private void ShowCreationQueue() { DestroyUnitCreationButtons(); if (currentResource != null || currentBarrack != null ) { UnitTypes[] creationUnitQueue = null; if (currentResource != null) { creationUnitQueue = new UnitTypes[currentResource.getNumberElements()]; creationUnitQueue = currentResource.getCreationQueue().ToArray(); } else if (currentBarrack != null) { creationUnitQueue = new UnitTypes[currentBarrack.getNumberElements()]; creationUnitQueue = currentBarrack.getCreationQueue().ToArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < creationUnitQueue.Length; i++) { UnitTypes type = creationUnitQueue[i]; Vector2 buttonCenter = new Vector2(); buttonCenter.x = creationQueueInitialPoint.x + unitCreationPanel.x / 2f + (creationQueueButtonSize.x * i) + creationQueueButtonSize.x / 2f; buttonCenter.y = creationQueueInitialPoint.y - unitCreationPanel.y; GameObject button = CreateCreationUnitButton(buttonCenter, type, i); creationQueueButtons.Add(button); } } }
public UnitBase(GameServer _server, Player player) : base(_server, player) { EntityType = Entity.EntityType.Unit; UnitType = UnitTypes.Default; EntityToAttack = null; Speed = .01f; Range = 50; AttackDelay = 100; AttackRechargeTime = 1000; SupplyUsage = 1; RangedUnit = false; StandardAttackDamage = 1; StandardAttackElement = Entity.DamageElement.Normal; State = UnitState.Agro; allowMovement = false; _moveXCompleted = false; _moveYCompleted = false; attackTimer = new Stopwatch(); attackTimer.Reset(); attackTimer.Stop(); rechargeTimer = new Stopwatch(); rechargeTimer.Restart(); updatedMovePositionTimer = new Stopwatch(); updatedMovePositionTimer.Start(); }
/** * The constructor function for the units select canvas */ public void construct () { // Initialize the script unitTypesScript = UnitTypes.S; Unit unitScript = null; // Get the initial allowed population allowedPopulation = gameController.populationSettings.populationAtStart; // Set the initial population on the text pointsText = pointsObject.GetComponent<Text> (); pointsText.text = string.Format ("{0}", allowedPopulation); // Set the initial unit count on the text unitsText = unitsObject.GetComponent<Text> (); unitsText.text = string.Format ("{0}", queueSize); // Loop through all unit types foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GameObject> type in unitTypesScript.types) { unitScript = type.Value.GetComponent<Unit> (); // Limit the new panels to only the units that can be created if (unitScript.generalInformation.canCreate) { // Create the new panel GameObject newPanel = Instantiate (unitSelectPanelPrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newPanel.transform.SetParent (unitsSelectContent.transform); newPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1); panels.Add (newPanel); // Call the contruction function for the new panel UnitPanelController tmpScript = newPanel.GetComponent<UnitPanelController> (); tmpScript.construct (playerController.factionName, type.Key); } } }
public void SpawnUnit(Vector2 position, int faction, UnitTypes type) { Unit u = UnitFactory.SpawnUnit(this, type, position, faction, world); u.Enable(); attackables.Add(u); controllers.Add(new UnitController(u, this)); }
public UnitBase() { UnitType = UnitTypes.Default; drawPosition = new Vector2f(); _moveXCompleted = false; _moveYCompleted = false; EntityToAttack = null; allowMovement = false; Speed = 0; State = UnitState.Agro; Range = 1000; AttackDelay = 2000; attackTimer = new Stopwatch(); attackTimer.Restart(); StandardAttackDamage = 1; StandardAttackElement = Entity.DamageElement.Normal; Sprites = new Dictionary<AnimationTypes, AnimatedSprite>(); const byte AnimationTypeCount = 8; for (int i = 0; i < AnimationTypeCount; i++) { Sprites.Add((AnimationTypes)i, new AnimatedSprite(100)); } CurrentAnimation = AnimationTypes.Idle; SpriteFolder = ""; }
public Dictionary<string, GameObject> types = null; //!< The associative array of unit types /** * Called when the script is loaded, before the game starts */ void Awake() { S = this; types = new Dictionary<string, GameObject> (); foreach (GameObject type in unitTypes) { types.Add (, type); } }
public static Unit SpawnUnit(GameplayManager gm, UnitTypes type, Vector2 position, int faction, World world) { switch (type) { case UnitTypes.Ranged: return CreateRangedUnit(gm, position, faction, world); case UnitTypes.Melee: return CreateMeleeUnit(gm, position, faction, world); default: return CreateRangedUnit(gm, position, faction, world); } }
private GameObject CreateCreationUnitButton(Vector2 center, UnitTypes type, int position) { GameObject canvasObject = new GameObject("UnitCreationButtonCanvas"); Canvas canvas = canvasObject.AddComponent<Canvas>(); canvas.tag = "UnitCreationButton"; canvasObject.AddComponent<GraphicRaycaster>(); canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; GameObject buttonObject = new GameObject("CreationUnitImage"); Image image = buttonObject.AddComponent<Image>(); image.transform.parent = canvas.transform; image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = creationQueueButtonSize * 0.9f; image.rectTransform.position = center; Sprite buttonImage = GetImageForType(type); if (buttonImage != null) { image.sprite = buttonImage; } else { image.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); } Button button = buttonObject.AddComponent<Button>(); button.targetGraphic = image; button.onClick.AddListener(() => { if (position == 0) { if (currentResource != null) { currentResource.cancelUnitQueue(); } else if (currentBarrack != null) { currentBarrack.cancelUnitQueue(); } ShowCreationQueue(); } }); GameObject shadowObject = new GameObject("UnitCreationShadow"); Image shadow = shadowObject.AddComponent<Image>(); shadow.transform.parent = canvas.transform; shadow.rectTransform.sizeDelta = creationQueueButtonSize * 0.9f; shadow.rectTransform.position = center; shadow.type = Image.Type.Filled; shadow.fillMethod = Image.FillMethod.Radial360; shadow.transform.Rotate(180,0,0); Texture2D shadowTexture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load ("creationUnitShadow"); if (shadowTexture) { shadow.sprite = Sprite.Create (shadowTexture, new Rect (0, 0, shadowTexture.width, shadowTexture.height), new Vector2 (0.5f, 0.5f)); } return canvasObject; }
public IUnit CreateUnit(Vector3 position, UnitTypes type, UnitData data, bool isDefender) { IUnit unit; if (type == UnitTypes.HERO) { unit = new HeroModel(); } else { unit = new UnitModel(); } InjectionBinder.injector.Inject(unit); unit.Spawn(position, data, type, isDefender); unit.InitializeStates(); unit.StartAct(); return unit; }
/** * Runs at load time */ void Start () { gameController = GameController.S; mapsController = MapsController.S; movementController = MovementController.S; playerController = PlayerController.S; remoteCamera = RemoteCamera.S; unitTypesCollection = UnitTypes.S; playerUnitCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>[4]; // Copy the settings from the parent unit types to the faction units propagateOptions (); }
public void From_XML(System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml) { Reset(); var element = xml.Element("memory"); if (element == null) { if (xml.Name == "memory") element = xml; else element = null; } if (element != null) { Int64 i = 0; Int64.TryParse(element.Value, out i); if (i < 128) i = 128; var attr = element.Attribute("unit"); if (attr != null) { var b = UnitTypes.MiB; Enum.TryParse(attr.Value, true, out b); memory_unit = b; } else memory_unit = UnitTypes.KiB;//default memory = i; } element = xml.Element("currentMemory"); if (element != null) { Int64 i = 0; Int64.TryParse(element.Value, out i); if (i < 128) i = 128; var attr = element.Attribute("unit"); if (attr != null) { var b = UnitTypes.MiB; Enum.TryParse(attr.Value, true, out b); currentMemory_unit = b; } else memory_unit = UnitTypes.KiB;//default currentMemory = i; } else {// if not present, uses same as memory currentMemory = memory; currentMemory_unit = memory_unit; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="u"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> public void CreateUnit(Unit u, UnitTypes type) { if (Board.Instance.SelectedBase.QueueUnit == null) { /* Make the unit, but disable it until the spawntime! */ Unit unit = Board.Instance.MakeUnit (0, 0, type, Board.Instance.SelectedBase.RaceType); unit.gameObject.SetActive (false); unit.InQueue = true; //Board.Instance.SelectedBase.MovementRange = 3; BaseCreatePanel.Instance.ToggleCreatingView(unit); Board.Instance.SelectedBase.QueueUnit = unit; Board.Instance.SelectedBase.TurnOffRangeIndicator(); Board.Instance.SelectedBase.TurnOver = true; } GameController.Instance.IsDone (); }
public Unit(string name, UnitTypes unitType, Faction side, IMovementBehavior movementBehavior, IAttackBehavior attackBehavior, ITargetBehavior targetBehavior) { _name = name; _experience = 50; _resources = 50; _side = side; _unitType = unitType; _movementBehavior = movementBehavior; _movementBehavior.Owner = this; _attackBehavior = attackBehavior; _attackBehavior.Owner = this; _targetBehavior = targetBehavior; _targetBehavior.Owner = this; _unitView = new UnitView(this, unitType); }
//Constructors public Unit(UnitTypes type, RaceTypes race, int initialHealthLevel, int initialAttackLevel, int level, bool isAlive, Point currentPosition, bool isSelected) { this.Type = type; this.Race = race; //Current health level, initial health level and max health level are the same int the initialization this.HealthLevel = initialHealthLevel; this.InitialHealthLevel = initialHealthLevel; this.MaxHealthLevel = initialHealthLevel; //Current attack level, initial attack level and max attack level are the same int the initialization this.AttackLevel = initialAttackLevel; this.InitialAttackLevel = initialAttackLevel; this.MaxAttackLevel = initialAttackLevel; this.CounterAttackLevel = initialAttackLevel / 2; this.Level = level; this.IsAlive = isAlive; this.CurrentPosition = currentPosition; this.IsSelected = isSelected; }
public ThermodynamicParameter(UnitTypes type, double value, UnitSystems unitsys) : this(0, type, 0, unitsys) { }
private void Reset() { memory = currentMemory=128; currentMemory_unit = memory_unit = UnitTypes.MiB; }
protected override void OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UnitTypes.MoveCurrentTo(GetValue().GridUnitType); NotifyPropertyChanged("Units"); base.OnValueChanged(sender, e); }
void showUnitSummary() { statScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(statScroll, false, false); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Unit Name", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uName); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType = (UnitTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Unit Type", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType); if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType != filterType) filterType = unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hero", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Stats"); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxHp = EditorGUILayout.IntField("HP", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxHp, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Speed", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxSpeed, 5, 20, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].impulse = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Impulse", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].impulse, 3, 6, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].memory = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Memory", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].memory, 0, 5, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); } /*****************************************/ //Atk/Def Factors /*****************************************/ EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Attack Factors"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Defence Factors"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i] = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Enum.GetName(typeof(DamageType), i), unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i], 0.5f, 2.0f); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i] = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Enum.GetName(typeof(DamageType), i), unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i], 0.5f, 2.0f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Attack Factors")) for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i] = 1.0f; } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Defence Factors")) for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i] = 1.0f; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public bool DoTrainUnit(UnitTypes unitType) { return this.bwapiObject.train(new SWIG.BWAPI.UnitType((int)unitType)); }
/// <summary> /// Get image url for a unit /// </summary> public string GetUnitImageUrl(UnitTypes type) { return string.Format(UnitGraphicsUrlFormat, type.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); }
/// <summary> /// Create unit of specific type at specific location. /// All other parameters (hitpoints, etc.) are set from UnitManager. /// </summary> /// <param name="setType">Set type</param> /// <param name="setPosition">Set position</param> /// <param name="setMovementPattern">Movement pattern</param> public Unit(UnitTypes setType, Vector2 setPosition, MovementPattern setMovementPattern) { unitType = setType; //(Unit.UnitTypes)RandomHelper.GetRandomInt(5); position = setPosition; movementPattern = setMovementPattern; // Don't allow swing left/right for asteroid if (unitType == UnitTypes.Asteroid) movementPattern = MovementPattern.StraightDown; // Recalculate our unit values and reset hitpoints to 100%. maxHitpoints = hitpoints = DefaultUnitHitpoints[(int)unitType]; cooldownTime = DefaultCooldownTime[(int)unitType]; damage = DefaultUnitDamage[(int)unitType]; explosionDamage = DefaultExplosionDamage[(int)unitType]; maxSpeed = DefaultMaxSpeed[(int)unitType]; shootTime = 0; lifeTimeMs = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Перевести величину в другой тип измерения. /// </summary> /// <param name="destinationType">Тип измерения, в который необходимо перевести.</param> /// <returns>Сконвертированная величина.</returns> public Unit Convert(UnitTypes destinationType) { return(Convert(destinationType, GetTypeValue)); }
/// <summary> /// Создать величину типа <see cref="UnitTypes.Absolute"/> или <see cref="UnitTypes.Percent"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Значение.</param> /// <param name="type">Единица измерения.</param> public Unit(decimal value, UnitTypes type) : this(value, type, null) { }
public override bool DetermineAction(Agent agent, Point2D target) { if (agent.Unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.INFESTOR) { return(false); } if (Tyr.Bot.Frame != CleanFungalTargetsFrame) { CleanFungalTargetsFrame = Tyr.Bot.Frame; List <ulong> clearTags = new List <ulong>(); foreach (FungalTarget fungal in FungalTargets.Values) { if (Tyr.Bot.Frame - fungal.Frame >= 22.4 * 3) { clearTags.Add(fungal.InfestorTag); } } foreach (ulong tag in clearTags) { FungalTargets.Remove(tag); } } if (NeuralFrame.ContainsKey(agent.Unit.Tag) && Tyr.Bot.Frame - NeuralFrame[agent.Unit.Tag] < 22) { return(true); } if (Fungal(agent)) { return(true); } if (NeuralParasite(agent)) { return(true); } Unit closestEnemy = null; float distance = agent.Unit.Energy < 70 ? 12 * 12 : 9 * 9; foreach (Unit unit in Tyr.Bot.Enemies()) { if (!UnitTypes.CanAttackGround(unit.UnitType)) { continue; } float newDist = agent.DistanceSq(unit); if (newDist >= distance) { continue; } distance = newDist; closestEnemy = unit; } if (closestEnemy == null) { agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, target); return(true); } agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, agent.From(closestEnemy, 4)); return(true); }
// Sets unitType public void SetUnit(UnitTypes value) { unit = value; }
public void SetUnitType(UnitTypes type) { LocalType = type; Stats.MaxStrength = (int)type; SetStrength(Stats.CurStrength); }
/// <summary> /// Cast the value to another type. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Source unit.</param> /// <param name="destinationType">Destination value type.</param> /// <param name="security">Information about the instrument. Required when using <see cref="UnitTypes.Point"/> и <see cref="UnitTypes.Step"/>.</param> /// <returns>Converted value.</returns> public static Unit Convert(this Unit unit, UnitTypes destinationType, Security security) { return(unit.Convert(destinationType, type => GetTypeValue(security, type))); }
public Unit(double value, UnitTypes type) { this._value = value; this._type = type; }
public BulletTypes GetBulletType(UnitTypes uniType) { return bullets[uniType]; }
public virtual int MoveAllJoint(MovementsTypes nMovementType, UnitTypes nUnit, SpeedTypes nSpeedUsed, WaitTypes nWaitType, double dbJ1Value, double dbJ2Value, double dbJ3Value, double dbJ4Value, double dbJ5Value, double dbJ6Value, double dbAcc, double dbDec, double dbSpeed) { int nRetResult = 0; lock (thisLock) { bool bRetSend = false; //先記錄目前各關節位置 double dbJ1 = 0, dbJ2 = 0, dbJ3 = 0, dbJ4 = 0, dbJ5 = 0, dbJ6 = 0; //1.單位選擇 switch (nUnit) { case UnitTypes.Degree: dbJ1 = dbJ1Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; dbJ2 = dbJ2Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; dbJ3 = dbJ3Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; dbJ4 = dbJ4Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; dbJ5 = dbJ5Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; dbJ6 = dbJ6Value * 3.1415926 / 180.0;; break; case UnitTypes.Radian: dbJ1 = dbJ1Value; dbJ2 = dbJ2Value; dbJ3 = dbJ3Value; dbJ4 = dbJ4Value; dbJ5 = dbJ5Value; dbJ6 = dbJ6Value; break; } //2.移動量模式選擇 switch (nMovementType) { case MovementsTypes.Abs: break; case MovementsTypes.Rel: dbJ1 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbBasePosRadian + dbJ1; dbJ2 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbShoulderPosRadian + dbJ2; dbJ3 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbElbowPosRadian + dbJ3; dbJ4 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbWrist1PosRadian + dbJ4; dbJ5 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbWrist2PosRadian + dbJ5; dbJ6 = URClient.m_jointRadianInfo.dbWrist3PosRadian + dbJ6; break; } //4.速度型態選擇 switch (nSpeedUsed) { case SpeedTypes.Use: string strCmd1 = string.Format("(25,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9})", dbJ1, dbJ2, dbJ3, dbJ4, dbJ5, dbJ6, dbAcc, dbSpeed, 0, 0); bRetSend = URServer.SendData(strCmd1); break; case SpeedTypes.NoUse: string strCmd2 = string.Format("(20,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5})", dbJ1, dbJ2, dbJ3, dbJ4, dbJ5, dbJ6); bRetSend = URServer.SendData(strCmd2); break; } if (bRetSend == true) { //5.等待型態選擇 if (nWaitType == WaitTypes.Wait) { byte[] byteRecv; byteRecv = new byte[32]; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(30); int nLen = URServer.Receive(byteRecv); if (nLen > 0) // 讀取到資料 { string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteRecv); int nRetCompare = string.Compare(result, "MoveJ Done"); if (nRetCompare == 0) { nRetResult = 1; } else { nRetResult = 0; } break; } else //沒有讀取到資料 { nRetResult = 0; //if (nLen == SOCKET_ERROR) //{ // int nErr = WSAGetLastError(); // if (nErr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) // { // bRet = FALSE; // break; // } // } break; } } } else { nRetResult = 1; } } else { nRetResult = 0; } } return(nRetResult); }
private static decimal? GetTypeValue(Security security, UnitTypes type) { switch (type) { case UnitTypes.Point: if (security == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(security)); return security.StepPrice; case UnitTypes.Step: if (security == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(security)); return security.PriceStep; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, LocalizedStrings.Str1291); } }
public void ReduceRegisterLessUnits(UnitTypes UT) { ReduceRegisterLessUnits(UT, 1); }
public Unit To(UnitTypes unitType) { return(new Unit((this.Value * this.GetPixelPer(this.Type)) / this.GetPixelPer(unitType), unitType)); }
public override bool DetermineAction(Agent agent, Point2D target) { if (agent.Unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.REAPER) { return(false); } if (agent.Unit.Health <= 15) { RegeneratingReapers.Add(agent.Unit.Tag); } if (agent.Unit.Health >= agent.Unit.HealthMax) { RegeneratingReapers.Remove(agent.Unit.Tag); } if (RegeneratingReapers.Contains(agent.Unit.Tag)) { agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, SC2Util.To2D(Bot.Main.MapAnalyzer.StartLocation)); return(true); } foreach (Unit unit in Bot.Main.Enemies()) { if (unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.BUNKER && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.MARAUDER && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.QUEEN && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.SPINE_CRAWLER && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.ZERGLING && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.PHOTON_CANNON && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.STALKER && unit.UnitType != UnitTypes.ZEALOT) { continue; } int dist; if (unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.BUNKER || unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.SPINE_CRAWLER || unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.PHOTON_CANNON) { dist = 12 * 12; } else if (unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.ZERGLING || unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.ZEALOT) { dist = 5 * 5; } else { dist = 10 * 10; } if (agent.DistanceSq(unit) < dist) { if (unit.UnitType == UnitTypes.ZERGLING && agent.Unit.WeaponCooldown == 0) { return(false); } agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, SC2Util.To2D(Bot.Main.MapAnalyzer.StartLocation)); return(true); } } if (agent.Unit.WeaponCooldown == 0) { return(false); } float distance = 12 * 12; Unit killTarget = null; foreach (Unit unit in Bot.Main.Enemies()) { if (!UnitTypes.WorkerTypes.Contains(unit.UnitType)) { continue; } float newDist = agent.DistanceSq(unit); if (newDist >= distance) { continue; } distance = newDist; killTarget = unit; } if (killTarget != null) { if (distance >= 3 * 3) { agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, SC2Util.To2D(killTarget.Pos)); } else { agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, agent.From(killTarget, 4)); } return(true); } foreach (Unit unit in Bot.Main.Enemies()) { if (UnitTypes.CanAttackGround(unit.UnitType) && agent.DistanceSq(unit) <= 5 * 5) { return(false); } } foreach (Unit unit in Bot.Main.Enemies()) { if (!UnitTypes.ResourceCenters.Contains(unit.UnitType)) { continue; } if (SC2Util.DistanceSq(unit.Pos, Bot.Main.MapAnalyzer.StartLocation) > 4) { continue; } PotentialHelper potential = new PotentialHelper(unit.Pos); potential.Magnitude = 4; potential.From(Bot.Main.MapAnalyzer.StartLocation); Point2D targetLoc = potential.Get(); if (agent.DistanceSq(targetLoc) < 4 * 4) { return(false); } agent.Order(Abilities.MOVE, targetLoc); return(true); } return(false); }
public RaceAlliance(UnitTypes type, int initialHealthLevel, int initialAttackLevel, int level, bool isAlive, Point currentPosition, bool isSelected) : base(type, RaceTypes.Alliance, initialHealthLevel, initialAttackLevel, level, isAlive, currentPosition, isSelected) { }
public Entity(string name, UnitTypes unitType, int playerNumber) { Name = name; UnitType = unitType; PlayerNumber = playerNumber; }
void OnGUI() { /***********************************/ //Header /***********************************/ if (atkDataList == null) { string objectPath = EditorPrefs.GetString("AttackDatabasePath"); atkDataList = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objectPath, typeof(AttackDataList)) as AttackDataList; } if (unitDataList == null) { string objectPath = EditorPrefs.GetString("UnitDataPath"); unitPDataList = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objectPath, typeof(UnitDataList)) as UnitDataList; } if(cardDataBase == null) { cardDataBase = (CardDatabase)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(CardDatabase)); } GUILayout.Label("Unit Data Editor", EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (unitDataList.unitList.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No Unit database available, error."); } else { if (buttonToggled == null || buttonToggled.Count < unitDataList.unitList.Count) { buttonToggled = new List<bool>(); toggledIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < unitDataList.unitList.Count; i++) buttonToggled.Add(false); } if (toggledIndex > unitDataList.unitList.Count) { Debug.Log("Index was out of bounds"); toggledIndex = unitDataList.unitList.Count - 1; } /************************************************************/ /******************************************/ //Display things /******************************************/ if (unitDataList != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unit List Data", EditorStyles.boldLabel); filterType = (UnitTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(filterType); if (GUILayout.Button("Sort", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { sortByName(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (unitDataList.unitList == null) { Debug.Log("Mistakes were made - You should never reach this"); } /****************************************/ //How the list will look /***************************************/ if (unitDataList.unitList.Count > 0) { if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType != filterType) { toggledIndex = 0; findNext(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //----------Show all the buttons----------- showScrollButtons(); //----------------------------------------- EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //---------Current selection info----------- //SHOW UNIT SUMMARY showUnitSummary(); /*************************************/ //UnitAttack WindowSpawn /************************************/ GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unit Attacks"); atkScroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(atkScroll, GUILayout.Height(120)); foreach (string x in unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].attacksData.ToList<String>()) { AttackData knownAtk = atkDataList.findByID(x); if (knownAtk != null) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.TextField(knownAtk.aName, knownAtk.pattern.ToString()); EditorGUILayout.TextField("Damage: " + knownAtk.expectedMin + " - " + knownAtk.expectedMax); EditorGUILayout.TextField("Range: " + knownAtk.range.ToString()); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (GUILayout.Button("Link this unit")) { cardDataBase.assignElement(unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uniqueId); cardDataBase.Repaint(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { GUILayout.Label("This Unit List is Empty."); } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(unitDataList); } } } }
public Unit(double value, UnitTypes type) { Value = value; UnitType = type; }
private static bool confirmCompatibleTypes(UnitDouble left, UnitDouble right, out UnitConverter convert, out UnitTypes unittype, out Enum unit) { if (right != null && left.Converter != right.Converter && right.UnitType != UnitTypes.None && left.UnitType != UnitTypes.None) { convert = null; unittype = UnitTypes.None; unit = null; return(false); } convert = (left.UnitType == UnitTypes.None && right != null ? right.Converter : left.Converter); unittype = (left.UnitType == UnitTypes.None && right != null ? right.UnitType : left.UnitType); unit = (left.UnitType == UnitTypes.None && right != null ? right.Unit : left.Unit); return(true); }
public void ChangeUnitType(UnitTypes unitType) { Unit = unitType; }
public OutputAttribute(string name, string description, string group, UnitTypes units = UnitTypes.Undefined) : base(name, description, group, units) { }
public UnitType(UnitTypes type, string displayTitle, SystemOfMeasurement system) : this(type, displayTitle) { this.System = system; }
protected override void ParseUpdate(MemoryStream memoryStream) { var reader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream); UnitType = (UnitTypes) reader.ReadByte(); bool hasEntToUse = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (hasEntToUse) { ushort id = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (WorldEntities.ContainsKey(id)) { EntityToUse = WorldEntities[id]; } } RangedUnit = reader.ReadBoolean(); Health = reader.ReadSingle(); MaxHealth = reader.ReadSingle(); State = (UnitState) reader.ReadByte(); Position = new Vector2f(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); Speed = reader.ReadSingle(); Energy = reader.ReadUInt16(); Range = reader.ReadSingle(); allowMovement = reader.ReadBoolean(); rallyPoints.Clear(); ParseRallyPoints(memoryStream); StandardAttackDamage = reader.ReadSingle(); HotkeyString = reader.ReadString(); drawPosition = Position; }
public UnitType(UnitTypes type, string displayTitle) { this.Type = type; this.DisplayTitle = displayTitle; }
public ThermodynamicParameter(double wm, UnitTypes utp, double value, UnitSystems unitsys, List<ThermodynamicParameter> List) { this.MolecularWeight = wm; this.UnitType = utp; this.Value = value; try { //利用映射 string[] temp = (string[])(typeof(UnitConversion).GetField(UnitType.ToString()).GetValue(null)); this.Unit = temp[(int)unitsys]; } catch { RefpropErrorHandler.ErrorHandler(this, "Unknown unit", 1000); } this.UnitSystem = unitsys; List.Add(this); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Unit class. /// </summary> public Unit() { SetDeathState(DeathStates.Alive); this.unitFlags = UnitFlags.None; this.respawnLocation = new GridLocation(); ObjectType = ObjectTypes.Unit; this.unitType = UnitTypes.Unit; this.unitSide = UnitSides.Evil; this.effectList = new EffectCollection(this); this.collidingUnits = new List<Unit>(); BaseSpeed = 1.0d; SpeedRate = BaseSpeed; this.respawnTimer = 3000; this.effectList.EffectApplied += new EffectCollection.EffectHandler(OnEffectApplied); this.effectList.EffectRemoved += new EffectCollection.EffectHandler(OnEffectRemoved); }
/// <summary> /// Cast the value to another type. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Source unit.</param> /// <param name="destinationType">Destination value type.</param> /// <param name="security">Information about the instrument. Required when using <see cref="UnitTypes.Point"/> и <see cref="UnitTypes.Step"/>.</param> /// <returns>Converted value.</returns> public static Unit Convert(this Unit unit, UnitTypes destinationType, Security security) { return unit.Convert(destinationType, type => GetTypeValue(security, type)); }
/// <summary> /// initiate the ofject /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Input, item description</param> /// <param name="amount">Input, item amount or quanitity</param> /// <param name="unit">Input, unit type</param> public ShoppingItem(string name, double amount, UnitTypes unit) { this.description = name; this.amount = amount; this.unit = unit; }
/// <summary> /// copy constructor, creates an object with values from different object by making a complete copy of the internal reference /// </summary> /// <param name="theOtherShoppingItem"></param> public ShoppingItem(ShoppingItem theOtherShoppingItem) { description = theOtherShoppingItem.description; amount = theOtherShoppingItem.amount; unit = theOtherShoppingItem.unit; }
void OnGUI() { /***********************************/ //Header /***********************************/ GUILayout.Label("Unit Data Editor", EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (unitDataList == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No Attack database available, error."); } /******************************************/ //Sanity Checks and setups /******************************************/ GUILayout.Space(20); if (unitDataList.unitList == null) { Debug.Log("New List was made"); unitDataList.unitList = new List<UnitData>(); toggledIndex = 0; } if (buttonToggled == null || buttonToggled.Count < unitDataList.unitList.Count) { buttonToggled = new List<bool>(); toggledIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < unitDataList.unitList.Count; i++) buttonToggled.Add(false); } if (toggledIndex > unitDataList.unitList.Count) { Debug.Log("Index was out of bounds"); toggledIndex = unitDataList.unitList.Count - 1; } /************************************************************/ /******************************************/ //Display things /******************************************/ if (unitDataList != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Prev", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { findPrev(); } GUILayout.Space(5); if (GUILayout.Button("Next", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { findNext(); } GUILayout.Space(60); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Item", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { AddUnit(); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType = filterType; } if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Item", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { DeleteUnit(toggledIndex); } filterType = (UnitTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(filterType); if (GUILayout.Button("Sort", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { sortByName(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (unitDataList.unitList == null) { Debug.Log("Mistakes were made - You should never reach this"); } /****************************************/ //How the list will look /***************************************/ if (unitDataList.unitList.Count > 0) { if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType != filterType) { toggledIndex = 0; findNext(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //----------Show all the buttons----------- showScrollButtons(); //----------------------------------------- EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //---------Current selection info----------- statScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(statScroll,false, false); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Unit Name", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uName); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType = (UnitTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Unit Type", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType); if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType != filterType) filterType = unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].uType; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hero", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Stats", EditorStyles.boldLabel); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxHp = EditorGUILayout.IntField("HP", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxHp, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Speed", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].maxSpeed, 5, 20, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].isHero) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].impulse = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Impulse", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].impulse, 3, 6, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].memory = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Memory", unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].memory, 0, 5, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); } /*****************************************/ //Atk/Def Factors /*****************************************/ EditorGUILayout.Space(); showFactors = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showFactors, "Type Factors"); if (showFactors) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Attack Factors"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Defence Factors"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i] = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Enum.GetName(typeof(DamageType), i), unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i], 0.5f, 2.0f); unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i] = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Enum.GetName(typeof(DamageType), i), unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i], 0.5f, 2.0f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Attack Factors")) for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeAtk[i] = 1.0f; } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Defence Factors")) for (int i = 0; i < (int)DamageType.TOTAL; i++) { unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].typeDef[i] = 1.0f; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); /*************************************/ //UnitAttack WindowSpawn /************************************/ GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unit Attacks", EditorStyles.boldLabel); atkScroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(atkScroll, GUILayout.Height(120)); foreach(string x in unitDataList.unitList[toggledIndex].attacksData.ToList<String>()) { AttackData knownAtk = atkDataList.findByID(x); if(knownAtk != null) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(knownAtk.aName); showAttackSummary(knownAtk); if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.Width(120f))) RemoveAttack((toggledIndex), x); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Attack List")) { AttackListWindow.CardEdit(false); atkWindow = (AttackListWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(AttackListWindow)); } if (GUILayout.Button("Clear Residual Data")) refreshUnitsAttackLists(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { GUILayout.Label("This Unit List is Empty."); } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(unitDataList); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a UnitObject from the internal serialised byte array. /// </summary> private void _ReadUnit() { //// start of header // unit object versions _version = _bitBuffer.ReadInt16(); _context = (ObjectContext)_bitBuffer.ReadByte(); if (_version != 0x00BF && _version != 0x00CD && _version != 0x00CF) throw new Exceptions.NotSupportedVersionException("0x00BF or 0x00CD or 0x00CF", "0x" + _version.ToString("X4")); if (_context != ObjectContext.Save && _context != ObjectContext.CharSelect && _context != ObjectContext.CharStats && _context != ObjectContext.ItemDrop) { throw new Exceptions.NotSupportedVersionException("0x00 or 0x02 or 0x03 or 0x04", "0x" + _context.ToString("X2")); } if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Version = {0} (0x{0:X4}), Context = {1} (0x{2:X2})", _version, _context, (int)_context)); } // content bit fields _bitFieldCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(8); if (_bitFieldCount == 1) _bitField = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt32(); if (_bitFieldCount == 2) _bitField = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt64(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("BitField = {0} (0x{1:X16})", _DebugBinaryFormat(_bitField), _bitField)); } // total bit count if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1DBitCountEof)) { _bitCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Total BitCount = {0}", _bitCount)); } } // begin data magic word if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit00FlagAlignment)) { _beginFlag = (uint)_bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("BeginFlag = 0x{0}", _beginFlag.ToString("X8"))); } if (_beginFlag != ObjectMagicWord && _beginFlag != ItemMagicWord) throw new Exceptions.UnexpectedTokenException(ObjectMagicWord, _beginFlag); } // dunno what these are exactly if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1CTimeStamps)) { _timeStamp1 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); _timeStamp2 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); _timeStamp3 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("TimeStamp1 = {0}, TimeStamp2 = {1}, TimeStamp3 = {2}", _timeStamp1, _timeStamp2, _timeStamp3)); } } // last station visited save/respawn location if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1FSaveLocations)) { int saveLocationsCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBitsShift(4); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("SaveLocationsCount = {0}", saveLocationsCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < saveLocationsCount; i++) { ushort levelCode = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt16(); // table 0x6D (LEVEL) ushort difficultyCode = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt16(); // table 0xB2 (DIFFICULTY) SaveLocation saveLocation = new SaveLocation { Level = (LevelRow)FileManager.GetRowFromCode(Xls.TableCodes.LEVEL, (short)levelCode), Difficulty = (DifficultyRow)FileManager.GetRowFromCode(Xls.TableCodes.DIFFICULTY, (short)difficultyCode) }; SaveLocations.Add(saveLocation); if ((SaveLocations[i].Level == null && SaveLocations[i].Difficulty != null) || (SaveLocations[i].Level != null && SaveLocations[i].Difficulty == null)) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectException(String.Format("Invalid SaveLocation encountered. Level = {0:X4}, Difficulty = {1:X4}", levelCode, difficultyCode)); } if (!_debugOutputLoadingProgress) continue; if (SaveLocations[i].Level == null || SaveLocations[i].Difficulty == null) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("SaveLocations[{0}].LevelCode = {1} (0x{1:X4}), SaveLocations[{0}].DifficultyCode = {2} (0x{2:X4})", i, levelCode, difficultyCode)); } else { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("SaveLocations[{0}].Level = {1}, SaveLocations[{0}].Difficulty = {2}", i, SaveLocations[i].Level.levelName, SaveLocations[i]; } } } // character flags if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit20States1)) { int statCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(8); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StateCode1Count = {0}", statCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < statCount; i++) { int state = _bitBuffer.ReadInt16(); AddState1(state); // table 0x4B (STATES) if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StateCodes1[{0}] = {1}({2:X})", i, StateCodes1[i], (short)(StateCodes1[i]))); } } } //// end of header // bit offsets to bookmarks (only 1 bookmark though - "hotkeys") if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1BBookmarks)) { BookmarkCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(5); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("BookmarkCount = {0}", BookmarkCount)); } if (BookmarkCount > 1) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectNotImplementedException("Unexpected BookmarkCount (> 1)!\nNot-Implemented cases. Please report this error and supply the offending file."); } for (int i = 0; i < BookmarkCount; i++) { Bookmark bookmark = new Bookmark { Code = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt16(), Offset = _bitBuffer.ReadInt32() }; if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Bookmarks[{0}].Code = {1} (0x{1:X4}), Bookmarks[{0}].Offset = {2}", i, bookmark.Code, bookmark.Offset)); } Bookmarks.Add(bookmark); } } // dunno... if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit05Unknown)) { UnitObjectId = _bitBuffer.ReadInt32(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UnitObjectId = {0} (0x{0:X4})", UnitObjectId)); } } // unit type/code // if unit type == 1, table = 0x91 (PLAYERS) // 2, table = 0x77 (MONSTERS) // 3? (table = 0x72; MISSILES at a guess. For memory, MISSILES doesn't use code values - probably why not seen in ASM) // 4, table = 0x67 (ITEMS) // 5, table = 0x7B (OBJECTS) UnitType = (UnitTypes)_bitBuffer.ReadBits(4); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UnitType = {0}", UnitType)); } UnitCode = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt16(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.Write(String.Format("UnitCode = {0} (0x{0:X4}), ", UnitCode)); } Xls.TableCodes tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.Null; switch (UnitType) { case UnitTypes.Player: tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.PLAYERS; break; case UnitTypes.Monster: tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.MONSTERS; break; case UnitTypes.Missile: tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.MISSILES; break; case UnitTypes.Item: tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.ITEMS; break; case UnitTypes.Object: tableCode = Xls.TableCodes.OBJECTS; break; } if (tableCode == Xls.TableCodes.Null) throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectException("The unit object data has an unknown UnitType."); UnitData = FileManager.GetUnitDataRowFromCode(tableCode, (short)UnitCode); if (UnitData == null) Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: UnitCode {0} (0x{0:X4}) not found!", UnitCode)); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress && UnitData != null) { ExcelFile unitDataTable = FileManager.GetExcelTableFromCode(tableCode); String rowName = unitDataTable.ReadStringTable(; Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UnitDataName = " + rowName)); } // unit object id if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit17ObjectId)) { if (_version > 0xB2) { ObjectId = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt64(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("ObjectId = {0} (0x{0:X16})", ObjectId)); } if (ObjectId == 0) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectNotImplementedException("if (ObjectId == 0)"); } } } // item positioning stuff if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit01Unknown) || _TestBit(Bits.Bit03Unknown)) { IsInventory = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsInventory = {0}, Bits.Bit01Unknown = {1}, Bits.Bit03Unknown = {2}", IsInventory, _TestBit(Bits.Bit01Unknown), _TestBit(Bits.Bit03Unknown))); } if (IsInventory) // item is in inventory { if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit02Unknown)) { Unknown02 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown02 = {0}", Unknown02)); } } InventoryLocationIndex = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(12); InventoryPositionX = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(12); InventoryPositionY = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(12); Unknown04 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(4); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("InventoryLocationIndex = {0}, InventoryPositionX = {1}, InventoryPositionY = {2}, Unknown04 = {3}", InventoryLocationIndex, InventoryPositionX, InventoryPositionY, Unknown04)); } Unknown0103Int64 = _bitBuffer.ReadNonStandardFunc(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown0103Int64 = {0} (0x{0:X16})", Unknown0103Int64)); } } else // item is a "world drop" { RoomId = _bitBuffer.ReadInt32(); Position.X = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Position.Y = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Position.Z = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Unknown0103Float21 = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Unknown0103Float22 = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Unknown0103Float23 = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Normal.X = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Normal.Y = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Normal.Z = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Unknown0103Int2 = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(10); Unknown0103Float4 = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); Unknown0103Float5 = _bitBuffer.ReadFloat(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("RoomId = {0}", RoomId)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Position.X = {0}, Position.Y = {1}, Position.Z = {2}", Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown0103Float21 = {0}, Unknown0103Float22 = {1}, Unknown0103Float23 = {2}", Unknown0103Float21, Unknown0103Float22, Unknown0103Float23)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("NormalX = {0}, NormalY = {1}, NormalZ = {2}", Normal.X, Normal.Y, Normal.Z)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown0103Int2 = {0}", Unknown0103Int2)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown0103Float4 = {0}", Unknown0103Float4)); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown0103Float5 = {0}", Unknown0103Float5)); } } } // I think this has something to do with the Monsters table +46Ch, bit 0x55 = 4 bits or bit 0x47 = 2 bits. Or Objects table +46Ch, bit 0x55 = 2 bits... Something like that if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit06Unknown)) { UnknownBool06 = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UnknownBool06 = {0}", UnknownBool06)); } if (!UnknownBool06) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectNotImplementedException("if (UnknownBool06 != 1)"); } } if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit09ItemLookGroup)) { ItemLookGroupCode = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(8); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("ItemLookGroupCode = {0} (0x{0:X2})", ItemLookGroupCode)); } } // on character only if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit07CharacterShape)) { CharacterHeight = _bitBuffer.ReadByte(); CharacterBulk = _bitBuffer.ReadByte(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("CharacterHeight = {0}, CharacterBulk = {1}", CharacterHeight, CharacterBulk)); } } // object id for older versions - they moved it? if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit17ObjectId)) { if (_version <= 0xB2) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectNotImplementedException("if (_TestBit(0x17) && Version <= 0xB2)"); } } // on character only if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit08CharacterName)) { int unicodeCharCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(8); if (unicodeCharCount > 0) { int byteCount = unicodeCharCount * 2; // is Unicode string without \0 _charNameBytes = new byte[byteCount]; for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) { _charNameBytes[i] = _bitBuffer.ReadByte(); } Name = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(_charNameBytes, 0, byteCount); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Name = {0}", Name)); } } } // on both character and items - appears to be always zero for items if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit0AStates2)) { int stateCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(8); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StateCode2Count = {0}", stateCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < stateCount; i++) { int state = _bitBuffer.ReadInt16(); AddState2(state); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StateCodes2[{0}] = {1}({2:X})", i, StateCodes2[i], (short)(StateCodes2[i]))); } // this section looks like it has more reading if Bit14 is flagged (CharSelectStats) } } if (_context > ObjectContext.CharSelect && (_context <= ObjectContext.Unknown6 || _context != ObjectContext.Unknown7)) // so if == 0, 1, 2, 7, then *don't* do this { ContextBool = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (ContextBool) { ContextBoolValue = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(4); // invlocidx?? } if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UsageBool = {0}, UsageBoolValue = {1}", ContextBool, ContextBoolValue)); } } // <unknown bitfield 0x11th bit> - only seen as false anyways IsDead = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IsDead = {0}", IsDead)); } // unit stats if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit0DStats)) { Stats.ReadStats(_bitBuffer, true); } else if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit14CharSelectStats)) { int characterLevel = _bitBuffer.ReadByte(); // stats row 0x000 (level) Stats.SetStat("level", characterLevel); int characterPvpRankRowIndex = _bitBuffer.ReadByte(); // stats row 0x347 (player_rank) Stats.SetStat("player_rank", characterPvpRankRowIndex); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("LevelRowIndex = {0}, PlayerRankRowIndex = {1}", characterLevel, characterPvpRankRowIndex)); } if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1ECharSelectStatsMaxDifficulty)) { int maxDifficultyRowIndex = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(3); // stats row 0x347 (difficulty_max) Stats.SetStat("difficulty_max", maxDifficultyRowIndex); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("MaxDifficultyRowIndex = {0}, ", maxDifficultyRowIndex)); } } } HasAppearanceDetails = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("HasAppearanceDetails = {0}", HasAppearanceDetails)); } if (HasAppearanceDetails) { _ReadAppearance(); } if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit12Items)) { ItemEndBitOffset = _bitBuffer.ReadInt32(); ItemCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(10); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("ItemEndBitOffset = {0}, ItemCount = {1}", ItemEndBitOffset, ItemCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) { UnitObject item = new UnitObject(_bitBuffer, _debugOutputLoadingProgress); item._ReadUnit(); Items.Add(item); } } if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1AHotkeys)) { HotkeyFlag = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt32(); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("HotkeyFlag = {0} (0x{0:X8})", HotkeyFlag)); } if (HotkeyFlag != HotkeysMagicWord) { throw new Exceptions.UnexpectedTokenException(HotkeysMagicWord, HotkeyFlag); } EndFlagBitOffset = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); // to end flag if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("EndFlagBitOffset = {0}", EndFlagBitOffset)); } HotkeyCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(6); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("HotkeyCount = {0}", HotkeyCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < HotkeyCount; i++) { Hotkey hotkey = new Hotkey { Code = _bitBuffer.ReadUInt16(), // code from TAG table }; Hotkeys.Add(hotkey); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("hotkey.Code = 0x{0:X4}", hotkey.Code)); } hotkey.UnknownCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(4); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("hotkey.UnknownCount = " + hotkey.UnknownCount)); } if (hotkey.UnknownCount > 0x02) { throw new Exceptions.UnitObjectNotImplementedException("if (hotkey.UnknownCount > 0x02)"); } hotkey.UnknownExists = new bool[hotkey.UnknownCount]; hotkey.UnknownValues = new int[hotkey.UnknownCount]; for (int j = 0; j < hotkey.UnknownCount; j++) { hotkey.UnknownExists[j] = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (hotkey.UnknownExists[j]) { hotkey.UnknownValues[j] = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); // under some condition this will be ReadFromOtherFunc thingy } if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("hotkey.UnknownExists[{0}] = {1}, hotkey.UnknownValues[{0}] = 0x{2:X8}", j, hotkey.UnknownExists[j], hotkey.UnknownValues[j])); } } hotkey.SkillCount = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(4); hotkey.SkillExists = new bool[hotkey.SkillCount]; hotkey.SkillCode = new int[hotkey.SkillCount]; for (int j = 0; j < hotkey.SkillCount; j++) { hotkey.SkillExists[j] = _bitBuffer.ReadBool(); if (hotkey.SkillExists[j]) { hotkey.SkillCode[j] = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); // code from SKILLS table } if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("hotkey.SkillExists[{0}] = {1}, hotkey.SkillCode[{0}] = 0x{2:X8}", j, hotkey.SkillExists[j], hotkey.SkillCode[j])); } } hotkey.UnitTypeCode = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); // code from UNITTYPES table if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("hotkey.UnitTypeCode = 0x{0:X8}", hotkey.UnitTypeCode)); } } } // end flag EndFlag = _bitBuffer.ReadBits(32); if (_debugOutputLoadingProgress) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("EndFlag = {0} (0x{0:X8})", EndFlag)); } if (EndFlag != _beginFlag && EndFlag != ItemMagicWord) { int bitOffset = _bitCount - _bitBuffer.BitOffset; int byteOffset = (_bitBuffer.Length - _bitBuffer.Offset) - (_bitBuffer.BytesUsed); throw new Exceptions.InvalidFileException("Flags not aligned!\nBit Offset: " + _bitBuffer.BitOffset + "\nExpected: " + _bitCount + " (+" + bitOffset + ")\nBytes Used: " + (_bitBuffer.BytesUsed) + "\nExpected: " + (_bitBuffer.Length - _bitBuffer.Offset) + " (+" + byteOffset + ")"); } if (_TestBit(Bits.Bit1DBitCountEof)) // no reading is done in here { // todo: do check that we're at the EoF bit count etc } }
public OutputAttribute(string name, UnitTypes units = UnitTypes.Undefined) : base(name, "", "Outputs", units) { }
public Distance(UnitTypes unit, double originalValue) { Unit = unit; OriginalValue = originalValue; }
//set and get functions for unit type public virtual void SetUnitType(UnitTypes uT) { unitType = uT; }