protected virtual void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
      * Debug.Log("OTHER ELEMENT OnTriggerExit: " + other.gameObject);
      * if (other.tag == "Overlap" && (state == ElementState.MOVE || state == ElementState.ROTATE))
      * {
      *     overlappedElements--;
      *     if (overlappedElements == 0)
      *     {
      *         ChangeError(ErrorState.NONE);
      *     }
      * }*/
        AbstractOpticalElement opticalElement = other.gameObject.GetComponent <AbstractOpticalElement>();
        Lampport  lampPort  = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Lampport>();
        StartLens startLens = other.gameObject.GetComponent <StartLens>();

        // Ended Collision with another OpticalElement or Lampport
        if (opticalElement || lampPort || startLens)
            if (overlappedElements == 0 && (state == ElementState.MOVE || state == ElementState.ROTATE))
    public virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
      * Debug.Log("ontriggerenter");
      * Debug.Log("OTHER ELEMENT OnTriggerEnter: " + other.gameObject);
      * if (other.tag == "Overlap" && (state == ElementState.MOVE || state == ElementState.ROTATE))
      * {
      *     overlappedElements++;
      *     ChangeError(ErrorState.ERROROVERLAP);
      * }*/
        AbstractOpticalElement opticalElement = other.gameObject.GetComponent <AbstractOpticalElement>();
        Lampport  lampPort  = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Lampport>();
        StartLens startLens = other.gameObject.GetComponent <StartLens>();

        // Collision with another OpticalElement or Lampport
        if (opticalElement || lampPort || startLens)
            if (overlappedElements == 0 && (state == ElementState.MOVE || state == ElementState.ROTATE))