Example #1
    public void ApplyShadow(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols, int start, int end, float x, float y)
        Color color = mEffectColor;

        color.a *= finalAlpha;
        Color32 color2 = (!(bitmapFont != null) || !bitmapFont.premultipliedAlphaShader) ? color : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(color);

        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
            Vector3 vector = verts.buffer[i];
            vector.x       += x;
            vector.y       += y;
            verts.buffer[i] = vector;
            Color32 color3 = cols.buffer[i];
            if (color3.a == 255)
                cols.buffer[i] = color2;
                Color color4 = color;
                color4.a       = (float)(int)color3.a / 255f * color.a;
                cols.buffer[i] = ((!(bitmapFont != null) || !bitmapFont.premultipliedAlphaShader) ? color4 : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(color4));
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!isValid)

        int   offset = verts.size;
        Color col    = color;

        col.a = finalAlpha;
        if (mFont != null && mFont.premultipliedAlpha)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        string text      = processedText;
        float  pixelSize = (mFont != null) ? mFont.pixelSize : 1f;
        float  scale     = mScale * pixelSize;
        bool   usePS     = usePrintedSize;
        int    start     = verts.size;

        if (usePS)
            UpdateNGUIText(mPrintedSize, mWidth, mHeight);
            UpdateNGUIText(fontSize, Mathf.RoundToInt(mWidth / scale), mHeight);

        NGUIText.tint = col;
        NGUIText.Print(text, verts, uvs, cols);

        // Center the content within the label
        Vector2 pos = ApplyOffset(verts, usePS, mScale, start);

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = pixelSize;
            pos.x = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            pos.y = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, -pos.y);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, -pos.y);
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mFont == null)
        Pivot p      = pivot;
        int   offset = verts.size;

        Color col = color;

        col.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        if (font.premultipliedAlpha)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        //add by chiuan
        if (isUsedEmojiSprite && mEmojiSpriteLabel == null)
            mEmojiSpriteLabel = EmojiSpriteLabel.create(this);
        if (mEmojiSpriteLabel != null && mFont.isDynamic && mFont.dynamicSymbolsFont != null)
            mFont.dynamicSymbolLabel = mEmojiSpriteLabel;

        // Print the text into the buffers
        if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft)
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, NGUIFont.Alignment.Left, 0, mPremultiply);
        else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight)
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, NGUIFont.Alignment.Right,
                        Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize.x * mFont.size), mPremultiply);
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, NGUIFont.Alignment.Center,
                        Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize.x * mFont.size), mPremultiply);

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            Vector3 scale = cachedTransform.localScale;
            if (scale.x == 0f || scale.y == 0f)

            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = 1f / mFont.size;

            float fx = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            float fy = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, -fy);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, -fy);

        //maybe create all symblos
        if (mEmojiSpriteLabel != null)

Example #4
    protected void TiledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        Texture mainTexture = this.material.mainTexture;

        if (mainTexture != null)
            Rect mInner = this.mInner;
            if (this.atlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.TexCoords)
                mInner = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(mInner, mainTexture.width, mainTexture.height, true);
            Vector2 localScale = base.cachedTransform.localScale;
            float   pixelSize  = this.atlas.pixelSize;
            float   num2       = Mathf.Abs((float)(mInner.width / localScale.x)) * pixelSize;
            float   num3       = Mathf.Abs((float)(mInner.height / localScale.y)) * pixelSize;
            if ((num2 < 0.01f) || (num3 < 0.01f))
                Debug.LogWarning("The tiled sprite (" + NGUITools.GetHierarchy(base.gameObject) + ") is too small.\nConsider using a bigger one.");
                num2 = 0.01f;
                num3 = 0.01f;
            Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(mInner.xMin / ((float)mainTexture.width), mInner.yMin / ((float)mainTexture.height));
            Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(mInner.xMax / ((float)mainTexture.width), mInner.yMax / ((float)mainTexture.height));
            Vector2 vector4 = vector3;
            Color   c       = base.color;
            c.a *= base.mPanel.alpha;
            Color32 item = !this.atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? c : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c);
            for (float i = 0f; i < 1f; i += num3)
                float x = 0f;
                vector4.x = vector3.x;
                float num6 = i + num3;
                if (num6 > 1f)
                    vector4.y = vector2.y + (((vector3.y - vector2.y) * (1f - i)) / (num6 - i));
                    num6      = 1f;
                while (x < 1f)
                    float num7 = x + num2;
                    if (num7 > 1f)
                        vector4.x = vector2.x + (((vector3.x - vector2.x) * (1f - x)) / (num7 - x));
                        num7      = 1f;
                    verts.Add(new Vector3(num7, -i, 0f));
                    verts.Add(new Vector3(num7, -num6, 0f));
                    verts.Add(new Vector3(x, -num6, 0f));
                    verts.Add(new Vector3(x, -i, 0f));
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(vector4.x, 1f - vector2.y));
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(vector4.x, 1f - vector4.y));
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(vector2.x, 1f - vector4.y));
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(vector2.x, 1f - vector2.y));
                    x += num2;
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Tiled sprite fill function.
    /// </summary>

    protected void TiledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        Texture tex = material.mainTexture;

        if (tex == null)

        Rect rect = mInner;

        if (atlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.TexCoords)
            rect = NGUIMath.ConvertToPixels(rect, tex.width, tex.height, true);

        Vector2 scale     = cachedTransform.localScale;
        float   pixelSize = atlas.pixelSize;
        float   width     = Mathf.Abs(rect.width / scale.x) * pixelSize;
        float   height    = Mathf.Abs(rect.height / scale.y) * pixelSize;

        // Safety check. Useful so Unity doesn't run out of memory if the sprites are too small.
        if (width < 0.01f || height < 0.01f)
            Debug.LogWarning("The tiled sprite (" + NGUITools.GetHierarchy(gameObject) + ") is too small.\nConsider using a bigger one.");

            width  = 0.01f;
            height = 0.01f;

        Vector2 min     = new Vector2(rect.xMin / tex.width, rect.yMin / tex.height);
        Vector2 max     = new Vector2(rect.xMax / tex.width, rect.yMax / tex.height);
        Vector2 clipped = max;

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;
        float   y   = 0f;

        while (y < 1f)
            float x = 0f;
            clipped.x = max.x;

            float y2 = y + height;

            if (y2 > 1f)
                clipped.y = min.y + (max.y - min.y) * (1f - y) / (y2 - y);
                y2        = 1f;

            while (x < 1f)
                float x2 = x + width;

                if (x2 > 1f)
                    clipped.x = min.x + (max.x - min.x) * (1f - x) / (x2 - x);
                    x2        = 1f;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(x2, -y, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x2, -y2, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x, -y2, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x, -y, 0f));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(clipped.x, 1f - min.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(clipped.x, 1f - clipped.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(min.x, 1f - clipped.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(min.x, 1f - min.y));


                x += width;
            y += height;
Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Filled sprite fill function.
    /// </summary>

    protected void FilledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        float x0 = 0f;
        float y0 = 0f;
        float x1 = 1f;
        float y1 = -1f;

        float u0 = mOuterUV.xMin;
        float v0 = mOuterUV.yMin;
        float u1 = mOuterUV.xMax;
        float v1 = mOuterUV.yMax;

        // Horizontal and vertical filled sprites are simple -- just end the sprite prematurely
        if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal || mFillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical)
            float du = (u1 - u0) * mFillAmount;
            float dv = (v1 - v0) * mFillAmount;

            if (fillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal)
                if (mInvert)
                    x0 = (1f - mFillAmount);
                    u0 = u1 - du;
                    x1 *= mFillAmount;
                    u1  = u0 + du;
            else if (fillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical)
                if (mInvert)
                    y1 *= mFillAmount;
                    v0  = v1 - dv;
                    y0 = -(1f - mFillAmount);
                    v1 = v0 + dv;

        // Starting quad for the sprite
        Vector2[] xy = new Vector2[4];
        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4];

        xy[0] = new Vector2(x1, y0);
        xy[1] = new Vector2(x1, y1);
        xy[2] = new Vector2(x0, y1);
        xy[3] = new Vector2(x0, y0);

        uv[0] = new Vector2(u1, v1);
        uv[1] = new Vector2(u1, v0);
        uv[2] = new Vector2(u0, v0);
        uv[3] = new Vector2(u0, v1);

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        if (fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial90)
            // Adjust the quad radially, and if 'false' is returned (it's not visible), just exit
            if (!AdjustRadial(xy, uv, mFillAmount, mInvert))
        else if (fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial180)
            // Working in 0-1 coordinates is easier
            Vector2[] oxy = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] ouv = new Vector2[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                oxy[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                oxy[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                oxy[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                oxy[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);

                ouv[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                ouv[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                ouv[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                ouv[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);

                // Each half must be rotated 90 degrees clockwise in order for it to fill properly
                if (mInvert)
                    if (i > 0)
                        Rotate(oxy, i);
                        Rotate(ouv, i);
                else if (i < 1)
                    Rotate(oxy, 1 - i);
                    Rotate(ouv, 1 - i);

                // Each half must fill in only a part of the space
                float x, y;

                if (i == 1)
                    x = mInvert ? 0.5f : 1f;
                    y = mInvert ? 1f : 0.5f;
                    x = mInvert ? 1f : 0.5f;
                    y = mInvert ? 0.5f : 1f;

                oxy[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(x, y, oxy[1].y);
                oxy[2].y = Mathf.Lerp(x, y, oxy[2].y);
                ouv[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(x, y, ouv[1].y);
                ouv[2].y = Mathf.Lerp(x, y, ouv[2].y);

                float amount = (mFillAmount) * 2 - i;
                bool  odd    = (i % 2) == 1;

                if (AdjustRadial(oxy, ouv, amount, !odd))
                    if (mInvert)
                        odd = !odd;

                    // Add every other side in reverse order so they don't come out backface-culled due to rotation
                    if (odd)
                        for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b)
                            x = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, oxy[b].x);
                            y = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, oxy[b].y);

                            float u = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, ouv[b].x);
                            float v = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, ouv[b].y);

                            verts.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0f));
                            uvs.Add(new Vector2(u, v));
                        for (int b = 3; b > -1; --b)
                            x = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, oxy[b].x);
                            y = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, oxy[b].y);

                            float u = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, ouv[b].x);
                            float v = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, ouv[b].y);

                            verts.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0f));
                            uvs.Add(new Vector2(u, v));
        else if (fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial360)
            float[] matrix = new float[]
                // x0 y0  x1   y1
                0.5f, 1f, 0f, 0.5f,                 // quadrant 0
                0.5f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f,                 // quadrant 1
                0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f,                 // quadrant 2
                0f, 0.5f, 0f, 0.5f,                 // quadrant 3

            Vector2[] oxy = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] ouv = new Vector2[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                oxy[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                oxy[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                oxy[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                oxy[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);

                ouv[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                ouv[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                ouv[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                ouv[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);

                // Each quadrant must be rotated 90 degrees clockwise in order for it to fill properly
                if (mInvert)
                    if (i > 0)
                        Rotate(oxy, i);
                        Rotate(ouv, i);
                else if (i < 3)
                    Rotate(oxy, 3 - i);
                    Rotate(ouv, 3 - i);

                // Each quadrant must fill in only a quarter of the space
                for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b)
                    int index = (mInvert) ? (3 - i) * 4 : i * 4;

                    float fx0 = matrix[index];
                    float fy0 = matrix[index + 1];
                    float fx1 = matrix[index + 2];
                    float fy1 = matrix[index + 3];

                    oxy[b].x = Mathf.Lerp(fx0, fy0, oxy[b].x);
                    oxy[b].y = Mathf.Lerp(fx1, fy1, oxy[b].y);
                    ouv[b].x = Mathf.Lerp(fx0, fy0, ouv[b].x);
                    ouv[b].y = Mathf.Lerp(fx1, fy1, ouv[b].y);

                float amount = (mFillAmount) * 4 - i;
                bool  odd    = (i % 2) == 1;

                if (AdjustRadial(oxy, ouv, amount, !odd))
                    if (mInvert)
                        odd = !odd;

                    // Add every other side in reverse order so they don't come out backface-culled due to rotation
                    if (odd)
                        for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b)
                            float x = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, oxy[b].x);
                            float y = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, oxy[b].y);
                            float u = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, ouv[b].x);
                            float v = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, ouv[b].y);

                            verts.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0f));
                            uvs.Add(new Vector2(u, v));
                        for (int b = 3; b > -1; --b)
                            float x = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, oxy[b].x);
                            float y = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, oxy[b].y);
                            float u = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, ouv[b].x);
                            float v = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, ouv[b].y);

                            verts.Add(new Vector3(x, y, 0f));
                            uvs.Add(new Vector2(u, v));

        // Fill the buffer with the quad for the sprite
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
Example #7
    private void ApplyShadow(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols, int start, int end, float x, float y)
        Color color = this.mEffectColor;

        color.a *= this.finalAlpha;
        Color32 color2 = (!(this.bitmapFont != null) || !this.bitmapFont.premultipliedAlphaShader) ? color : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(color);

        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
            Vector3 vector = verts.buffer[i];
            vector.x       += x;
            vector.y       += y;
            verts.buffer[i] = vector;
            cols.buffer[i]  = color2;
Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Tiled sprite fill function.
    /// </summary>

    protected void TiledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        Texture tex = material.mainTexture;

        if (tex == null)

        Vector2 size = new Vector2(mInnerUV.width * tex.width, mInnerUV.height * tex.height);

        size *= atlas.pixelSize;

        float width  = Mathf.Abs(size.x / mWidth);
        float height = Mathf.Abs(size.y / mHeight);

        if (width * height < 0.0001f)
            width  = 0.01f;
            height = 0.01f;

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        Vector2 pv      = pivotOffset;
        Vector2 min     = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMin);
        Vector2 max     = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMax, mInnerUV.yMax);
        Vector2 clipped = max;
        float   y1      = 0f;

        while (y1 < 1f)
            float x1 = 0f;
            clipped.x = max.x;
            float y2 = y1 + height;

            if (y2 > 1f)
                clipped.y = min.y + (max.y - min.y) * (1f - y1) / (y2 - y1);
                y2        = 1f;

            while (x1 < 1f)
                float x2 = x1 + width;

                if (x2 > 1f)
                    clipped.x = min.x + (max.x - min.x) * (1f - x1) / (x2 - x1);
                    x2        = 1f;

                // Convert from normalized (0-1 range) coordinates to pixels
                float fx1 = (x1 - pv.x) * mWidth;
                float fx2 = (x2 - pv.x) * mWidth;
                float fy1 = (y1 - pv.y) * mHeight;
                float fy2 = (y2 - pv.y) * mHeight;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(fx1, fy1));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(fx1, fy2));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(fx2, fy2));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(fx2, fy1));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(min.x, min.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(min.x, clipped.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(clipped.x, clipped.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(clipped.x, min.y));


                x1 += width;
            y1 += height;
Example #9
    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mFont == null)
        Pivot p      = pivot;
        int   offset = verts.size;
        Color col    = font.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(color) : color;

        // Print the text into the buffers
        if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft)
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Left, 0, mPremultiply);
        else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight)
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Right,
                        Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize.x * mFont.size), mPremultiply);
            mFont.Print(processedText, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Center,
                        Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize.x * mFont.size), mPremultiply);

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            Vector3 scale = cachedTransform.localScale;
            if (scale.x == 0f || scale.y == 0f)

            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = 1f / mFont.size;

            float fx = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            float fy = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, -fy);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, -fy);
Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!isValid)

        Pivot p      = pivot;
        int   offset = verts.size;

        Color col = color;

        col.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        if (mFont != null && mFont.premultipliedAlpha)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        string text      = processedText;
        float  pixelSize = (mFont != null) ? mFont.pixelSize : 1f;
        float  scale     = mScale * pixelSize;
        bool   usePS     = usePrintedSize;
        int    size      = usePS ? mPrintedSize : fontSize;
        int    w         = usePS ? width : Mathf.RoundToInt(width / scale);
        int    start     = verts.size;

        TextAlignment alignment = TextAlignment.Center;

        // Print the text into the buffers
        if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft)
            alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
        else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight)
            alignment = TextAlignment.Right;

        if (mFont != null)
            mFont.Print(text, size, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, alignment, w, mPremultiply);
            NGUIText.Print(text, mTrueTypeFont, size, fontStyle, col, mEncoding, alignment, w, mPremultiply, verts, uvs, cols);
        Vector2 po = pivotOffset;
        float   fx = Mathf.Lerp(0f, -mWidth, po.x);
        float   fy = Mathf.Lerp(mHeight, 0f, po.y);

        // Center vertically
        fy = Mathf.RoundToInt(fy + Mathf.Lerp(mCalculatedSize.y * scale - mHeight, 0f, po.y));

        if (usePS || scale == 1f)
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                Vector3 buff = verts.buffer[i];
                buff.x         += fx;
                buff.y         += fy;
                verts.buffer[i] = buff;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x += fx;
                verts.buffer[i].y += fy;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                Vector3 buff = verts.buffer[i];
                buff.x          = fx + verts.buffer[i].x * scale;
                buff.y          = fy + verts.buffer[i].y * scale;
                verts.buffer[i] = buff;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x = fx + verts.buffer[i].x * scale;
                verts.buffer[i].y = fy + verts.buffer[i].y * scale;

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = pixelSize;
            fx = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            fy = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, -fy);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, -fy);
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Fill the draw buffers.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(List <Vector3> verts, List <Vector2> uvs, List <Color> cols)
        var tex = mainTexture;

        if (tex == null)

        int offset     = verts.Count;
        var drawRegion = this.drawRegion;

        foreach (var pair in mSprites)
            var ent = pair.Value;
            if (!ent.enabled)

            mSprite = ent.sprite;
            if (mSprite == null)

            Color c = ent.color;
            c.a = finalAlpha;
            if (c.a == 0f)

            var outer = new Rect(mSprite.x, mSprite.y, mSprite.width, mSprite.height);
            var inner = new Rect(mSprite.x + mSprite.borderLeft, mSprite.y + mSprite.borderTop,
                                 mSprite.width - mSprite.borderLeft - mSprite.borderRight,
                                 mSprite.height - mSprite.borderBottom - mSprite.borderTop);

            mOuterUV = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(outer, tex.width, tex.height);
            mInnerUV = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(inner, tex.width, tex.height);
            mFlip    = ent.flip;

            var v = ent.GetDrawingDimensions(pixelSize);
            var u = drawingUVs;

            if (premultipliedAlpha)
                c = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c);
            var start = verts.Count;

            switch (ent.type)
            case Type.Simple:
                SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols, ref v, ref u, ref c);

            case Type.Sliced:
                SlicedFill(verts, uvs, cols, ref v, ref u, ref c);

            case Type.Filled:
                FilledFill(verts, uvs, cols, ref v, ref u, ref c);

            case Type.Tiled:
                TiledFill(verts, uvs, cols, ref v, ref c);

            case Type.Advanced:
                AdvancedFill(verts, uvs, cols, ref v, ref u, ref c);

            if (ent.rot != 0f)
                var dz    = ent.rot * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                var halfZ = dz * 0.5f;
                var sinz  = Mathf.Sin(halfZ);
                var cosz  = Mathf.Cos(halfZ);
                var num3  = sinz * 2f;
                var num6  = sinz * num3;
                var num12 = cosz * num3;

                for (int i = start, imax = verts.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                    var pos = verts[i];
                    pos      = new Vector3((1f - num6) * pos.x - num12 * pos.y, num12 * pos.x + (1f - num6) * pos.y, pos.z);
                    pos.x   += ent.pos.x;
                    pos.y   += ent.pos.y;
                    verts[i] = pos;
                for (int i = start, imax = verts.Count; i < imax; ++i)
                    var pos = verts[i];
                    pos.x   += ent.pos.x;
                    pos.y   += ent.pos.y;
                    verts[i] = pos;

        mSprite = null;

        if (onPostFill != null)
            onPostFill(this, offset, verts, uvs, cols);
Example #12
    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mFont == null)
        Pivot pivot = base.pivot;
        int   size  = verts.size;
        Color c     = base.color;

        c.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        if (font.premultipliedAlpha)
            c = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c);
        switch (pivot)
        case Pivot.TopLeft:
        case Pivot.Left:
        case Pivot.BottomLeft:
            mFont.Print(this.processedText, c, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Left, 0, mPremultiply);

        case Pivot.TopRight:
        case Pivot.Right:
        case Pivot.BottomRight:
            UIFont             uIFont2        = mFont;
            string             processedText2 = this.processedText;
            Color32            color2         = c;
            bool               encoding2      = mEncoding;
            UIFont.SymbolStyle symbolStyle2   = mSymbols;
            Vector2            relativeSize2  = this.relativeSize;
            uIFont2.Print(processedText2, color2, verts, uvs, cols, encoding2, symbolStyle2, UIFont.Alignment.Right, Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize2.x * (float)mFont.size), mPremultiply);

            UIFont             uIFont        = mFont;
            string             processedText = this.processedText;
            Color32            color         = c;
            bool               encoding      = mEncoding;
            UIFont.SymbolStyle symbolStyle   = mSymbols;
            Vector2            relativeSize  = this.relativeSize;
            uIFont.Print(processedText, color, verts, uvs, cols, encoding, symbolStyle, UIFont.Alignment.Center, Mathf.RoundToInt(relativeSize.x * (float)mFont.size), mPremultiply);
        if (effectStyle != 0)
            int   size2 = verts.size;
            float num   = 1f / (float)mFont.size;
            float num2  = num * mEffectDistance.x;
            float num3  = num * mEffectDistance.y;
            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, size, size2, num2, 0f - num3);
            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                size  = size2;
                size2 = verts.size;
                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, size, size2, 0f - num2, num3);
                size  = size2;
                size2 = verts.size;
                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, size, size2, num2, num3);
                size  = size2;
                size2 = verts.size;
                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, size, size2, 0f - num2, 0f - num3);
Example #13
    protected unsafe void FilledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        float x    = 0f;
        float y    = 0f;
        float num3 = 1f;
        float num4 = -1f;
        float xMin = this.mOuterUV.xMin;
        float yMin = this.mOuterUV.yMin;
        float xMax = this.mOuterUV.xMax;
        float yMax = this.mOuterUV.yMax;

        if ((this.mFillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal) || (this.mFillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical))
            float num9  = (xMax - xMin) * this.mFillAmount;
            float num10 = (yMax - yMin) * this.mFillAmount;
            if (this.fillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal)
                if (this.mInvert)
                    x    = 1f - this.mFillAmount;
                    xMin = xMax - num9;
                    num3 *= this.mFillAmount;
                    xMax  = xMin + num9;
            else if (this.fillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical)
                if (this.mInvert)
                    num4 *= this.mFillAmount;
                    yMin  = yMax - num10;
                    y    = -(1f - this.mFillAmount);
                    yMax = yMin + num10;
        Vector2[] xy = new Vector2[4];
        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4];
        xy[0] = new Vector2(num3, y);
        xy[1] = new Vector2(num3, num4);
        xy[2] = new Vector2(x, num4);
        xy[3] = new Vector2(x, y);
        uv[0] = new Vector2(xMax, yMax);
        uv[1] = new Vector2(xMax, yMin);
        uv[2] = new Vector2(xMin, yMin);
        uv[3] = new Vector2(xMin, yMax);
        Color c = base.color;

        c.a *= base.mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 item = !this.atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? c : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c);

        if (this.fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial90)
            if (!this.AdjustRadial(xy, uv, this.mFillAmount, this.mInvert))
            if (this.fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial180)
                Vector2[] v            = new Vector2[4];
                Vector2[] vectorArray4 = new Vector2[4];
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    float num12;
                    float num13;
                    v[0]            = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    v[1]            = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                    v[2]            = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                    v[3]            = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
                    vectorArray4[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    vectorArray4[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                    vectorArray4[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                    vectorArray4[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
                    if (this.mInvert)
                        if (j > 0)
                            this.Rotate(v, j);
                            this.Rotate(vectorArray4, j);
                    else if (j < 1)
                        this.Rotate(v, 1 - j);
                        this.Rotate(vectorArray4, 1 - j);
                    if (j == 1)
                        num12 = !this.mInvert ? 1f : 0.5f;
                        num13 = !this.mInvert ? 0.5f : 1f;
                        num12 = !this.mInvert ? 0.5f : 1f;
                        num13 = !this.mInvert ? 1f : 0.5f;
                    v[1].y            = Mathf.Lerp(num12, num13, v[1].y);
                    v[2].y            = Mathf.Lerp(num12, num13, v[2].y);
                    vectorArray4[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(num12, num13, vectorArray4[1].y);
                    vectorArray4[2].y = Mathf.Lerp(num12, num13, vectorArray4[2].y);
                    float fill = (this.mFillAmount * 2f) - j;
                    bool  flag = (j % 2) == 1;
                    if (this.AdjustRadial(v, vectorArray4, fill, !flag))
                        if (this.mInvert)
                            flag = !flag;
                        if (flag)
                            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                                num12 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, v[k].x);
                                num13 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, v[k].y);
                                float num16 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, vectorArray4[k].x);
                                float num17 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, vectorArray4[k].y);
                                verts.Add(new Vector3(num12, num13, 0f));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(num16, num17));
                            for (int m = 3; m > -1; m--)
                                num12 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, v[m].x);
                                num13 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, v[m].y);
                                float num19 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, vectorArray4[m].x);
                                float num20 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, vectorArray4[m].y);
                                verts.Add(new Vector3(num12, num13, 0f));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(num19, num20));
            if (this.fillDirection == FillDirection.Radial360)
                float[]   numArray     = new float[] { 0.5f, 1f, 0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f, 0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 0f, 0.5f, 0f, 0.5f };
                Vector2[] vectorArray5 = new Vector2[4];
                Vector2[] vectorArray6 = new Vector2[4];
                for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
                    vectorArray5[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    vectorArray5[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                    vectorArray5[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                    vectorArray5[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[1] = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                    vectorArray6[2] = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                    vectorArray6[3] = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
                    if (this.mInvert)
                        if (n > 0)
                            this.Rotate(vectorArray5, n);
                            this.Rotate(vectorArray6, n);
                    else if (n < 3)
                        this.Rotate(vectorArray5, 3 - n);
                        this.Rotate(vectorArray6, 3 - n);
                    for (int num22 = 0; num22 < 4; num22++)
                        int   index = !this.mInvert ? (n * 4) : ((3 - n) * 4);
                        float a     = numArray[index];
                        float b     = numArray[index + 1];
                        float num26 = numArray[index + 2];
                        float num27 = numArray[index + 3];
                        vectorArray5[num22].x = Mathf.Lerp(a, b, vectorArray5[num22].x);
                        vectorArray5[num22].y = Mathf.Lerp(num26, num27, vectorArray5[num22].y);
                        vectorArray6[num22].x = Mathf.Lerp(a, b, vectorArray6[num22].x);
                        vectorArray6[num22].y = Mathf.Lerp(num26, num27, vectorArray6[num22].y);
                    float num28 = (this.mFillAmount * 4f) - n;
                    bool  flag2 = (n % 2) == 1;
                    if (this.AdjustRadial(vectorArray5, vectorArray6, num28, !flag2))
                        if (this.mInvert)
                            flag2 = !flag2;
                        if (flag2)
                            for (int num29 = 0; num29 < 4; num29++)
                                float num30 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, vectorArray5[num29].x);
                                float num31 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, vectorArray5[num29].y);
                                float num32 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, vectorArray6[num29].x);
                                float num33 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, vectorArray6[num29].y);
                                verts.Add(new Vector3(num30, num31, 0f));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(num32, num33));
                            for (int num34 = 3; num34 > -1; num34--)
                                float num35 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].x, xy[2].x, vectorArray5[num34].x);
                                float num36 = Mathf.Lerp(xy[0].y, xy[2].y, vectorArray5[num34].y);
                                float num37 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].x, uv[2].x, vectorArray6[num34].x);
                                float num38 = Mathf.Lerp(uv[0].y, uv[2].y, vectorArray6[num34].y);
                                verts.Add(new Vector3(num35, num36, 0f));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(num37, num38));
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!isValid)

        int offset = verts.size;

        Color col = color;

        col.a = finalAlpha;
        if (mFont != null && mFont.premultipliedAlpha)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        string text      = processedText;
        float  pixelSize = (mFont != null) ? mFont.pixelSize : 1f;
        float  scale     = mScale * pixelSize;
        bool   usePS     = usePrintedSize;
        int    start     = verts.size;

        NGUIText.current.size      = usePS ? mPrintedSize : fontSize;
        NGUIText.current.lineWidth = usePS ? mWidth : Mathf.RoundToInt(mWidth / scale);
        NGUIText.current.tint      = col;

        if (mFont != null)
            mFont.Print(text, verts, uvs, cols);
            NGUIText.Print(mTrueTypeFont, text, verts, uvs, cols);
        Vector2 po = pivotOffset;
        float   fx = Mathf.Lerp(0f, -mWidth, po.x);
        float   fy = Mathf.Lerp(mHeight, 0f, po.y);

        // Align vertically
        fy = Mathf.RoundToInt(fy + Mathf.Lerp(mCalculatedSize.y * scale - mHeight, 0f, po.y));

        if (usePS || scale == 1f)
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                Vector3 buff = verts.buffer[i];
                buff.x         += fx;
                buff.y         += fy;
                verts.buffer[i] = buff;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x += fx;
                verts.buffer[i].y += fy;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                Vector3 buff = verts.buffer[i];
                buff.x          = fx + verts.buffer[i].x * scale;
                buff.y          = fy + verts.buffer[i].y * scale;
                verts.buffer[i] = buff;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x = fx + verts.buffer[i].x * scale;
                verts.buffer[i].y = fy + verts.buffer[i].y * scale;

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = pixelSize;
            fx = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            fy = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, -fy);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, -fy);
Example #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Advanced sprite fill function. Contributed by Nicki Hansen.
    /// </summary>

    protected void AdvancedFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!mSprite.hasBorder)
            SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols);

        Texture tex = material.mainTexture;

        if (tex == null)

        Vector4 dr = drawingDimensions;
        Vector4 br = border * atlas.pixelSize;

        Vector2 tileSize = new Vector2(mInnerUV.width * tex.width, mInnerUV.height * tex.height);

        tileSize *= atlas.pixelSize;

        if (tileSize.x < 1f)
            tileSize.x = 1f;
        if (tileSize.y < 1f)
            tileSize.y = 1f;

        mTempPos[0].x = dr.x;
        mTempPos[0].y = dr.y;
        mTempPos[3].x = dr.z;
        mTempPos[3].y = dr.w;

        mTempPos[1].x = mTempPos[0].x + br.x;
        mTempPos[1].y = mTempPos[0].y + br.y;
        mTempPos[2].x = mTempPos[3].x - br.z;
        mTempPos[2].y = mTempPos[3].y - br.w;

        mTempUVs[0] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin);
        mTempUVs[1] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMin);
        mTempUVs[2] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMax, mInnerUV.yMax);
        mTempUVs[3] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax);

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a = finalAlpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
            int x2 = x + 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                if (centerType == AdvancedType.Invisible && x == 1 && y == 1)
                int y2 = y + 1;

                if (x == 1 && y == 1)                 // Center
                    if (centerType == AdvancedType.Tiled)
                        float startPositionX = mTempPos[x].x;
                        float endPositionX   = mTempPos[x2].x;
                        float startPositionY = mTempPos[y].y;
                        float endPositionY   = mTempPos[y2].y;
                        float textureStartX  = mTempUVs[x].x;
                        float textureStartY  = mTempUVs[y].y;
                        float tileStartY     = startPositionY;

                        while (tileStartY < endPositionY)
                            float tileStartX  = startPositionX;
                            float textureEndY = mTempUVs[y2].y;
                            float tileEndY    = tileStartY + tileSize.y;

                            if (tileEndY > endPositionY)
                                textureEndY = Mathf.Lerp(textureStartY, textureEndY, (endPositionY - tileStartY) / tileSize.y);
                                tileEndY    = endPositionY;

                            while (tileStartX < endPositionX)
                                float tileEndX    = tileStartX + tileSize.x;
                                float textureEndX = mTempUVs[x2].x;

                                if (tileEndX > endPositionX)
                                    textureEndX = Mathf.Lerp(textureStartX, textureEndX, (endPositionX - tileStartX) / tileSize.x);
                                    tileEndX    = endPositionX;

                                FillBuffers(tileStartX, tileEndX, tileStartY, tileEndY, textureStartX,
                                            textureEndX, textureStartY, textureEndY, col, verts, uvs, cols);

                                tileStartX += tileSize.x;
                            tileStartY += tileSize.y;
                    else if (centerType == AdvancedType.Sliced)
                        FillBuffers(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y].y, mTempPos[y2].y,
                                    mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y].y, mTempUVs[y2].y, col, verts, uvs, cols);
                else if (x == 1)                 // Top or bottom
                    if ((y == 0 && bottomType == AdvancedType.Tiled) || (y == 2 && topType == AdvancedType.Tiled))
                        float startPositionX = mTempPos[x].x;
                        float endPositionX   = mTempPos[x2].x;
                        float startPositionY = mTempPos[y].y;
                        float endPositionY   = mTempPos[y2].y;
                        float textureStartX  = mTempUVs[x].x;
                        float textureStartY  = mTempUVs[y].y;
                        float textureEndY    = mTempUVs[y2].y;
                        float tileStartX     = startPositionX;

                        while (tileStartX < endPositionX)
                            float tileEndX    = tileStartX + tileSize.x;
                            float textureEndX = mTempUVs[x2].x;

                            if (tileEndX > endPositionX)
                                textureEndX = Mathf.Lerp(textureStartX, textureEndX, (endPositionX - tileStartX) / tileSize.x);
                                tileEndX    = endPositionX;

                            FillBuffers(tileStartX, tileEndX, startPositionY, endPositionY, textureStartX,
                                        textureEndX, textureStartY, textureEndY, col, verts, uvs, cols);

                            tileStartX += tileSize.x;
                    else if ((y == 0 && bottomType == AdvancedType.Sliced) || (y == 2 && topType == AdvancedType.Sliced))
                        FillBuffers(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y].y, mTempPos[y2].y,
                                    mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y].y, mTempUVs[y2].y, col, verts, uvs, cols);
                else if (y == 1)                 // Left or right
                    if ((x == 0 && leftType == AdvancedType.Tiled) || (x == 2 && rightType == AdvancedType.Tiled))
                        float startPositionX = mTempPos[x].x;
                        float endPositionX   = mTempPos[x2].x;
                        float startPositionY = mTempPos[y].y;
                        float endPositionY   = mTempPos[y2].y;
                        float textureStartX  = mTempUVs[x].x;
                        float textureEndX    = mTempUVs[x2].x;
                        float textureStartY  = mTempUVs[y].y;
                        float tileStartY     = startPositionY;

                        while (tileStartY < endPositionY)
                            float textureEndY = mTempUVs[y2].y;
                            float tileEndY    = tileStartY + tileSize.y;

                            if (tileEndY > endPositionY)
                                textureEndY = Mathf.Lerp(textureStartY, textureEndY, (endPositionY - tileStartY) / tileSize.y);
                                tileEndY    = endPositionY;

                            FillBuffers(startPositionX, endPositionX, tileStartY, tileEndY, textureStartX,
                                        textureEndX, textureStartY, textureEndY, col, verts, uvs, cols);

                            tileStartY += tileSize.y;
                    else if ((x == 0 && leftType == AdvancedType.Sliced) || (x == 2 && rightType == AdvancedType.Sliced))
                        FillBuffers(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y].y, mTempPos[y2].y,
                                    mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y].y, mTempUVs[y2].y, col, verts, uvs, cols);
                else                 // Corner
                    FillBuffers(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y].y, mTempPos[y2].y,
                                mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y].y, mTempUVs[y2].y, col, verts, uvs, cols);
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Sliced sprite fill function is more complicated as it generates 9 quads instead of 1.
    /// </summary>

    protected void SlicedFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        Texture tex = mainTexture;

        if (tex == null || mOuterUV == mInnerUV)
            SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols);

        Vector4 br = border;
        Vector2 po = pivotOffset;

        float fw = 1f / mWidth;
        float fh = 1f / mHeight;

        Vector2[] v = new Vector2[4];
        v[0] = new Vector2(mSprite.paddingLeft * fw, mSprite.paddingBottom * fh);
        v[3] = new Vector2(1f - mSprite.paddingRight * fw, 1f - mSprite.paddingTop * fh);

        v[1].x = v[0].x + fw * br.x;
        v[1].y = v[0].y + fh * br.y;
        v[2].x = v[3].x - fw * br.z;
        v[2].y = v[3].y - fh * br.w;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            v[i].x -= po.x;
            v[i].y -= po.y;
            v[i].x *= mWidth;
            v[i].y *= mHeight;

        Vector2[] u = new Vector2[4];
        u[0] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin);
        u[1] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMin);
        u[2] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMax, mInnerUV.yMax);
        u[3] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax);

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
            int x2 = x + 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                if (!mFillCenter && x == 1 && y == 1)

                int y2 = y + 1;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x].x, v[y].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x].x, v[y2].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x2].x, v[y2].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x2].x, v[y].y));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u[x].x, u[y].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u[x].x, u[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u[x2].x, u[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u[x2].x, u[y].y));

Example #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Sliced sprite fill function is more complicated as it generates 9 quads instead of 1.
    /// </summary>

    protected void SlicedFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!mSprite.hasBorder)
            SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols);

        Vector4 dr = drawingDimensions;
        Vector4 br = border * atlas.pixelSize;

        mTempPos[0].x = dr.x;
        mTempPos[0].y = dr.y;
        mTempPos[3].x = dr.z;
        mTempPos[3].y = dr.w;

        mTempPos[1].x = mTempPos[0].x + br.x;
        mTempPos[1].y = mTempPos[0].y + br.y;
        mTempPos[2].x = mTempPos[3].x - br.z;
        mTempPos[2].y = mTempPos[3].y - br.w;

        mTempUVs[0] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin);
        mTempUVs[1] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMin);
        mTempUVs[2] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMax, mInnerUV.yMax);
        mTempUVs[3] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax);

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a = finalAlpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
            int x2 = x + 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                if (centerType == AdvancedType.Invisible && x == 1 && y == 1)

                int y2 = y + 1;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[y].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(mTempPos[x].x, mTempPos[y2].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y2].y));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(mTempPos[x2].x, mTempPos[y].y));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[y].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(mTempUVs[x].x, mTempUVs[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(mTempUVs[x2].x, mTempUVs[y].y));

Example #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Filled sprite fill function.
    /// </summary>

    protected void FilledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mFillAmount < 0.001f)

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        Vector2[] xy = new Vector2[4];
        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4];

        Vector4 v = drawingDimensions;

        float tx0 = mOuterUV.xMin;
        float ty0 = mOuterUV.yMin;
        float tx1 = mOuterUV.xMax;
        float ty1 = mOuterUV.yMax;

        // Horizontal and vertical filled sprites are simple -- just end the sprite prematurely
        if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal || mFillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical)
            if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Horizontal)
                float fill = (tx1 - tx0) * mFillAmount;

                if (mInvert)
                    v.x = v.z - (v.z - v.x) * mFillAmount;
                    tx0 = tx1 - fill;
                    v.z = v.x + (v.z - v.x) * mFillAmount;
                    tx1 = tx0 + fill;
            else if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Vertical)
                float fill = (ty1 - ty0) * mFillAmount;

                if (mInvert)
                    v.y = v.w - (v.w - v.y) * mFillAmount;
                    ty0 = ty1 - fill;
                    v.w = v.y + (v.w - v.y) * mFillAmount;
                    ty1 = ty0 + fill;

        xy[0] = new Vector2(v.x, v.y);
        xy[1] = new Vector2(v.x, v.w);
        xy[2] = new Vector2(v.z, v.w);
        xy[3] = new Vector2(v.z, v.y);

        uv[0] = new Vector2(tx0, ty0);
        uv[1] = new Vector2(tx0, ty1);
        uv[2] = new Vector2(tx1, ty1);
        uv[3] = new Vector2(tx1, ty0);

        if (mFillAmount < 1f)
            if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Radial90)
                if (RadialCut(xy, uv, mFillAmount, mInvert, 0))
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

            if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Radial180)
                for (int side = 0; side < 2; ++side)
                    float fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1;

                    fy0 = 0f;
                    fy1 = 1f;

                    if (side == 0)
                        fx0 = 0f; fx1 = 0.5f;
                        fx0 = 0.5f; fx1 = 1f;

                    xy[0].x = Mathf.Lerp(v.x, v.z, fx0);
                    xy[1].x = xy[0].x;
                    xy[2].x = Mathf.Lerp(v.x, v.z, fx1);
                    xy[3].x = xy[2].x;

                    xy[0].y = Mathf.Lerp(v.y, v.w, fy0);
                    xy[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(v.y, v.w, fy1);
                    xy[2].y = xy[1].y;
                    xy[3].y = xy[0].y;

                    uv[0].x = Mathf.Lerp(tx0, tx1, fx0);
                    uv[1].x = uv[0].x;
                    uv[2].x = Mathf.Lerp(tx0, tx1, fx1);
                    uv[3].x = uv[2].x;

                    uv[0].y = Mathf.Lerp(ty0, ty1, fy0);
                    uv[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(ty0, ty1, fy1);
                    uv[2].y = uv[1].y;
                    uv[3].y = uv[0].y;

                    float val = !mInvert ? fillAmount * 2f - side : mFillAmount * 2f - (1 - side);

                    if (RadialCut(xy, uv, Mathf.Clamp01(val), !mInvert, NGUIMath.RepeatIndex(side + 3, 4)))
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

            if (mFillDirection == FillDirection.Radial360)
                for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner)
                    float fx0, fx1, fy0, fy1;

                    if (corner < 2)
                        fx0 = 0f; fx1 = 0.5f;
                        fx0 = 0.5f; fx1 = 1f;

                    if (corner == 0 || corner == 3)
                        fy0 = 0f; fy1 = 0.5f;
                        fy0 = 0.5f; fy1 = 1f;

                    xy[0].x = Mathf.Lerp(v.x, v.z, fx0);
                    xy[1].x = xy[0].x;
                    xy[2].x = Mathf.Lerp(v.x, v.z, fx1);
                    xy[3].x = xy[2].x;

                    xy[0].y = Mathf.Lerp(v.y, v.w, fy0);
                    xy[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(v.y, v.w, fy1);
                    xy[2].y = xy[1].y;
                    xy[3].y = xy[0].y;

                    uv[0].x = Mathf.Lerp(tx0, tx1, fx0);
                    uv[1].x = uv[0].x;
                    uv[2].x = Mathf.Lerp(tx0, tx1, fx1);
                    uv[3].x = uv[2].x;

                    uv[0].y = Mathf.Lerp(ty0, ty1, fy0);
                    uv[1].y = Mathf.Lerp(ty0, ty1, fy1);
                    uv[2].y = uv[1].y;
                    uv[3].y = uv[0].y;

                    float val = mInvert ?
                                mFillAmount * 4f - NGUIMath.RepeatIndex(corner + 2, 4) :
                                mFillAmount * 4f - (3 - NGUIMath.RepeatIndex(corner + 2, 4));

                    if (RadialCut(xy, uv, Mathf.Clamp01(val), mInvert, NGUIMath.RepeatIndex(corner + 2, 4)))
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

        // Fill the buffer with the quad for the sprite
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
Example #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Tiled sprite fill function.
    /// </summary>

    protected void TiledFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        Texture tex = material.mainTexture;

        if (tex == null)

        Vector4 dr   = drawingDimensions;
        Vector2 size = new Vector2(mInnerUV.width * tex.width, mInnerUV.height * tex.height);

        size *= atlas.pixelSize;

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a = finalAlpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        float x0 = dr.x;
        float y0 = dr.y;

        float u0 = mInnerUV.xMin;
        float v0 = mInnerUV.yMin;

        while (y0 < dr.w)
            x0 = dr.x;
            float y1 = y0 + size.y;
            float v1 = mInnerUV.yMax;

            if (y1 > dr.w)
                v1 = Mathf.Lerp(mInnerUV.yMin, mInnerUV.yMax, (dr.w - y0) / size.y);
                y1 = dr.w;

            while (x0 < dr.z)
                float x1 = x0 + size.x;
                float u1 = mInnerUV.xMax;

                if (x1 > dr.z)
                    u1 = Mathf.Lerp(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.xMax, (dr.z - x0) / size.x);
                    x1 = dr.z;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(x0, y0));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x0, y1));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x1, y1));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(x1, y0));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u0, v0));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u0, v1));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u1, v1));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(u1, v0));


                x0 += size.x;
            y0 += size.y;
Example #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Sliced sprite fill function is more complicated as it generates 9 quads instead of 1.
    /// </summary>

    protected void SlicedFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mOuterUV == mInnerUV)
            SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols);

        Vector2[] v  = new Vector2[4];
        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4];

        Texture tex = mainTexture;

        v[0] = Vector2.zero;
        v[1] = Vector2.zero;
        v[2] = new Vector2(1f, -1f);
        v[3] = new Vector2(1f, -1f);

        if (tex != null)
            float pixelSize    = atlas.pixelSize;
            float borderLeft   = (mInnerUV.xMin - mOuterUV.xMin) * pixelSize;
            float borderRight  = (mOuterUV.xMax - mInnerUV.xMax) * pixelSize;
            float borderTop    = (mInnerUV.yMax - mOuterUV.yMax) * pixelSize;
            float borderBottom = (mOuterUV.yMin - mInnerUV.yMin) * pixelSize;

            Vector3 scale = cachedTransform.localScale;
            scale.x = Mathf.Max(0f, scale.x);
            scale.y = Mathf.Max(0f, scale.y);

            Vector2 sz = new Vector2(scale.x / tex.width, scale.y / tex.height);
            Vector2 tl = new Vector2(borderLeft / sz.x, borderTop / sz.y);
            Vector2 br = new Vector2(borderRight / sz.x, borderBottom / sz.y);

            Pivot pv = pivot;

            // We don't want the sliced sprite to become smaller than the summed up border size
            if (pv == Pivot.Right || pv == Pivot.TopRight || pv == Pivot.BottomRight)
                v[0].x = Mathf.Min(0f, 1f - (br.x + tl.x));
                v[1].x = v[0].x + tl.x;
                v[2].x = v[0].x + Mathf.Max(tl.x, 1f - br.x);
                v[3].x = v[0].x + Mathf.Max(tl.x + br.x, 1f);
                v[1].x = tl.x;
                v[2].x = Mathf.Max(tl.x, 1f - br.x);
                v[3].x = Mathf.Max(tl.x + br.x, 1f);

            if (pv == Pivot.Bottom || pv == Pivot.BottomLeft || pv == Pivot.BottomRight)
                v[0].y = Mathf.Max(0f, -1f - (br.y + tl.y));
                v[1].y = v[0].y + tl.y;
                v[2].y = v[0].y + Mathf.Min(tl.y, -1f - br.y);
                v[3].y = v[0].y + Mathf.Min(tl.y + br.y, -1f);
                v[1].y = tl.y;
                v[2].y = Mathf.Min(tl.y, -1f - br.y);
                v[3].y = Mathf.Min(tl.y + br.y, -1f);

            uv[0] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMax);
            uv[1] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMin, mInnerUV.yMax);
            uv[2] = new Vector2(mInnerUV.xMax, mInnerUV.yMin);
            uv[3] = new Vector2(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMin);
            // No texture -- just use zeroed out texture coordinates
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                uv[i] = Vector2.zero;

        Color colF = color;

        colF.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        Color32 col = atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(colF) : colF;

        for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
            int x2 = x + 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
                if (!mFillCenter && x == 1 && y == 1)

                int y2 = y + 1;

                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x2].x, v[y].y, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x2].x, v[y2].y, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x].x, v[y2].y, 0f));
                verts.Add(new Vector3(v[x].x, v[y].y, 0f));

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(uv[x2].x, uv[y].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(uv[x2].x, uv[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(uv[x].x, uv[y2].y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2(uv[x].x, uv[y].y));

Example #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (!isValid)

        int   offset = verts.size;
        Color col    = color;

        col.a = finalAlpha;

        if (mFont != null && mFont.premultipliedAlphaShader)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        string text  = processedText;
        int    start = verts.size;


        NGUIText.tint = col;
        NGUIText.Print(text, verts, uvs, cols);

        // Center the content within the label vertically
        Vector2 pos = ApplyOffset(verts, start);

        // Effects don't work with packed fonts
        if (mFont != null && mFont.packedFontShader)

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            int end = verts.size;
            pos.x = mEffectDistance.x;
            pos.y = mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, -pos.y);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, pos.x, pos.y);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -pos.x, -pos.y);
Example #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the label.
    /// </summary>

    public override void OnFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (mFont == null)

        Pivot p      = pivot;
        int   offset = verts.size;

        Color col = color;

        col.a *= mPanel.alpha;
        if (font.premultipliedAlpha)
            col = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(col);

        string text  = processedText;
        float  scale = mScale * mFont.pixelSize;
        int    w     = Mathf.RoundToInt(width / scale);
        int    start = verts.size;

        // Print the text into the buffers
        if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft)
            mFont.Print(text, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Left, w, mPremultiply);
        else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight)
            mFont.Print(text, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Right, w, mPremultiply);
            mFont.Print(text, col, verts, uvs, cols, mEncoding, mSymbols, UIFont.Alignment.Center, w, mPremultiply);

        Vector2 po = pivotOffset;
        float   fx = Mathf.Lerp(0f, -mWidth, po.x);
        float   fy = Mathf.Lerp(mHeight, 0f, po.y);

        // Center vertically
        fy += Mathf.Lerp(mSize.y * scale - mHeight, 0f, po.y);

        if (scale == 1f)
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x += fx;
                verts.buffer[i].y += fy;
            for (int i = start; i < verts.size; ++i)
                verts.buffer[i].x = fx + verts.buffer[i].x * scale;
                verts.buffer[i].y = fy + verts.buffer[i].y * scale;

        // Apply an effect if one was requested
        if (effectStyle != Effect.None)
            int   end   = verts.size;
            float pixel = mFont.pixelSize;
            fx = pixel * mEffectDistance.x;
            fy = pixel * mEffectDistance.y;

            ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, -fy);

            if (effectStyle == Effect.Outline)
                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, fx, fy);

                offset = end;
                end    = verts.size;

                ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, offset, end, -fx, -fy);
Example #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply a shadow effect to the buffer.
    /// </summary>

    void ApplyShadow(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols, int start, int end, float x, float y)
        Color c = mEffectColor;

        c.a *= finalAlpha;
        Color32 col = (bitmapFont != null && bitmapFont.premultipliedAlphaShader) ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c) : c;

        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)

            Vector3 v = verts.buffer[i];
            v.x            += x;
            v.y            += y;
            verts.buffer[i] = v;

            Color32 uc = cols.buffer[i];

            if (uc.a == 255)
                cols.buffer[i] = col;
                Color fc = c;
                fc.a           = (uc.a / 255f * c.a);
                cols.buffer[i] = (bitmapFont != null && bitmapFont.premultipliedAlphaShader) ? NGUITools.ApplyPMA(fc) : fc;
Example #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a list of sprites using the specified list of textures.
    /// </summary>

    static public List <SpriteEntry> CreateSprites(List <Texture> textures)
        List <SpriteEntry> list = new List <SpriteEntry>();

        foreach (Texture tex in textures)
            Texture2D oldTex = NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(tex, true, false, true);
            if (oldTex == null)
                oldTex = tex as Texture2D;
            if (oldTex == null)

            // If we aren't doing trimming, just use the texture as-is
            if (!NGUISettings.atlasTrimming && !NGUISettings.atlasPMA)
                SpriteEntry sprite = new SpriteEntry();
                sprite.SetRect(0, 0, oldTex.width, oldTex.height);
                sprite.tex              = oldTex;
                sprite.name             = oldTex.name;
                sprite.temporaryTexture = false;

            // If we want to trim transparent pixels, there is more work to be done
            Color32[] pixels = oldTex.GetPixels32();

            int xmin      = oldTex.width;
            int xmax      = 0;
            int ymin      = oldTex.height;
            int ymax      = 0;
            int oldWidth  = oldTex.width;
            int oldHeight = oldTex.height;

            // Find solid pixels
            if (NGUISettings.atlasTrimming)
                for (int y = 0, yw = oldHeight; y < yw; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0, xw = oldWidth; x < xw; ++x)
                        Color32 c = pixels[y * xw + x];

                        if (c.a != 0)
                            if (y < ymin)
                                ymin = y;
                            if (y > ymax)
                                ymax = y;
                            if (x < xmin)
                                xmin = x;
                            if (x > xmax)
                                xmax = x;
                xmin = 0;
                xmax = oldWidth - 1;
                ymin = 0;
                ymax = oldHeight - 1;

            int newWidth  = (xmax - xmin) + 1;
            int newHeight = (ymax - ymin) + 1;

            if (newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0)
                SpriteEntry sprite = new SpriteEntry();
                sprite.x      = 0;
                sprite.y      = 0;
                sprite.width  = oldTex.width;
                sprite.height = oldTex.height;

                // If the dimensions match, then nothing was actually trimmed
                if (!NGUISettings.atlasPMA && (newWidth == oldWidth && newHeight == oldHeight))
                    sprite.tex              = oldTex;
                    sprite.name             = oldTex.name;
                    sprite.temporaryTexture = false;
                    // Copy the non-trimmed texture data into a temporary buffer
                    Color32[] newPixels = new Color32[newWidth * newHeight];

                    for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; ++y)
                        for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; ++x)
                            int newIndex = y * newWidth + x;
                            int oldIndex = (ymin + y) * oldWidth + (xmin + x);
                            if (NGUISettings.atlasPMA)
                                newPixels[newIndex] = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(pixels[oldIndex]);
                                newPixels[newIndex] = pixels[oldIndex];

                    // Create a new texture
                    sprite.name = oldTex.name;
                    sprite.SetTexture(newPixels, newWidth, newHeight);

                    // Remember the padding offset
                    sprite.SetPadding(xmin, ymin, oldWidth - newWidth - xmin, oldHeight - newHeight - ymin);
Example #25
    protected void SlicedFill(BetterList <Vector3> verts, BetterList <Vector2> uvs, BetterList <Color32> cols)
        if (this.mOuterUV == this.mInnerUV)
            this.SimpleFill(verts, uvs, cols);
            Vector2[] vectorArray  = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] vectorArray2 = new Vector2[4];
            Texture   mainTexture  = this.mainTexture;
            vectorArray[0] = Vector2.zero;
            vectorArray[1] = Vector2.zero;
            vectorArray[2] = new Vector2(1f, -1f);
            vectorArray[3] = new Vector2(1f, -1f);
            if (mainTexture == null)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    vectorArray2[j] = Vector2.zero;
                float   pixelSize  = this.atlas.pixelSize;
                float   num2       = (this.mInnerUV.xMin - this.mOuterUV.xMin) * pixelSize;
                float   num3       = (this.mOuterUV.xMax - this.mInnerUV.xMax) * pixelSize;
                float   num4       = (this.mInnerUV.yMax - this.mOuterUV.yMax) * pixelSize;
                float   num5       = (this.mOuterUV.yMin - this.mInnerUV.yMin) * pixelSize;
                Vector3 localScale = base.cachedTransform.localScale;
                localScale.x = Mathf.Max(0f, localScale.x);
                localScale.y = Mathf.Max(0f, localScale.y);
                Vector2        vector2 = new Vector2(localScale.x / ((float)mainTexture.width), localScale.y / ((float)mainTexture.height));
                Vector2        vector3 = new Vector2(num2 / vector2.x, num4 / vector2.y);
                Vector2        vector4 = new Vector2(num3 / vector2.x, num5 / vector2.y);
                UIWidget.Pivot pivot   = base.pivot;
                switch (pivot)
                case UIWidget.Pivot.Right:
                case UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight:
                case UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight:
                    vectorArray[0].x = Mathf.Min((float)0f, (float)(1f - (vector4.x + vector3.x)));
                    vectorArray[1].x = vectorArray[0].x + vector3.x;
                    vectorArray[2].x = vectorArray[0].x + Mathf.Max(vector3.x, 1f - vector4.x);
                    vectorArray[3].x = vectorArray[0].x + Mathf.Max((float)(vector3.x + vector4.x), (float)1f);

                    vectorArray[1].x = vector3.x;
                    vectorArray[2].x = Mathf.Max(vector3.x, 1f - vector4.x);
                    vectorArray[3].x = Mathf.Max((float)(vector3.x + vector4.x), (float)1f);
                switch (pivot)
                case UIWidget.Pivot.Bottom:
                case UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft:
                case UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight:
                    vectorArray[0].y = Mathf.Max((float)0f, (float)(-1f - (vector4.y + vector3.y)));
                    vectorArray[1].y = vectorArray[0].y + vector3.y;
                    vectorArray[2].y = vectorArray[0].y + Mathf.Min(vector3.y, -1f - vector4.y);
                    vectorArray[3].y = vectorArray[0].y + Mathf.Min((float)(vector3.y + vector4.y), (float)-1f);

                    vectorArray[1].y = vector3.y;
                    vectorArray[2].y = Mathf.Min(vector3.y, -1f - vector4.y);
                    vectorArray[3].y = Mathf.Min((float)(vector3.y + vector4.y), (float)-1f);
                vectorArray2[0] = new Vector2(this.mOuterUV.xMin, this.mOuterUV.yMax);
                vectorArray2[1] = new Vector2(this.mInnerUV.xMin, this.mInnerUV.yMax);
                vectorArray2[2] = new Vector2(this.mInnerUV.xMax, this.mInnerUV.yMin);
                vectorArray2[3] = new Vector2(this.mOuterUV.xMax, this.mOuterUV.yMin);
            Color c = base.color;
            c.a *= base.mPanel.alpha;
            Color32 item = !this.atlas.premultipliedAlpha ? c : NGUITools.ApplyPMA(c);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                int index = i + 1;
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    if ((this.mFillCenter || (i != 1)) || (k != 1))
                        int num10 = k + 1;
                        verts.Add(new Vector3(vectorArray[index].x, vectorArray[k].y, 0f));
                        verts.Add(new Vector3(vectorArray[index].x, vectorArray[num10].y, 0f));
                        verts.Add(new Vector3(vectorArray[i].x, vectorArray[num10].y, 0f));
                        verts.Add(new Vector3(vectorArray[i].x, vectorArray[k].y, 0f));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(vectorArray2[index].x, vectorArray2[k].y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(vectorArray2[index].x, vectorArray2[num10].y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(vectorArray2[i].x, vectorArray2[num10].y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(vectorArray2[i].x, vectorArray2[k].y));