public static void Main(string[] args) { MissionSpec my_mission = new MissionSpec(); my_mission.timeLimitInSeconds( 10 ); my_mission.drawBlock( 19, 0, 19, "redstone_block" ); my_mission.createDefaultTerrain(); my_mission.setTimeOfDay(6000,false); my_mission.drawCuboid(50,0,50,100,10,100,"redstone_block"); my_mission.drawItem(3,0,2,"diamond_pickaxe"); my_mission.drawSphere(50,10,50,10,"ice"); my_mission.drawLine(50,20,50,100,20,100,"redstone_block"); my_mission.startAt( 2.5f, 0.0f, 2.5f ); my_mission.endAt( 19.5f, 0.0f, 19.5f, 1.0f ); my_mission.requestVideo( 320, 240 ); my_mission.setModeToCreative(); my_mission.rewardForReachingPosition(19.5f,0.0f,19.5f,100.0f,1.1f); my_mission.observeRecentCommands(); my_mission.observeHotBar(); my_mission.observeFullInventory(); my_mission.observeGrid(-2,0,-2,2,1,2,"Cells"); my_mission.observeDistance(19.5f,0.0f,19.5f,"Goal"); my_mission.allowAllDiscreteMovementCommands(); // check that the XML we produce validates bool pretty_print = false; string xml = my_mission.getAsXML( pretty_print ); try { bool validate = true; MissionSpec my_mission2 = new MissionSpec( xml, validate ); // check that we get the same XML if we go round again string xml2 = my_mission2.getAsXML( pretty_print ); if( xml2 != xml ) { Console.WriteLine("Mismatch between first generation XML and the second."); Environment.Exit(1); } } catch( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine("Error validating the XML we generated: {0}", e); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public static void Main() { for (int run = 0; run < 1; run++) { Console.WriteLine("Run #" + run); AgentHost agentHost = new AgentHost(); try { agentHost.parse(new StringVector(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(agentHost.getUsage()); Environment.Exit(1); } if (agentHost.receivedArgument("help")) { Console.Error.WriteLine(agentHost.getUsage()); Environment.Exit(0); } bool pretty_print = false; string xml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/mission.xml"); MissionSpec mission = null; bool validate = true; mission = new MissionSpec(xml, validate); Random rand2 = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < rand2.Next(5, 15); i++) { mission.drawBlock(rand2.Next(1, 10), 46, rand2.Next(1, 10), "red_flower"); } MissionRecordSpec missionRecord = new MissionRecordSpec("./saved_data.tgz"); missionRecord.recordCommands(); missionRecord.recordMP4(20, 400000); missionRecord.recordRewards(); missionRecord.recordObservations(); bool connected = false; int attempts = 0; while (!connected) { try { attempts += 1; agentHost.startMission(mission, missionRecord); connected = true; } catch (MissionException ex) { // Using catch(Exception ex) would also work, but specifying MissionException allows // us to access the error code: Console.Error.WriteLine("Error starting mission: {0}", ex.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", ex.getMissionErrorCode()); // We can do more specific error handling using this code, eg: if (ex.getMissionErrorCode() == MissionException.MissionErrorCode.MISSION_INSUFFICIENT_CLIENTS_AVAILABLE) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Have you started a Minecraft client?"); } if (attempts >= 3) // Give up after three goes. { Environment.Exit(1); } Thread.Sleep(1000); // Wait a second and try again. } } WorldState worldState; Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the mission to start"); do { Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(100); worldState = agentHost.getWorldState(); foreach (TimestampedString error in worldState.errors) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", error.text); } }while (!worldState.has_mission_begun); Console.WriteLine(); Random rand = new Random(); Queue <JToken> apples = new Queue <JToken>(); bool observed = false; // main loop: do { //agentHost.sendCommand(string.Format("turn {0}", rand.NextDouble())); Thread.Sleep(500); worldState = agentHost.getWorldState(); //agentHost.sendCommand("pitch 1"); if (!observed) { JObject obj = JObject.Parse(worldState.observations[0].text); JToken entities; if (obj.TryGetValue("close_entities", out entities)) { JArray entitiesArr = (JArray)entities; // The first element is always our agent ? - maybe for (int i = 1; i < entitiesArr.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(entitiesArr[i]["name"]); if ((string)entitiesArr[i]["name"] == "red_flower") { apples.Enqueue(entitiesArr[i]); } } observed = true; } } else { // Start trying to get to the apples if (apples.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Mission acomplished."); return; } bool popped = false; while (!popped) { var obs = agentHost.getWorldState().observations; if (obs.Count > 0) { // Get our position JObject obj = JObject.Parse(obs[0].text); JToken entities; if (obj.TryGetValue("close_entities", out entities)) { JArray entitiesArr = (JArray)entities; // The first element is always our agent ? - maybe Console.WriteLine(entitiesArr[0]); int x = (int)entitiesArr[0]["x"]; int z = (int)entitiesArr[0]["z"]; int diffX = (int)apples.Peek()["x"] - x; int diffZ = (int)apples.Peek()["z"] - z; Console.WriteLine(diffX + "-" + diffZ); if (diffZ > 0) { agentHost.sendCommand("movesouth 1"); } else if (diffZ < 0) { agentHost.sendCommand("movenorth 1"); } if (diffX > 0) { agentHost.sendCommand("moveeast 1"); } else if (diffX < 0) { agentHost.sendCommand("movewest 1"); } /* Console.WriteLine(entitiesArr[0]); * if (diffZ > 0) * { * if((float)entitiesArr[0]["yaw"] > 180) * agentHost.sendCommand("turn 180"); * agentHost.sendCommand("move 1"); * } * else if (diffZ < 0) * { * agentHost.sendCommand("turn 0"); * agentHost.sendCommand("move 1"); * } * if (diffX > 0) * { * agentHost.sendCommand("turn -90"); * agentHost.sendCommand("move 1"); * } * else if (diffX < 0) * { * agentHost.sendCommand("turn 90"); * agentHost.sendCommand("move 1"); * }*/ if (diffZ == 0 && diffX == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Dequeuing"); agentHost.sendCommand("move 0"); apples.Dequeue(); // break block agentHost.sendCommand("pitch 1"); agentHost.sendCommand("attack 1"); agentHost.sendCommand("jump 1"); Thread.Sleep(6000); break; } } } Thread.Sleep(500); // agentHost.sendCommand("movenorth 1"); } } Console.WriteLine( "video,observations,rewards received: {0}, {1}, {2}", worldState.number_of_video_frames_since_last_state, worldState.number_of_observations_since_last_state, worldState.number_of_rewards_since_last_state); foreach (TimestampedReward reward in worldState.rewards) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Summed reward: {0}", reward.getValue()); } foreach (TimestampedString error in worldState.errors) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", error.text); } }while (worldState.is_mission_running); Console.WriteLine("Mission has stopped."); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { MissionSpec my_mission = new MissionSpec(); my_mission.setSummary("example mission"); my_mission.timeLimitInSeconds(10); my_mission.drawBlock(19, 0, 19, "redstone_block"); my_mission.createDefaultTerrain(); my_mission.setTimeOfDay(6000, false); my_mission.drawCuboid(50, 0, 50, 100, 10, 100, "redstone_block"); my_mission.drawItem(3, 0, 2, "diamond_pickaxe"); my_mission.drawSphere(50, 10, 50, 10, "ice"); my_mission.drawLine(50, 20, 50, 100, 20, 100, "redstone_block"); my_mission.startAt(2.5f, 0.0f, 2.5f); my_mission.endAt(19.5f, 0.0f, 19.5f, 1.0f); my_mission.requestVideo(320, 240); my_mission.setModeToCreative(); my_mission.rewardForReachingPosition(19.5f, 0.0f, 19.5f, 100.0f, 1.1f); my_mission.observeRecentCommands(); my_mission.observeHotBar(); my_mission.observeFullInventory(); my_mission.observeGrid(-2, 0, -2, 2, 1, 2, "Cells"); my_mission.observeDistance(19.5f, 0.0f, 19.5f, "Goal"); my_mission.removeAllCommandHandlers(); my_mission.allowContinuousMovementCommand("move"); my_mission.allowContinuousMovementCommand("strafe"); my_mission.allowDiscreteMovementCommand("movenorth"); my_mission.allowInventoryCommand("swapInventoryItems"); if (my_mission.getSummary() != "example mission") { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected summary"); Environment.Exit(1); } string[] expected_command_handlers = { "ContinuousMovement", "DiscreteMovement", "Inventory" }; string[] actual_command_handlers = new List <string>(my_mission.getListOfCommandHandlers(0)).ToArray(); if (actual_command_handlers.Length != expected_command_handlers.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of command handlers mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_command_handlers.Length; i++) { if (!actual_command_handlers[i].Equals(expected_command_handlers[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected command handler: {0}", actual_command_handlers[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } string[] expected_continuous_commands = { "move", "strafe" }; string[] actual_continuous_commands = new List <string>(my_mission.getAllowedCommands(0, "ContinuousMovement")).ToArray(); if (actual_continuous_commands.Length != expected_continuous_commands.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of continuous commands mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_continuous_commands.Length; i++) { if (!actual_continuous_commands[i].Equals(expected_continuous_commands[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected continuous command: {0}", actual_continuous_commands[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } string[] expected_discrete_commands = { "movenorth" }; string[] actual_discrete_commands = new List <string>(my_mission.getAllowedCommands(0, "DiscreteMovement")).ToArray(); if (actual_discrete_commands.Length != expected_discrete_commands.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of discrete commands mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_discrete_commands.Length; i++) { if (!actual_discrete_commands[i].Equals(expected_discrete_commands[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected discrete command: {0}", actual_discrete_commands[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } string[] expected_inventory_commands = { "swapInventoryItems" }; string[] actual_inventory_commands = new List <string>(my_mission.getAllowedCommands(0, "Inventory")).ToArray(); if (actual_inventory_commands.Length != expected_inventory_commands.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of commands mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_inventory_commands.Length; i++) { if (!actual_inventory_commands[i].Equals(expected_inventory_commands[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected command: {0}", actual_inventory_commands[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } // check that the XML we produce validates bool pretty_print = false; string xml = my_mission.getAsXML(pretty_print); try { bool validate = true; MissionSpec my_mission2 = new MissionSpec(xml, validate); // check that we get the same XML if we go round again string xml2 = my_mission2.getAsXML(pretty_print); if (xml2 != xml) { Console.WriteLine("Mismatch between first generation XML and the second."); Environment.Exit(1); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error validating the XML we generated: {0}", e); Environment.Exit(1); } // check that known-good XML validates const string xml3 = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" ?><Mission xmlns="""" xmlns:xsi=""""> <About><Summary>Run the maze!</Summary></About> <ServerSection><ServerInitialConditions><AllowSpawning>true</AllowSpawning><Time><StartTime>1000</StartTime><AllowPassageOfTime>true</AllowPassageOfTime></Time><Weather>clear</Weather></ServerInitialConditions> <ServerHandlers> <FlatWorldGenerator generatorString=""3;7,220*1,5*3,2;3;,biome_1"" /> <ServerQuitFromTimeUp timeLimitMs=""20000"" /> <ServerQuitWhenAnyAgentFinishes /> </ServerHandlers></ServerSection> <AgentSection><Name>Jason Bourne</Name><AgentStart><Placement x=""-204"" y=""81"" z=""217""/></AgentStart><AgentHandlers> <VideoProducer want_depth=""true""><Width>320</Width><Height>240</Height></VideoProducer> <RewardForReachingPosition><Marker reward=""100"" tolerance=""1.1"" x=""-104"" y=""81"" z=""217""/></RewardForReachingPosition> <ContinuousMovementCommands><ModifierList type=""deny-list""><command>attack</command><command>crouch</command></ModifierList></ContinuousMovementCommands> <AgentQuitFromReachingPosition><Marker x=""-104"" y=""81"" z=""217""/></AgentQuitFromReachingPosition> </AgentHandlers></AgentSection></Mission>"; try { const bool validate = true; MissionSpec my_mission3 = new MissionSpec(xml3, validate); if (my_mission3.getSummary() != "Run the maze!") { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected summary"); Environment.Exit(1); } string[] expected_command_handlers2 = { "ContinuousMovement" }; string[] actual_command_handlers2 = new List <string>(my_mission3.getListOfCommandHandlers(0)).ToArray(); if (actual_command_handlers2.Length != expected_command_handlers2.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of command handlers mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_command_handlers2.Length; i++) { if (!actual_command_handlers2[i].Equals(expected_command_handlers2[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected command handler: {0}", actual_command_handlers2[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } string[] expected_continuous_commands2 = { "jump", "move", "pitch", "strafe", "turn", "use" }; string[] actual_continuous_commands2 = new List <string>(my_mission3.getAllowedCommands(0, "ContinuousMovement")).ToArray(); if (actual_continuous_commands2.Length != expected_continuous_commands2.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Number of continuous commands mismatch"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < actual_continuous_commands2.Length; i++) { if (!actual_continuous_commands2[i].Equals(expected_continuous_commands2[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected continuous command: {0}", actual_continuous_commands2[i]); Environment.Exit(1); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error validating known-good XML: {0}", e); Environment.Exit(1); } }