Example #1
        public static void Distance(b2DistanceOutput output, b2SimplexCache cache, b2DistanceInput input)

            b2DistanceProxy proxyA = input.proxyA;
            b2DistanceProxy proxyB = input.proxyB;

            b2Transform transformA = input.transformA;
            b2Transform transformB = input.transformB;

            // Initialize the simplex
            b2Simplex simplex = s_simplex;

            simplex.ReadCache(cache, proxyA, transformA, proxyB, transformB);

            // Get simplex vertices as an vector.
            b2SimplexVertex[] vertices   = simplex.m_vertices;
            const int         k_maxIters = 20;

            // These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
            // can check for duplicates and preven cycling
            int[] saveA     = s_saveA;
            int[] saveB     = s_saveB;
            int   saveCount = 0;

            b2Vec2 closestPoint = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
            float  distanceSqr1 = closestPoint.LengthSquared();
            float  distanceSqr2 = distanceSqr1;

            int    i;
            b2Vec2 p;

            // Main iteration loop
            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < k_maxIters)
                // Copy the simplex so that we can identify duplicates
                saveCount = simplex.m_count;
                for (i = 0; i < saveCount; i++)
                    saveA[i] = vertices[i].indexA;
                    saveB[i] = vertices[i].indexB;

                 * {
                 *      case 1:
                 *              break;
                 *      case 2:
                 *              simplex.Solve2();
                 *              break;
                 *      case 3:
                 *              simplex.Solve3();
                 *              break;
                 *      default:
                 *              b2Settings.b2Assert(false);
                 * }*/
                if (simplex.m_count == 1)
                else if (simplex.m_count == 2)
                else if (simplex.m_count == 3)

                // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
                if (simplex.m_count == 3)

                // Compute the closest point.
                p            = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
                distanceSqr2 = p.LengthSquared();

                // Ensure progress
                if (distanceSqr2 > distanceSqr1)
                distanceSqr1 = distanceSqr2;

                // Get search direction.
                b2Vec2 d = simplex.GetSearchDirection();

                // Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
                if (d.LengthSquared() < 0.0f /*Number.MinValue * Number.MinValue*/)
                    // THe origin is probably contained by a line segment or triangle.
                    // Thus the shapes are overlapped.

                    // We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
                    // In case the simplex is a point, segment or triangle it is very difficult
                    // to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it

                // Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points
                b2SimplexVertex vertex = vertices[simplex.m_count];
                vertex.indexA = (int)proxyA.GetSupport(b2Math.MulTMV(transformA.R, d.GetNegative()));
                vertex.wA     = b2Math.MulX(transformA, proxyA.GetVertex(vertex.indexA));
                vertex.indexB = (int)proxyB.GetSupport(b2Math.MulTMV(transformB.R, d));
                vertex.wB     = b2Math.MulX(transformB, proxyB.GetVertex(vertex.indexB));
                vertex.w      = b2Math.SubtractVV(vertex.wB, vertex.wA);

                // Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

                // Check for duplicate support points. This is the main termination criteria.
                bool duplicate = false;
                for (i = 0; i < saveCount; i++)
                    if (vertex.indexA == saveA[i] && vertex.indexB == saveB[i])
                        duplicate = true;

                // If we found a duplicate support point we must exist to avoid cycling
                if (duplicate)

                // New vertex is ok and needed.

            b2_gjkMaxIters = (int)b2Math.Max(b2_gjkMaxIters, iter);

            // Prepare output
            simplex.GetWitnessPoints(output.pointA, output.pointB);
            output.distance   = b2Math.SubtractVV(output.pointA, output.pointB).Length();
            output.iterations = iter;

            // Cache the simplex

            // Apply radii if requested.
            if (input.useRadii)
                float rA = proxyA.m_radius;
                float rB = proxyB.m_radius;

                if (output.distance > rA + rB && output.distance > float.MinValue)
                    // Shapes are still not overlapped.
                    // Move the witness points to the outer surface.
                    output.distance -= rA + rB;
                    b2Vec2 normal = b2Math.SubtractVV(output.pointB, output.pointA);
                    output.pointA.x += rA * normal.x;
                    output.pointA.y += rA * normal.y;
                    output.pointB.x -= rB * normal.x;
                    output.pointB.y -= rB * normal.y;
                    // Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
                    // Move the witness points to the middle.
                    p               = new b2Vec2();
                    p.x             = 0.5f * (output.pointA.x + output.pointB.x);
                    p.y             = 0.5f * (output.pointA.y + output.pointB.y);
                    output.pointA.x = output.pointB.x = p.x;
                    output.pointA.y = output.pointB.y = p.y;
                    output.distance = 0.0f;
 public override void Step(b2TimeStep step)
     if (m_bodyList == null)
     if (useWorldGravity)
         gravity = GetWorld().GetGravity().Copy();
     for (b2ControllerEdge i = m_bodyList; i != null; i = i.nextBody)
         b2Body body = i.body;
         if (body.IsAwake() == false)
             //Buoyancy force is just a function of position,
             //so unlike most forces, it is safe to ignore sleeping bodes
         b2Vec2 areac = new b2Vec2();
         b2Vec2 massc = new b2Vec2();
         float  area  = 0.0f;
         float  mass  = 0.0f;
         for (b2Fixture fixture = body.GetFixtureList(); fixture != null; fixture = fixture.GetNext())
             b2Vec2 sc    = new b2Vec2();
             float  sarea = fixture.GetShape().ComputeSubmergedArea(normal, offset, body.GetTransform(), sc);
             area    += sarea;
             areac.x += sarea * sc.x;
             areac.y += sarea * sc.y;
             float shapeDensity;
             if (useDensity)
                 //TODO: Figure out what to do now density is gone
                 shapeDensity = 1.0f;
                 shapeDensity = 1.0f;
             mass    += sarea * shapeDensity;
             massc.x += sarea * sc.x * shapeDensity;
             massc.y += sarea * sc.y * shapeDensity;
         areac.x /= area;
         areac.y /= area;
         massc.x /= mass;
         massc.y /= mass;
         if (area < float.MinValue)
         b2Vec2 buoyancyForce = gravity.GetNegative();
         buoyancyForce.Multiply(density * area);
         body.ApplyForce(buoyancyForce, massc);
         //Linear drag
         b2Vec2 dragForce = body.GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(areac);
         dragForce.Multiply(-linearDrag * area);
         body.ApplyForce(dragForce, areac);
         //Angular drag
         //TODO: Something that makes more physical sense?
         body.ApplyTorque(-body.GetInertia() / body.GetMass() * area * body.GetAngularVelocity() * angularDrag);