// Use this for initialization void Start() { LogitechGSDK.logiArxCbContext cbContext; LogitechGSDK.logiArxCB cbInstance = new LogitechGSDK.logiArxCB(this.ArxSDKCallback); cbContext.arxCallBack = cbInstance; cbContext.arxContext = IntPtr.Zero; LogitechGSDK.LogiArxInit("com.logitech.unitysample", "Unity Sample", ref cbContext); descriptionLabel = "Click the left mouse button to update the progress bar, Press G to switch to a different index file, press I to go back to the original one."; }
void Start() { LogitechGSDK.logiArxCbContext cbContext; LogitechGSDK.logiArxCB cbInstance = new LogitechGSDK.logiArxCB(this.ArxSDKCallback); ctx_flags = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int)); cbContext.arxCallBack = cbInstance; cbContext.arxContext = ctx_flags; player = GameObject.Find("player"); pc = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); LogitechGSDK.LogiArxInit("com.logitech.unitysample", "Unity Sample", ref cbContext); //dos xaiets anaven a passeig i van trobar una flor molt bonñica molt bonica. Era una Rosella, i el seu vermell els va deixar bocabadats. Oh, que bonic!!!!! }