private IEnumerator _takeScreenShot(Canvas canvasPanel, SCREENSHOT_TYPE screenShotType = SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_AND_TEXT, bool createNewInstance = true)
        //Get Visible Canvas In the Scene
        allOtherCanvas = getAllCanvasInScene(false);

        //Hide all the other Visible Canvas except the one that is passed in as parameter(Canvas we want to take Picture of)
        showCanvasExcept(allOtherCanvas, canvasPanel, false);
        //Reset the position so that both UI will be in the-same place if we make the duplicate a child

        //Check if we should operate on the original image or make a duplicate of it
        if (createNewInstance)
            //Duplicate the Canvas we want to take Picture of
            duplicatedTargetUI = duplicateUI(canvasPanel.gameObject, "ScreenShotUI");
            //Make this game object the parent of the Canvas

            //Hide the orginal Canvas we want to take Picture of
            showCanvas(canvasPanel, false);
            //No duplicate. Use original GameObject
            //Make this game object the parent of the Canvas

        RenderMode defaultRenderMode;

        //Change the duplicated Canvas to RenderMode to overlay
        Canvas duplicatedCanvas = null;

        if (createNewInstance)
            duplicatedCanvas            = duplicatedTargetUI.GetComponent <Canvas>();
            defaultRenderMode           = duplicatedCanvas.renderMode;
            duplicatedCanvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
            defaultRenderMode      = canvasPanel.renderMode;
            canvasPanel.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;

        if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_AND_TEXT)
            //No Action Needed
        else if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_ONLY)
            if (createNewInstance)
                //Get all images on the duplicated visible Canvas
                allTexts = getAllTextsFromCanvas(duplicatedTargetUI, false);
                //Hide those images
                showTexts(allTexts, false);
                //Get all images on the duplicated visible Canvas
                allTexts = getAllTextsFromCanvas(canvasPanel.gameObject, false);
                //Hide those images
                showTexts(allTexts, false);
        else if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.TEXT_ONLY)
            if (createNewInstance)
                //Get all images on the duplicated visible Canvas
                allImages = getAllImagesFromCanvas(duplicatedTargetUI, false);
                //Hide those images
                showImages(allImages, false);
                //Get all images on the duplicated visible Canvas
                allImages = getAllImagesFromCanvas(canvasPanel.gameObject, false);
                //Hide those images
                showImages(allImages, false);

        //////////////////////////////////////Finally Take ScreenShot///////////////////////////////
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        Texture2D screenImage = new Texture2D(Screen.width, Screen.height);

        //Get Image from screen
        screenImage.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), 0, 0);

        //Convert to png
        byte[] pngBytes = screenImage.EncodeToPNG();

         * string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/CanvasScreenShot.png";
         * System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, pngBytes);
         * Debug.Log(path);*/

        //Notify functions that are subscribed to this event that picture is taken then pass in image bytes as png
        if (OnPictureTaken != null)

        ///////////////////////////////////RE-ENABLE OBJECTS

        //Change the duplicated Canvas RenderMode back to default Value
        if (createNewInstance)
            duplicatedCanvas.renderMode = defaultRenderMode;
            canvasPanel.renderMode = defaultRenderMode;
        //Un-Hide all the other Visible Canvas except the one that is passed in as parameter(Canvas we want to take Picture of)
        showCanvas(allOtherCanvas, true);
        if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_AND_TEXT)
            //No Action Needed
        else if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_ONLY)
            //Un-Hide those images
            showTexts(allTexts, true);
        else if (screenShotType == SCREENSHOT_TYPE.TEXT_ONLY)
            //Un-Hide those images
            showImages(allImages, true);

        //Un-hide the orginal Canvas we want to take Picture of
        showCanvas(canvasPanel, true);

        if (createNewInstance)
            //Destroy the duplicated GameObject
            Destroy(duplicatedTargetUI, 1f);
            //Remove the Canvas as parent
 //takes Screenshot
 public void takeScreenShot(Canvas canvasPanel, SCREENSHOT_TYPE screenShotType = SCREENSHOT_TYPE.IMAGE_AND_TEXT, bool createNewInstance = true)
     StartCoroutine(_takeScreenShot(canvasPanel, screenShotType, createNewInstance));