/// <summary>
                /// Update given texture2D with camera image.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="texture">A texture2D sholud be defined as Texture2D(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true/false)</param>
                /// <returns>true if there is any new data.</returns>

                private static void DistortedDataCallback(IntPtr data)
                    //update = UpdateData();
                    //TextureDistortedLeft.LoadRawTextureData(data, 612 * 460 * 4);
                    LastUpdateResult = SRWorkModule_API.GetSeeThroughData(ref see_through_data_);
                    //int offset = sizeof(char) * 612 * 460 * 4 * 2 + sizeof(char) * 1150 * 750 * 4 * 2;
                    //undistorted_left_texture.LoadRawTextureData(data, UndistortedImageWidth * UndistortedImageHeight * UndistortedImageChannel);
                    //offset = offset / sizeof(Int32);
                    ////int size = sizeof(char) * 612 * 460 * 4 * 2 + sizeof(char) * 1150 * 750 * 4 * 2 +
                    ////           sizeof(float) * 16 * 2 + sizeof(int) * 12;
                    ////byte[] data_byte = new byte[size];
                    //IntPtr new_ptr;
                    //new_ptr = new IntPtr(data.ToInt32() + offset);
                    //if (IntPtr.Size == sizeof(Int32))
                    //    Debug.Log("32");
                    //    new_ptr = new IntPtr(data.ToInt32() + offset);
                    //    Debug.Log("64");
                    //    new_ptr = new IntPtr(data.ToInt64() + offset);

                    //Marshal.Copy(new_ptr, frame, 0, frame.Length);
                public static bool UpdateData()
                    if (Time.frameCount == LastUpdateFrame)
                        return(LastUpdateResult == (int)Error.WORK);
                        LastUpdateFrame = Time.frameCount;

                    if (b4KImageReady)
                        LastUpdateResult4K = SRWorkModule_API.GetSeeThrough4KData(ref see_through_4k_data_);
                        return(LastUpdateResult4K == (int)Error.WORK);
                        LastUpdateResult = SRWorkModule_API.GetSeeThroughData(ref see_through_data_);
                        return(LastUpdateResult == (int)Error.WORK);