want to create environments that\n"+
                "accomplish different tasks, or have different features. For this reason\n"+
                "we allow you to retrieve levels you have previosuly saved that have been\n" +
                "designed with certain goals in mind. An example may be that JOE's\n" +
                "rehabilitation is currently best suited with a game that requires\n" +
                "him to use both his hands at once.\n"+
                "Therefore, you have created and saved an environment that uses the\n" +
                "'multi' on every tapping event. JOE may also benefit from a environment\n"+
                "where he has to spell out a word. Therefore you have created an\n" +
                "environment filled with letters.\n" +
                "By saving and loading games you have the option of having many\n" +
                "environments pre-planned, saving you precious time with the patient.";

            exitHelpAnswer =
                "The EXIT GAME button will return you to windows.\n"+
                "Any unsaved progress will be lost. Use this or any one of the other\n"+
                "EXIT buttons placed around the game to end your session.\n";

            gameBreakDownHelpAnswer = ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
                "This game is designed both for therapists and patients. Therapist will\n" +
                "use this game as a tool to save time and energy while working with\n" +
                "patients. Patients will in turn benefit from more diverse environments,\n" +
                "as well as a more modern and fun experience.\n"+
                "This game is split into two interfaces, the therapist interface, and the\n"+
                "patient interface. The therapist interface allows therapists to design\n"+
                "environments they find match a patient or a group of patients needs best.\n"+
                "The patient interface is presented as a game. Patients will have to tap\n"+
                "objects as they appear on the screen, and will recieve a score depending\n"+
                "on the number of times they tapped objects correctly. This provides a more\n" +
                "engaging experience for the patient.\n"+
                "\nAVAILABLE TOOLS:\n"+
                "As a therapist you will have the option to design many great environments\n"+
                "and SAVE them for future use. This will save time and energy for you and\n"+
                "your patients. The therapist interface is broken down into 4 main screens.\n"+
                "The first is the main-menu, here you can choose to create new environments\n" +
                "or choose to load previously created environments. From here you may also\n"+
                "exit to Windows.\n"+
                "The second and third interfaces are the 'new layout' and 'load layout'\n"+
                "screens. These screens repectively allow you to name a layout you are\n"+
                "about to create for the first time, or load a layout that has previously\n"+
                "been created by you or another therapist.\n"+
                "The last therepist interface is the environment editor. This screen allows\n"+
                "you as the thereapist to design your environment from scratch, or edit\n"+
                "previously created environments that you have loaded.\n"+
                "On the patients side they have the game interface. The game interface is\n"+
                "where the patient will play the game that has been designed to aid in their\n"+
                "rehabilitation. The patients role is to tap on the objects as they appear\n"+
                "or, in general follow the therapists insructions.";

            //end of answers for help.
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (keyboard.CurrentKey != "")
                // Handle backspace.
                if (keyboard.CurrentKey == "0")
                    if (nameHighlight)
                        if (nameOfTherapist.Length > 0)
                            nameOfTherapist =
                                nameOfTherapist.Remove((nameOfTherapist.Length) - 1);
                    if (nameHighlight == false)
                        if (descriptionByTherapist.Length > 0)
                            descriptionByTherapist =
                                descriptionByTherapist.Remove((descriptionByTherapist.Length) - 1);
                    if (nameHighlight)
                        nameOfTherapist = nameOfTherapist + keyboard.CurrentKey;
                        nameCreated = true;
                    if (nameHighlight == false)
                        descriptionByTherapist = descriptionByTherapist +
                        descriptionCreated = true;

            if (btnCancel.IsClicked())
                AddScreenAndChill(new MenuScreen());
            if (btnCreate.IsClicked())
                if (nameCreated && descriptionCreated)
                    if ((nameOfTherapist.Length >= 3) && (descriptionByTherapist.Length >= 3))
                        GameManager.GlobalInstance.activeLevel.levelName = nameOfTherapist + "_" + descriptionByTherapist;
                        AddScreenAndChill(new LevelEditScreen());
                        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Name and Description fields must have a minimum of 3 characters.");
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Name and Description fields must have a minimum of 3 characters.");
            if (clearNameButton.IsClicked())
                nameHighlight = true;
                clearNameButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40), "GUI/nothingHighlight");
                clearDescriptionButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GUI/nothing");
            if (clearDescriptionButton.IsClicked())
                nameHighlight = false;
                clearNameButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40), "GUI/nothing");
                clearDescriptionButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GUI/nothingHighlight");
            if (delName.IsClicked())
                nameHighlight = true;
                nameOfTherapist = "";
                clearNameButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40), "GUI/nothingHighlight");
                clearDescriptionButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GUI/nothing");
            if (delDesc.IsClicked())
                nameHighlight = false;
                descriptionByTherapist = "";
                clearNameButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 40), "GUI/nothing");
                clearDescriptionButton = MakeButton(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 200), ((ScreenHeight / 2) - 100), "GUI/nothingHighlight");
            if (btnHelp.IsClicked())
                AddScreenAndChill(new NewHelpScreen());
            // Update the keyboard and all of its keys.
        public override void LoadContent()
            answerPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 498), 112));
            btnCancel = MakeButton(0, 0, "GUI/cancel");
            toolbarHelp = MakeButton(0, 120, "HELP/toolbarHelp");
            addObjectHelp = MakeButton(0, 170, "HELP/addObjectHelp");
            designHelp = MakeButton(0, 220, "HELP/designHelp");
            saveHelp = MakeButton(0, 270, "HELP/saveHelp");
            answerBackDrop = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/answerBackDrop");
            answerBackDropPosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 400), 110));
            title = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HELP/title");
            titlePosition = (new Vector2(((ScreenWidth / 2) - 150), 0));

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            toolbarHelpAnswer =
                "TOOLBAR BUTTONS:\n"+
                "Home: The home button will take you to the games' start screen, from there\n"+
                "      you can choose to create a new environment, load an existing\n"+
                "      environment, or quit the game and return to Windows.\n"+
                "Menu: The menu button will open a menu screen that allows you to save\n"+
                "      or load an environment, clear the current environment, exit to\n"+
                "      Windows, or go back to the level editor (closing the menu).\n"+
                "Undo/Redo: Undo and Redo allow you to revert actions you recently made.\n"+
                "Play: Pressing play will take you to the patient game, where the environment\n"+
                "      will be loaded and the patient can begin their rehabilitation. In the\n"+
                "      game screen the patient will have to tap on the objects as they appear,\n"+
                "      as well the therapist can pause the game with the button in the upper\n"+
                "      left corner of the screen.\n"+
                "Multi: This is a button that allows you to tell the game creator that two or\n"+
                "      more objects should appear on screen in the game at a time. Once you\n"+
                "      turn on multi all objects placed until multi is turned off will appear\n"+
                "      simultanously in the game screen.\n"+
                "      To make two seperate multi events, place your first set of multi\n"+
                "      objets, then turn multi off, place the first object of the second\n" +
                "      multi event, turn multi back on, and continue placing objects in\n"+
                "      that multi event until you are satisfied.\n"+
                "Up Time: This is the amount of time each object in the game should last for,\n"+
                "      if the object is not tapped within this amount of time it will\n"+
                "      dissapear.\n"+
                "Hold Time: This is the amount of time a object must be held for in order for it\n"+
                "      to dissapear.\n"+
                "Add Label: You will notice inside the box that says add, there are shapes,\n"+
                "      numbers, and letters. Tap on whichever one you would like to\n"+
                "      place on the grid, select the prefered size and color, then tap on the\n"+
                "      screen where you would like to place the object.\n";

            addObjectHelpAnswer =
                "So you want to add an object? No problem, first choose from the toolbar\n"+
                "which object type you would like to add (shape, number, letter). Then\n"+
                "choose which size you would like the object to be. Next choose the\n"+
                "color you would like your object to be. Last thing, tap somewhere on the\n"+
                "grid where you would like your object to be placed.\n"+
                "If you would like to change the position of an object, tap on it in the\n"+
                "editor to select it, now tap where you would like to place it, thats all.\n"+
                "Objects by default will appear in the game in the order that they were placed\n"+
                "on the grid. To specify that multiple objects should appear at one, press multi,\n"+
                "while multi is ON you can put as many objects on the grid as you want to appear\n"+

            designHelpAnswer =
                "Making a environment is left up to your creativity. If you are unsure how to\n"+
                "place objects on the gird check out the other help topics available on the left.\n"+
                "Some guidelines for making environments are: Put the objects on the gird in the\n"+
                "order you would like them to appear in the game. Use the MULTI feature to place\n"+
                "objects on the grid that will appear simultaneously. If you want to edit many\n"+
                "objects in an evironment, don't, instead make a new environment. Save your\n"+
                "environments often, dont risk loosing your changes.";

            saveHelpAnswer =
                "One of the most important features this game offers you as a therapist, is the\n"+
                "ability to save the environments you create. This allows you to have quick access\n"+
                "to a broad range of environments and makes sessions with patients more productive.\n"+
                "To save an environment, tap MENU in the tool bar, then tap save, its that simple!\n"+
                "Your environment will be saved with the name and description you gave when you\n"+
                "initially filled out the new environment screen. If you loaded a environment,\n"+
                "saving will overwrite the environment you initially loaded.\n";

            // Load buttons 'n' stuff, yo!