public static void DrawTextEffect(Rect rect, string text, GUIStyle style, Color outColor, Color inColor, float size, TextEffects textEffects) { if (textEffects == TextEffects.Outline || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextOutline(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size); } if (textEffects == TextEffects.Shadow || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextShadow(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size); } }
public static void DrawTextEffect(Rect rect, string text, GUIStyle style, Color outColor, Color inColor, float size, TextEffects textEffects) { if (AdvGame.GetReferences().menuManager != null && AdvGame.GetReferences().menuManager.scaleTextEffects) { size = AdvGame.GetMainGameViewSize().x / 200f / size; } if (textEffects == TextEffects.Outline || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextOutline(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size); } if (textEffects == TextEffects.Shadow || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextShadow(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size); } }
/** * <summary>Draws GUI text with an outline and/or shadow.</summary> * <param name = "rect">The Rect of the GUI text</param> * <param name = "text">The text itself</param> * <param name = "style">The GUIStyle that the GUI text uses</param> * <param name = "outColour">The colour of the text's outline/shadow</param> * <param name = "inColour">The colour of the text itself</param> * <param name = "size">The size of the text</param> * <param name = "textEffects">The type of text effect (Outline, Shadow, OutlineAndShadow, None)</param> */ public static void DrawTextEffect(Rect rect, string text, GUIStyle style, Color outColor, Color inColor, float size, TextEffects textEffects) { if (AdvGame.GetReferences().menuManager != null && AdvGame.GetReferences().menuManager.scaleTextEffects) { size = AdvGame.GetMainGameViewSize().x / 200f / size; } int i = 0; string effectText = text; if (effectText != null) { while (text.IndexOf("<color=", i) > 0) { int startPos = effectText.IndexOf("<color=", i); int endPos = 0; if (effectText.IndexOf(">", startPos) > 0) { endPos = effectText.IndexOf(">", startPos); } if (endPos > 0) { effectText = effectText.Substring(0, startPos) + "<color=black>" + effectText.Substring(endPos + 1); } i = startPos + i; } if (textEffects == TextEffects.Outline || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextOutline(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size, effectText); } if (textEffects == TextEffects.Shadow || textEffects == TextEffects.OutlineAndShadow) { AdvGame.DrawTextShadow(rect, text, style, outColor, inColor, size, effectText); } } }