Example #1
    bool MakeTexture()
        Tex r8  = new Tex(TexType.ImageNomips, TexFormat.R8);
        Tex r16 = new Tex(TexType.ImageNomips, TexFormat.R16);
        Tex r32 = new Tex(TexType.ImageNomips, TexFormat.R32);

        if (r8 == null || r16 == null || r32 == null)

        int s = 8;

        byte  [] r8Data  = new byte  [s * s];
        ushort[] r16Data = new ushort[s * s];
        float [] r32Data = new float [s * s];
        for (int i = 0; i < s * s; i++)
            float y = (float)(i / s) / s;
            r8Data [i] = (byte)(y * byte.MaxValue);
            r16Data[i] = (ushort)(y * ushort.MaxValue);
            r32Data[i] = y;
        r8.SetColors(s, s, r8Data);
        r16.SetColors(s, s, r16Data);
        r32.SetColors(s, s, r32Data);

        r8.AddressMode  = TexAddress.Clamp;
        r16.AddressMode = TexAddress.Clamp;
        r32.AddressMode = TexAddress.Clamp;

        singleChannelTex[MatParamName.DiffuseTex] = r8;
Example #2

    static async Task RequestHeight(BoundingBox regionBounds)
        var request = new ElevationRequest()
            Bounds      = regionBounds,
            Row         = 32,
            Col         = 32,
            BingMapsKey = _ApiKey
        Response response = await request.Execute();

        if (response.StatusCode != 200)
            Log.Warn("Bing Maps API error:\n" + string.Join('\n', response.ErrorDetails));

        ElevationData data = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as ElevationData;

        Color[] heights = new Color[32 * 32];
        for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
                // Mount everest is 8,848m tall
                heights[x + (31 - y) * 32] = Color.White * (data.Elevations[x + y * 32] / 9000.0f);
        mapHeight = new Tex(TexType.ImageNomips, TexFormat.Rgba128);
        mapHeight.SetColors(32, 32, heights);
        mapHeight.AddressMode = TexAddress.Clamp;

        Geo.BoundsToWorld(regionBounds, regionBounds, out mapHeightSize, out mapHeightCenter);
        terrain.SetHeightData(mapHeight, mapHeightSize * worldScale, mapHeightCenter * worldScale);
Example #3

    public static async Task RequestHeight(string apiKey, BoundingBox regionBounds, Action <Tex, Vec3, Vec2> OnReceivedHeight)
        // Here's an elevation request! This doesn't provide an image, rather,
        // it gives us a grid of height values. It's limited to a maximum of
        // 1024 values per request, so we're only asking for a grid of 32x32
        // elevations.
        // However! This request does work exactly within the bounds provided,
        // so we're getting what we expect from the results of this request.
        // Details about the request can be found here:
        // https://github.com/microsoft/BingMapsRESTToolkit/blob/master/Docs/API%20Reference.md#ElevationRequest
        ElevationRequest request = new ElevationRequest()
            Bounds      = regionBounds,
            Row         = 32,
            Col         = 32,
            BingMapsKey = apiKey
        Response response = await ServiceManager.GetResponseAsync(request);

        // StatusCode is a web response status code, where 200-299 means
        // success. Details here:
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status
        if (response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode >= 300)
            Log.Warn("Bing Maps API error:\n" + string.Join('\n', response.ErrorDetails));

        // Convert the elevation data we've received into a grayscale heightmap texture!
        ElevationData data = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as ElevationData;

        Color[] heights = new Color[32 * 32];
        for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
                float height = data.Elevations[x + y * 32] / Geo.EarthTallest;
                // Height data is provided upside-down, so we're flipping it with
                // this index on the Y axis.
                heights[x + (31 - y) * 32] = Color.White * height;

        // Create a texture from the elevation data! We're storing it as
        // Rgba128 to preserve floating point precision in the height values.
        Tex texture = new Tex(TexType.ImageNomips, TexFormat.Rgba128);

        texture.SetColors(32, 32, heights);
        texture.AddressMode = TexAddress.Clamp;

        // Our bounds should be correct, but we still need it in StereoKit
        // units, so convert!
        Geo.BoundsToWorld(regionBounds, regionBounds, out Vec3 size, out Vec2 center);

        // Done! Pass the results back.
        OnReceivedHeight(texture, size, center);
Example #4
        private void ColorizeFingers(int size, Gradient horizontal, Gradient vertical)
            Tex tex = new Tex();

            tex.AddressMode = TexAddress.Clamp;

            Color32[] pixels = new Color32[size * size];
            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                Color v = vertical.Get(y / (size - 1.0f));
                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                    Color h = horizontal.Get(x / (size - 1.0f));
                    pixels[x + y * size] = v * h;
            tex.SetColors(size, size, pixels);

            Default.MaterialHand[MatParamName.DiffuseTex] = tex;
Example #5
    public void Initialize()
        /// :CodeSample: Tex.SetColors
        /// ## Creating a texture procedurally
        /// It's pretty easy to create an array of colors, and
        /// just pass that into an empty texture! Here, we're
        /// building a simple grid texture, like so:
        /// ![Procedural Texture]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralTexture.jpg)
        /// You can call SetTexture as many times as you like! If
        /// you're calling it frequently, you may want to keep
        /// the width and height consistent to prevent from creating
        /// new texture objects. Use TexType.ImageNomips to prevent
        /// StereoKit from calculating mip-maps, which can be costly,
        /// especially when done frequently.
        // Create an empty texture! This is TextType.Image, and
        // an RGBA 32 bit color format.
        Tex gridTex = new Tex();

        // Use point sampling to ensure that the grid lines are
        // crisp and sharp, not blended with the pixels around it.
        gridTex.SampleMode = TexSample.Point;

        // Allocate memory for the pixels we'll fill in, powers
        // of two are always best for textures, since this makes
        // things like generating mip-maps easier.
        int width  = 128;
        int height = 128;

        Color32[] colors = new Color32[width * height];

        // Create a color for the base of the grid, and the
        // lines of the grid
        Color32 baseColor    = Color.HSV(0.6f, 0.1f, 0.25f);
        Color32 lineColor    = Color.HSV(0.6f, 0.05f, 1);
        Color32 subLineColor = Color.HSV(0.6f, 0.05f, .6f);

        // Loop through each pixel
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                // If the pixel's x or y value is a multiple of 64, or
                // if it's adjacent to a multiple of 128, then we
                // choose the line color! Otherwise, we use the base.
                if (x % 128 == 0 || (x + 1) % 128 == 0 || (x - 1) % 128 == 0 ||
                    y % 128 == 0 || (y + 1) % 128 == 0 || (y - 1) % 128 == 0)
                    colors[x + y * width] = lineColor;
                else if (x % 64 == 0 || y % 64 == 0)
                    colors[x + y * width] = subLineColor;
                    colors[x + y * width] = baseColor;

        // Put the pixel information into the texture
        gridTex.SetColors(width, height, colors);
        /// :End:

        /// :CodeSample: Material MatParamName
        /// ## Material parameter access
        /// Material does have an array operator overload for setting
        /// shader parameters really quickly! You can do this with strings
        /// representing shader parameter names, or use the MatParamName
        /// enum for compile safety.
        exampleMaterial[MatParamName.DiffuseTex] = gridTex;
        exampleMaterial[MatParamName.TexScale]   = 2;
        /// :End:
Example #6
    public void Initialize()
        Color32[] colors = new Color32[8 * 8];

        Tex tex1 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba32);

        tex1.SetColors(8, 8, colors);

        Tex tex2 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba32Linear);

        tex2.SetColors(6, 8, colors);

        float[] colors2 = new float[8 * 8];

        Tex tex5 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R32);

        tex5.SetColors(8, 8, colors2);

        Tex tex6 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R32);

        tex6.SetColors(6, 8, colors2);

        Color[] colors3 = new Color[8 * 8];

        Tex tex7 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba128);

        tex7.SetColors(8, 8, colors3);

        Tex tex8 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba128);

        tex8.SetColors(6, 8, colors3);

        byte[] colors4 = new byte[8 * 8];

        Tex tex9 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R8);

        tex9.SetColors(8, 8, colors4);

        Tex tex10 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R8);

        tex10.SetColors(6, 8, colors4);

        ushort[] colors5 = new ushort[8 * 8];

        Tex tex11 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R16);

        tex11.SetColors(8, 8, colors5);

        Tex tex12 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.R16);

        tex12.SetColors(6, 8, colors5);

        ushort[] colors6 = new ushort[8 * 8 * 4];

        Tex tex13 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba64);

        tex13.SetColors(8, 8, colors6);

        Tex tex14 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Rgba64);

        tex14.SetColors(6, 8, colors6);

        byte[] colors7 = new byte[8 * 8 * 4];

        Tex tex15 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Bgra32Linear);

        tex15.SetColors(8, 8, colors7);

        Tex tex16 = new Tex(TexType.Image, TexFormat.Bgra32);

        tex16.SetColors(6, 8, colors7);