     * Set the context to inventory
     * Arguments
     * - Item item - The item selected
    public void SetContextToInventory(Item item)
        if (currentContext != Context.INVENTORY)
            currentContext = Context.INVENTORY;

        InventoryContextPanel[0].SetActive(true); // First, set the inventory context panel to active
        attachedObject = item; // Next attach item

        /* Next, set the text */
        if (attachedObject == null) { // No item given
            InventoryContextPanel[1].GetComponent<Text>().text = "No Item In Slot" + StringMethodsScript.NEWLINE;
            /* Change text position */
            InventoryContextPanel[1].GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition3D =
                new Vector3(0f, 0f);
            /* Set buttons to be inactive */
        } else { // Item given. Set everything to be active
            InventoryContextPanel[1].GetComponent<Text>().text = attachedObject.ToString();
            InventoryContextPanel[1].GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition3D =
                    new Vector3(0f, 0f);
            /* Set buttons to be active, but if not activatable, don't activate the "Activate" button */